232 research outputs found

    Organisation territoriale et socio-économique au Néolithique final dans la région du Grand-Pressigny: caractérisation des provenances des matériaux céramiques

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    National audienceIn and around Le Grand-Pressigny (Indre-et-Loire, France), a petrographic study was implementedon 92 ceramic samples from the Final Neolithic sites of Le Petit-Paulmy and Bergeresse (Abilly).Analyses showed that the sediments used were extracted from local sources: Claise and Creusealluvium, local substrate and loessic silts. Quantitatively, the study showed that almost all the ceramicmaterials in Bergeresse and more than half of those in Le Petit-Paulmy come from the valley of theCreuse. The mineralogical compositions of three samples from Le Petit-Paulmy, including one ofunusual form, indicate sources from an exogenous region, the Massif Central (perhaps the alluviumof the Loire or the Allier). These results show the important role played by the valley of the Creusein the territorial organisation of Le Grand-Pressigny. This study therefore makes an originalcontribution to the debate on flint exploitation in this region. These ceramic data are expected to offernew interpretative models concerning the socio-economic organisation of local Neolithic communities.Dans la région du Grand-Pressigny (Indre-et-Loire, France), une étude pétrographique a été conduite sur 92 échantillons céramiques du Néolithique final provenant des sites du Petit-Paulmy et de Bergeresse (Abilly), respectivement situés dans la vallée de la Claise et de la Creuse. Les analyses ont montré que les sédiments utilisés provenaient majoritairement de sources locales, correspondant aux alluvions de la Claise, de la Creuse, au substrat local et à des limons loessiques. Quantitativement, l'étude a montré que presque tous les matériaux céramiques de Bergeresse et plus de la moitié de ceux du Petit-Paulmy proviennent de la vallée de la Creuse. Les compositions minéralogiques de trois échantillons du Petit-Paulmy, dont un concernant une forme particulière, indiquent des provenances exogènes, du Massif central (alluvions de la Loire ou de l'Allier). Ces résultats montrent l'importance du rôle joué par la vallée de la Creuse dans l'organisation territoriale de la région du Grand-Pressigny. L'étude des céramiques apporte une contribution originale dans le débat sur l'organisation socioéconomique de l'exploitation du silex du Grand-Pressigny et devrait permettre de proposer de nouveaux modèles interprétatifs

    Towards portable X-ray spectroscopic imaging of Palaeolithic cave art. Insights into used pigments and wall taphonomy at three Palaeolithic key cave sites

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    Palaeolithic cave art has taken a more and more important place in our cultural heritage. Its preservation is one of the major issues and involves necessarily a better understanding of the cave environments and of their evolution over time. However, the on-site geo-physico- chemical study of archaeological record stays dif cult and the conservation of its integrity imposes restrictions. Taking bene t of recent analytical developments in the X-ray eld, new perspectives of acquiring statistically relevant data for archaeological interpretation directly in the eld are provided by the implementation of portable and non-invasive characterization methods. It allows the improvement of archaeological and physico-chemical knowledge about the pigments used, the evaluation of the state of wall decorated surfaces over time and a better assessment of the relationship between pigment and wall support. For these purposes, complementary self-built portable spectrometers (X-ray uorescence in one and two dimensional mode, X-ray diffraction) are combined to perform qualitative and quantitative characterization of the pigments and cave walls as well as for chemical imaging on a decimetre scale. By using this combination of portable instruments the feasibility of analysis under very dif cult conditions speci c to the cave environments (humidity, temperature, dif cult access to the caves and to the decorated panels) was shown. Special spectrum evaluation procedures have been developed to take into account the heterogeneity of the cave walls in order to gain reliable data for chemical characterisation. The ef ciency of the analytical procedure has been demonstrated for three major cave sites featuring Palaeolithic art: Font-de-Gaume and Rouf gnac cave in Dordogne (France) and La Garma in Cantabria (Spain). A large assortment of colours can be observed in these caves (red, black, yellow and purple), associated to different mineral phases (iron and/or manganese oxides, charcoal and mixtures). Their detailed characterization provides an improved comprehension of the pictorial techniques used. Furthermore, it allows a better comparison between representations in a same cave, giving more detailed insights into its pictorial homogeneity and the different execution phases of its gures. As an example, the results obtained at Rouf gnac cave showed that heterogeneous mixtures of manganese oxides have been employed to design the 65 Great Ceiling gures whereas a unique pigment mixture has been used for the drawing of the Ten Mammoths Frieze. Further information has been obtained on the taphonomic wall processes. The spectroscopic study of these cave art illustrate the strong potential of such combined in situ and non-invasive analyses to better characterize the prehistoric gures in their cave environment and in a wider perspective to better understand the symbolic practices of past societies, appreciate possible cultural changes and relationships within the Franco-Cantabrian region

    Influence des activités humaines sur la production et le stockage de matières à l'Holocène dans le bassin lacustre de Sarliève (Puy-de-Dôme, France)

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    L'objectif du programme est d'estimer l'impact des activités humaines sur le flux et le stockage de matières dans les bassins fluviatiles à l'Holocène, et en retour, d'évaluer l'impact des modifications anthropiques du milieu (sols et zones humides) sur ces activités. La méthode consiste à quantifier la matière (solide ou dissoute) prélevée aux versants à partir des stocks retenus dans les dépressions humides à différentes périodes de l'Holocène et en inférer des flux mis en relation avec le développement des sociétés

    Significance of the correlation between the electrical conductivity dataset and lithology in Pleni-Lateglacial and Holocene alluvial archives.A case study: the Choisille catchment (SW Paris Basin, France)

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    Introduction Alluvial floodplains constitute rapidly evolving sedimentary environments, registering both climate changes and human impact. In the Paris Basin, the floodplain filling is generally composed of two major units (Pastre et al., 2003; Macaire et al., 2006): coarse deposits (sands and gravels) from the Pleniglacial or Late Glacial in the lower part and fine deposits (clayey-silty to carbonated or peaty sediments) from the Late Glacial and Holocene in the upper part. Because of its hi..

    Analyses non invasives in situ des œuvres préhistoriques de la grotte de Font-de-Gaume pour une meilleure connaissance du décor pariétal polychrome et de son organisation

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    Dans cet article est présenté un premier bilan des résultats récents d’analyses chimiques du décor de la grotte de Font-de-Gaume. Ces données ont été obtenues lors de quatre missions de terrain entre 2013 et 2017. Un peu plus de deux cents représentations se répartissent entre un art animalier et des signes (tectiformes), dans des proportions d’environ deux tiers un tiers. L'animal le plus représenté est le bison, d'où le nom la "Caverne des bisons". Les figures ont été réalisées avec différentes techniques. On retrouve la peinture polychrome, le dessin et les gravures. L’état de conservation de la grotte étant le reflet de sa grande fragilité, les parois sont très hétérogènes, ce qui représente un réel défi analytique pour l’analyse chimique des figures dans la mesure où les analyses doivent se limiter à des approches non invasives sans contact. Ainsi, nous avons réalisé environ deux cents analyses par fluorescence X portable pour caractériser les matières colorantes. Elles ont été effectuées dans le but d'obtenir de nouveaux éléments de réponse quant à la composition chimique de la matière colorante utilisée et les techniques de réalisation de ces œuvres du Paléolithique supérieur. Nous présentons ici l'approche utilisée en se focalisant particulièrement sur les traitements des mesures effectuées. Ces premières évaluations des données ont permis d'identifier différentes matières colorantes utilisées dans la grotte de Font-de-Gaume. L'approche développée a ainsi montré son potentiel lorsqu'elle est utilisée sur un plus grand nombre de figures et en intégrant des informations complémentaires. Elle devrait permettre, à terme, d’améliorer la connaissance de ces œuvres et de leur réalisation successive dans le cas de superpositions des figures, ce qui paraît très important en l’absence d’une datation directe des œuvres pariétales de Font-de-Gaume.In this article we present a first assessment of recent results of chemical analysis of the decor of the Font-de Gaume cave. These data were obtained during four field missions between 2013 and 2017. Slightly more than two hundred representations are divided between animal art and signs (tectiforms), in proportions of about two thirds to one third. Most represented is the bison, hence the name "Bison Cave". The figures were made with different techniques. We find polychrome paintings, drawings and engravings. The state of conservation of the cave is a reflection of its great fragility. The walls are very heterogeneous, which represents a real analytical challenge for the chemical analysis of figures since the analyzes must be limited to non-invasive approaches without contact. Thus, we carried out around two hundred analyzes by portable X-ray fluorescence to characterize the coloring matters. These analyzes were carried out in order to obtain new elements of answer as for the chemical composition of the coloring matter used and the techniques of realization of these works of the Upper Paleolithic. Here we present the approach used, focusing particularly on the processing of the measurements carried out. These first evaluations of the data made it possible to identify different coloring materials used in the Font-de-Gaume cave. The approach developed has thus shown its potential, when applying on a larger number of figures and by integrating additional information. In the long term this enables improving knowledge of these works and their successive realization in the case of superimposed figures which seems very important, in the absence of a direct dating of the parietal works of Font-de-Gaume

    Increased levels of circulating microparticles in primary Sjögren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis and relation with disease activity

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    INTRODUCTION: Cell stimulation leads to the shedding of phosphatidylserine (PS)-rich microparticles (MPs). Because autoimmune diseases (AIDs) are characterized by cell activation, we investigated level of circulating MPs as a possible biomarker in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: We measured plasma levels of total, platelet and leukocyte MPs by prothrombinase capture assay and flow cytometry in 43 patients with pSS, 20 with SLE and 24 with RA and in 44 healthy controls (HCs). Secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) activity was assessed by fluorometry. Soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) and soluble P-selectin (sCD62P), reflecting platelet activation, were measured by ELISA. RESULTS: Patients with pSS showed increased plasma level of total MPs (mean +/- SEM 8.49 +/- 1.14 nM PS equivalent (Eq), P < 0.0001), as did patients with RA (7.23 +/- 1.05 n PS Eq, P = 0.004) and SLE (7.3 +/- 1.25 nM PS Eq, P = 0.0004), as compared with HCs (4.13 +/- 0.2 nM PS Eq). Patients with AIDs all showed increased level of platelet MPs (P < 0.0001), but only those with pSS showed increased level of leukocyte MPs (P < 0.0001). Results by capture assay and flow cytometry were correlated. In patients with high disease activity according to extra-glandular complications (pSS), DAS28 (RA) or SLEDAI (SLE) compared with low-activity patients, the MP level was only slightly increased in comparison with those having a low disease activity. Platelet MP level was inversely correlated with anti-DNA antibody level in SLE (r = -0.65; P = 0.003) and serum beta2 microglobulin level in pSS (r = -0.37; P < 0.03). The levels of total and platelet MPs were inversely correlated with sPLA2 activity (r = -0.37, P = 0.0007; r = -0.36, P = 0.002, respectively). sCD40L and sCD62P concentrations were significantly higher in pSS than in HC (P </= 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Plasma MP level is elevated in pSS, as well as in SLE and RA, and could be used as a biomarker reflecting systemic cell activation. Level of leukocyte-derived MPs is increased in pSS only. The MP level is low in case of more severe AID, probably because of high secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) activity, which leads to consumption of MPs. Increase of platelet-derived MPs, sCD40L and sCD62P, highlights platelet activation in pSS

    Opto-thermo-mechanical numerical simulations of 3 different concepts of infrared achromatic phase shifters

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    The Darwin/TPF mission aims at detecting directly extra solar planets. It is based on the nulling interferometry, concept proposed by Bracewell in 1978, and developed since 1995 in several European and American laboratories. One of the key optical devices for this technique is the achromatic phase shifter (APS). This optical component is designed to produce a π phase shift over the whole Darwin spectral range (i.e. 6-18 μm), and will be experimentally tested on the NULLTIMATE consortium nulling test bench (Labèque et al). Three different concepts of APS are being simulated: dispersive plates focus crossing and field reversal. In this paper, we show how thermal, mechanical and optical models are merged into a single robust model, allowing a global numerical simulation of the optical component performances. We show how these simulations help us to optimizing the design and present results of the numerical model

    Variations des flux et stocks de sédiments dans le bassin de Sarliève (Puy-de-Dôme, France) à l'Holocène : indices de développement des activités humaines.

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    L'objectif de cette étude pluridisciplinaire est d'estimer l'impact des activités humaines sur le flux et le stockage de matières dans le bassin lacustre de Sarliève à l'Holocène, et en retour, d'évaluer l'impact des modifications anthropiques du milieu (sols et zones humides) sur ces activités. La méthode consiste à quantifier la matière (solide et dissoute) prélevée aux versants à partir des stocks retenus dans l'ancien lac de Sarliève à différentes périodes de l'Holocène et en inférer des flux mis en relation avec le développement des sociétés

    Second-generation colon capsule endoscopy compared with colonoscopy

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    Colon capsule endoscopy (CCE) represents a noninvasive technology that allows visualization of the colon without requiring sedation and air insufflation. A second-generation colon capsule endoscopy system (PillCam Colon 2) (CCE-2) was developed to increase sensitivity for colorectal polyp detection compared with the first-generation system. OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility, accuracy, and safety of CCE-2 in a head-to-head comparison with colonoscopy. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective, multicenter trial including 8 European sites. PATIENTS: This study involved 117 patients (mean age 60 years). Data from 109 patients were analyzed. INTERVENTION: CCE-2 was prospectively compared with conventional colonoscopy as the criterion standard for the detection of colorectal polyps that are >/=6 mm or masses in a cohort of patients at average or increased risk of colorectal neoplasia. Colonoscopy was independently performed within 10 hours after capsule ingestion or on the next day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: CCE-2 sensitivity and specificity for detecting patients with polyps >/=6 mm and >/=10 mm were assessed. Capsule-positive but colonoscopy-negative cases were counted as false positive. Capsule excretion rate, level of bowel preparation, and rate of adverse events also were assessed. RESULTS: Per-patient CCE-2 sensitivity for polyps >/=6 mm and >/=10 mm was 84% and 88%, with specificities of 64% and 95%, respectively. All 3 invasive carcinomas were detected by CCE-2. The capsule excretion rate was 88% within 10 hours. Overall colon cleanliness for CCE-2 was adequate in 81% of patients. LIMITATIONS: Not unblinding the CCE-2 results at colonoscopy; heterogenous patient population; nonconsecutive patients. CONCLUSION: In this European, multicenter study, CCE-2 appeared to have a high sensitivity for the detection of clinically relevant polypoid lesions, and it might be considered an adequate tool for colorectal imaging

    Search for CP Violation in the Decay Z -> b (b bar) g

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    About three million hadronic decays of the Z collected by ALEPH in the years 1991-1994 are used to search for anomalous CP violation beyond the Standard Model in the decay Z -> b \bar{b} g. The study is performed by analyzing angular correlations between the two quarks and the gluon in three-jet events and by measuring the differential two-jet rate. No signal of CP violation is found. For the combinations of anomalous CP violating couplings, h^b=h^AbgVbh^VbgAb{\hat{h}}_b = {\hat{h}}_{Ab}g_{Vb}-{\hat{h}}_{Vb}g_{Ab} and hb=h^Vb2+h^Ab2h^{\ast}_b = \sqrt{\hat{h}_{Vb}^{2}+\hat{h}_{Ab}^{2}}, limits of \hat{h}_b < 0.59and and h^{\ast}_{b} < 3.02$ are given at 95\% CL.Comment: 8 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses here.sty, epsfig.st