103 research outputs found

    Eosinofilia en enfermedades importadas

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    La eosinofilia se define como un número de eosinófilos superior a 0,5 x 109/l (500 células por microlitro de sangre). la eosinofilia, en el contexto de las enfermedades importadas, se relaciona habitualmente con la presencia en el organismo humano de helmintos (parásitos multicelulares). los protozoos en general no se asocian a eosinofilia, y las únicas excepciones son dientamoeba fragilis y el coccidio isospora belli. la eosinofilia en las infecciones parasitarias es fruto de la interacción entre factores del huésped, la etapa de desarrollo del parásito, la localización del parásito dentro del organismo y la carga parasitaria existente. Además de las causas parasitarias objetivo de la presente revisión, la eosinofilia puede ser debida a otros tipos de enfermedades (tabla 1), e infecciones (tabla 2) más conocidas en nuestro medio y que quedan reflejadas en las tablas que se muestran a continuación

    How effective are rapid diagnostic tests for Chagas disease?

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    © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Introduction: Diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease relies on the agreement of two conventional serological tests based on distinct antigens. These require cold to preserve reagents and samples, and equipment and trained personnel to run them. Moreover, results turnaround may be delayed for several weeks risking a loss to follow-up of infected subjects, summoning major disadvantages to access diagnosis (and treatment) in many highly endemic areas. Areas covered: Recent studies have shown the versatility of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of chronic Trypanosoma cruzi infections in referral centers and in field campaigns, with a performance equivalent to that of conventional tools. Remarkably, RDTs do not require cold storage and provide results within an hour. Additionally, they are easy-to-use and can work with a tiny volume of finger-pricked whole blood. Altogether, major advantages toward generalizing their use as an alternative to conventional tests. Expert opinion: Already in 2021, only a small percentage of T. cruzi-infected people are diagnosed and treated. The unsuitability of currently used diagnostics, and of the recommended algorithm, to the conditions found in many regions do not help to fill this gap. RDTs stand as a promising solution, even though geographical validation should precede their implementation

    European expert network on rare communicable diseases and other rare diseases linked to mobility and globalisation focused on ealth care provision (EURaDMoG): a feasibility study.

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    INTRODUCTION NlmCategory: BACKGROUND content: In the current mobility and globalization context, there is a growing need to identify potential changes on the pattern of diseases in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for the population. The pattern of rare communicable diseases that can affect people returning to EU/EEA from travel abroad, visiting EU/EEA or establishing in the EU/EEA is of special relevance. The objective of this manuscript is to give an overview about the EURaDMoG study and discuss the feasibility of establishing a European network on rare communicable diseases and other rare conditions linked to mobility and globalization. - Label: METHODS NlmCategory: METHODS content: We undertook a three-steps process where we first conducted a narrative review to estimate the prevalence and incidence and to list rare communicable and non-communicable diseases linked to mobility and globalization in the EU/EEA; second, we organized an international consultation workshop with experts in the diseases previously selected; and finally, the feasibility study analysed how successful a European expert network on rare diseases linked to mobility and globalization focused on health care provision would be, accounting for different operational and also sustainability criteria. - Label: RESULTS NlmCategory: RESULTS content: "First, considering the areas or topics that the network should cover, it was concluded that communicable and non-communicable rare diseases linked to mobility and globalization should be differentiated. Second, since all non-communicable rare diseases linked to mobility and globalization identified are already covered by different European Reference Networks (ERNs), there is no need for them to be included in a new European network. Three scenarios were considered for establishing a potential European network for rare communicable diseases linked to Mobility and Globalisation with a focus on Health Care provision: 1) To maintain the current situation \"Status Quo\" scenario; 2) to create a specific European expert network (EEN) on rare communicable diseases linked to mobility and globalisation; 3) to develop a new ERN on communicable rare diseases linked to mobility and globalisation." - Label: CONCLUSIONS NlmCategory: CONCLUSIONS content: Since the focus is the provision of health care, an ERN could have the potential to better boost the quality of care being facilitated by technological tools and online platforms that permit the safe and ethically acceptable exchange of data. However, this potential new network should not eclipse current existing networks and they should be complementary

    Sero-epidemiologia de la toxoplasmosis en dos comunidades de Rwanda (Africa Central)

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    Se ha estudiado la prevalência de anticuerpos antitoxoplasma en dos comunidades rurales rwandesas, utilizando sangre total desecada en papel de filtro que se procesó por la técnica de Aglutinación Directa. En ambas comunidades están afectados el 50% de los adultos. La adquisición de los anticuerpos se hace tardiamente en NGD (a los 14 años sólo un 12% de la problación muestra anticuerpos antitoxoplasma) y más pronto en NVU (31% de la población estudiada tiene anticuerpos antitoxoplasma a los 14 años). Se destaca el posible papel que juega esta enfermedad en la patología materno-fetal, y la necesidad de nuevos studios que aumenten el conocimiento de la epidemiología de la toxoplasmosis y sus mecanismos de transmisión en Rwanda.We collected dry blood specimens from two rural areas in Rwanda, that were tested for anti bodies to Toxoplasma gondii through the Direct Agglutination technique. 50% of the adults in both communities had antibodies to T. gondii. The Ngenda (NGD) po pulation apparently acquired antibodies at a la ter stage of its life (only 12% were positive at 14 years of age). The Nyarutovu (NVU) popula tion already showed a 31% positivity at the same age. We would like to point out the pathogenic role played by toxoplasmosis during pregnancy and the need of new studies about the epidemiology of the disease as well as the transmission mechanism in Rwanda

    Strengthening the Bolivian pharmacovigilance system: New surveillance strategies to improve care for Chagas disease and tuberculosis.

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    "Chagas disease (CD) and tuberculosis (TB) are important health problems in Bolivia. Current treatments for both infections require a long period of time, and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are frequent. This study aims to strengthen the Bolivian pharmacovigilance system, focusing on CD and TB. A situation analysis of pharmacovigilance in the Department of Cochabamba was performed. The use of a new local case report form (CRF) was implemented, together with the CRF established by the Unidad de Medicamentos y Tecnolog\xC3\xADa en Salud (UNIMED), in several healthcare centers. Training and follow-up on drug safety monitoring and ADR reporting was provided to all health professionals involved in CD and TB treatment. A comparative analysis of the reported ADRs using the CRF provided by UNIMED, the new CRF proposal, and medical records, was also performed. Our results showed that out of all patients starting treatment for CD, 37.9% suffered ADRs according to the medical records, and 25.3% of them were classified as moderate/severe (MS). Only 47.4% of MS ADRs were reported to UNIMED. Regarding TB treatment, 9.9% of all patients suffered ADRs, 44% of them were classified as MS, and 75% of MS ADRs were reported to UNIMED. These findings show that the reinforcement of the Bolivian pharmacovigilance system is an ambitious project that should involve a long-term perspective and the engagement of national health workers and other stakeholders at all levels. Continuity and perseverance are essential to achieve a solid ADR reporting system, improving patient safety, drug efficacy and adherence to treatment.

    The incidence of malaria in travellers to South-East Asia: is local malaria transmission a useful risk indicator?

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    BACKGROUND: The presence of ongoing local malaria transmission, identified though local surveillance and reported to regional WHO offices, by S-E Asian countries, forms the basis of national and international chemoprophylaxis recommendations in western countries. The study was designed to examine whether the strategy of using malaria transmission in a local population was an accurate estimate of the malaria threat faced by travellers and a correlate of malaria in returning travellers. METHODS: Malaria endemicity was described from distribution and intensity in the local populations of ten S-E Asian destination countries over the period 2003-2008 from regionally reported cases to WHO offices. Travel acquired malaria was collated from malaria surveillance reports from the USA and 12 European countries over the same period. The numbers of travellers visiting the destination countries was based on immigration and tourism statistics collected on entry of tourists to the destination countries. RESULTS: In the destination countries, mean malaria rates in endemic countries ranged between 0.01 in Korea to 4:1000 population per year in Lao PDR, with higher regional rates in a number of countries. Malaria cases imported into the 13 countries declined by 47% from 140 cases in 2003 to 66 in 2008. A total of 608 cases (27.3% Plasmodium falciparum (Pf)) were reported over the six years, the largest number acquired in Indonesia, Thailand and Korea. Four countries had an incidence > 1 case per 100,000 traveller visits; Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos (range 1 to 11.8-case per 100,000 visits). The remaining six countries rates were 1 case per 100,000 visits to consider targeted malaria prophylaxis recommendations to minimize use of chemoprophylaxis for low risk exposure during visits to S-E Asia. Policy needs to be adjusted regularly to reflect the changing risk

    A Case of Urogenital Human Schistosomiasis from a Non-endemic Area

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    © 2015 Calvo-Cano et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Plasma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Potential Biomarkers in Heart Transplant Patient with Chronic Chagas Disease

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    Chagas disease is emerging in countries to which it is not endemic. Biomarkers for earlier therapeutic response assessment in patients with chronic Chagas disease are needed. We profiled plasma-derived extracellular vesicles from a heart transplant patient with chronic Chagas disease and showed the potential of this approach for discovering such biomarkers.Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) receives support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019–2023 Program (CEX2018-000806-S). ISGlobal and Institut d’Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) are members of the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA Program), Generalitat de Catalunya. Work in the laboratory of C.F.B. is funded by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (reference 566/U/2018) and Fundación Mundo Sano. This project was co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund with the support of Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya. N.C., M.G., J.G., and M.J.P. receive funds from the Redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa en salud (RETICS), Spanish Tropical Diseases Network “RD12/0018/0010” and from the Agencia de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya; grant “2017 SGR 00924.” M.G., C.B., J.G., M.J.P., and I.C.A. belong to the Ibero-American Nuevas Herramientas para el Diagnóstico y la Evaluación del Paciente con Enfermedad de Chagas network. I.C.A. is partially supported by grants no. 2G12MD007592 and 5U54MD007592 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the US National Institutes of Health. We are grateful to the Biomolecule Analysis Core Facility at University of Texas at El Paso, Border Biomedical Research Center, funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities grants 2G12MD007592 and 5U54MD007592. M.T.M. received a PhD fellowship from the Science Without Borders Program, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brazil.S

    First external quality assurance program for bloodstream Real-Time PCR monitoring of treatment response in clinical trials of Chagas disease

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    Real-Time PCR (qPCR) testing is recommended as both a diagnostic and outcome measurement of etiological treatment in clinical practice and clinical trials of Chagas disease (CD), but no external quality assurance (EQA) program provides performance assessment of the assays in use. We implemented an EQA system to evaluate the performance of molecular biology laboratories involved in qPCR based follow-up in clinical trials of CD. An EQA program was devised for three clinical trials of CD: the E1224 (NCT01489228), a pro-drug of ravuconazole; the Sampling Study (NCT01678599), that used benznidazole, both conducted in Bolivia; and the CHAGASAZOL (NCT01162967), that tested posaconazole, conducted in Spain. Four proficiency testing panels containing negative controls and seronegative blood samples spiked with 1, 10 and 100 parasite equivalents (par. eq.)/mL of four Trypanosoma cruzi stocks, were sent from the Core Lab in Argentina to the participating laboratories located in Bolivia and Spain. Panels were analyzed simultaneously, blinded to sample allocation, at 4-month intervals. In addition, 302 random blood samples from both trials carried out in Bolivia were sent to Core Lab for retesting analysis. The analysis of proficiency testing panels gave 100% of accordance (within laboratory agreement) and concordance (between laboratory agreement) for all T. cruzi stocks at 100 par. eq./mL; whereas their values ranged from 71 to 100% and from 62 to 100% at 1 and 10 par. eq./mL, respectively, depending on the T. cruzi stock. The results obtained after twelve months of preparation confirmed the stability of blood samples in guanidine-EDTA buffer. No significant differences were found between qPCR results from Bolivian laboratory and Core Lab for retested clinical samples. This EQA program for qPCR analysis of CD patient samples may significantly contribute to ensuring the quality of laboratory data generated in clinical trials and molecular diagnostics laboratories of CD

    Molecular surveillance of drug resistance through imported isolates of Plasmodium falciparum in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: Results from numerous studies point convincingly to correlations between mutations at selected genes and phenotypic resistance to antimalarials in Plasmodium falciparum isolates. In order to move molecular assays for point mutations on resistance-related genes into the realm of applied tools for surveillance, we investigated a selection of P. falciparum isolates that were imported during the year 2001 into Europe to study the prevalence of resistance-associated point mutations at relevant codons. In particular, we tested for parasites which were developing resistance to antifolates and chloroquine. The screening results were used to map the prevalence of mutations and, thus, levels of potential drug resistance in endemic areas world-wide. RESULTS: 337 isolates have been tested so far. Prevalence of mutations that are associated with resistance to chloroquine on the pfcrt and pfmdr genes of P. falciparum was demonstrated at high levels. However, the prevalence of mutations associated with resistance to antifolates at the DHFR and DHPS genes was unexpectedly low, rarely exceeding 60% in endemic areas. CONCLUSIONS: Constant screening of imported isolates will enable TropNetEurop to establish a screening tool for emerging resistance in endemic areas