879 research outputs found

    Human platelets and their capacity of binding viruses: Meaning and challenges?

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    Blood platelets are first aimed at ensuring primary hemostasis. Beyond this role, they have been acknowledged as having functions in the maintenance of the vascular arborescence and, more recently, as being also innate immune cells, devoted notably to the detection of danger signals, of which infectious ones. Platelets express pathogen recognition receptors that can sense bacterial and viral moieties. Besides, several molecules that bind epithelial or sub-endothelial molecules and, so forth, are involved in hemostasis, happen to be able to ligate viral determinants, making platelets capable of either binding viruses or even to be infected by some of them. Further, as platelets express both Fc-receptors for Ig and complement receptors, they also bind occasionally virus-Ig or virus-Ig-complement immune complexes. Interplays of viruses with platelets are very complex and viral infections often interfere with platelet number and functions. Through a few instances of viral infections, the present review aims at presenting some of the most important interactions from pathophysiological and clinical points of view, which are observed between human viruses and platelets.Fil: Chabert, Adrien. Universite Lyon 2; FranciaFil: Hamzeh Cognasse, Hind. Universite Lyon 2; FranciaFil: Pozzetto, Bruno. Universite Lyon 2; FranciaFil: Cognasse, Fabrice. Universite Lyon 2; FranciaFil: Schattner, Mirta Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Gomez, Ricardo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de BiotecnologĂ­a y BiologĂ­a Molecular. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de BiotecnologĂ­a y BiologĂ­a Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Garraud, Olivier. Universite Lyon 2; Franci

    La contribution des donnĂ©es chiffrĂ©es Ă  la construction d’un mythe. L’armĂ©e de l’Air « invaincue » en 1940

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    Les donnĂ©es quantitatives Ă©tant des instruments essentiels d’argumentation et de lĂ©gitimation, la question du « rendement » de l’aviation française en 1940 est un sujet ancien de controverses. Techniquement, il renvoie aux nombres comparĂ©s des « victoires » aĂ©riennes remportĂ©es et des pertes de l’armĂ©e de l’Air. Mais ce dĂ©bat n’est pas seulement comptable. Au travers de ces controverses, c’est finalement la reprĂ©sentation du rĂŽle de l’armĂ©e de l’Air, sa contribution Ă  la dĂ©faite ou, au contraire, son caractĂšre « invaincu » qui se jouent, se construisent et s’argumentent. Deux phĂ©nomĂšnes complĂ©mentaires mais de sens contraire peuvent alors ĂȘtre mis en Ă©vidence : d’une part, celui d’une surestimation notable du nombre des appareils ennemis prĂ©sumĂ©s dĂ©truits par l’armĂ©e de l’Air ; d’autre part, celui de la sous-estimation tout aussi significative des pertes subies. Leur prise en compte conduit Ă  une balance complĂštement diffĂ©rente des victoires et des pertes qui modifie radicalement la reprĂ©sentation du rĂŽle de l’armĂ©e de l’Air en 1940.Quantitative data being essential instruments for defending and legitimizing a point of view, the question of the French Air Force’s performance in 1940 has long been a subject of controversy. Technically speaking, the efficiency of the French Air Force can be measured by comparative analysis of the number of victories won and of losses incurred. But the debate does not end there. At the heart of these controversies, the very representation of the Air Force’s role is at stake; its contribution to the defeat of 1940 or, on the contrary, its “invincibility” are being developed and defended. Two complementary yet opposing phenomena can then be highlighted: on the one hand, the largely overestimated number of enemy aircraft supposedly destroyed by the Air Force and, on the other, the equally significantly underestimated losses. Taking this into account leads to a completely different balance between victories and losses, radically changing the representation of the role of the Air Force in 1940

    Le Maire urbain français : un entrepreneur politique

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    Anatomie et Ă©thologie du lion (Panthera leo)

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    Le lion (Panthera leo) est un grand fĂ©lin hors du commun tant au niveau comportemental qu'au niveau anatomique et physiologique.Il vit au sein d'un groupe dont la composition varie au cours du temps. Le noyau stable est reprĂ©sentĂ© par les femelles, toutes parentes, qui restent toute leur vie dans la mĂȘme troupe. Les lionceaux restent jusqu'Ă  ce qu'ils atteignent l'Ăąge adulte puis sont explusĂ©s et deviennent temporairement nomades. A la tĂȘte du groupe, on trouve un ou plusieurs mĂąles qui sont remplacĂ©s en moyenne tous les 2-3 ans. Les mĂąles sont chargĂ©s de surveiller et de marquer un territoire dont la taille varie d'un groupe Ă  l'autre. Ils sont les garants de la sĂ©curitĂ© de tous les membres de la troupe. Durant leurs brĂšves annĂ©es de rĂšgne, ils tentent de se reproduire le plus possible pour assurer leur descendance avant d'ĂȘtre chassĂ©s par d'autres mĂąles plus jeunes. Les femelles sont chargĂ©es de la chasse et de l'Ă©ducation des lionceaux. La vie en groupe prĂ©sente des avantages dans ces 2 activitĂ©s. En effet, au moment de la chasse, les chances de rĂ©ussite augmentent lorsqu'elles sont plusieurs et elles peuvent ainsi nourrir toute la troupe. En ce qui concerne les jeunes, ils profitent du lait des autres femelles allaitantes et des autres lionceaux, compagnons de jeu, pour leur apprentissage. En adoptant ce mode de vie particulier les lions ont su s'adapter au niveau anatomique. S'ils montrent de grandes similitudes avec les autres pantherinae, certaines modifications anatomiques et physiologiques sont liĂ©es aux comportements propres du lion

    Modelling and simulation of blood collection systems: improvement of human resources allocation for better cost-effectiveness and reduction of candidate donor abandonment

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    International audienceFormal Petri net models were used to describe all relevant donor flows of the various blood collection systems; the Petri net models were converted onto discrete-event simulation models, allowing the evaluation of a large number of scenarios and configurations of blood collection systems. Quantitative models were proposed that encompassed all components of the blood collection systems, such as the donor arrival process, resource capacities and performance indicators. Appropriate experimental designs and cost-effectiveness analyses were used to determine the best configurations of human resources and donor appointment strategies

    Multiple wavelengths reflectance microscopy to study the multi-physical behavior of MEMS

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    International audienceIn order to characterize surface chemomechanical driving micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) behavior, we propose herein a method to simultaneously obtain a full kinematic field describing the surface displacement and a map of its chemical modification from optical measurements. Using a microscope, reflected intensity fields are recorded for two different illumination wavelengths. Decoupling the wavelength-independent and -dependent contributions to the measured relative intensity changes then yields the sought fields. This method is applied to the investigation of the electro-elastic coupling, providing images of both the local surface electrical charge density and the device deformation field

    Blood and Blood Components: From Similarities to Differences.

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    Blood transfusion is made possible because, in most countries and organizations, altruistic individuals voluntarily, anonymously, and generously donate (without compensation) either whole blood or separated components that are then processed and distributed by professionals, prior to being allocated to recipients in need. Being part of modern medicine, blood transfusion uses so-called standard blood components when relative to cellular fractions and fresh plasma. However, as will be discussed in this paper, strictly speaking, such so-called labile blood components are not completely standard. Furthermore, the prevalent system based on voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation is not yet universal and, despite claims by the World Health Organization that 100% of blood collection will be derived from altruistic donations by 2020 (postponed to 2025), many obstacles may hinder this ambition, especially when relative to the collection of the enormous amount of plasma destined for fractionation into plasma derivative or drugs. Finally, country organizations also vary due to the economy, sociology, politics, and epidemiology. This paper then, discusses the particulars (of which ethical considerations) of blood transfusion diversity and the consequences for donors, patients, and society

    Construire une exposition scientifique participative. Le projet Questions de Sciences, Enjeux Citoyens

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    L’approche participative est une notion en vogue tant au niveau des politiques publiques qu’à celui des dispositifs de mĂ©diation scientifique. Faire intervenir des publics dans la conception d’une exposition scientifique donne une autre dimension Ă  cette participation. Entre thĂ©orie de l’action et Ă©tats des lieux, cette contribution prĂ©sente QSEC, un dispositif innovant de mĂ©diation scientifique
