2,381 research outputs found

    El marketing relacional y la fidelización de los clientes de la Empresa de Transportes Fuentes & Co. S.A. Trujillo, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación que existe entre marketing relacional con la fidelización de los clientes de la Empresa de Transportes Fuentes & Co. S.A. Trujillo, 2022. La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, con un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y de nivel correlacional. La población se conformó por los clientes de la Empresa de Transportes Fuentes & Co. S. A. obteniendo una muestra de 218 clientes. Se utilizó como instrumento el cuestionario, aplicándose la técnica de la encuesta. Obteniéndose como resultado que existe una correlación positiva con un nivel alto entre la variable fidelización de clientes y la variable marketing relacional con un valor de Rho de Spearman de 0.765, asimismo, la significancia se tiene un valor de .000, y siendo p < 0.05 se pudo afirmar que la relación es significativa, existiendo una relación directa entre ambas variables, concluyéndose que la empresa se preocupa en generar confianza con el cliente, mostrando seguridad, y sobre todo cumpliendo las promesas que ofrece, asimismo teniendo una atención adecuada creando lazos de lealtad al momento de que se preocupa por las inquietudes de los clientes

    Dietary fat intake and risk of disabling hearing impairment: a prospective population-based cohort study

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    Purpose: To examine the associations of specific dietary fats with the risk of disabling hearing impairment in the UK Biobank study. Methods: This cohort study investigated 105,592 participants (47,308 men and 58,284 women) aged ≥ 40 years. Participants completed a minimum of one valid 24-h recall (Oxford Web-Q). Dietary intake of total fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), saturated fatty acids (SFA), and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was assessed at baseline. Functional auditory capacity was measured with a digit triplet test (DTT), and disabling hearing impairment was defined as a speech reception threshold in noise &gt; − 3.5 dB in any physical exam performed during the follow-up. Results: Over a median follow-up of 3.2 (SD: 2.1) years, 832 men and 872 women developed disabling hearing impairment. After adjustment for potential confounders, including lifestyles, exposure to high-intensity sounds, ototoxic medication and comorbidity, the hazard ratios (HRs), and 95% confidence interval (CI) of disabling hearing function, comparing extreme quintiles of intakes were 0.91 (0.71–1.17) for total fat, 1.09 (0.83–1.44) for PUFA, 0.85 (0.64–1.13) for SFA and 1.01 (0.74–1.36) for MUFA among men. Among women, HRs comparing extreme intakes were 0.98 (0.78–1.24) for total fat, 0.69 (0.53–0.91) for PUFA, 1.26 (0.96–1.65) for SFA, and 0.91 (0.68–1.23) for MUFA. Replacing 5% of energy intake from SFA with an equivalent energy from PUFA was associated with 25% risk reduction (HR: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.74–0.77) among women. Conclusions: PUFA intake was associated with decreased risk of disabling hearing function in women, but not in menUK Biobank was established by the Wellcome Trust medical charity, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government and the Northwest Regional Development Agency. It has also had funding from the Welsh Government, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, and Diabetes UK. This work was supported by FIS grants 19/319 and 20/1040, (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, State Secretary of R + D + I and FEDER/FSE

    Association between speech reception threshold in noise and multimorbidity: The UK Biobank Study

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    Objective. To investigate the association between hearing function, as approached with the functional auditory capacity, and multimorbidity. Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Setting. The UK Biobank was established from 2006 to 2010 in the United Kingdom. This cross-sectional analysis included 165,524 participants who provided baseline information on hearing function. Methods. Functional auditory capacity was measured with a digit triplet test. Three categories were defined according to the speech reception threshold in noise (SRTn): normal (SRTn < −5.5 dB signal-to-noise ratio [SNR]), insufficient (SRTn ≥ −5.5 to ≤ −3.5 dB SNR) and poor hearing function (SRTn > −3.5 dB SNR). To define multimorbidity, 9 chronic diseases were considered, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke, cancer, depression, osteoarthritis, coronary heart disease, and diabetes; multimorbidity was defined as the coexistence of 2 or more in the same individual. Analyses were conducted using logistic models adjusted for relevant confounders. Results. Among the study participants, 54.5% were women, and the mean (range) age was 56.7 (39-72) years. The prevalence of insufficient and poor hearing function and multimorbidity was 13% and 13.2%, respectively. In comparison with having a normal SRTn, the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) of multimorbidity associated with insufficient SRTn was 1.13 (1.08- 1.18), and with poor SRTn was 1.25 (1.14-1.37). Conclusion. Insufficient and poor hearing function was associated with multimorbidity. This association suggests common biological pathways for many of the considered morbiditiesThis work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the FIS project 20/01040 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, State Secretary of R + D + I), and co‐funded by a European Regional Development Fund, “A way of shaping Europe.” Ellen A. Struijk holds a Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC‐ 2021‐031146‐I) from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and FEDER/FS

    El silvopastoralismo como herramienta de conservación : ejemplificado con el venado cola blanca en Nicaragua

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    Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia.En el estudio se ha valorado la preferencia del ganado bobino, caprino y ovino además del venado cola blanca (Odocoileus Virginianus) con cuatro especies de árboles forrajeros comunes en trópico centroamericano: carbón (Acacia pennatula), guácimo (Guazuma ulmifolia), madero negro (Gliricidia sepium) y guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum). Para ello, se realizó un test de cafetería con un diseño experimental de medidas repetidas con cuatro vacas mestizas Pardo-Suizo x Brahman, con seis cabras domésticas, seis ovejas pelibuey y nueve Odocoileus virginianus en cautividad. El periodo experimental fue de siete días consecutivos con cada especie animal durante los meses de enero, febrero y marzo de 2016. En las tres espcies de ganado, la especie preferida fue la Acacia pennaturla, y en el caso del Odocileus virginianus la especie preferida fue Guazuma ulmifolia. Dados los resultados del test y sus características, Acacia pennatula parece ser la más apta para usos silvopastoriles en los pastos y fincas de la zona de Estelí, Nicaragua. Por otra parte, se recogieron datos de las comunidades y de académicos para acercarnos al estado de las poblaciones de Odocoileus virginianus en León y Estelí, Nicaragua. También se trabajó en los test de cafetería para conocer sus preferencias alimenticias y su posible competencia con el ganado de libre pastura. Los datos obtenidos muestran preferencias distintas en cuanto al ganado, y debido a la distribución de las fincas concluimos que no hay posible competencia con el ganado.The study has assessed the preference of bovine, goats and ovine cattle, and also whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) livestock with four species of common fodder trees in Central American tropics: carbón (Acacia pennatula), guácimo (Guazuma ulmifolia), madero negro (Gliricidia sepium) and guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum). For this, a cafeteria test was conducted with an experimental design of repeated measures with four crossbred cows Pardo-Swiss x Brahman, with six domestic goats, six pelibuey sheeps and nine Odocoileus virginianus captives. The experimental period was of seven consecutive days with each animal species during the months of January, February and Marc 2016. Among the three species of cattle, the preferred species was Acacia pennatula, while in the case of Odocoileus virginianus the preferred species was Pithcellobiun. Given the test results and its characteristics, pennatula Acacia appears to be the most suitable for use in silvopastoral pastures and farms in the area of Esteli, Nicaragua. Additionally, community and academic data were collected to have an approach of the population status of Odocoileus virginianus in Leon and Esteli, Nicaragua. Cafeteria tests were conducted to learn about their food preferences and possible competition with free pasture livestock. The data obtained shows that this species has different feed preferences to cattle, and given the distribution of the land estates we can conclude that there is no competence issues with the livestock

    ICT platform for support AC circuits study

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    [EN] The software used for making educational tools allows analyze the engineering phenomena in a more complete and explained way, by means of simulation and experimentation. It is necessary to know the equations about the behaviour of the object under study for the generation of these tools, and to solve them through the right software, obtaining the output values from the input values. With this software it is possible to realize new studies only modifying the parameters of the model or the input values. In this work the alternating current electric circuits are analyzed. Joined with the simulation, this technology also allows the experimentation through the development of practices by WEB that can be done with remote access. These tools can be used both for teaching in the classroom and laboratories. and for doing exercises and in their own study time of the students[ES] La utilización de software para la elaboración de herramientas didácticas permite, mediante simulación y experimentación, analizar los fenómenos de Ingeniería de una forma más completa e ilustrativa. Para la generación de estas herramientas será necesario conocer las ecuaciones que rigen el comportamiento del fenómeno objeto de estudio, y resolverlas mediante el software adecuado, obteniendo las variables de salida a partir de las variables de entrada. Con el software es posible realizar nuevos estudios modificando los parámetros del modelo o las variables de entrada. En este trabajo se analizan los Circuitos Eléctricos de Corriente Alterna. Junto a la simulación, la tecnología permite también la experimentación, mediante el desarrollo de prácticas vía WEB que pueden ser realizadas con acceso remoto. Estas herramientas pueden ser usadas tanto en la impartición de la docencia en aula y laboratorio, como para la elaboración de problemas y en el propio tiempo de estudio del alumno.San Martín Ojeda, ML.; Parra Gonzalo, EP.; Blanco Caballero, M.; Sánchez Lite, A.; Serrano Sanz, JA.; Jiménez Gómez, MI.; García García, M. (2014). Plataforma TIC de apoyo al estudio de circuitos eléctricos de corriente alterna. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 7:123-130. doi:10.4995/msel.2014.2127SWORD123130

    The afterglow and kilonova of the short GRB 160821B

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    GRB 160821B is a short duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected and localized by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy at z=0.1613, at a projected physical offset of 16 kpc from the galaxy's center. We present X-ray, optical/nIR and radio observations of its counterpart and model them with two distinct components of emission: a standard afterglow, arising from the interaction of the relativistic jet with the surrounding medium, and a kilonova, powered by the radioactive decay of the sub-relativistic ejecta. Broadband modeling of the afterglow data reveals a weak reverse shock propagating backward into the jet, and a likely jet-break at 3.5 d. This is consistent with a structured jet seen slightly off-axis while expanding into a low-density medium. Analysis of the kilonova properties suggests a rapid evolution toward red colors, similar to AT2017gfo, and a low nIR luminosity, possibly due to the presence of a long-lived neutron star. The global properties of the environment, the inferred low mass (M_ej < 0.006 Msun) and velocities (v > 0.05 c) of lanthanide-rich ejecta are consistent with a binary neutron star merger progenitor.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS, in press. Moderate revision, added Figure 5 and X-ray data to Table

    Treatment outcomes in patients with large B‐cell lymphoma after progression to chimeric antigen receptor T‐cell therapy

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    Over 60% of relapsed/refractory (R/R) large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) patients who receive chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells will experience disease progression. There is no standard next line of therapy and information in this setting is scarce and heterogeneous. We analyzed 387 R/R LBCL patients who progressed after CAR T cells from July 2018 until March 2022 in Spain and the United Kingdom. Median overall survival (OS) was 5.3 months, with significant differences according to the interval between infusion and progression (6 months [not reached]). After progression, 237 (61%) patients received treatment. Focusing on the first subsequent therapy, overall (complete) response rates were 67% (38%) for polatuzumab-bendamustine-rituximab (POLA), 51% (36%) for bispecific antibodies (BsAb), 45% (35%) for radiotherapy (RT), 33% (26%) for immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), 25% (0%) for lenalidomide (LENA), and 25% (14%) for chemotherapy (CT). In terms of survival, 12-month progression-free survival and OS was 36.2% and 51.0% for POLA, 32.0% and 50.1% for BsAb, 30.8% and 37.5% for RT, 29.9% and 27.8% for ICI, 7.3% and 20.8% for LENA, and 6.1% and 18.3% for CT. Thirty-two (14%) patients received an allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant with median OS not reached after a median follow-up of 15.1 months. In conclusion, patients with R/R LBCL who progress within the first 2 months after CAR T-cell therapy have dismal outcomes. Novel targeted agents, such as polatuzumab and BsAbs, can achieve prolonged survival after CAR T-cell therapy failure