2,042 research outputs found

    Presencia de infección y lesiones mínimas en mama y otros tejidos en ovinos afectados de Maedi-Visna

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    5 páginas, 2 tablas.--Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por los proyectos LE361A12-1 y LE314U14 de la Junta de Castilla y León y por una beca FPU del Ministerio de Educación.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización de la Inulina Comercial y su Implementación Alimentaria en Personas con el Trastorno del Espectro Autista.

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    It was being shown that including inulin in the daily intake provides benefits for the health of our body, as well as the reduction of gastrointestinal disorders. Problems that are very frequent in people with autism, mainly when they present selectivity to food and who, due to their condition, can live with high levels of stress. Due to its history as a prebiotic, inulin has been recommended and considered as an additional functional ingredient that can help to improve health, under intake conditions of 10 to 20 g per day and with a low caloric level of 1.5 Kcal/g that it can help reduce the possible risks of obesity. In the commercial inulin samples that were analyzed by FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), small bands were observed at 1638cm-1 for sample A and at 1648cm-1 for sample B, these associated with the presence of impurities, so both brands prove to be products with a good degree of purity and that they are products with a source of inulin.Se ha demostrado que el incluir a la inulina en la ingesta diaria proporciona beneficios para la salud de nuestro organismo, así como la disminución de problemas gastrointestinales. Problemas que son muy frecuentes en personas con autismo principalmente al presentar selectividad a los alimentos y que por su condición pueden vivir con altos niveles de estrés. La inulina por sus antecedentes como prebiótico ha sido recomendada y considerada como un ingrediente alimenticio funcional que puede ayudar a la mejora de la salud, en condiciones de ingesta de 10 a 20 g al día y con un bajo nivel calórico de 1.5 Kcal/g que puede ayudarles a disminuir los posibles riesgos de obesidad. En las muestras comerciales de inulina que fueron analizadas por FT-IR (Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo por Transformada de Fourier), se observaron pequeñas bandas en 1638cm-1 para la muestra A y en 1648cm-1 para la muestra B, estas asociadas a la presencia de impurezas, por lo que ambas marcas demostraron ser productos con un buen grado de pureza y que son productos con fuente de inulina

    SenSem: sentidos verbales, semántica oracional y anotación de corpus

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    En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo del proyecto SenSem (BFF2003-06456), que tiene como objetivo describir y representar el comportamiento léxico, sintáctico y semántico de los verbos del español. En el desarrollo de este proyecto se están construyendo dos recursos: un corpus de oraciones asociadas a su interpretación sintáctico-semántica y un léxico donde cada sentido verbal se asocia a un conjunto de ejemplos anotados del corpus.This paper presents the development of the SenSem project (BFF2003-06456), which aims at describing and representing the lexical, semantic, and syntactical behaviour of Spanish verbs. Two resources are being developed in the course of this project: a corpus of sentences associated to their syntactic-semantic interpretation, and a lexicon where each verb meaning is linked to a number of annotated examples from the corpus

    Label-Free Optical Biosensing Using Low-Cost Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers

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    Polymeric nanofiber matrices are promising structures to develop biosensing devices due to their easy and affordable large-scale fabrication and their high surface-to-volume ratio. In this work, the suitability of a polyamide 6 nanofiber matrix for the development of a label-free and real-time Fabry–Pérot cavity-based optical biosensor was studied. For such aim, in-flow biofunctionalization of nanofibers with antibodies, bound through a protein A/G layer, and specific biodetection of 10 µg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA) were carried out. Both processes were successfully monitored via reflectivity measurements in real-time without labels and their reproducibility was demonstrated when different polymeric nanofiber matrices from the same electrospinning batch were employed as transducers. These results demonstrate not only the suitability of correctly biofunctionalized polyamide 6 nanofiber matrices to be employed for real-time and label-free specific biodetection purposes, but also the potential of electrospinning technique to create affordable and easy-to-fabricate at large scale optical transducers with a reproducible performance.This research was supported by a co-financed action by the European Union through the operational program of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) of the Valencian Community 2014–2020, the Generalitat Valenciana through the PROMETEO project AVANTI/2019/123 and the grant PPC/2020/037, the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-OPTONANOSENS, Universitat Politècnica de València through grant PAID-01-17, and by the Basque government through the project µ4Industry, KK-2019/00101, from the ELKARTEK Program

    Immunohistochemical detection of p53 and pp53 Ser392 in canine hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas located in the skin

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    [EN] Background: p53 protein is essential for the regulation of cell proliferation. Aberrant accumulation of it usually occurs in cutaneous malignancies. Mutant p53 is detected by immunohistochemistry because it is more stable than the wild-type p53. However, post-translational modifications of p53 in response to ultraviolet radiation are important mechanisms of wild-type p53 stabilization, leading to positive staining in the absence of mutation. The aims were: 1) to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of p53 and phospho-p53 Serine392 in canine skin endothelial tumours; and 2) to determine if any relationship exists between p53 and phospho-p53 Serine392 overexpression and cell proliferation. Results: p53 and phospho-p53 Serine392 immunolabeling was examined in 40 canine cutaneous endothelial tumours (13 hemangiomas and 27 hemangiosarcomas). Their expression was associated with tumour size, hemangiosarcoma stage (dermal versus hypodermal), histological diagnosis and proliferative activity (mitotic count and Ki-67 index). Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase of p53 immunoreactivity in hemangiosarcomas (median, 74.61%; interquartile range [IQR], 66.97-82.98%) versus hemangiomas (median, 0%; IQR, 0-20.91%) (p <.001) and in well-differentiated hemangiosarcomas (median, 82.40%; IQR, 66.49-83.17%) versus hemangiomas (p =.002). Phospho-p53 Serine392 immunoreactivity was significantly higher in hemangiosarcomas (median, 53.80%; IQR, 0-69.50%) than in hemangiomas (median, 0%; IQR, 0.0%) (p <.001). Positive correlation of the overexpression of p53 and phospho-p53 Serine392 with mitotic count and Ki-67 index was found in the cutaneous vascular tumours (p <.001). The Ki-67 index of the hemangiomas (median, 0.50%; IQR, 0-2.80%) was significantly lower than that of the hemangiosarcomas (median, 34.85%; IQR, 23.88-42.33%) (p <.001), and that specifically of well-differentiated hemangiosarcomas (median, 24.60%; IQR, 15.45-39.35%) (p =.001). Immunolabeling of 18 visceral hemangiosarcomas showed that the p53 (median, 41.59%; IQR, 26.89-64.87%) and phospho-p53 Serine392 (median, 0%; IQR, 0-22.53%) indexes were significantly lower than those of skin (p =.001; p =.006, respectively). Conclusions: The p53 and phospho-p53 Serine392overexpression together with high proliferative activity in hemangiosarcomas versus hemangiomas indicated that p53 might play a role in the acquisition of malignant phenotypes in cutaneous endothelial neoplasms in dogs. The Ki-67 index may be useful in distinguishing canine well-differentiated hemangiosarcomas from hemangiomasS

    Goats Naturally Infected with the Spanish Goat Encephalitis Virus (SGEV): Pathological Features and An Outbreak

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    [EN] In autumn 2011, a disease outbreak caused by Spanish goat encephalitis virus (SGEV) was reported in a herd of goats from Asturias (north-western Spain), expanding the known geographic distribution of tick-borne encephalitis in Europe. The virus was classified as a new subtype (subspecies) within the Louping-ill virus species of the mammalian tick-borne flavivirus group. The aims of the present study were to describe the pathology in goats naturally infected with SGEV, as well as discuss the pathogenesis of the disease in that outbreak. A total of 22/85 (25.88%) goats (20 adults and 2 kids) died between October 2011 and June 2012, showing neurological clinical signs. Over three years, the mortality rate in the herd reached 100%. Neuropathological lesions caused by SGEV were severe and widespread throughout the central nervous system but were more severe and numerous in the proximal cervical spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons and cerebellar cortex. They consisted of neuron necrosis, neuronophagia, mononuclear inflammatory cell perivascular cuffs (lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages) and gliosis. The distribution of viral antigens was restricted to the cytoplasm of neurons in several brain areas but not associated with inflammatory foci nor inflammatory cells. SGEV should be considered a significant pathogen of goats that results in severe neurological clinical disease and high mortality.SIThis work was partially funded by the Principality of Asturias (PCTI 2021–2023, GRUPIN: IDI-2021-000102) and European Regional Development Fun

    The patient with Austrian syndrome: regarding a case

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    En la actualidad, la endocarditis infecciosa es una enfermedad poco frecuente, con una incidencia estimada entre 3,1 y 3,7 episodios cada 100.000 habitantes/año. Pese a los progresos en el tratamiento médico-quirúrgico, la mortalidad hospitalaria de los pacientes con endocarditis es alta. La endocarditis infecciosa es un proceso que se debe a una infección microbiana localizada en el endocardio. La zona afectada con más frecuencia es la superficie de las válvulas y, en la mayor parte de los casos, es de origen bacteriano. Un tipo de endocarditis es el denominado síndrome de Austrian, esta afección tiene un mecanismo diferente a otros tipos de endocarditis y destaca por la agresividad con la que se destruye la región valvular izquierda del corazón. El nombre que da título al caso se debe al médico que publicó la triada de neumonía, endocarditis y meningitis neumocócica. Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 68 años diagnosticada de síndrome de Austrian que ingresó en una Unidad de Cuidados Críticos Cardiológicos con gran inestabilidad hemodinámica, sedoanalgesiada y en tratamiento con ventilación mecánica por una insuficiencia respiratoria. Dada la gravedad del caso está justificado establecer un plan de cuidados basado en el modelo bifocal de Carpenito para resolver las necesidades de salud reales y potenciales en un paciente diagnosticado de síndrome de Austrian, apoyándonos en la taxonomía North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, así como en la Nursing Outcomes Classification y Nursing Interventions Classification para delimitar objetivos e intervenciones enfermeras, respectivamente.Infective endocarditis is currently an uncommon disease, with an estimated incidence of between 3.1 and 3.7 episodes per 100,000 inhabitants/year. Despite the progress in medical-surgical treatment, hospital mortality of patients with endocarditis is high. Infective endocarditis is a process that is due to a microbial infection localized in the endocardium. The area most often affected is the surface of the valves and in most cases it has a bacterial origin. A type of endocarditis is the so-called Austrian syndrome; this condition has a different mechanism from other types of endocarditis and stands out for the aggressiveness with which the left valvular region of the heart is destroyed. The name that entitles the case is due to the doctor who published the triad of pneumonia, endocarditis and pneumococcal meningitis. We present the case of a 68-year-old woman, diagnosed with Austrian syndrome, who was admitted into a Cardiac Intensive Care Unit with a serious hemodynamic instability, under sedation and analgesia and on treatment with mechanical ventilation due to respiratory failure. Considering the seriousness of the case, there is a justification for establishing a care plan based on Carpenito?s bifocal model so as to meet the real and potential health needs in a patient diagnosed with Austrian Syndrome, relying on the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association taxonomy, as well as on the Nursing Outcomes Classification and the Nursing Interventions Classification, in order to define objectives and nursing interventions, respectively

    Miositis necrotizante autoinmune y dermatomiositis por estatinas: un diagnóstico diferencial complejo

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    Treatment with statins can induce muscle toxicity relatively frequently. With a lower incidence, statins can lead to an autoimmune necrotizing myopathy or dermatomyositis, myopathies which can potentially be severe with clinical, analytical and histological features. We present the case of a middle-aged woman who, after starting treatment with atorvastatin, presents an inflammatory myopathy, difficult to fit into a subtype, with skin lesions suggestive of dermatomyositis, however, histologically compatible with a necrotizing myopathy caused by statins.El tratamiento con estatinas puede inducir toxicidad muscular con relativa frecuencia. Con una menor incidencia, también puede provocar una miopatía necrotizante autoinmune o una dermatomiositis, miopatías potencialmente graves con una presentación clínica, analítica e histológica características. El diagnóstico diferencial entre ambas patologías no siembre es fácil. Se expone el caso de una mujer de edad media que, tras iniciar tratamiento con atorvastatina, presenta un cuadro inequívoco de miopatía inflamatoria, pero difícil de encuadrar en un subtipo, con lesiones cutáneas a favor de dermatomiositis, sin embargo, histológicamente compatible con una miopatía necrotizante por estatinas