1,474 research outputs found

    Nota sobre la recuperación del pensamiento colonial venezolano

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    La cosmografía de suárez de urbina

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    En 1755, Antonio José Suárez de Urbina comenzaba a explicar en la Universidad de Santa Rosa, en Caracas, un Curso de Filosofía. Del estudio del manuscrito se desprende que Suárez de Urbina privilegió en su Cátedra a la Physica, por sobre las demás partes de la Filosofía; y, como su Apéndice, la Meteorologia. El presente trabajo presenta un estudio sobre algunos aspectos de ésta, fundamentales para vislumbrar hasta qué punto el autor y, por tanto y en general, la intelectualidad caraqueña estaban abiertos a las innovaciones filosóficas de aquella época.In 1755, Antonio José Suárez de Urbina started to teach a Philosophy course at Universidad de Santa Rosa, in Caracas. From studying the manuscript, we can see that Suárez de Urbina gave privilege to the Physica over all other parts of Philosophy in his class; and since its appendix, the Meteorology. This paper presents a study on sorne aspects of the latter, pivotal to see to what point were the author, and therefore caraquenean thinkers, open to philosophic innovations from that time

    Circulus pendens ante tabermam

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    The use of the circle to signify wine was common medieval logicians. The author of this article studies the true sense in which those masters used it, making use of literature and the work of great logicians, such as Albert of Saxony and William of Ockham, to do so

    Analysis of professionals and family foster care on advantages and difficulties of visits between foster children and their biological families

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    Contact between a foster child and birth parents play an important role in relation to the foster child’s wellbeing. The main aim of this study is to give voice to social workers and foster families about contact visits. This research is part of a project financed by the regional government of Andalusia (Spain) (SEJ-7106) regarding contact visits in foster care. Two focus groups were organized, one with 8 social workers from four foster care agencies and another with 8 foster carers (4 were recruited through the Association of Foster Families in Andalusia and 4 through fostering agencies). Access to foster care agencies and foster families was obtained through the official Andalusian Child Protective Services (SPM). The focal groups were audio-recorded. Transcripts (of the two focus groups gave rise to primary documents for the hermeneutic unit under study. All this information was exported from an Excel database to the ATLAS.ti v7.0 software. The transcripts were examined using an inductive method of open coding in order to identify themes among participants’ responses. Results show that both groups agreed on the utility of visits to maintain the children’s attachment to their birth family, to bring a greater sense of continuity to the children’s life story, to enhance the psychological wellbeing of the foster children and to know the real situation of their birth family. In relation to the difficulties remarked in the course of the visits, one of the issues mentioned by both groups refers to a lack in the coordination among the social workers, the SPM and the foster families involved. The other issue brings together several complaints to the SPM, such as the fact of not providing information about taking decisions regarding the future of the child; the lack of support and preparation of the foster carers, the children and the birth families about visits; as well as the shortage of social workers and economic aids provided by the SPM. The conclusions of this study highlight the need to improve contact visits by developing intervention strategies targeted at all those involved (foster children, family foster care, birth family and social workers). These findings have important implications for practice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dynamic Daylight Metrics for Electricity Savings in Offices: Window Size and Climate Smart Lighting Management

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    Daylight performance metrics provide a promising approach for the design and optimization of lighting strategies in buildings and their management. Smart controls for electric lighting can reduce power consumption and promote visual comfort using different control strategies, based on affordable technologies and low building impact. The aim of this research is to assess the energy efficiency of these smart controls by means of dynamic daylight performance metrics, to determine suitable solutions based on the geometry of the architecture and the weather conditions. The analysis considers different room dimensions, with variable window size and two mean surface reflectance values. DaySim 3.1 lighting software provides the simulations for the study, determining the necessary quantification of dynamic metrics to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed smart controls and their impact on energy efficiency. The validation of dynamic metrics is carried out by monitoring a mesh of illuminance-meters in test cells throughout one year. The results showed that, for most rooms more than 3.00 m deep, smart controls achieve worthwhile energy savings and a low payback period, regardless of weather conditions and for worst-case situations. It is also concluded that dimming systems provide a higher net present value and allow the use of smaller window size than other control solutions

    Fundamentos para una interpretación alternativa de la cláusula del interviniente según la teoría de los delitos especiales

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    This article criticizes the valid jurisprudential thesis on the inter­vener provided in the final paragraph of article 30 of the Colombian Criminal Code, according to which the figure applies to the co-author of special crime without qualification, based on the theory of participation of extranei subjects in special crimes. According to this conception, it can only be an author who has the special quality required in the criminal type, without it being coming to resort to the domain of the fact, to substantiate the punishment as an intervener of the foreign co-author. For this purpose, a bibliographic review of the status of the matter in relation to the special crimes is carried out, the position of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice is studied, and, in the end, an interpretation of the scope of the intervener is suggested.El presente artículo critica la tesis jurisprudencial vigente sobre el interviniente, prevista en el inciso final del artículo 30 del Código Penal colombiano, según la cual la figura se aplica para el coautor de delito espe­cial sin cualificación, con base en la teoría de la participación de los sujetos extranei en los delitos especiales. Según esta concepción, solamente puede ser autor quien ostente la calidad especial exigida en el tipo penal, sin que sea viable recurrir al dominio del hecho, para fundamentar la punibilidad como interviniente del coautor extraño. Para tal efecto, se realiza una revisión biblio­gráfica del estado de la cuestión en materia de delitos especiales, se estudia la posición de la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, y, al final, se sugiere una interpretación del ámbito de aplicación del interviniente

    Foucault y la voluntad de verdad. Elementos para un análisis del binomio saber-poder en la Dogmática jurídico-penal

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    Based on Michel Foucault’s thought, a French philosopher, this article examines the relationship between knowledge and power with all its implications in the field of crime theory. For this, the paper reviews the historical evolution of the discipline, identifying some key moments that lead to questioning its supposed axiological neutrality and the utility of this kind of research. According to genealogy, it is proposed to affirm the need to construct a criminal dogmatic following the founding principles and values of the liberal, social and democratic state model of law.A partir del pensamiento del filósofo francés Michel Foucault, el presente artículo examina la posibilidad de analizar las relaciones entre el saber y el poder con todas sus implicaciones en el campo de la teoría del delito. Para ello, se revisa la evolución histórica de la disciplina, identificando en ella algunos momentos claves que llevan a cuestionar su supuesta neutralidad axiológica y se propone la utilidad de esta clase de investigaciones basadas en la genealogía, para afirmar la necesidad de construir una dogmática penal acorde con los principios y valores fundantes del modelo de Estado liberal, social y democrático de derecho

    Thoughts on relations between what is factual and what is normative in the theory of crime

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    Las divergencias teóricas que se han suscitado entre los diferentes esquemas del delito han estado condicionadas por paradigmas epistemológicos distintos; de tal forma que es posible predicar una honda y abismal diferencia entre los esquemas de base ontologicista y el esquema funcional actual fundado en el normativismo. Empero, antes de la formulación explicita del nuevo paradigma existía ya una tendencia hacia la normativización. Lo cierto es que no es posible propender por una dogmática jurídico penal que prescinda totalmente de la realidad fáctica, ya que, desde el punto de vista de la teoría de la imputación objetiva, la causalidad, relación a la cual se le aplican los criterios normativos del derecho penal y de la sociedad, constituye un requisito indispensable para la determinación de la tipicidad en los delitos de resultado.The theoretical divergences that have been provoked between the different schemes from the crime have been conditional by different epistemologic paradigms; consequently, it is posible to preach a deep and abysmal difference between schemes of ontologicist base and the present functional scheme founded on the normativism. However, before the formulation of the new paradigm already existed a tendency towards the normativization. Certainly, it is not possible to advocate by a dogmatic of criminal law that disregard absolutely of the factual reality, since, from the point of view of the theory of the objective imputation, the causality, relation to which normative criteria of the criminal law and the society are applied to him, it is a fundamental requirement for the determination of the tipicity in the result crimes