148 research outputs found

    Coherently manipulating flying qubits in a quantum wire with a magnetic impurity

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    e study the effect of a magnetic impurity with spin-half on a single propagating electron in a one-dimensional model system via the tight-binding approach. Due to the spin-dependent interaction, the scattering channel for the flying qubit is split, and its transmission spectrum is obtained. It is found that, the spin orientation of the impurity plays the role as a spin state filter for a flying qubit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Estudio de una microrred eléctrica y análisis de su interacción con la red principal

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha analizado una de las formas de gestión y autoconsumo más innovadoras. El objeto de estudio ha sido analizar la operación de una microrred eléctrica, en la que participarán diferentes usuarios de consumo, generación con fuentes renovables y almacenamiento en baterías, todo ello conectado a la red eléctrica principal en un único punto. Se ha llevado a cabo la implementación de un programa que calcule la microrred y además una programación de la batería de forma que sean cuales sean los datos de generación y consumo en ese instante, la batería se cargue o descargue en función de ellos. Es decir, siempre que la batería esté por encima del 20% de estado de carga (SOC) y se demande energía, la batería aportará esta energía en lugar de que sea aportada por la red. O en otras palabras, solo se demandará energía eléctrica de la red principal cuando ni la generación ni las baterías puedan aportar la energía demandada por las cargas

    Digital twin in virtual reality for human-vehicle interactions in the context of autonomous driving

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    This paper presents the results of tests of interactions between real humans and simulated vehicles in a virtual scenario. Human activity is inserted into the virtual world via a virtual reality interface for pedestrians. The autonomous vehicle is equipped with a virtual Human-Machine interface (HMI) and drives through the digital twin of a real crosswalk. The HMI was combined with gentle and aggressive braking maneuvers when the pedestrian intended to cross. The results of the interactions were obtained through questionnaires and measurable variables such as the distance to the vehicle when the pedestrian initiated the crossing action. The questionnaires show that pedestrians feel safer whenever HMI is activated and that varying the braking maneuver does not influence their perception of danger as much, while the measurable variables show that both HMI activation and the gentle braking maneuver cause the pedestrian to cross earlier.Comment: 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 202

    Routing Topologies of Wireless Sensor Networks for Health Monitoring of a Cultural Heritage Site

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    This paper provides a performance evaluation of tree and mesh routing topologies of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a cultural heritage site. The historical site selected was San Juan Bautista church in Talamanca de Jarama (Madrid, Spain). We report the preliminary analysis required to study the effects of heating in this historical location using WSNs to monitor the temperature and humidity conditions during periods of weeks. To test which routing topology was better for this kind of application, the WSNs were first deployed on the upper floor of the CAEND institute in Arganda del Rey simulating the church deployment, but in the former scenario there was no direct line of sight between the WSN elements. Two parameters were selected to evaluate the performance of the routing topologies of WSNs: the percentage of received messages and the lifetime of the wireless sensor network. To analyze in more detail which topology gave the best performance, other communication parameters were also measured. The tree topology used was the collection tree protocol and the mesh topology was the XMESH provided by MEMSIC (Andover, MA, USA). For the scenarios presented in this paper, it can be concluded that the tree topology lost fewer messages than the mesh topology.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness supported this research under grant numbers BIA2009-14395-C04-01 and TEC2012-38402-C04-03. The present study was also funded under project CGL2010-19554. S. Aparicio benefited from funding provided by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through its Post-graduate Studies Council’s post-doctoral specialisation programme (JAE-Doc). Researcher Martínez-Garrido’s was supported by an International Programme for Recruiting Talent (PICATA) predoctoral fellowship awarded by the Moncloa Campus of International Excellence (UPM-UCM, CSIC). J. Ranz benefited from a FPI grant BES-2010-038826 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI

    DNA catabolites in triathletes: effects of supplementation with an aronia–citrus juice (polyphenols-rich juice)

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    In this study we analyzed whether our aronia–citrus juice (ACJ, the composition is based on a mixture of 95% citrus juice with 5% of Aronia melanocarpa juice), rich in polyphenols, and physical exercise had an effect on seven catabolites of DNA identified in plasma and on a urine isoprostane (8-iso-PGF2α). Sixteen elite triathletes on a controlled diet for triathlon training (45 days) were used in this clinical trial. Our results show a decrease in the 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine concentration due to chronic physical exercise. The ACJ intake and physical exercise maintained the guanosine-3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate plasmatic concentrations and decreased the concentration of 8-hydroxyguanine as well as urinary values of 8-iso-PGF2α. Finally, we observed a significant increase in the 8-nitroguanosine levels in triathletes after ACJ intake, compared to the placebo stage. It is concluded that the combination of the intake of ACJ, rich in polyphenolic compounds, with adequate training was able to influence the plasmatic and urinary values of oxidative stress biomarkers. This suggests a positive effect on the oxidative damage and potential associations with DNA repair mechanisms.LAGF was awarded a pre-doctoral FPI fellowship (BES2012-060185) by the Spanish government. This study was supported by the project AGL2011-23690 (CICYT) (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). This work has been partially funded by the “Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia” Grupo de Excelencia 19900/GERM/15

    Active life style at later pregnancy and its influence on perceived mental health: the PregnActive projec

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    El objetivo del estudio es analizar el efecto de un estilo de vida activo sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y los síntomas psicológicos percibidos en la etapa final del embarazo. Noventa y cinco mujeres embarazadas fueron categorizadas en función del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad física, medida objetivamente mediante un monitor metabólico multisensor, y la percepción de síntomas psicológicos del embarazo, medidos con el Cuestionario de Síntomas del Embarazo. Se analizaron las relaciones entre la actividad física y la percepción de síntomas psicológicos con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, medida a través del SF-36. El grupo de embarazadas activas presentó una puntuación media superior estadísticamente significativa en el sumario y tres dominios del componente mental del SF-36 y una menor limitación percibida estadísticamente significativa en los síntomas de sentimientos depresivos y ansiedad. Una mayor frecuencia percibida de síntomas psicológicos conlleva una peor percepción del componente mental de la calidad de vida. Un estilo de vida activo en la etapa final del embarazo tiene un efecto positivo sobre la percepción de la limitación producida por los síntomas psicológicos del embarazo y el componente mental de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud.The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of active lifestyle on health-related quality of life and psychological symptoms perceived at later pregnancy. Ninety five pregnant women were categorized by the fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, objectively measured by multi-sensor metabolic monitor, and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception, measured by Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory. Relationship between physical activity and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception and health-related quality of life, measured by SF-36, were measured. Active group of pregnant women showed statistically significant higher mean scores of summary and three domains of mental component of SF-36, and statistically lower perceived limitation of feeling depressed and anxiety. A higher perception of frequency of psychological symptoms implies a worse perception of mental component of health-related quality of life. An active lifestyle at later pregnancy has a positive effect on perceived limitation of psychological pregnancy symptoms and mental component of health-related quality of life.Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España CTS-948Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España) FPU13/0513

    Estilo de vida activo en la etapa final de embarazo y su influencia en la salud mental percibida: the PregnActive project

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of active lifestyle on health-related quality of life and psychological symptoms perceived at later pregnancy. Ninety five pregnant women were categorized by the fulfillment of physical activity recommendations, objectively measured by multi-sensor metabolic monitor, and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception, measured by Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory. Relationship between physical activity and psychological pregnancy symptoms perception and health-related quality of life, measured by SF-36, were measured. Active group of pregnant women showed statistically significant higher mean scores of summary and three domains of mental component of SF-36, and statistically lower perceived limitation of feeling depressed and anxiety. A higher perception of frequency of psychological symptoms implies a worse perception of mental component of health-related quality of life. An active lifestyle at later pregnancy has a positive effect on perceived limitation of psychological pregnancy symptoms and mental component of health-related quality of life.El objetivo del estudio es analizar el efecto de un estilo de vida activo sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y los síntomas psicológicos percibidos en la etapa final del embarazo. Noventa y cinco mujeres embarazadas fueron categorizadas en función del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de actividad física, medida objetivamente mediante un monitor metabólico multisensor, y la percepción de síntomas psicológicos del embarazo, medidos con el Cuestionario de Síntomas del Embarazo. Se analizaron las relaciones entre la actividad física y la percepción de síntomas psicológicos con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, medida a través del SF-36. El grupo de embarazadas activas presentó una puntuación media superior estadísticamente significativa en el sumario y tres dominios del componente mental del SF-36 y una menor limitación percibida estadísticamente significativa en los síntomas de sentimientos depresivos y ansiedad. Una mayor frecuencia percibida de síntomas psicológicos conlleva una peor percepción del componente mental de la calidad de vida. Un estilo de vida activo en la etapa final del embarazo tiene un efecto positivo sobre la percepción de la limitación producida por los síntomas psicológicos del embarazo y el componente mental de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud

    Active lifestyle as a coadjuvant therapy in the treatment of patients with severe mental illness: The PsychiActive project

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    El objetivo fue investigar si existen diferencias en calidad de vida y parámetros de salud entre pacientes con esquizofrenia que cumplen e incumplen las recomendaciones de actividad física para la salud. 95 pacientes con esquizofrenia (edad 40.8±9.1 años, 82% hombres, duración de la enfermedad 17.1±8.8 años) fueron clasificados en físicamente activos e inactivos de acuerdo al cuestionario Brief Physical Activity Assessment Tool. Índice de masa corporal, medicación antipsicótica, severidad de la sintomatología psiquiátrica (Brief Symptoms Inventory-18), función cardiorrespiratoria (test de los 6 minutos caminando) y calidad de vida (Short Form 36-Item Health Survey versión 2) también fueron evaluadas. Diferencias entre grupos se calcularon usando los tests Chi-square, Student-t y Mann–Whitney U y las relaciones entre actividad física, calidad de vida y parámetros de salud mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los pacientes activos tuvieron significativamente menor severidad de los síntomas psiquiátricos (P < 0.05) y todas las puntuaciones de calidad de vida fueron clínicamente mejores comparado con los inactivos. La frecuencia de actividad vigorosa, moderada y la combinación de frecuencia de ambas se asociaron, respectivamente, a edad, puntuación en el componente mental y función cardiorrespiratoria (todas P < 0.05), además de otros parámetros. Los resultados afirman que la actividad física debería ser una importante terapia coadyuvante en el tratamiento habitual de pacientes con esquizofrenia.The aim was to investigate differences in related to quality of life and health outcomes exist between patients with severe mental illness who meet and not meet physical activity recommendations for health. Ninety-five outpatients with schizophrenia (aged 40.8±9.1 years, 82% men, illness duration 17.1±8.8 years) were classified as physically active and inactive according to the Brief Physical Activity Assessment Tool. Body mass index, antipsychotic medication, severity of psychiatric symptoms (Brief Symptoms Inventory-18), cardiorespiratory function (6-minute walking test) and quality of life (Short Form 36-Item Health Survey questionnaire version 2) were also assessed. Differences between groups were established using Chi-square, Student-t, and Mann–Whitney U tests and relationships between physical activity, quality of life, and health outcomes according to Spearman correlation coefficient. Active patients had significantly lower severity of psychiatric symptoms (P <0.05) and all scores of quality of life were clinically better in comparison with inactive patients. Frequency of vigorous, moderate and combination of both were, respectively, related to age, mental component score and cardiorespiratory function (all P < 0.05), in addition to other outcomes. The results suggest that physical activity should be an important coadjuvant therapy in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia.Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España CTS-948Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España) FPU13/0513

    Estilo de vida activo como terapia coadyuvante en pacientes con trastorno mental grave: the Psychiactive Project

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    The aim was to investigate differences in related to quality of life and health outcomes exist between patients with severe mental illness who meet and not meet physical activity recommendations for health. Ninety-five outpatients with schizophrenia (aged 40.8±9.1 years, 82% men, illness duration 17.1±8.8 years) were classified as physically active and inactive according to the Brief Physical Activity Assessment Tool. Body mass index, antipsychotic medication, severity of psychiatric symptoms (Brief Symptoms Inventory-18), cardiorespiratory function (6-minute walking test) and quality of life (Short Form 36-Item Health Survey questionnaire version 2) were also assessed. Differences between groups were established using Chi-square, Student-t, and Mann–Whitney U tests and relationships between physical activity, quality of life, and health outcomes according to Spearman correlation coefficient. Active patients had significantly lower severity of psychiatric symptoms (Pgreater than 0.05) and all scores of quality of life were clinically better in comparison with inactive patients. Frequency of vigorous, moderate and combination of both were, respectively, related to age, mental component score and cardiorespiratory function (all P greater than 0.05), in addition to other outcomes. The results suggest that physical activity should be an important coadjuvant therapy in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia.El objetivo fue investigar si existen diferencias en calidad de vida y parámetros de salud entre pacientes con esquizofrenia que cumplen e incumplen las recomendaciones de actividad física para la salud. 95 pacientes con esquizofrenia (edad 40.8±9.1 años, 82% hombres, duración de la enfermedad 17.1±8.8 años) fueron clasificados en físicamente activos e inactivos de acuerdo al cuestionario Brief Physical Activity Assessment Tool. Índice de masa corporal, medicación antipsicótica, severidad de la sintomatología psiquiátrica (Brief Symptoms Inventory-18), función cardiorrespiratoria (test de los 6 minutos caminando) y calidad de vida (Short Form 36-Item Health Survey versión 2) también fueron evaluadas. Diferencias entre grupos se calcularon usando los tests Chi-square, Student-t y Mann–Whitney U y las relaciones entre actividad física, calidad de vida y parámetros de salud mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Los pacientes activos tuvieron significativamente menor severidad de los síntomas psiquiátricos (P mayor que 0.05) y todas las puntuaciones de calidad de vida fueron clínicamente mejores comparado con los inactivos. La frecuencia de actividad vigorosa, moderada y la combinación de frecuencia de ambas se asociaron, respectivamente, a edad, puntuación en el componente mental y función cardiorrespiratoria (todas P mayor que 0.05), además de otros parámetros. Los resultados afirman que la actividad física debería ser una importante terapia coadyuvante en el tratamiento habitual de pacientes con esquizofreni

    Derivation and validation of a blood biomarker score for 2-day mortality prediction from prehospital care: a multicenter, cohort, EMS-based study

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    Producción CientíficaIdentifying potentially life-threatening diseases is a key challenge for emergency medical services. This study aims at examining the role of different prehospital biomarkers from point-of-care testing to derive and validate a score to detect 2-day in-hospital mortality. We conducted a prospective, observational, prehospital, ongoing, and derivation—validation study in three Spanish provinces, in adults evacuated by ambulance and admitted to the emergency department. A total of 23 ambulance-based biomarkers were collected from each patient. A biomarker score based on logistic regression was fitted to predict 2-day mortality from an optimum subset of variables from prehospital blood analysis, obtained through an automated feature selection stage. 2806 cases were analyzed, with a median age of 68 (interquartile range 51–81), 42.3% of women, and a 2-day mortality rate of 5.5% (154 non-survivors). The blood biomarker score was constituted by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, lactate, and creatinine. The score fitted with logistic regression using these biomarkers reached a high performance to predict 2-day mortality, with an AUC of 0.933 (95% CI 0.841–0.973). The following risk levels for 2-day mortality were identified from the score: low risk (score < 1), where only 8.2% of non-survivors were assigned to; medium risk (1 ≤ score < 4); and high risk (score ≥ 4), where the 2-day mortality rate was 57.6%. The novel blood biomarker score provides an excellent association with 2-day in-hospital mortality, as well as real-time feedback on the metabolic-respiratory patient status. Thus, this score can help in the decision-making process at critical moments in life-threatening situations.Junta de Castilla y León (Gerencia Regional de Salud - grant number GRS 1903/A/19 and GRS 2131/A/20)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/10.13039/501100011033/’, ERDF A way of making Europe, and Next GenerationEU/PRTR (under projects PID2020-115468RB-I00 and PDC2021-120775-I00)CIBER -Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) (CB19/01/00012)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL