2,319 research outputs found

    Demo 33. Inducción electromagnética y el transformador

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    Objetivo: 1.- Observar fenómenos de inducción mediante elementos móviles. 2.- Observar fenómenos de inducción mediante corrientes variables con el tiempo. 3.- Establecer la estructura de un transformador de eléctrico

    Importancia de la comunicación en salud: adherencia al tratamiento

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: la adherencia se ha definido como el contexto en el cual el comportamiento de la persona coincide con las recomendaciones relacionadas con la salud e incluyen la capacidad del paciente para: asistir a consultas programadas; tomar los medicamentos como se prescribieron; realizar los cambios de estilo de vida recomendados; Completar los análisis o pruebas solicitadas. Objetivos: abordaje de las dificultades para el cumplimiento del tratamiento; riesgos de la no adherencia; dar apoyo psicológico. Metodología: revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos; realización de sesiones clínicas a los pacientes (Información efectiva. Comunicación asertiva). Resultados y conclusiones: han pasado más de treinta años y la no adherencia al tratamiento se mantiene en cifras preocupantes 59% al igual que las hospitalizaciones derivadas del incumplimiento que son de un 69%. Según se refleja en diversos estudios. La naturaleza compleja de la adherencia al tratamiento requiere una solución multifactorial, definida en el tiempo y con la participación activa de todos los miembros del equipo de atención en salud, esto en la práctica puede ser de difícil ejecución, por ello cada profesional debe concienciarse de la importancia del tema

    Demo 25. Movimiento de electrones en campos E y B: el ciclotrón

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    Objetivo:1.- Observar el proceso de generación de cargas libres. 2.- Observar el movimiento de cargas en campos eléctricos y magnéticos. Estudio experimental del movimiento de electrones en un campo magnético uniforme. Demostración de la Fuerza de Lorentz sobre electrones mediante la observación y medida de la trayectoria circular generada en un campo magnético uniforme, habiendo acelerado previamente los electrones con un campo eléctrico. Medida de la relación carga/masa de los electrones

    Influence of starch source in the required hydrolysis time for the production of maltodextrins with different dextrose equivalent

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    The starches were statistically different (p < 0.05) in their protein, ash, fat, phosphorus, amylose and amylopectin content. The amylose/amylopectin ratios in corn, potato and rice starches were 0.389, 0.282 and 0.220, respectively. The phosphorus content in the same order of starches was: 0.15 ± 0.01; 0.80 ± 0.02 and 0.95 ± 0.02 g/kg, respectively. The chemical composition of the different starches, and specifically its amylose and amylopectin content, its phosphorus content and the way it is bound to the starch molecule, affect the functional properties like the viscosity of gels and the enzymatic hydrolysis rate of these molecules. The rice starch is easily hydrolyzed by the á-amylase enzyme from Aspergillus oryzae and therefore, it required less time to obtain maltodextrin by enzymatic hydrolysis from rice starch compared with those from corn or potato starch. Under saturation conditions of the enzyme, the dextrose equivalent content was proportional to the hydrolysis time, regardless of the starting starch source.Key words: Starch, maltodextrins, dextrose equivalent, amylose, amylopectin

    Analysis of Research Topics and Scientific Collaborations in Energy Saving Using Bibliometric Techniques and Community Detection

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    Concern about everything related to energy is increasingly latent in the world and therefore the use of energy saving concepts has been increasing over the past several years. The interest in the subject has allowed a conceptual evolution in the scientific community regarding the understanding of the adequate use of energy. The objective of this work is to determine the contribution made by international institutions to the specialized publications in the area of energy-saving from 1939 to 2018, using Scopus Database API Interface. The methodology followed in this research was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the whole scientific production indexed in Scopus. The world’s scientific production has been analysed in the following domains: First the trend over time, types of publications and countries, second, the main subjects and keywords, third, main institutions and their main topics, and fourth, the main journals and proceedings that publish on this topic. Then, these data are presented using community detection algorithms and graph visualization software. With these techniques, it is possible to determine the main areas of research activity as well as to identify the structures of the collaboration network in the field of renewable energy. The results of the work show that the literature in this field have substantially increased during the last 10 years

    Reformulating Pro-Oxidant Microglia in Neurodegeneration

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    In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia-mediated neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are central events. Recent genome-wide transcriptomic analyses of microglial cells under different disease conditions have uncovered a new subpopulation named disease-associated microglia (DAM). These studies have challenged the classical view of the microglia polarization state's proinflammatory M1 (classical activation) and immunosuppressive M2 (alternative activation). Molecular signatures of DAM and proinflammatory microglia (highly pro-oxidant) have shown clear differences, yet a partial overlapping gene profile is evident between both phenotypes. The switch activation of homeostatic microglia into reactive microglia relies on the selective activation of key surface receptors involved in the maintenance of brain homeostasis (a.k.a. pattern recognition receptors, PRRs). Two relevant PRRs are toll-like receptors (TLRs) and triggering receptors expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2), whose selective activation is believed to generate either a proinflammatory or a DAM phenotype, respectively. However, the recent identification of endogenous disease-related ligands, which bind to and activate both TLRs and TREM2, anticipates the existence of rather complex microglia responses. Examples of potential endogenous dual ligands include amyloid β, galectin-3, and apolipoprotein E. These pleiotropic ligands induce a microglia polarization that is more complicated than initially expected, suggesting the possibility that different microglia subtypes may coexist. This review highlights the main microglia polarization states under disease conditions and their leading role orchestrating oxidative stress

    Study of the Microstructure Evolution of Low-pH Cements Based on Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Mid- and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, and Their Influence on Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement

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    Low-pH cements are designed to be used in underground repositories for high level waste. When they are based on Ordinary Portland Cements (OPC), high mineral admixture contents must be used which significantly modify their microstructure properties and performance. This paper evaluates the microstructure evolution of low-pH cement pastes based on OPC plus silica fume and/or fly ashes, using Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared spectroscopy to detect cement pastes mainly composed of high polymerized C-A-S-H gels with low C/S ratios. In addition, the lower pore solution pH of these special cementitious materials have been monitored with embedded metallic sensors. Besides, as the use of reinforced concrete can be required in underground repositories, the influence of low-pH cementitious materials on steel reinforcement corrosion was analysed. Due to their lower pore solution pH and their different pore solution chemical composition a clear influence on steel reinforcement corrosion was detecte

    Development and validation of a radial turbine efficiency and mass flow model at design and off-design conditions

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    Turbine performance at extreme off-design conditions is growing in importance for properly computing turbocharged reciprocating internal combustion engines behaviour during urban driving conditions at current and future homologation cycles. In these cases, the turbine operates at very low flow rates and power outputs and at very high blade to jet speed ratios during transitory periods due to turbocharger wheel inertia and the high pulsation level of engine exhaust flow. This paper presents a physically based method that is able to extrapolate radial turbines reduced mass flow and adiabatic efficiency in blade speed ratio, turbine rotational speed and stator vanes position. The model uses a very narrow range of experimental data from turbine maps to fit the necessary coefficients. By using a special experimental turbocharger gas stand, experimental data have been obtained for extremely low turbine power outputs for the sake of model validation. Even if the data used for fitting only covers the turbine normal operation zone, the extrapolation model provides very good agreement with the experiments at very high blade speed ratio points; producing also good results when extrapolating in rotational speed and stator vanes position.The authors of this paper wish to thank M.A. Ortiz for his invaluable help during the experimental setup and to Arnau Blasco for his hard data fitting work. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grant No. TRA2013-40853-R.Serrano Cruz, JR.; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; García-Cuevas González, LM.; Dombrovsky, A.; Tartoussi, H. (2016). Development and validation of a radial turbine efficiency and mass flow model at design and off-design conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 128:281-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.09.032S28129312