264 research outputs found

    Cultural Preservation of Ethnomedicine in Peru

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    In conjunction with the Minority Health & Health Disparities International Research Training program at San Diego State University, three Linfield students contributed to the ongoing Peru Ethnomedical Project in Trujillo, Peru by: Conducting surveys in two neighborhoods on the edge of the city; Creating a medicinal plant garden in the Chan Chan archaeological site museum. Surveys conducted in Moche, Trujillo were part of a larger study supervised by anthropologists Douglas Sharon and Thomas Love. The research aims to evaluate the usage of medicinal plants in rural and urban Peruvian communities. Linfield’s contribution focused on the creation of the medicinal garden to serve as a community model and educational program. The overall purpose of the 2015 summer faculty collaborative project was to: Preserve the knowledge of these practices; Analyze the plant properties; Publish the information; Provide the community with a garden that reflects the commonly used plants; Educate new generations; Bring back and apply this knowledge in the Linfield community

    SmartCAMPP - Smartphone-based Continuous Authentication leveraging Motion sensors with Privacy Preservation

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    Continuous Authentication (Ca) Approaches Are Attracting Attention Due To The Explosion Of Available Sensors From Iot Devices Such As Smartphones. However, A Critical Privacy Concern Arises When Ca Data Is Outsourced. Data From Motion Sensors May Reveal Users&#34 Private Issues. Despite The Need For Ca In Smartphones, No Previous Work Has Explored How To Tackle This Matter Leveraging Motion Sensors In A Privacy-Preserving Way. In This Work, A Mechanism Dubbed Smartcampp Is Proposed To Achieve Ca Based On Gyroscope And Accelerometer Data. Format-Preserving Encryption Techniques Are Applied To Privately Outsource Them. Our Results Show The Suitability Of The Proposed Scheme, Featuring Of Accuracy While Taking 5.12 Ms. Of Computation For Authenticating Each User. Interestingly, The Use Of Cryptography Does Not Lead To A Significant Impact As Compared To A Non-Privacy-Preserving MechanismThis work was partially supported by Spanish MINECO, AEI and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through grants TIN2017-84844-C2-1-R (COPCIS) and PID2019-111429RBC21 (ODIO); by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant P2018/TCS-4566-CM (CYNAMON), co-funded with ERDF, and also jointly with Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, grant CAVTIONS-CM-UC3M. Lorena González and José María de Fuentes would like to thank the Excellence Program for University Researchers. Luis Hernández-Álvarez would like to thank CSIC Project 202050E304 (CASDiM)

    Reliability and Validity of the Six Spot Step Test in People with Intellectual Disability

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    [EN] Clinical tests for the evaluation of balance in people with intellectual disability that have been most commonly used depend on the subjective evaluation of the evaluator, easily reach the ceiling effect and are poorly sensitive to small changes; but new tests have been developed, such as the Six Spot Step Test. The aim of this study was to determine the validity and within-day and day-to-day test–retest reliability of the Six Spot Step Test in people with intellectual disability. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 18 people with intellectual disability. The participants conducted the Six Spot Step Test three times and a set of five clinical tests for the balance assessment. The relative reliability was excellent (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) = 0.86 − 0.97), and the absolute reliability ranged between 4.7% and 7.3% for coefficient variation and between 0.6 and 1.2 for the standard error of measurement. Linear regression models showed that that test can explain the results of the Timed Up & Go, Four Square Step Test and the Berg Balance Scale. The Six Spot Step Test proved to be as valid and reliable for the evaluation of dynamic balance in people with intellectual disability as the most frequently used tests for the clinical evaluation of postural control.SIThis research received funding from the VII Research Grant of the Professional College of Physiotherapist of Castilla y León (Spain)

    Physical activity, resilience, sense of coherence and coping in people with multiple sclerosis in the situation derived from COVID-19

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    The confinement forced by COVID-19 can have repercussions on the health of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationships between physical activity, a sense of coherence, resilience and coping among people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis during the health emergency situation. To achieve this goal, this transversal descriptive study included 84 patients that belonged to multiple sclerosis associations during the period of confinement. Participants filled out the Physical Activity (IPAQ-SF), Sense of Coherence (SOC-13), Resilience Scale (ER-14) and coping (COPE-28) questionnaires. The results showed that the average age was 46.9 and that 67.9% had Relapsing Remittent Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed on average 13.9 years ago. They had a high degree (33.3%) and moderate degree (34.5%) of physical activity, high levels of resilience, while the level of a sense of coherence was average and the most commonly used strategies for coping were active confrontation and religion. Physical activity was not related to the rest of the studied variables, but there were correlations between the other variables. The people with multiple sclerosis who belong to patient associations have remained physically active during the obligatory confinement period and have elevated degrees of resilience and an average sense of coherence, as well as using suitable coping strategies, which is why the social-health resource of belonging to a patient association could be boosting these variables that are beneficial to their health.(undefined

    Analysis of Postural Control in Sitting by Pressure Mapping in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury and Friedreich’s Ataxia: A Case Series Study

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    [EN], The postural control assessments in patients with neurological diseases lack reliability and sensitivity to small changes in patient functionality. The appearance of pressure mapping has allowed quantitative evaluation of postural control in sitting. This study was carried out to determine the evaluations in pressure mapping and verifying whether they are different between the three sample groups (multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and Friedreich’s ataxia), and to determine whether the variables extracted from the pressure mapping analysis are more sensitive than functional tests to evaluate the postural trunk control. A case series study was carried out in a sample of 10 adult patients with multiple sclerosis (n = 2), spinal cord injury (n = 4) and Friedreich’s ataxia (n = 4). The tests applied were: pressure mapping, seated Lateral Reach Test, seated Functional Reach Test, Berg Balance Scale, Posture and Postural Ability Scale, Function in Sitting Test, and Trunk Control Test. The participants with Friedreich’s ataxia showed a tendency to present a higher mean pressure on the seat of subject’s wheelchair compared to other groups. In parallel, users with spinal cord injury showed a tendency to present the highest values of maximum pressure and area of contact. People with different neurological pathologies and similar results in functional tests have very different results in the pressure mapping. Although it is not possible to establish a strong statistical correlation, the relationships between the pressure mapping variables and the functional tests seem to be numerous, especially in the multiple sclerosis group.S

    Influence of the teaching program on the learning in knowledge and practice of osteonecrosis of the jaws produced by antireasorptives in dental students of the Principality of Asturias (Spain)

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    This study aims to evaluate the influence of changes in the teaching contents on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw may have on the knowledge and the capacity for practical case resolution about this pathology. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted through a survey divided into four sections: degree of means of knowledge acquisition, habitual practice and ability to solve clinical cases. The total number of respondents (n = 225) was divided into two groups: Group A (Year 2015-2016) and Group B (Year 2016-2017). The students in Group B received more teaching content on the subject than group A. A total of 175 survey responses were collected. The internet was the preferred tool for continuing education in both groups. The best known bisphosphonates (BPs) were Alendronate (Fosamax®: 56.9% Group A, 67.5% Group B) and Zoledronic Acid (Zometa®: 56.9% Group A, 51.8% Group B). A low percentage of students (37.9% Group A, 43.4% Group B) acknowledged the existence of other drugs that could also cause osteonecrosis of the jaws. Regarding the correct resolution of practical cases, the respondents of Group B reached a significantly higher score (5.67) than the score observed in Group A (4.04). Training on medication-related osteonecrosis among dental students is susceptible to improvement. Introducing minor changes in the teachings allows this goal to be successfully achieved

    Transcranial direct current stimulation for post-stroke dysphagia: a meta-analysis

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    [EN] Background: Strokes may cause some swallowing difficulty or associated dysphagia in 25–80% of patients. This phenomenon has been linked to increased morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with dysphagia in post-stroke patients. Methods: A systematic search in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and MEDLINE was conducted. The articles must have to evaluate an intervention that included transcranial direct current stimulation; the sample had to consist exclusively of patients with post-stroke dysphagia; and the experimental design consisted of randomized controlled trial. Difference in mean differences and their 95% confidence interval were calculated as the between-group difference in means divided by the pooled standard deviation. The I2 statistic was used to determine the degree of heterogeneity. Results: Of the 9 investigations analyzed, all applied transcranial direct current stimulation in combination with conventional dysphagia therapy to the experimental group. All the studies analyzed identified improvements in swallowing function and meta-analysis confirmed their strong effect on reducing the risk of penetration and aspiration (Hedges’s g = 0.55). The results showed that participants who received transcranial direct current stimulation significantly improved swallowing function. Conclusions: Transcranial direct current stimulation has positive effects in the treatment of poststroke dysphagia by improving swallowing function, oral and pharyngeal phase times and the risk of penetration and aspiration. Furthermore, its combination with conventional dysphagia therapy, balloon dilatation with catheter or training of the swallowing muscles ensures improvement of swallowing function. PROSPERO registration ID CRD42022314949.S

    Physical Activity, Resilience, Sense of Coherence and Coping in People with Multiple Sclerosis in the Situation Derived from COVID-19

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    The confinement forced by COVID-19 can have repercussions on the health of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationships between physical activity, a sense of coherence, resilience and coping among people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis during the health emergency situation. To achieve this goal, this transversal descriptive study included 84 patients that belonged to multiple sclerosis associations during the period of confinement. Participants filled out the Physical Activity (IPAQ-SF), Sense of Coherence (SOC-13), Resilience Scale (ER-14) and coping (COPE-28) questionnaires. The results showed that the average age was 46.9 and that 67.9% had Relapsing Remittent Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed on average 13.9 years ago. They had a high degree (33.3%) and moderate degree (34.5%) of physical activity, high levels of resilience, while the level of a sense of coherence was average and the most commonly used strategies for coping were active confrontation and religion. Physical activity was not related to the rest of the studied variables, but there were correlations between the other variables. The people with multiple sclerosis who belong to patient associations have remained physically active during the obligatory confinement period and have elevated degrees of resilience and an average sense of coherence, as well as using suitable coping strategies, which is why the social-health resource of belonging to a patient association could be boosting these variables that are beneficial to their health.S

    Nuevas técnicas de evaluación en el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH)

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    Este estudio pretende conocer la evolución general del proceso de diagnóstico y cuál será su futuro inmediato en el TDAH, profundizando en dos nuevas técnicas objetivas como son el EEG y el HEG. En primer lugar se pretende situar las perspectivas futuras en TDAH a corto y medio plazo. Intentando entender la realidad actual y el nuevo espectro de oportunidades que se nos abre en este sentido. En segundo lugar, específicamente se plantea el objetivo de conocer específicamente la técnica de la hemoencefalografía HEG y su antecedente inmediato EEG. Intentando mostrar sus bases biológicas, su utilidad y su accesibilidad en el diagnóstico. Así como también, completándolo con otras medidas relacionadas como puede ser el TOVA test, con una gran eficiencia y fiabilidad en el diagnóstico y seguimiento del TDAH. Todas las aportaciones teóricas, tratan de condensarse en las conclusiones aportando nuevas medidas más objetivas en el diagnóstico del TDAH, así como más sencillas de aplicar. Se discuten las implicaciones educativas de las ideas relatadas

    Lecto-escritura del español como segunda lengua en la educación de niños sordos

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    The present work analyzes the problem in which deaf people are immersed in an oral and literate environment, which is insignificant and often inaccessible due to their visuo-gestural condition. The learning of reading and writing in deaf children has motivated a series of questions associated with the difficulties of comprehension and written expression, the relationship it has with their own sensory limitations and the use of different methods of teaching literacy. The objective of the research is to determine the factors associated with the processes of literacy of Spanish as a second language, in deaf students of Elementary Basic Education. For the execution of this study, an interpretative methodology was used, whose scenario corresponds to a specialized educational unit for deaf children and adolescents. As for the population and sample, it was composed of the students of second, third and fourth grade of Basic General Education and their respective teachers. Among the results, a limited achievement in the acquisition of the management of linguistic skills linked to reading and writing in the Spanish language was evidenced; in addition to lack of motivation for their learning and the use of poorly contextualized strategies for the teaching of a second language. The study concludes with the need for teacher training aimed at employing meaningful techniques and global methods for teaching literacy.El presente trabajo analiza la problemática en la que se encuentran inmersas personas sordas en un ambiente oral y letrado, el cual, es poco significativo y muchas veces inaccesible por su condición viso-gestual. El aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura en niños sordos ha motivado una serie de interrogantes asociadas a las dificultades de comprensión y expresión escrita, la relación que guarda con sus propias limitaciones sensoriales y al uso de distintos métodos de enseñanza de la lectoescritura. El objetivo de la investigación, es determinar los factores asociados a los procesos de lectoescritura del español como segunda lengua, en estudiantes sordos de Educación Básica Elemental. Para la ejecución de este estudio se empleó una metodología interpretativa, cuyo escenario corresponde a una unidad educativa especializada para niños y adolescentes sordos. En cuanto a la población y muestra, estuvo compuesta por los estudiantes de segundo, tercer y cuarto grado de Educación General Básica y sus respectivos maestros. Entre los resultados se evidenció un logro limitado en la adquisición del manejo de habilidades lingüísticas ligadas a la lectura y la escritura en el idioma español; además, de falta de motivación por su aprendizaje y el uso de estrategias poco contextualizadas para la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. El estudio concluye con la necesidad de una capacitación docente encaminada a emplear técnicas significativas y métodos globales para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura