1,658 research outputs found

    Advances in genetic breeding for processing tomatoes

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    de mejora genética en tomate para industria, asistido por marcadores moleculares, con el objetivo principal de generar cultivares autopolinizadas, especialmente orientadas a pequeños productores, como opción al uso de cultivares híbridas, resistentes a nematodos (Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria y M. javanica), peste negra (TSWV) y peca del tomate (Pseudomonas tomato syringae pv. tomato). En el proceso de mejora se siguió el método de retrocruza y selección genealógica. Las determinaciones de marcadores moleculares fueron realizadas por el Laboratorio de Biología Molecular INTA-Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (UNCuyo). Las líneas avanzadas fueron evaluadas en el Programa Tomate 2000, con testigos híbridos difundidos en el gran cultivo. De los materiales evaluados a 2010-11, se han identificado homocigotos para resistencia combinada a nematodos y peste negra; igualmente para nematodos, peste negra y peca del tomate y homocigotos a nematodos, peste negra y peca del tomate. También se han determinado materiales heterocigotos en distintas combinaciones de los genes bajo estudio. Líneas avanzadas del programa de mejora, no arrojaron diferencias significativas con los testigos híbridos, en ensayos comparativos de rendimiento (kg·ha-1). Se analizan recomendaciones de cultivo y destino de los materiales.At the EEA La Consulta, INTA, a molecular assisted breeding program for processing tomatoes started in 2001 with the aim to generate self-pollinated cultivars, specially oriented for small growers. One of the main objectives of breeding program is the introduction of resistance to nematodes (Meloidoyne incognita, M. arenaria y M. javanica), tomato spotted wild virus (TSWV) and, tomato speck (Pseudomonas tomato syringae pv. tomato) as an alternative to use foreign and expensive hybrids cultivars. Breeding lines were obtained by pedigree and backcross selection methods.fake watches Early selection of resistant plants was done using molecular markers linked to nematode and TSWV. Molecular marker determinations were performed by the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the INTA-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (UNCuyo). Advanced breeding lines were tested against commercial hybrids in the Tomato 2000 Program. From all the materials evaluated up to 2010-11,a cartier replica we have identified homozygous lines that combine resistance to nematodes and tomato spotted wilt virus; homozygous lines that combine resistance to nematodes, tomato spotted wilt virus and tomato speck and homozygous lines resistant to nematodes, tomato spotted wilt virus and tomato speck (in separate genotypes). Also, heterozygous lines in different combinations for the genes under study. In comparative trials,fake watches the yiel (kg·ha-1) of the new lines did not have significant differences from controls. Horticultural recommendations are discussed.Fil: Gallardo, G. S.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Cuyo Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina;Fil: Masuelli, Ricardo Williams. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Mendoza. Instituto de Biologia Agricola de Mendoza; Argentina; Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Cuyo Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina;Fil: Ferrer, S,. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Mendoza. Instituto de Biologia Agricola de Mendoza; Argentina; Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Cuyo Mendoza-San Juan. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Consulta; Argentina; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina

    Marketing de contenidos como estrategia digital en redes sociales del Foot Ball Club Melgar, 2019

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    La presente tesis titulada Marketing de contenidos como estrategia digital en redes sociales del Foot Ball Club Melgar, 2019, tuvo como objetivo general describir el marketing de contenidos desarrollado como estrategia digital en las redes sociales de este club de fútbol durante el año 2019. Del mismo modo, presentó cuatro objetivos específicos que fueron desprendidos del objetivo general. En el aspecto metodológico, tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, de nivel básico, tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental. La población estuvo conformada por los dirigentes de la institución y por los contenidos publicados en las redes sociales durante el año 2019. La técnica empleada fue la entrevista y el análisis de contenido, los mismos que fueron validados por juicios de expertos. Las conclusiones fueron que el marketing de contenidos se relaciona en la estrategia digital de la institución y se debe en gran parte a la planificación generada por la gerencia. Este contenido generado y difundido por la institución tuvo un tono comunicacional de proximidad a los seguidores de sus redes sociales lo cual permitió la interacción con sus internautas. También se concluye que el marketing de contenidos aplicado en la estrategia digital fue importante en la estrategia comercial y de imagen del club porque permitió mayor cantidad de ingresos sea por ventas de diversos productos o auspiciadores

    Mesiodistal sizes and intermaxillary tooth-size ratios of two populations; Spanish and Peruvian. A comparative study

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    Introduction: Adequate tooth-size ratios are required to ensure the satisfactory outcome of orthodontic treatment. Consequently, various methods of measuring tooth-size ratios have been developed being the Bolton ratio the most commonly accepted, known and used one. This ratio depending directly on mesiodistal tooth size has been associated with different ethnic backgrounds. Some authors suggest the need for specific standards for every population. Objectives: The objectives of our study were; to measure and to compare mesiodistal tooth sizes and the Anterior and Overall Bolton ratios in two different populations, one Peruvian and the other Spanish with the same digital method. Material and Methods: The sample included 149 individuals composed of two groups; 99 Spanish (mean age 14.19), 65 being females and 34 males and 50 Peruvian (mean age 14.46), 18 being males and 32 females. The mesiodistal sizes of each of the patients were measured using a digital method and the Anterior and Overall Bolton ratios were calculated. Results: Tooth size does indeed involve a strong ethnic component, and the Anterior Bolton ratio is specific for each ethnic group. Conclusions: The conclusions are; tooth sizes of the Peruvian population were greater than those of the Spanish population. The Anterior Bolton ratio of Peruvian individuals was greater than that of the Spanish, whereas no differences were found for Overall Bolton ratio. These differences suggest the need for specific standards for the Spanish and Peruvian population. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Climatic vulnerabilities and ecological preferences of soil invertebrates across biomes.

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    Unlike plants and vertebrates, the ecological preferences, and potential vulnerabilities of soil invertebrates to environmental change, remain poorly understood in terrestrial ecosystems globally. We conducted a cross-biome survey including 83 locations across six continents to advance our understanding of the ecological preferences and vulnerabilities of the diversity of dominant and functionally important soil invertebrate taxa, including nematodes, arachnids and rotifers. The diversity of invertebrates was analyzed through amplicon sequencing. Vegetation and climate drove the diversity and dominant taxa of soil invertebrates. Our results suggest that declines in forest cover and plant diversity, and reductions in plant production associated with increases in aridity, can result in reductions of the diversity of soil invertebrates in a drier and more managed world. We further developed global atlases of the diversity of these important soil invertebrates, which were cross-validated using an independent database. Our study advances the current knowledge of the ecological preferences and vulnerabilities of the diversity and presence of functionally important soil invertebrates in soils from across the globe. This information is fundamental for improving and prioritizing conservation efforts of soil genetic resources and management policies

    History of discovery of the patagonian lizards

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    Knowledge of the history is necessary to understand why things are today as they are. Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia have a very interesting story about the native fauna and its discovery. The main character of this story is an adventurer spirit wanting to increase knowledge by traveling to the “end of the world”, ignoring barriers only to search and see what is beyond. Many well-known naturalists have visited this land eager and willing to find new species never seen before, while others have made some amazing contributions while never setting one foot on Patagonian soil. In this chapter, we intend to summarize how Patagonian herpetofauna was discovered, described and studied over time. In addition, we want to mention important scientists, whose work led the way for the future researchers to come.Fil: Williams, Jorge Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados. Sección Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Kass, Camila Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados. Sección Herpetología; ArgentinaFil: Avila, Luciano Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; Argentin

    Building a Culture of Critical and Creative Thinking. Creating and Sustaining Higher-Order Thinking as part of a Quality Enhancement Plan

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    [EN] Creating and Sustaining Higher-Order Thinking as part of a Quality Enhancement Plan at a US UniversityThe TH!NK initiative at North Carolina State University seeks to bridge the gap between evidence-based research on teaching and actual teaching practices in the classroom. Through this work, the culture of teaching and learning on our campus is being transformed from teacher-centered to student-centered instruction that promotes higher-order thinking across a diverse array of disciplines. Participating faculty engage in intensive faculty development; create discipline-specific classroom activities and assignments; become adept at providing students feedback on their thinking skills; and engage in a learning community to share and provide peer feedback on pedagogical innovations. The primary student learning outcome (SLO) is for students to apply critical and creative thinking skills and behaviors in the process of solving problems and addressing questions. Methods to achieve the institutional transformation include implementation of a comprehensive faculty development focused on the use of evidence-based pedagogy that promotes higher-order thinking, and rigorous outcomes assessment to provide means for continual improvement. The program has expanded into multiple phases, and involves strategies to create a more sustainable culture of critical and creative thinking through formal and informal learning and scholarship.Allen, T.; Queen, S.; Gallardo-Williams, M.; Parks, L.; Auten, A.; Carson, S. (2019). Building a Culture of Critical and Creative Thinking. Creating and Sustaining Higher-Order Thinking as part of a Quality Enhancement Plan. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1391-1398. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9536OCS1391139

    A Power-Line Communication System Governed by Loop Resonance for Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring

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    Within this paper, a PLC system that takes advantage of the loop resonance of an entire DC-PV string configured as a circular signal path is developed and implemented. Low cost and extremely simple transceivers intended to be installed within each PV module of a string have been designed and successfully tested. In addition, an anti-saturation coil has been conceived to avoid saturation of the core when the entire DC current of the string flows through it. Bi-directional half-duplex communication was successfully executed with up to a 1 MHz carrier frequency (150 kbps bitrate), using a simple ASK modulation scheme. The transmission and reception performance are presented, along with the overall system cost in comparison to the previous literatureThis research was funded by the Universidad dee Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was also supported by the Universidad dee Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    A Resonant Ring Topology Approach to Power Line Communication Systems within Photovoltaic Plants

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    Within this study, single-cable propagation facilitated by PV strings’ wiring characteristics is considered for an adapted design of PLC electronics. We propose to close the communications signal path, resulting in a ring topology where a resonance condition could be implemented. A PLC topology using the resulting circular closed-loop path of a PV series string as its physical communication support is designed and leveraged for practical use. When the path length or the number of transceivers is changed, the resonance properties that come with the circular path as the physical support are affected but are shown to be preserved with the application of automatic adjustable tuning. This automatic tuning guarantees that the resonance improves propagation parameters and reverts the system to its optimal values at the chosen carrier frequency.This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag