5,550 research outputs found

    Analog MOS integrated circuits

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    The goal was to design single-chip lowpass filters with constant group delay in the pass band and 60 dB minimum attenuation in the stop band. The desired 3 dB frequencies are (in Hertz) 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320. A filter class that satisfies the constant delay (linear phase) requirement while providing quite a narrow transition band is the Bessel-Chebyshev filters. It was found that the 7th order Bessel-Chebyshev response satisfied the requirement of the filter

    Quantum Holography

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    We propose to make use of quantum entanglement for extracting holographic information about a remote 3-D object in a confined space which light enters, but from which it cannot escape. Light scattered from the object is detected in this confined space entirely without the benefit of spatial resolution. Quantum holography offers this possibility by virtue of the fourth-order quantum coherence inherent in entangled beams.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Optics Expres

    Reexamining the Racial Record of Abraham Lincoln

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    Since his death in 1865 Abraham Lincoln has been universally honored in black America. In many black homes and businesses, his photograph often hangs in honor next to the one of Martin Luther King Jr. But a new book by Ebony editor Lerone Bennett Jr. contends that Lincoln was a crude bigot who told demeaning darky jokes, had an unquenchable thirst for minstrel shows, consistently used the word nigger, and supported efforts to ship Negroes back to Africa. As Jack E. White pointed out in a recent Time magazine article, this book largely has been ignored by the mainstream press. The book was not reviewed in The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Chicago Tribune, or USA Today. JBHE [Journal of Blacks in Higher Education] asked a group of leading Lincoln scholars for their opinions of the Bennett book and the controversy surrounding its publication. Here are the replies

    Spectrum of stochastic evolution operators: Local matrix representation approach

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    A matrix representation of the evolution operator associated with a nonlinear stochastic flow with additive noise is used to compute its spectrum. In the weak noise limit a perturbative expansion for the spectrum is formulated in terms of local matrix representations of the evolution operator centered on classical periodic orbits. The evaluation of perturbative corrections is easier to implement in this framework than in the standard Feynman diagram perturbation theory. The result are perturbative corrections to a stochastic analog of the Gutzwiller semiclassical spectral determinant computed to several orders beyond what has so far been attainable in stochastic and quantum-mechanical applications.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Third approach to a problem we considered in chao-dyn/9807034 and chao-dyn/981100

    Major loop reconstruction from switching of individual particles

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    Major hysteresis loops of groups of isolated 60 mm square garnet particles of a regular two-dimensional array, have been measured magnetooptically. Individual loops for each particle were measured, and the statistics of the distribution of coercivities and interaction fields was determined. It is shown that from the measured coercivity distribution and calculated magnetostatic interaction fields the major hysteresis loop can be reconstructed. The switching sequence, and the major loop of an assembly of 535 particles were calculated numerically for two cases: first, when calculating the magnetostatic interaction, the 25 particles were assumed to be isolated; second, the major loop of the same 25 particles, embedded into a 939 square, was reconstructed taking into account the interactions among all 81 particles. The numerically simulated major hysteresis loops agree very well with the measured loops, demonstrating the reliability of numerical modeling

    Role of Astrocytes in Neurovascular Coupling

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    Neural activity is intimately tied to blood flow in the brain. This coupling is specific enough in space and time that modern imaging methods use local hemodynamics as a measure of brain activity. In this review, we discuss recent evidence indicating that neuronal activity is coupled to local blood flow changes through an intermediary, the astrocyte. We highlight unresolved issues regarding the role of astrocytes and propose ways to address them using novel techniques. Our focus is on cellular level analysis in vivo, but we also relate mechanistic insights gained from ex vivo experiments to native tissue. We also review some strategies to harness advances in optical and genetic methods to study neurovascular coupling in the intact brain

    HARM: A Numerical Scheme for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics

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    We describe a conservative, shock-capturing scheme for evolving the equations of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. The fluxes are calculated using the Harten, Lax, and van Leer scheme. A variant of constrained transport, proposed earlier by T\'oth, is used to maintain a divergence free magnetic field. Only the covariant form of the metric in a coordinate basis is required to specify the geometry. We describe code performance on a full suite of test problems in both special and general relativity. On smooth flows we show that it converges at second order. We conclude by showing some results from the evolution of a magnetized torus near a rotating black hole.Comment: 38 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Ap