408 research outputs found

    On Throughput Maximization of Grant-Free Access with Reliability-Latency Constraints

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    Enabling autonomous driving and industrial automation with wireless networks poses many challenges, which are typically abstracted through reliability and latency requirements. One of the main contributors to latency in cellular networks is the reservation-based access, which involves lengthy and resource-inefficient signaling exchanges. An alternative is to use grant-free access, in which there is no resource reservation. A handful of recent works investigated how to fulfill reliability and latency requirements with different flavors of grant-free solutions. However, the resource efficiency, i.e., the throughput, has been only the secondary focus. In this work, we formulate the throughput of grant-free access under reliability-latency constraints, when the actual number of arrived users or only the arrival distribution are known. We investigate how these different levels of knowledge about the arrival process influence throughput performance of framed slotted ALOHA with KK-multipacket reception, for the Poisson and Beta arrivals. We show that the throughput under reliability-latency requirements can be significantly improved for the higher expected load of the access network, if the actual number of arrived users is known. This insight motivates the use of techniques for the estimation of the number of arrived users, as this knowledge is not readily available in grant-free access. We also asses the impact of estimation error, showing that for high reliability-latency requirements the gains in throughput are still considerable.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICC'201

    From Architecture To Infrastructure: The Reduction Of A Profession

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Yaşamın diğer alanları gibi mimarlık da üretim biçimlerinin bir sonucudur. Modern mimarlık endüstriyel üretim biçiminin bir sonucu olarak endüstriyel dönemin diğer ürünleriyle benzerlikler gösterir. Modern üretim biçimleri yoğun bir gösteri üretimini beraberinde getirdi. İmgeler yaşamın diğer alanlarından ayrıldılar ve kendilerine ait bir dünyada var olmaya başladılar. Bu yüzden yaşam bütünlüğünü yitirdi. Endüstriyel dönemde mimarlık da bir gösteriye dönüştü. Bazı özelliklerinden ayrılarak bütünlüğünü yitirdi. Yaşamın alanlarının birbirinden ayrılması yaşamın bütünlüğünün yitirilmesine yol açtı. Bunun sonucunda yaşamın tüm alanları indirgendi (yozlaştı). Yaşamın alanlarının birbirinden ayrılması ve indirgenmesi modern toplumsal iş bölümü ile başlamıştır. Modern mimarlığın altyapıya indirgenişi de modern toplumsal iş bölümü ile başlar. İnsan uğraşlarının birbirinden ayrılması tüm uğraşların indirgenmesi (yozlaşması) için yeterlidir çünkü bir uğraşı alanı diğer uğraşı alanlarından ayrık olarak tasavvur edilemez. Bir uğraş diğerlerinden ayrıldığında indirgenir (yozlaşır) çünkü diğer uğraşı alanlarındaki kaynaklarından mahrum kalır. Modern mimarlık kuramları faydaya yaptıkları vurguyla mimarlığın diğer uğraşı alanlarından, özellikle sanattan ayrılmasını hızlandırdılar. Öznel niteliklerinden ayrılan (koparılan) mimarlık - ki bu nitelikler Modernizmde kasıtlı olarak mimarlık dışındaki sanatlara mahsus bırakılmıştır - faydaya yapılan vurguyla yozlaşarak altyapıya indirgenmiştir.Architecture is an outcome of conditions of production. Modern architecture is an outcome of the industrial mode of production and bears a resemblance to all other products of the industrial era. The modern conditions of production bring forth an accumulation of spectacles. Images become separated from other aspects of life and exist in a world of their own. As a consequence, the unity of life is lost. In the industrial era, architecture, too, has become a spectacle. It has been separated from some of its aspects and has therefore lost its unity. The separation of aspects of life from each other causes a loss of unity in life and reduces all aspects of life. This separation of aspects of life from each other begins with the modern division of labour. The reduction of modern architecture to infrastructure begins with the modern division of labour as well. This separation of fields of human activity alone effects a reduction in all fields: one human activity cannot be conceived in isolation from others. When a certain activity is separated from others it is reduced, since it is robbed of its sources within those fields from which it is now isolated. Modern theories of architecture, with their stress on usefulness, have helped to separate architecture from other fields of human activity, most importantly from the arts. Separated from its subjective qualities (which are in Modernism exclusively attached to the remainder of the arts) and crushed with the stress made on usefulness, architecture has been reduced to infrastructure.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Üstbilişsel Deneyimlerin Üstbiliş Bilgisi ile Problem Çözme İlişkisindeki Aracılık Etkisi

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    This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and mathematical problem solving performance. The mediating effect of metacognitive experiences in the hypothesized model was tested through the latent variable structural equation modeling statistical analysis technique. The proposed structural model of problem solving was tested with the data obtained by using convenience sampling method from 406 eight-grade students. The results indicated that students’ task related metacognitive experiences have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and problem solving performances. The results are important for two reasons. Firstly, it addresses the assessment of metacognition by presenting the important role of metacognitive experiences in governing the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and actual performance. Secondly, the model analysis was conducted just over a single math problem. The use of metacognitive experiences as an online single-problem-oriented self-report metacognitive assessment tool might pave the way for easy assessment of student’s metacognitive functioning.Bu çalışma, problem ile ilgili üstbilişsel deneyimlerin, öğrencinin sahip olduğu üstbiliş bilgisi ile matematiksel problem çözme performansı arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklamadaki aracılık etkisini incelemektedir. Çalışmanın hipotezinde belirtilen üstbilişsel deneyimlerin aracılık etkisi, örtük değişkenli yapısal eşitlik modellemesi kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Problem çözme performansını açıklamaya yönelik öne sürülen model, uygun/kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile 406 sekizinci sınıf öğrencisinden elde edilmiş veriler kullanılarak sınanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, öğrencilerin çözmeye çalıştıkları problem ile ilgili üstbilişsel deneyimlerinin, üstbiliş bilgisi ve problem çözme performansı arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklamada aracı etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular iki bağlamda önemlidir. İlk olarak bulgular, üstbiliş bilgisi ile soru çözme arasındaki ilişkiyi yöneten üstbilişsel deneyimlerin üstbilişin değerlendirilmesinde önemli bir role sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. İkinci önemli nokta ise model analizinin bir tek matematik probleminin irdelenmesinde bile aynı sonucu vermiş olmasıdır. Üstbilişsel deneyimlerin bir problem odağında gerçekleşen öz bildirime dayalı bir üstbiliş değerlendirme aracı olarak kullanılması, öğrencilerin üstbiliş işleyişlerinin etkin ve etkili bir şekilde değerlendirilmesine imkân sağlayabilmektedir

    The historical roots of the fractioned nature of the contemporary Ukrainian society

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    Ankara : The Department of International Relations, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references leaves 183-200.The existence of a regionally divergent Ukrainian society is manifested not only in sharp regional voting differences, but also in differences in political culture, incompatible interpretations of history, conflicting choices of language and opposing preferences on country’s foreign policy orientation in different regions of Ukraine. The fact that divisions mainly correspond to historical regions led to the inference that these regional differences could largely be a matter of different historical experiences, that is different historical legacies, since these regions belonged to different countries during different historical periods. Accordingly, this thesis intends to analyze the historical roots of the extensive and persistent regional differences observed within the contemporary Ukrainian society, and lays the claim that this diversity is a reflection of their ancestors’ experiences in several diverse political dominations simultaneously, experiencing a life in very different environments provided by different sovereigns, and being exposed to different and sometimes even conflicting policies. Comparing the developments in different historical regions, this thesis aims at giving a comprehensive picture as to how the different experiences of Ukrainian people resulted in different self-identifications starting its analysis from the Kievan Rus’ and reaching up until the modern Ukraine. The historical analysis of different historical periods performed in this thesis demonstrates and confirms the fundamental role played by centuries long diverging historical experiences of Ukrainian generations and their historical legacy on the evolution of contemporary regional distinctions.Gürsu, TunaM.S

    Tiroid hastalıklarında TSHR (D727E) ve interlökin 1 reseptör antagonisti (IL1RN VNTR) Polimorfizmlerinin belirlenmesi

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    Otoimmün hastalıkların içerisinde Hashimoto tiroiditi tiroidit hastalıkları arasında en sık görülenidir. Yapılan çalışmalarda hastalığın oluşmasında genetik faktörlerin önemi gösterilmiştir. Çalışmalarda TSHR ve IL1RN araştırılan genler arasında yer almaktadır. Bu genlerde oluşan D727E ve IL1RNVNTR polimorfizmleri Hashimoto tiroiditi riskine katkıda bulunabileceği ve hastalığa yatkınlık ile ilişkili olduğu düşünülmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmaya 55 Hashimoto tiroidit tanısı konulan bireyler ile 49 sağlıklı kontrol dahil edilmiş olup DNA izolasyonu standart fenol kloroform yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. TSHR geni D727E polimorfizmi PZR – RFLP, IL1RNVNTR polimorfizmi ise PZR yöntremi kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. PZR ve kesim ürünleri agaroz jel elektroforezi uygulanarak polimorfizmler görüntülenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; TSHR geni D727E polimorfizmi hasta ve kontrol grupları arasında istatistiki bir anlamlılık bulunmazken, IL1RNVNTR polimorfizminin hastalıkta risk faktörü olabileceği bulunmuştur. Bulgularımız IL1RNVNTR polimorfizminin daha büyük hasta gruplarında çalışılması gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır

    Analysis of Tree-Algorithms with Multi-Packet Reception

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    In this paper, we analyze binary-tree algorithms in a setup in which the receiver can perform multi-packet reception (MPR) of up to and including K packets simultaneously. The analysis addresses both traffic-independent performance as well as performance under Poisson arrivals. For the former case, we show that the throughput, when normalized with respect to the assumed linear increase in resources required to achieve K-MPR capability, tends to the same value that holds for the single-reception setup. However, when coupled with Poisson arrivals in the windowed access scheme, the normalized throughput increases with K, and we present evidence that it asymptotically tends to 1. We also provide performance results for the modified tree algorithm with K-MPR in the clipped access scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that provides an analytical treatment and a number of fundamental insights in the performance of tree-algorithms with MPR.Comment: Published in : GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conferenc

    Effect of different torque settings selected during instrumentation on fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth

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    Background: The study evaluated the effect of root canal instrumentation at low and high torque settings on the fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth. Methods: Ninety extracted single-rooted human mandibular incisors were randomly divided into one control (CG) and two experimental groups (n=30): no instrumentation or filling (CG), instrumentation with ProTaper Universal files at low torque settings, and instrumentation with ProTaper Universal files at high torque settings. Root canal filling was performed with an epoxy resin-based sealer and gutta-percha using a single-cone technique in the experimental groups. Each specimen was tested for fracture strength. The analysis of variance and Tukey test were used to analyze the obtained data. The significance level was set at 0.05. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed between the groups (p = 0.001). While the difference between the CG and low torque groups was not significant (p > 0.05), the difference between the CG and high torque, low and high torque groups was significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: According to this study results, since the lowest fracture strength value was observed in the high torque group, clinicians may be advised to choose the lowest torque settings recommended by the manufacturers for rotary systems

    Teaching self-regulation through role modeling in K-12

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    For K-12 teachers to develop effective teaching skills, integration of role modeling strategies into teaching and learning process as a dimension of selfregulated learning is of the foremost value. Role modeling strategy training through a hybrid professional development model bears the potential to serve as a facilitating component in promoting K-12 teachers’ instructional competence. Conducted within the selfregulated learning framework, this study suggested findings of a teacher professional development training aimed at role modeling strategy implementation at K-12 level. Pursuing a mixed-method model, the current research was performed with 16 teachers who were trained and supervised to integrate role-modeling strategies into their teaching context. In this study, the data sources were role-modelingintegrated lesson plans, trainers’ feedback on these lesson plans, and online student products. The data collection methods included lesson plan evaluation through a role-modeling rubric in a quantitative fashion, whereas content analysis of trainer feedback on lesson plans, latterly revised lesson plans and online student products composed the qualitative aspect. Results revealed that this professional development training achieved significantly positive changes in teachers’ role modeling strategy implementation skills, particularly in terms of teachers’ role as agents in students’ self-regulated learning skills, promotion of student-centered learning and overall improvement in students’ self-regulated learning skills. Further, the integration of education technology tools into lessons was observed to have a positive impact on enhancing students’ self-regulated learning skills. This study could offer major contributions to designing teacher professional development training for researchers, practitioners, and teacher trainers, particularly in role modeling dimension of selfregulated learning