149 research outputs found

    Peroxide impact on the fate of veterinary drugs in fertilizers

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    The presence of veterinary medicines in organic manure causes soil contamination which contributes to increasing resistance of indigenous microflora to drugs and results in greater susceptibility of people to allergies. The main aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of inorganic peroxide mixtures (PM) with calcium peroxide content (CaO2) in the stabilization process of manure contaminated with antiparasitic agents: albendazole (ALB) and levamisole (LEV). As a solid, CaO2 is relatively stable against decomposition. In contact with water, however, it hydrolyzes with release of oxygen. The hydrolyzation of CaO2 proceeds very slowly in soil, which guarantees the constant release of hydrogen peroxide that subsequently becomes the source of free radicals (chemical oxidation) and oxygen (aerobic conditions for the microbes). It may contribute to continuous elimination of drugs from manure. The study has demonstrated that there were significant differences in ALB and LEV conversion stimulated by the PM addition. PM supplementation increased the drug availability (on average 15% and 25% increase in the initial concentration for ALB and for LEV, respectively), thereby increasing the initial rate of reaction. Elimination of ALB and LEV from the manure sorption complex is followed by Ca2+ saturation. The initial degradation rate was affected by PM for both drugs, but the mechanisms of decomposition have been modified only for ALB. The loss of ALB in the peroxide supplemented samples was 92%, and in the samples, without the PM, it did not exceed 61%. Loss of LEV was over 90% irrespective of PM supplementation.Web of Science74132231

    Trees with maximum number of maximal matchings

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    AbstractForests on n vertices with maximum number of maximal matchings are called extremal forests. All extremal forests, except 2K1, are trees. Extremal trees with small number n of vertices, n⩽19, are characterized; in particular, they are unique if n≠6. The exponential upper and lower bounds on the maximum number of maximal matchings among n-vertex trees have been found

    Śląski eksperyment pedagogiczny - projekt organizacji "Szkoły talentów" z 1972 roku

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    The Ministry of Higher Education received the project “the school of talents” at the beginning of the 1970s. Its aim was to create a special educational institution at the elementary level for extremely talented students. The frames and principles of school functioning were included in seven points, where among other things, the proposal of localization and estimated cost related to it, the anticipated number of students and classes. A special attention was paid to four profiles to be found at school, i.e. a liberal, a mathematical-physical, a natural and a general one. The academics of the University of Silesia were to supervise the profiles. Due to the fact that the “School of talents” was to be created for students with special talents, the rules of enrolment and conditions the candidates had to fulfill were described. The very project is worth considering because in the light of the policy of education conducted by the authorities at that time was very innovative. It inscribed into the trend of experiments carried out in other countries, especially in the USSR. What the authorities were afraid of was a selected group of students of the school to be and that is why the project designers began to face multiple difficulties and, additionally, the situation got complicated thanks to the reorganization of the ministry

    A pretreatment method for analysing albendazole by HPLC in plant material

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    Albendazole (ALB) belongs to a group of benzimidazoles—classified as antiparasitic pharmaceuticals. Its widespread application results in the presence of this pharmaceutical in natural environment (water and soil). In this paper a suitable pretreatment method was established including sampling, freezedrying and extraction. Vicia faba was used as model organism. ALB accumulation by plant tissues was observed in hydroponic culture as well as in soil. The range of pharmaceutical concentrations was 1.7×10−5 mol/L (in hydroponic culture) and 1.7×10−5 to 1.7×10−4 mol/kg air dry soil (in soil). Observations were conducted for 14 days. After this time biological material was freezedried and after homogenization, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) extraction was performed. The recovery of ALB for the roots was 93 % while for the shoots 86 %. After cleaning, the samples were subjected to further analysis by HPLC system. Phosphate buffer and acetonitrile (50:50) were used as a mobile phase. Drug retention time was 6.3 min. Results obtained in this experiment indicate higher drug accumulation in roots rather than in the hypocotyl part of the plant, cultivated both in soil and in hydroponic culture.Web of Science2248art. no. 164

    Zabawa w chowanego: zaniechanie i Żydzi w Białystok – jeden dzień

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    JOANNA AURON-GÓRSKA, dr, pracownik Wyższej Szkoły Administracji Publicznej im. Stanisława Staszica w Białymstoku. Studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Anglia Ruskin w Cambridge, Wielka Brytania (stypendium British Council/Ian Karten Trust). Absolwentka filologii angielskiej na Uniwersytecie im A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Uprawnienia egzaminatora FC Cambridge English. Zainteresowania badawcze: współczesna literatura angielska i amerykańska, antropologia kulturowa, teorie uczenia się języków, podróże i sztuki piękne. Autorka takich studiów, jak: I.B. Singer, albo czytanie Koheleta, [w]: Szkice o prozie amerykańskiej (Białystok 2000); Miłość, ludożerca i wieloryb w powieści H. Melville’a „Moby Dick”, [w]: Szkice o prozie amerykańskiej (Białystok 2000); To know a word by its fruits? the relational life of biblical terminology. Parallels and divergences between Christianity and Judaism, [w]: Language and Culture (Białystok 2004) oraz On Inspiration: Poland and Four French Photographers, [w]: Inspirations: English, French and Polish Cultures (Białystok 2011).58959

    Żydki jako wizerunki kultowe

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    JOANNA AURON-GÓRSKA, dr, pracownik Wyższej Szkoły Administracji Publicznej im. Stanisława Staszica w Białymstoku. Studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Anglia Ruskin w Cambridge, Wielka Brytania (stypendium British Council/Ian Karten Trust). Absolwentka filologii angielskiej na Uniwersytecie im A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Uprawnienia egzaminatora FC Cambridge English. Zainteresowania: współczesna literatura angielska i amerykańska, antropologia kulturowa, teorie uczenia się języków, podróże i sztuki piękne. Autorka takich studiów, jak: I.B. Singer, albo czytanie Koheleta, [w]: Szkice o prozie amerykańskiej (Białystok 2000); Miłość, ludożerca i wieloryb w powieści H. Melville’a „Moby Dick”, [w]: Szkice o prozie amerykańskiej (Białystok 2000); To know a word by its fruits? the relational life of biblical terminology. Parallels and divergences between Christianity and Judaism, [w]: Language and Culture (Białystok 2004) oraz On Inspiration: Poland and Four French Photographers, [w]: Inspirations: English, French and Polish Cultures (Białystok 2011).10911

    Zastosowanie modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad chorym ze stwardnieniem rozsianym – opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (Sclerosis Multiplex — MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system characterized by inflammation and the loss of myelin sheath surrounding the axon. A result of disseminated demyelination process in patients suffering from MS, is a wide variety of symptoms that lead to changes in terms of functioning both in biological and psychosocial aspects. The skilful preparation of a patient to find the optimal way of dealing with the disease, as well as maintaining independence and joy of life is an essential part of the therapeutic process in patients with MS.Aim. The aim of this study was to use the Callista Roy adaptation model in the care of a patient suffering from multiple sclerosis, namely:— demonstrate the usefulness of the holistic Callista Roy adaptation model in the care of chronically ill patients,— prepare a patient to cope with the problems induced by the disease, based on the nursing process developed in line ith the guidlines of C. Roy model.Case Report. A case study of a 69 year old patient with multiple sclerosis (SM) was prepared on the basis of medical documentation (personal information forms from hospitals), an interview with the patient and direct observations.Discussion. The nursing care model based on the theory by Callista Roy proved to be very useful in the process of taking care of a patient chronically ill with SM, as it guaranteed satisfying the needs of a patient in terms of bio-psychosocial aspect, but it also gave the opportunity to acquire skills to cope with problems resulting from the disease.Conclusions. The nursing process based on the theory by Callista Roy requires from a nurse an individual and holistic approach to a patient and patient’s problems. The model structure provides a comprehensive delivery of nursing care and ensures continuous contact with a patient. This is particularly important in the era of technology development in modern medicine.(JNNN 2015;4(3):121–129)Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane (Sclerosis Multiplex — SM) jest przewlekłą chorobą centralnego układu nerwowego, która charakteryzuje się stanem zapalnym i utratą osłonki mielinowej wokół aksonu. W wyniku rozsianego procesu demielinizacyjnego u pacjentów chorujących na SM obserwuje się wiele różnorodnych objawów prowadzących do zmian w funkcjonowaniu zarówno w aspekcie biologicznym, jak i psychospołecznym. Umiejętne przygotowaniepacjenta do znalezienia optymalnego sposobu radzenia sobie z chorobą, a także zachowania samodzielności i radości życia jest niezbędnym elementem procesu terapeutycznego chorych na SM.Cel. Próba zastosowania modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad pacjentką chorującą na stwardnienie rozsiane, czyli:— wykazanie przydatności holistycznego modelu adaptacyjnego Callisty Roy w opiece nad przewlekle chorym,— przygotowanie pacjenta do radzenia sobie z problemami wynikającymi z choroby w oparciu o proces pielęgnowania opracowany zgodnie z założeniami modelu C. Roy.Opis przypadku. Studium przypadku 69-letniej pacjentki ze stwardnieniem rozsianym zostało opracowane na podstawie analizy dokumentacji medycznej (kart informacyjnych ze szpitali), przeprowadzonego wywiadu z pacjentką oraz bezpośredniej obserwacji.Dyskusja. Model pielęgnowania oparty na teorii Callisty Roy okazał się bardzo przydatny w procesie pielęgnowania przewlekle chorego z SM, ponieważ zagwarantował pacjentce zaspokojenie jej potrzeb bio-psycho-społecznych, aletakże dał możliwość nabycia umiejętności radzenia sobie z problemami wynikającymi z choroby.Wnioski. Proces pielęgnowania oparty na teorii Callisty Roy wymaga od pielęgniarki rozpatrywania pacjenta i jego problemów w sposób zindywidualizowany i całościowy. Struktura modelu zapewnia kompleksowe świadczenie usług pielęgniarskich i gwarantuje ciągły kontakt z pacjentem. Jest to szczególnie ważne w dobie technicyzacji we współczesnej medycynie.(PNN 2015;4(3):121–129

    A partial refining of the Erdős-Kelly regulation

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    The aim of this note is to advance the refining of the Erdős-Kelly result on graphical inducing regularization. The operation of inducing regulation (on graphs or multigraphs) with prescribed maximum vertex degree is originated by D. König in 1916. As is shown by Chartrand and Lesniak in their textbook Graphs & Digraphs (1996), an iterated construction for graphs can result in a regularization with many new vertices. Erdős and Kelly have presented (1963, 1967) a simple and elegant numerical method of determining for any simple nn-vertex graph GG with maximum vertex degree Δ\Delta, the exact minimum number, say θ=θ(G)\theta =\theta(G), of new vertices in a Δ\Delta-regular graph HH which includes GG as an induced subgraph. The number θ(G)\theta(G), which we call the cost of regulation of GG, has been upper-bounded by the order of GG, the bound being attained for each n4n\ge4, e.g. then the edge-deleted complete graph KneK_n-e has θ=n\theta=n. For n4n\ge 4, we present all factors of KnK_n with θ=n\theta=n and next θ=n1\theta=n-1. Therein in case θ=n1\theta=n-1 and nn odd only, we show that a specific extra structure, non-matching, is required

    Leaderand rural differentiation: Czech Republic (2007-2013)

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    The goal of this paper is to reveal the socioeconomic and environmental characteristic differences between supported and unsupported Local Action Groups (LAGs) from the LEADER programme in the Czech Republic in the programming period 2007-2013. Hence, the associations between the LEADER programme and rural differentiation in the Czech Republic are explored. The results of this study point out that highly rural and disadvantaged LAGs were supported significantly more often, while LAGs with strong urban characteristics and growing suburban LAGs were supported significantly less often in the LEADER programme. Two crucial dimensions of rural differentiation in the Czech Republic were tackled by LEADER, namely rural aspects and socioeconomic disadvantages. This study consequently shows that LAGs May be a highly relevant place-based instrument that compensates for urban-rural gradient and socioeconomic disadvantages of rural areas. © 2018 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno. All right reserved.GACR, Grantová Agentura České Republiky; OCIO, Office of Chief Information Officer; UTB, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlín

    The evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of forearm shaft fractures in children using elastic intramedullary stabilization in our ward

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    Children supracndylar fractures are among the most common fractures of the elbows. The variety of methods of treatment indicates that there is no unified and effective surgical treatment for all types of fractures. The aim of the study was clinical and radiological evaluation of the comparative results of treatment of supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children by closed reduction method for stabilizing wires “K” and open method for setting the stabilization crossed wires. We analyzed 289 cases of spracondylar fractures of the humerus in children age from 2 to 17 years old. The classification of a division of fractures of Gartland with Wilkins modification was used. The evaluation of results of treatment is based on the modified rating scales given by Faflik and Jasiński. The good outcome was achieved at 81% of patients, who were operated with the method of closed reduction, and 80% of cases after open reduction. The largest percentage of unsatisfactory results was obtained when more than 2 or incomplete repositions - usually open ones - were performed.Złamania nadkłykciowe u dzieci są jednymi z najczęściej spotykanych złamań w obrębie stawu łokciowego. Różnorodność stosowanych metod leczenia wskazuje, iż nie ma jednolitej i skutecznej techniki operacyjnej dla wszystkich typów złamań. Celem pracy była kliniczna i radiologiczna ocena porównawcza wyników leczenia złamań nadkłykciowych kości ramiennej u dzieci metodą repozycji zamkniętej ze stabilizacją drutami „K” oraz metoda otwartego nastawienia również ze stabilizacją „skrzyżną”drutami. Analizie poddano 289 przypadków złamań nadkłykciowych kości ramiennej u dzieci w wieku od 2 do 17 lat. Do klasyfikacji złamań zastosowano podział Gartlanda w modyfikacji Wilkinsa. Oceny wyników leczenia dokonano w oparciu o zmodyfikowaną skalę ocen podaną przez Faflika i Jasińskiego. Dobry wynik leczenia uzyskano u 81% chorych, operowanych metodą zamkniętej repozycji i 80% przypadków po repozycji otwartej. Największy odsetek wyników niezadowalających uzyskaliśmy u chorych, u których wykonano więcej niż dwie repozycje lub niepełną repozycję, zwykle sposobem otwartym. Powyższe analizy pozwoliły na wyciagnięcie następujących wniosków: 1. Objawy uszkodzenia nerwów kończyny górnej są częstym powikłaniem złamań nadkłykciowych kości ramiennej i ustępują po zastosowanym leczeniu. 2. Transfikcja „skrzyżna” złamań nadkłykciowych kości ramiennej drutami „K” w sposób zadowalający stabilizuje odłamy w obu typach złamania (II i III wg Gartlanda). 3. Dobre wyniki daje anatomiczna, nie więcej niż dwukrotna zamknięta repozycja złamania, niezależnie od jego typu. 4. Wyniki repozycji zamkniętej i otwartej ze stabilizacją drutami „K” są porównywaln