1,581 research outputs found

    Successes, Challenges, and Future: Farm Service Agency in Georgia

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    First of all, let me say to my brother Dr. Hill, you are my keeper. That is something that he and I have in common (Am I my brother’s keeper?) and let me also acknowledge Tuskegee University for all that it does, for all that it has done, and for all that it will continue to do for people like us. Well, I bought a farm down in Macon County, GA, and it is a small farm, as a matter of fact where is Dr. Tasha Hargrove? Tasha and one other person, Dr. Zabawa did a study several years ago about the farm. In the early iterations of the Farm Service agency (FSA) in Georgia, the USDA did something right. It put up enough money to begin to stem the tide of sharecrop farming. It sought to purchase 100 farms in the state of Georgia, place Black farmers on those farms and moved them from subsistence to wholesome farming. The original project was scheduled to go to Peach County, Georgia, but the local power structure raised so much hell that the Secretary had to withdraw. They moved it to Macon County, Georgia and they bought those 100 farms and placed 100 Black farmers and their families on those farms. The reason why I mentioned Dr. Hargrove and her colleague Dr. Zabawa is that they did a study three, four, or five, years ago and they looked at those original 100 farms and you know what? As of two years ago over 60% of them were still in Black farmers’ hands. The good part about that for me is that I now own one of them. I know the original farm family, and I have the original deed. Now it might not be as productive as it used to be when other people had it because I am a hobby farmer

    From/To: Fred R. Harrison

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    A stochastic budget simulator and generalized stochastic dominance are used to compare the risk management properties of grazing contracts to futures and option contracts. The results show that the risks of backgrounding feeder cattle are reduced significantly for pasture owners in a grazing contract. However, the risks of the cattle owner in a grazing contract are not significantly reduced. The results show that generally risk adverse pasture owners prefer grazing contracts to integrated production when traditional hedging is used to manage price risks. In addition, grazing contracts compare favorably with put option contracts for some pasture owners.Backgrounding, Futures contracts, Grazing contracts, Options contracts, Risk management, Risk and Uncertainty,

    How to Create an ASCII Input Data File for UniODA and CTA Software

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    UniODA and CTA software require an ASCII (unformatted text) file as input data. Arguably the most difficult task an operator faces in conducting analyses is converting the original data file from (a) whatever software package was used to enter the data, into (b) an ASCII file for analysis. This article first highlights critical issues concerning missing data, variable labels, and variable types that users must address in order to convert their data into an ASCII file for analysis using ODA software. Specific steps needed to convert a data set from its original file-type into a space-delimited ASCII file are then discussed. The process of converting data into ASCII files for use as input data is illustrated for three leading statistical software packages: SPSS, SAS, and STATISTICA

    Arabian Moon

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    本文认为租金可以承担起公共收入流的重任。因此,第一个现实的问题是:一国国民能否产生足够的租金来为所有必要的公共服务提供资金?在经济学文献中,对这个问题没有可靠的答案。为什么呢?大多数国家政府为统计他们的经济活动投入了大量的资金,但国民收入中租金流的比例是多少仍然是个谜,这是为什么呢?这个问题的答案可以揭示一些关于社会中权力分配的一些重要事实。为了解释这些事实,我们不得不回到现代经济和国家政治形成的起点。 在17世纪,英国思想家约翰·洛克(John Locke)写了一本书《政府论两篇》(1689)。这是本划时代的著作。它影响了塑造自由主义国家的政治家们。它被美国的开国元勋们引用。洛克认为,在自然状态下,任何人都有天赋的“生存、自由和财产(estate)”权利(“财产”在古代英语中等于土地)。他认为,为了保护他们的财产,人们愿意进入公民社会。但是,自然--地球--不能被私人占有。为什么呢?因为人们只能对他们劳动生产的东西才能拥有私有产权。因此,洛克认为,就收入流而言,只有两种类型:劳动收入和可归功于自然的收入份额