915 research outputs found

    Approssimandosi ai limiti: dai Planetary Boundaries alle Ecological Minds. Argomentando intorno alle Culture della Sostenibilità.

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    La prima versione di questo saggio è stata presentata in forma di position paper al meeting della Rete Routes towards Sustainability del 27-29 Aprile 2017 organizzato dalla Universidad Pontitificia Bolivariana di Medellín, in vista del V Simposio Internazionale di Routes, svoltosi a Santiago e a Villarrica, presso la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, nel dicembre 2018. Obiettivo del saggio è dimostrare il sostanziale fallimento delle teorie e delle pratiche della sostenibilità, ricostruendo lo sviluppo della nozione stessa, rileggendo i pionieri del pensiero ecologico, sottolineando la necessità di sviluppare un approccio umanistico per costruire nuove culture della sostenibilità.

    Collaborative planning for post-disaster reconstruction in Italy

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    Community participation after a disaster is widely acknowledged to be crucial in both mitigation and reconstruction planning; however, to date very little research has been done on collaborative planning in a post-disaster context. This paper addresses the issue of collaborative planning for post-disaster reconstruction to effectively facilitate community participatory processes. First, we surveyed the characteristics of community participation for post-disaster reconstruction in Italy. Second, we studied the regional legislative regulations for reconstruction in Emilia-Romagna. Third, we compared the community participation and formulation processes of reconstruction planning tools used by communities. Lastly, we verified the dynamic mechanism of the town of Novi di Modena’s reconstruction planning process by using an evaluation framework with two axes: stage of planning process and community participation level. As a conclusion, we identified three key factors that encourage collaborative planning for reconstruction. The first key factor is the timing of the participatory process must be well managed. The second is a participatory proposal shared with citizens, which must be considered the guiding document for local development. The third key factor is regeneration scenarios for the whole territory considering the different periods must be defined, as well as the implementation strategies and tactics for each urban core

    Tecnoestrés y desempeño laboral del personal docente en tiempos de pandemia Covid-19 del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “TECNOESTRÉS Y DESEMPEÑO LABORAL DEL PERSONAL DOCENTE EN TIEMPOS DE PANDEMIA COVID-19 DEL INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNOLÓGICO TUINEN STAR, CUSCO-2021”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar en qué medida el tecnoestrés influye en el desempeño laboral del personal docente en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19 del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tuinen Star, Cusco- 2021., para ello se planteó la hipótesis general, El tecnoestrés influye significativamente en el desempeño laboral del personal docente en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19 del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021. En la metodología, el tipo de investigación fue básico, el enfoque de investigación, el diseño es de corte transversal, el alcance es descriptivo – correlacional la población estuvo constituida por 35 docentes con contrato vigente para el año 2021, se aplicó un la encuesta y el cuestionario, para ello se obtuvo los siguientes resultados respecto a la variable Tecnoestres, se evidencia que de los 35 docentes encuestados, 15 de ellos representados por el 42,9% presentan tecnoestrés, seguido de 13 (37,1%) docentes que casi nunca sienten que han pasado por un cuadro de tecnoestrés y por ultimo 7 (20%) de los docentes que indican que nunca presentaron o sintieron tener tecnoestrés, asi mismo respecto a la variable desempeño laboral, se evidencia que de los 35 docentes encuestados, 22 de ellos representado por el 62,9% indican que casi siempre tienen un buen desempeño laboral, seguido de 9 (25,9%) docentes que a veces ven que su desempeño no es tan bueno por la modalidad de enseñanza y tan solo 4 (11,4%) docentes indica que en estos tiempos si está teniendo un buen desempeño laboral., y se llegó a la conclusión que el tecnoestrés influye significativamente en el desempeño laboral del personal docente en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19 del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021, esto se debe a que se identifica el siguiente coeficiente 0,857 el cual se halla en el intervalo de 0,75 a 0,89 expresando una correlación positiva fuerte, dado que el valor p (0) es menor (0,000) que el nivel usual de significación de 0,05 corroborando la decisión anterior. Es rechazada la hipótesis nula H0: y es aceptada la hipótesis alterna H1, el tecnoestrés influye significativamente en el desempeño laboral del personal docente en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19 del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021.The present research work entitled "TECHNOLOGY AND LABOR PERFORMANCE OF TEACHING STAFF IN TIMES OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC OF THE TUINEN STAR INSTITUTE SUPERIOR TECNOLÓGICO, CUSCO-2021", had as a general objective to determine to what extent techno-stress influences the work performance of staff teacher in times of the COVID-19 pandemic of the Tuinen Star Higher Technological Institute, Cusco- 2021., for this the general hypothesis was raised, Techno-stress significantly influences the work performance of teaching staff in times of the COVID-19 pandemic of the Higher Technological Institute Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021. In the methodology, the type of research was basic, the research approach, the design is cross-sectional, the scope is descriptive - correlational, the population consisted of 35 teachers with a current contract for the year 2021, a survey was applied and The questionnaire, for this the following results were obtained with respect to the Technosestres variable, it is evidenced that of the 35 teachers surveyed, 15 of them represented by 42.9% present techno-stress, followed by 13 (37.1%) teachers who almost They never feel that they have gone through a techno-stress picture and finally 7 (20%) of the teachers who indicate that they never presented or felt they had techno-stress, also with respect to the job performance variable, it is evidenced that of the 35 teachers surveyed, 22 of them represented by 62.9% indicate that they almost always have a good job performance, followed by 9 (25.9%) teachers who sometimes see that their performance is not so good due to the teaching modality and so Only 4 (11.4%) teachers indicate that in these times they are having a good job performance, and it was concluded that techno-stress significantly influences the job performance of teaching staff in times of the COVID-19 pandemic of the Institute Superior Technological Tuinen Star, Cusco-2021, this is because the following coefficient 0.857 is identified, which is in the interval from 0.75 to 0.89, expressing a strong positive correlation, since the p value (0) is lower (0.000) than the usual significance level of 0.05 corroborating the previous decision. The null hypothesis H0 is rejected: and the alternative hypothesis H1 is accepted, techno-stress significantly influences the work performance of teaching staff in times of the COVID-19 pandemic of the Tuinen Star Higher Technological Institute, Cusco-2021

    Modelo prolab: Awki, una propuesta sostenible para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores de la ciudad de Lima

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    En el Perú existe una discordancia entre lo que significa la representación social de calidad de vida, tanto para los adultos mayores como para sus familias, para los primeros significa tener paz, recibir ayuda para lograr sus metas y tener derecho de libre expresión; en contraste con el significado familiar que se enfoca en cubrir sus necesidades básicas. Por ello, la autorrealización no es sólo un derecho del joven; el adulto mayor debe sentirse autorrealizado con el apoyo de la familia, Estado y sector privado. Como parte de este contexto existe una falta de acceso a oportunidades laborales para adultos mayores que se encuentran buscando activamente un trabajo; ante este problema y mediante la metodología ágil de Design Thinking se creó la alternativa llamada Awki, que es un modelo de negocio de servicios domésticos y mantenimiento del hogar brindados por adultos mayores mediante una plataforma digital que busca contribuir a su calidad de vida, fortaleciendo su autorrealización y promoviendo su inclusión dentro de la sociedad. Los servicios de Awki están dirigidos a personas de 25 a 55 años que viven en la ciudad de Lima metropolitana de los sectores socioeconómicos A y B y que consideran importante la inclusión del adulto mayor en la sociedad. Awki genera un valor agregado para el accionista VAN Financiero de S/1,006,023.02 y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 38.92% en el escenario moderado, con un periodo de recuperación de tres años y medio. Asimismo, Awki genera un VAN Económico de S/ 1,161,864.37 y una TIR de 35.04%. Por otro lado, para dar un mayor sustento a la viabilidad financiera se realizó el análisis de sensibilidad a través de la simulación de Montecarlo. Con respecto al VAN Financiero, en dicho análisis, se observa que la media resultante es de S/ 1,213,628.49 mostrando en promedio que las 100,000 iteraciones generan valor para el accionista.In Peru, there is a discrepancy between what the social representation of quality of life means, both for older adults and for their families. For the former, it means having peace, receiving help to achieve their goals, and having the right to free expression; in contrast to the family meaning that focuses on meeting their basic needs. For this reason, self-realization is not only a right of the young person; the older adult must feel self-fulfilling with the support of the family, the state and the private sector. As part of this context, there is a lack of access to job opportunities for older adults who are actively looking for a job; Faced with this problem and through the agile methodology of Design Thinking, the alternative called Awki was created, which is a business model of domestic services and home maintenance provided by older adults through a digital platform that seeks to contribute to their quality of life, strengthening their self- realization and promoting their inclusion within society. Awki's services are aimed at people between the ages of 25 and 55 who live in the city of metropolitan Lima from socioeconomic sectors A and B and who consider the inclusion of older adults in society to be important. Awki generates a Financial Net Present Value (NPV) of S/1,006,023.02 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 38.92% in the moderate scenario, with a recovery period of three years and a half. Likewise, Awki generates an Economic NVP of S/1,161,864.37 and an IRR of 35.04%. On the other hand, to give greater support to financial viability, a sensitivity analysis was carried out through the Monte Carlo simulation. Regarding the Financial NVP, in said analysis, it is observed that the resulting average is S/1,213,628.49, showing on average that the 100,000 iterations generate value for the shareholder

    Parana pine landscape and social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) supporting sustainable local development: Avaliação da paisagem do pinho Paraná e do ciclo de vida social (S-LCA), apoiando o desenvolvimento local sustentável

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    There is a need to increase new perspectives studies and to include culture value, cultural heritage and traditional communities in balance with their environment. While Cultural Heritage has been studied for centuries, the Cultural Landscape originated new concepts. Protecting cultural landscapes contributes to maintain and increase natural values, ​​and to aggregate several tangible and intangible values. In recent years, methods of life cycle assessment, LCA and (social) S-LCA, have evolved into the analysis of products and services impacts along the value chain, allying approachs of social performance, in order to achieve sustainable development. A case study was conducted at Colônia Murici (State Paraná, Brazil), a rural agricultural community, with Polish ethnic prevalence, inserted in the historical context of european immigration at the late 19th century. It addressess the challenge of preserving their Araucaria (Paraná Pine) wooden architecture and their Cultural Landscape. The aim of this study is to present a literature review survey of S-LCA focused on Cultural Heritage, and examine interviews with specialists and community members. The study of S-LCA methodology demonstrated that the specialists and community members participation is essential, specially in stakeholders definition and in the recognition of impact subcategories. Understanding social and cultural structure, besides the commmunities engagement, is the first step for heritage management. Respecting biomes and the Araucaria Forest emerged as the most relevant subcategory. The pine image represented by Paranista Movement artists at the beginning of the 20th century became an element of regional identity and the Araucaria remains its symbolic value in the especialists evaluation. The cultural dimension is a decisive component, beside the Cultural Heritage, as necessary indicators in the establishment of goals, in monitoring sustainable local development and in supporting decision-makers

    Towards a map of the Upper Pleistocene loess of the Po Plain Loess Basin (Northern Italy)

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    Upper Pleistocene (MIS 4-2) loess sequences occur in most of continental Europe and in Northern Italy along the Po Plain Loess Basin. Loess is distributed along the flanks of the Po Plain and was deposited on glacial deposits, fluvial terraces, uplifted isolated hills, karst plateaus, slopes and basins of secondary valleys. Loess bodies are generally tiny and affected by pedogenesis, being locally slightly reworked by slope processes and bioturbation. Notwithstanding, loess in the Po Plain is an important archive of paleoenviron-mental record and its mapping provides new insights in paleoenvironmental and palaeoseismic reconstructions of Northern Ital

    Sustentabilidad y territorio. Herramientas para la gestión sustentable del hábitat

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    Con más de 7,500 millones de habitantes en el mundo, construir hábitats sustentables es un reto complejo. La proliferación de grandes y desordenadas concentraciones urbanas genera un deterioro en la calidad de vida, desigualdad y pobreza, así como la transformación y pérdida irreparable de ecosistemas, por lo que se vuelve urgente el actuar para paliar y revertir este fenómeno. Este libro recoge una selección de trabajos de investigación que se presentaron en el Congreso Internacional sobre Sustentabilidad en los Hábitats, realizado en 2016. Son seis propuestas elaboradas por alumnos de posgrado, profesores y académicos de diversos países, en las que se abordan desde una perspectiva internacional y local, los retos a enfrentar en el camino hacia la sustentabilidad, en aspectos como el deterioro físico y social de los espacios de vida en la ciudad, la atracción y retención de capital humano, movilidad y reorganización urbana, contaminación, defensa del territorio, del patrimonio cultural y natural e inseguridad por eventos contingentes, entre otros. Ante un mundo (in)sustentable, los autores presentan alternativas para desarrollar lugares sustentables para la vida. Un libro que convoca a estudiantes, profesores e investigadores a una búsqueda colectiva para la construcción de un mundo mejor

    Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis.

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    Deficits in memory performance have been linked to a wide range of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions. While many studies have assessed the memory impacts of individual conditions, this study considers a broader perspective by evaluating how memory recall is differentially associated with nine common neuropsychiatric conditions using data drawn from 55 international studies, aggregating 15,883 unique participants aged 15–90. The effects of dementia, mild cognitive impairment, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, stroke, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder on immediate, short-, and long-delay verbal learning and memory (VLM) scores were estimated relative to matched healthy individuals. Random forest models identified age, years of education, and site as important VLM covariates. A Bayesian harmonization approach was used to isolate and remove site effects. Regression estimated the adjusted association of each clinical group with VLM scores. Memory deficits were strongly associated with dementia and schizophrenia (p \u3c 0.001), while neither depression nor ADHD showed consistent associations with VLM scores (p \u3e 0.05). Differences associated with clinical conditions were larger for longer delayed recall duration items. By comparing VLM across clinical conditions, this study provides a foundation for enhanced diagnostic precision and offers new insights into disease management of comorbid disorders

    Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis.

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    Deficits in memory performance have been linked to a wide range of neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions. While many studies have assessed the memory impacts of individual conditions, this study considers a broader perspective by evaluating how memory recall is differentially associated with nine common neuropsychiatric conditions using data drawn from 55 international studies, aggregating 15,883 unique participants aged 15-90. The effects of dementia, mild cognitive impairment, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, stroke, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder on immediate, short-, and long-delay verbal learning and memory (VLM) scores were estimated relative to matched healthy individuals. Random forest models identified age, years of education, and site as important VLM covariates. A Bayesian harmonization approach was used to isolate and remove site effects. Regression estimated the adjusted association of each clinical group with VLM scores. Memory deficits were strongly associated with dementia and schizophrenia (p 0.05). Differences associated with clinical conditions were larger for longer delayed recall duration items. By comparing VLM across clinical conditions, this study provides a foundation for enhanced diagnostic precision and offers new insights into disease management of comorbid disorders

    Physics case for an LHCb Upgrade II - Opportunities in flavour physics, and beyond, in the HL-LHC era

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    The LHCb Upgrade II will fully exploit the flavour-physics opportunities of the HL-LHC, and study additional physics topics that take advantage of the forward acceptance of the LHCb spectrometer. The LHCb Upgrade I will begin operation in 2020. Consolidation will occur, and modest enhancements of the Upgrade I detector will be installed, in Long Shutdown 3 of the LHC (2025) and these are discussed here. The main Upgrade II detector will be installed in long shutdown 4 of the LHC (2030) and will build on the strengths of the current LHCb experiment and the Upgrade I. It will operate at a luminosity up to 2×1034 cm−2s−1, ten times that of the Upgrade I detector. New detector components will improve the intrinsic performance of the experiment in certain key areas. An Expression Of Interest proposing Upgrade II was submitted in February 2017. The physics case for the Upgrade II is presented here in more depth. CP-violating phases will be measured with precisions unattainable at any other envisaged facility. The experiment will probe b → sl+l−and b → dl+l− transitions in both muon and electron decays in modes not accessible at Upgrade I. Minimal flavour violation will be tested with a precision measurement of the ratio of B(B0 → μ+μ−)/B(Bs → μ+μ−). Probing charm CP violation at the 10−5 level may result in its long sought discovery. Major advances in hadron spectroscopy will be possible, which will be powerful probes of low energy QCD. Upgrade II potentially will have the highest sensitivity of all the LHC experiments on the Higgs to charm-quark couplings. Generically, the new physics mass scale probed, for fixed couplings, will almost double compared with the pre-HL-LHC era; this extended reach for flavour physics is similar to that which would be achieved by the HE-LHC proposal for the energy frontier