211 research outputs found

    Barriers and Motivators of Household Water-Conservation Behavior: A Bibliometric and Systematic Literature Review

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    Water scarcity, aggravated by growing demands, represents a significant challenge for humanity. Promoting household sustainable water-consumption behaviors has become vital. The Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) framework stands out among many strategies to promote water conservation. However, many interventions in this domain often neglect significant theoretical insights, leading to gaps in addressing key social and contextual drivers of behavior. This study conducts a systematic and bibliometric literature review aimed at identifying determinants underlying household water-conservation behaviors. This review encompasses 155 papers published from 1984 to early 2023. Our findings show that this is a highly multidisciplinary field of study with a marked increase in research attention discerned post-2010, particularly from water-stressed regions. Furthermore, our findings also reveal an often-overlooked integration of guiding theories and an over-reliance on self-reported measures in prior research. Factors such as attitude, perceived efficacy, emotions, and habits emerge as pivotal in understanding water conservation. However, while attitudes have been extensively analyzed in previous research, the other factors deserve greater attention from researchers. Inconsistencies in demographic predictors further hint at potential moderating roles. This paper offers valuable insights for designing effective household water-conservation interventions through a social marketing lens.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (Emerging Project GV2022 number: CIGE/2022/051), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) doctoral research scholarship, and Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina)

    Plan de mejoramiento del clima organizacional para la Gerencia de Logística de Confitería de Colombina S.A. a partir de su diagnóstico para el año 2014.

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    El clima organizacional es el ambiente propio de la organización, producido y percibido por el individuo de acuerdo a las condiciones que encuentra en su proceso de interacción social y en la estructura organizacional que se expresa a través variables que orientan su creencia, percepción, grado de participación y actitud, determinando su comportamiento, satisfacción y nivel de eficiencia en el trabajo (Méndez, 2006). Por ende, este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo establecer un plan de mejoramiento de clima organizacional para la Gerencia de Logística de Confitería de Colombina S.A. a partir de su diagnóstico para el año 2014.MaestríaMAGISTER EN ADMINISTRACIÓ

    Propuesta de Investigación sobre la Salud Mental de los Estudiantes de Medicina durante el Confinamiento por COVID 19

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    En el siguiente documento se describe el ejercicio de investigación que se está desarrollando sobre el impacto en la salud mental en los estudiantes de medicina de una institución educativa de Pasto durante el confinamiento por pandemia COVID 2019. Las patologías de la salud mental han sufrido un incremento sustancial debido a la pandemia que se vive actualmente; el aislamiento social sumado al confinamiento, factores socioeconómicos y las transformaciones pedagógicas en los estudiantes que se implementaron de forma abrupta han llevado a que estos presenten mayores trastornos de depresivos, ansiedad y estrés, que afectan no solo su vida personal sino también su rendimiento académico y de aprendizaje

    Noninvasive assessment of an engineered bioactive graft in myocardial infarction: impact on cardiac function and scar healing

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    Cardiac tissue engineering, which combines cells and biomaterials, is promising for limiting the sequelae of myocardial infarction (MI). We assessed myocardial function and scar evolution after implanting an engineered bioactive impedance graft (EBIG) in a swine MI model. The EBIG comprises a scaffold of decellularized human pericardium, green fluorescent protein-labeled porcine adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (pATPCs), and a customized-design electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) monitoring system. Cardiac function was evaluated noninvasively by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Scar healing was evaluated by using the EIS system within the implanted graft. Additionally, infarct size, fibrosis, and inflammation were explored by histopathology. Upon sacrifice 1 month after the intervention, MRI detected a significant improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction (7.5%64.9% vs. 1.4%63.7%; p = .038) and stroke volume (11.565.9 ml vs. 364.5 ml; p = .019) in EBIG-treated animals. Noninvasive EIS data analysis showed differences in both impedance magnitude ratio (20.02 6 0.04 per day vs. 20.48 6 0.07 per day; p = .002) and phase angle slope (20.18°60.24° per day vs.23.52°60.84° per day; p = .004) in EBIG compared with control animals. Moreover, in EBIG-treated animals, the infarct size was 48% smaller (3.4%60.6% vs. 6.5%61%; p = .015), less inflammation was found by means of CD25+ lymphocytes (0.65 6 0.12 vs. 1.26 6 0.2; p = .006), and a lower collagen I/III ratio was detected (0.4960.06 vs. 1.6660.5; p = .019). An EBIG composed of acellular pericardium refilled with pATPCs significantly reduced infarct size and improved cardiac function in a preclinical model of MI. Noninvasive EIS monitoring was useful for tracking differential scar healing in EBIG-treated animals, which was confirmed by less inflammation and altered collagen deposit.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Woodchip bioreactors provide sustained denitrification of brine from groundwater desalination plants

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    Woodchip bioreactors are widely known as a best management practice to reduce excess nitrate loads that are discharged with agricultural leachates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of citrus woodchip bioreactors for denitrification of brine (electrical conductivity ≈ 17 mS cm-1) from groundwater desalination plants with high nitrate content (NO3--N ≈ 48 mg L-1) in the Campo de Cartagena agricultural watershed, one of the main providers of horticultural products in Europe. The performance was evaluated relative to seasonal changes in temperature, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) provided by woodchips, hydraulic residence time (HRT) and woodchip aging. Bioreactors (capacity 1 m3) operated for 2.5 years (121 weeks) in batch mode (24 h HRT) with three batches per week. Denitrification efficiency was modulated by DOC concentration, temperature, hydraulic residence time and the drying-rewetting cycles. High salinity of brine did not prevent nitrate removal from occurring. The high DOC availability (> 25 mg C L-1) during the first ≈48 weeks resulted in high nitrate removal rate (> 75 %) and nitrate removal efficiency (until ≈ 25 g N m-3 d-1) regardless of temperature. Moreover, the high DOC contents in the effluents during this period may present environmental drawbacks. Denitrification was still high after 2.5 years (reaching ≈9.3 g N m-3 d-1 in week 121), but dependence on warm temperature became more apparent with woodchips aging from week ≈49 onwards. Nitrate removal efficiency was highest on the first weekly batch, immediately after woodchips had been unsaturated for four days. It was attributable to a flush of DOC produced by aerobic microbial metabolism during drying that stimulated denitrification following re-saturation. Hence, alternance of drying-rewetting cycles is an operation practice that increase bioreactors nitrate removal performance.This study was supported by the Chair of Sustainable Agriculture for the Campo de Cartagena (Cátedra de Agricultura Sostenible para el Campo de Cartagena)

    Análisis de factores que afectan la caracterización de las propiedades del carbón

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    En este trabajo se estudia el problema relacionado con la variación de las propiedades del carbón bituminoso, utilizado en una planta de energía eléctrica colombiana. La estrategia implementada fue la metodología de diseño de experimentos (DOE) para encontrar lascausas de estas variaciones, cambiando las condiciones de almacenamiento, afectadas por el clima y las diferentes formas de manejo de muestras. El estudio contempla el diseño, desarrollo y análisis de tres experimentos con el fin de identificar la influencia de parámetros como el tiempo y utilización del carbón almacenado, el clima antes del consumo y algunos procedimientos de muestreo y de esta forma explicar la divergencia entre las propiedades del carbón medidas en el patio y durante la trituración justo antes de ser quemado. Los resultados mostraron que el tiempo de almacenamiento en el patio y el desempeño del sistema automático de muestreo son la causa principal del problema.This paper studies the problem related to the variation of measured properties of a bituminous coal, fired in a Colombian electric power plant. The strategy was to implement a DOE methodology to find the causes of these variations, changing the storage conditions and relating it to the weather and different ways of handling the samples. The study contemplates the design, deploy-ment and analysis of three experiments in order to trace the influence of such parameters as time and deplete of storage, weather evolution prior to consumption and some sampling procedures and in this way explain the divergence of coal properties between the reception in the yards and its medium grinding just before firing. The results had shown that stocking time in yards and the automatic system ́s performance, as the main cause of the problem

    Análisis de factores que afectan la caracterización de las propiedades del carbón

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    This paper studies the problem related to the variation of measured properties of a bituminous coal, fired in a Colombian electric power plant. The strategy was to implement a DOE methodology to find the causes of these variations, changing the storage conditions and relating it to the weather and different ways of handling the samples. The study contemplates the design, deployment and analysis of three experiments in order to trace the influence of such parameters as time and deplete of storage, weather evolution prior to consumption andsome sampling procedures and in this way explain the divergence of coal properties between the reception in the yards and its medium grinding just before firing. The results had shown that stocking time in yards and the automatic system´s performance, as the main cause of the problem.En este trabajo se estudia el problema relacionado con la variación de las propiedades del carbón bituminoso, utilizado en una planta de energía eléctrica colombiana. La estrategia implementada fue la metodología de diseño de experimentos (DOE) para encontrar lascausas de estas variaciones, cambiando las condiciones de almacenamiento, afectadas por el clima y las diferentes formas de manejo de muestras. El estudio contempla el diseño, desarrollo y análisis de tres experimentos con el fin de identificar la influencia de parámetros como el tiempo y utilización del carbón almacenado, el clima antes del consumo y algunos procedimientos de muestreo y de esta forma explicar la divergencia entre las propiedades del carbón medidas en el patio y durante la trituración justo antes de ser quemado. Los resultados mostraron que el tiempo de almacenamiento en el patio y el desempeño del sistema automático de muestreo son la causa principal del problema

    Drug abuse and criminal family records in the criminal history of prisoners

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    La relación entre el comportamiento criminal y los factores de riesgo, como el registro delictivo familiar y el consumo de drogas, ha sido establecida. Con el objetivo de definir el papel de estos factores de riesgo en el inicio y la evolución de la conducta criminal, se diseñó un estudio de campo con presos. Se aplicó a los datos de 157 reclusos en Villabona (Asturias, España) un análisis de supervivencia relacionado con la edad en que se cometió el primer delito no sancionado y la edad en la que entró por primera vez en la cárcel. Los resultados del análisis muestran que los reincidentes con abuso de drogas se iniciaron en actos delictivos a una edad más temprana (13 años) que los delincuentes primarios (16 años); los reincidentes con antecedentes penales en la familia comenzaron su actividad criminal a una edad anterior (13 años) a los primarios (16 años); Los reincidentes de familias sin antecedentes penales se iniciaban en actos delictivos a los 14 años, mientras que los primarios a los 16; los reincidentes con dependencia a las drogas entran por primera vez en la cárcel antes (19 años) que los primarios. Los delincuentes primarios que no consumen drogas ingresan en la cárcel por primera vez a la edad de 24 años, mientras que los reincidentes a la edad de 19; la primera entrada en prisión de los reincidentes con antecedentes penales de la familia se produce antes (19 años), que en los delincuentes primarios (23 años), y los presos reincidentes sin antecedentes penales de la familia cruzan el umbral de la cárcel por primera vez a una edad más joven (21 años) que los internos primarios (26 años). Las implicaciones de estos resultados pueden orientar una intervención más eficaz contra la delincuencia.The relationship between criminal behavior and the risk factors, family criminal records and drug use, has been firmly established. With the aim of defining the role of these risk factors in the initiation and evolution of criminal behavior, a field study with prison inmates was designed. A survival analysis with the age at which the first unsanctioned crime was committed and the age at which entered by first instance into prison was applied to the data of 157 prison inmates in Villabona (Asturias, Spain). The results of a survival analysis showed that drug abuse re-offenders initiated in criminal acts at an earlier age (13 years) than the primary offenders (16 years); re-offenders from family criminal records began his/her criminal activity earlier (13 years) than primary ones (16 years); re-offenders with non-criminal family records, initiate in criminal acts at 14 years, whereas primary at 16; the recidivist drug abusers enter by first instance into prison earlier (19 years) than the primary ones; non-drug consuming primary offenders enter prison for the first time at the age of 24 whereas recidivists do so at the age of 19; the first entrance into prison of the recidivist with family criminal records occurs early (19 years), than for the primary offenders (23 years); and the recidivist prisoners of non-family criminal records cross the threshold of the prison by first time youngsters (21 years) than the primary inmates (26 years). The implications of these results may lead towards a more effective intervention against crime

    Unperceived dating violence among Mexican students

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    El presente estudio, ex post facto de tipo prospectivo, tiene como objetivo establecer la autopercepción de maltrato, así como los sentimientos de miedo y atrapado que existen entre los miembros de una relación de pareja, y determinar si hay diferencias en la prevalencia de los diferentes tipos de violencia o victimización entre los que se perciben maltratados y los que no, teniendo en cuenta las combinaciones con la sensación de miedo y atrapamiento. Participaron 3.495 estudiantes mexicanos de los cuales 1.927 son preuniversitarios (edad media = 20,16; DT = 2,13) y 1.568 universitarios (edad media = 15,99; DT = 1,64). Se aplicaron un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y el Cuestionario de Violencia de Novios (CUVINO). El 88% de los participantes no se percibe como maltratado por su pareja, pero el 15,2% ha sentido miedo y el 27% asevera haberse sentido en algún momento atrapado en la relación. Los datos ponen de manifiesto que una importante mayoría de jóvenes del estudio presenta maltrato técnico, ya que aun cuando se autoperciben como no maltratados presentan la evidencia de haber vivido abuso en su relación de noviazgo.The aim of this ex post facto study was to determine the level of self-perceived abuse and the feelings of fear and entrapment that exist among Mexican students in a dating relationship. We intended to explore possible differences in the prevalence of the various types of violence or victimization between individuals who perceive themselves as being abused and those who do not, combining such perceptions with the feelings of fear and entrapment. The sample was composed of 3,495 Mexican students, of which 1,927 were pre-university students (M= 20.16; SD= 2.13) and 1,568 were university students (M= 15.99; SD= 1.64). We applied a questionnaire on socio-demographic data and the Cuestionario de Violencia entre Novios (CUVINO, Dating Violence Questionnaire). Results showed that 88% of participants did not feel abused by their boyfriend or girlfriend; yet, 15.2% reported having been afraid and 27% reported having felt trapped in the relationship at some point. The data revealed that a considerable majority of youth in the sample had been victims of unperceived abuse. More specifically, they presented evidence of having experienced abuse in their dating relationship even when they described themselves as not being abused