2,751 research outputs found

    Sistema Informático de Encuestas a los Alumnos Aceptados del PE de Contaduría del Centro Universitario UAEM Zumpango

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    Actualmente las aplicaciones Web son comunes en diversas áreas, no es difícil encontrarsecon aplicaciones Web de contabilidad, de ventas o educativas. En este trabajo se desarrolló un Sistema de Información Web para Aplicación de Encuestas (SIWAE) para estudiantes de Licenciatura en Contabilidad del Centro Universitario UAEM Zumpango. El proyecto se derivó de la necesidad de contar con un sistema capaz de almacenar y analizar datos acerca de alumnos de primer año de Contabilidad. Antes de este proyecto los cuestionarios eran manualmente aplicados usando formatos impresos y las respuestas eran capturadas después en hojas de cálculo electrónicas. Es bien sabido que los procesos realizados manualmente no son recomendados especialmente si la cantidad de información crece rápidamente. La mayor contribución de este trabajo es el desarrollo de SIWAE el cual automatiza la tarea de capturar respuestas, ejecuta validaciones sobre ellas y es capaz de generar reportes básicos que pueden ayudar a analizar los datos en la base de datos del sistema. La aplicación ofrece algunas opciones para administración como respaldar la base de datos, modificar los datos de usuarios,cambiar permisos y eliminar usuarios. Permite también realizar algunos reportes y gráficas de los resultados de las encuestas

    Construcción social del riesgo de desastre, colonia Puerto Príncipe, Nueva Guinea, RACCS, 2013

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    In this investigation the process of social construction of the disaster risk in floods situations caused by intense rains in Puerto Príncipe Community was analyzed. It inquired about the knowledge that the population has about the subject of flood disasters and the ways in which the community perceives the socio-natural threats. It was reviewed the individual and collective actions that contribute to the development of social adaptation strategies to risk, the forms of response to risk in practice or in their imagination and the role of social organizations in the definition and implementation of community mechanisms of adaptation to floods. The results of the study showed the existence of different contexts of vulnerability that increase the risk of disaster in Puerto Príncipe Community.En esta investigación se analizó el proceso de construcción social del riesgo de desastre ante inundaciones provocadas por lluvias intensas en la colonia Puerto Príncipe. Se indagó acerca del conocimiento que posee la población sobre el tema de desastre por inundaciones y las formas en las cuales la comunidad percibe las amenazas socio-naturales. Se revisaron las acciones individuales y colectivas que contribuyen al desarrollo de estrategias de adaptación social al riesgo, las formas de respuesta al riesgo en la práctica o en su imaginación y el rol de las organizaciones sociales en la definición e implementación de mecanismos comunitarios de adaptación a las inundaciones. Los resultados del estudio evidenciaron la existencia de diferentes contextos de vulnerabilidad que incrementan el riesgo de desastre en la colonia Puerto Príncipe

    Preparation of quantum dots hydrogel nanocomposites with improved cytotoxicity

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    Nanocomposites are materials with unique properties and a wide range of applications. The combination of different nanostructures with traditional materials gives a variety of possibilities that should be analyzed. Especially, functional fluorescent semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) embedded in polymeric matrices have shown promising fluorescence and biocompatibility properties. These hybrid materials can be used in medical applications such as biodiagnostic and bioimaging. In this study, two hydrogels, one of polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA) and other of polyacrylamide (PAAm), were prepared with quantum dots of CdTe (4 nm of diameter) and characterized. The aim of this research was to analyze the optical properties of the nanocomposites and their cell viability. QDs nanocomposites were fabricated by a free radical polymerization process. The optical studies showed that the nanocomposites have well defined properties of fluorescence. To study the biocompatibility of the nanocomposites, metastatic B16f10 cell line were used and MTT assay was performed. The nanocomposites had a significant improved cell viability compared with QDs solutions

    HST/WFPC2 morphologies and color maps of distant luminous infrared galaxies

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    Using HST/WFPC2 imaging in F606W (or F450W) and F814W filters, we obtained the color maps in observed frame for 36 distant (0.4<z<1.2) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), with average star formation rates of ~100 M_sun/yr. Stars and compact sources are taken as references to align images after correction of geometric distortion. This leads to an alignment accuracy of 0.15 pixel, which is a prerequisite for studying the detailed color properties of galaxies with complex morphologies. A new method is developed to quantify the reliability of each pixel in the color map without any bias against very red or blue color regions.Based on analyses of two-dimensional structure and spatially resolved color distribution, we carried out morphological classification for LIRGs. About 36% of the LIRGs were classified as disk galaxies and 22% as irregulars. Only 6 (17%) systems are obvious ongoing major mergers. An upper limit of 58% was found for the fraction of mergers in LIRGs with all the possible merging/interacting systems included. Strikingly, the fraction of compact sources is as high as 25%, similar to that found in optically selected samples. From their K band luminosities, LIRGs are relatively massive systems, with an average stellar mass of about 1.1x10^11 solar mass. They are related to the formation of massive and large disks, from their morphologies and also from the fact that they represent a significant fraction of distant disks selected by their sizes. The compact LIRGs show blue cores, which could be associated with the formation of the central region of these galaxies. We suggest that there are many massive disks still forming a large fraction of their stellar mass since z=1. For most of them, their central parts (bulge?) were formed prior to the formation of their disks.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Enantioselective Solvent-Free Synthesis of 3-Alkyl-3-hydroxy-2-oxoindoles Catalyzed by Binam-Prolinamides

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    BINAM-prolinamides are very efficient catalyst for the synthesis of non-protected and N-benzyl isatin derivatives by using an aldol reaction between ketones and isatins under solvent-free conditions. The results in terms of diastereo- and enantioselectivities are good, up to 99% de and 97% ee, and higher to those previously reported in the literature under similar reaction conditions. A high variation of the results is observed depending on the structure of the isatin and the ketone used in the process. While 90% of ee and 97% ee, respectively, is obtained by using (Ra)-BINAM-l-(bis)prolinamide as catalyst in the addition of cyclohexanone and α-methoxyacetone to free isatin, 90% ee is achieved for the reaction between N-benzyl isatin and acetone using N-tosyl BINAM-l-prolinamide as catalyst. This reaction is also carried out using a silica BINAM-l-prolinamide supported catalyst under solvent-free conditions, which can be reused up to five times giving similar results.This work was financially supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO: Projects: CTQ2010-20387 and Consolider INGENIO CSD2007-0006), FEDER, the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2009/039, the University of Alicante and the EU (ORCA action CM0905). A.B.-C. thanks the Spanish MICINN for a predoctoral fellowship (FPU AP2009-3601)

    A Study of Soil Microstructure Using Bender Element Tests

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    An application of bender elements to measure the effect of soil microstructure in shear wave velocity is presented. A testing program was carried out on Mexico City sediments using a triaxial cell fitted with bender elements. Shear wave velocities were measured during isotropic consolidation and during failure. From the results of these tests simple expressions were obtained which describe the variations of shear wave velocity with the current state in terms of the effective stress and axial deformation