1,778 research outputs found

    Ancient Urban Ecology Reconstructed from Archaeozoological Remains of Small Mammals in the Near East

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    Acknowledgments We especially thank the many archaeologists who collaborated closely with our project and invested pioneering efforts in intensive fine-scale retrieval of the archaeozoological samples that provided the basis for this study: Shai Bar, Amnon Ben-Tor, Amit Dagan, Yosef Garfinkel, Ayelet Gilboa, Zvi Greenhut, Amihai Mazar, Stefan Munger, Ronny Reich, Itzhaq Shai, Ilan Sharon, Joe Uziel, Sharon Zuckerman, and additional key excavation personnel who were instrumental in collection of the samples or in assisting the work including: Shimrit Bechar, Jacob Dunn, Norma Franklin, Egon Lass and Yiftah Shalev. Funding:The research was funded by a post-doctoral grant awarded to L.W. from the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007e2013)/ERC grant agreement number 229418. The laboratory work was also supported by funding by the Israel Science Foundation (Grant 52/10). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Shrinkwrap Licenses: Consequences of Breaking the Seal

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    Optimal Mandates and The Welfare Cost of Asymmetric Information: Evidence from the U.K. Annuity Market

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    Much of the extensive empirical literature on insurance markets has focused on whether adverse selection can be detected. Once detected, however, there has been little attempt to quantify its welfare cost, or to assess whether and what potential government interventions may reduce these costs. To do so, we develop a model of annuity contract choice and estimate it using data from the U.K. annuity market. The model allows for private information about mortality risk as well as heterogeneity in preferences over different contract options. We focus on the choice of length of guarantee among individuals who are required to buy annuities. The results suggest that asymmetric information along the guarantee margin reduces welfare relative to a first best symmetric information benchmark by about $127 million per year, or about 2 percent of annuitized wealth. We also fi nd that by requiring that individuals choose the longest guarantee period allowed, mandates could achieve the first-best allocation. However, we estimate that other mandated guarantee lengths would have detrimental e€ects on welfare. Since determining the optimal mandate is empirically difficult, our fi ndings suggest that achieving welfare gains through mandatory social insurance may be harder in practice than simple theory may suggest

    Diffeomorphisms Versus Non Abelian Gauge Transformations: An Example of 1+1 Dimensional Gravity

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    We investigate the phase space of a typical model of 1+1 dimensional gravity (Jackiw-Teitelboim model with cylindrical topology) using its reformulation as a non abelian gauge theory based on the sl(2,R) algebra. Modifying the conventional approach we argue that one should take the universal covering of SL(2,R) rather than PSL(2,R) as the gauge group of the theory. We discuss the consequences for the quantization of the model and find that the spectrum of the Dirac observables is sensible to this modification. Our analysis further provides an example for a gravity theory where the standard Hamiltonian formulation identifies gravitationally inequivalent solutions.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, TUW-93-2

    Change and continuity in global governance

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    Why, despite well-established and well-publicized intergovernmental processes that date back to the early 1970s, have we been unable to put in place effective mechanisms to combat climate change? Why, despite the existence of extensive global human rights machinery, do we live in a world where mass kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder continue to blight the lives of so many? Why, despite a great deal of effort on the part of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and nonstate actors, have we been unable to make much of a difference to the lives of the ultra-poor and attenuate the very worst aspects of growing global inequalities? Most fundamentally, why have the current international system and the outcomes that it has produced remained so inadequate in the postwar period

    Securities Law in the New Millennium

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    Securities Law in the New Millennium

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    Beyond Statistics: The Economic Content of Risk Scores

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    "Big data" and statistical techniques to score potential transactions have transformed insurance and credit markets. In this paper, we observe that these widely-used statistical scores summarize a much richer heterogeneity, and may be endogenous to the context in which they get applied. We demonstrate this point empirically using data from Medicare Part D, showing that risk scores confound underlying health and endogenous spending response to insurance. We then illustrate theoretically that when individuals have heterogeneous behavioral responses to contracts, strategic incentives for cream-skimming can still exist, even in the presence of "perfect" risk scoring under a given contract. (JEL C55, G22, G28, H51, I13)National Institute on Aging (R01 AG032449

    Friendship Village : Exploring the Critical Economic Development and Urban Design Link for Sustainable Development

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    Presented on December 3, 2008 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development 2nd floor classroom.Full report: Friendship Village Exploring the Critical Economic Development and Urban Design Link for Sustainable Development, January 2009Runtime: 77:11 minutes (Presentation)Runtime: 23:27 minutes (Q & A)The Friendship Village group had the charge of advising a large-scale land developer on directions for promoting sustainability in the plans for a 210 acre multi-use project in south Fulton County, Georgia. Their work included site design recommendations modeled after traditional town centers in ten case studies but also included innovative open space and stormwater management proposals and ideas about educational and health care facilities. The diverse professional audience expressed admiration and the developer’s lead representative indicated that results exceeded her expectations.Faculty Advisors: Nancey Green Leigh, Professor of City and Regional Planning ; Richard Dagenhart, Associate Professor of Architecture ; John Skach, Adjunct Professor; Senior Associate, Urban Collag

    Wave function multifractality and dephasing at metal-insulator and quantum Hall transitions

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    We analyze the critical behavior of the dephasing rate induced by short-range electron-electron interaction near an Anderson transition of metal-insulator or quantum Hall type. The corresponding exponent characterizes the scaling of the transition width with temperature. Assuming no spin degeneracy, the critical behavior can be studied by performing the scaling analysis in the vicinity of the non-interacting fixed point, since the latter is stable with respect to the interaction. We combine an analytical treatment (that includes the identification of operators responsible for dephasing in the formalism of the non-linear sigma-model and the corresponding renormalization-group analysis in 2+ϔ2+\epsilon dimensions) with numerical simulations on the Chalker-Coddington network model of the quantum Hall transition. Finally, we discuss the current understanding of the Coulomb interaction case and the available experimental data.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, elsart styl
