230 research outputs found

    A perceção das chefias sobre o processo recrutamento e seleção numa empresa do setor da pasta e do papel

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão Estratégica de Recursos HumanosO objetivo deste estudo é analisar a perceção das Chefias, como cliente interno, sobre o processo de recrutamento e seleção de uma empresa do setor da pasta e do papel. Pretende-se em concreto conhecer a perceção sobre o conhecimento, a participação e a satisfação que estes profissionais têm em relação ao processo de recrutamento e seleção prestado pelo Departamento de Recrutamento e Seleção da empresa. Neste sentido, é cada vez mais importante a avaliação dos processos de recrutamento e seleção no interior das empresas e a satisfação que as Chefias têm em relação ao mesmo. Todo este facto se explica por existir cada vez mais uma maior necessidade de encontrar colaboradores que sejam geradores de valor acrescentado, no interior das empresas. Foi aplicado um questionário constituído por 17 questões, enviado aos Chefes de Departamento de uma empresa, do setor da pasta e do papel, com o intuito de avaliar a perceção, o conhecimento e a satisfação que as mesmas detêm sobre o processo de recrutamento e seleção, aplicado pelo Departamento de Recrutamento. Segundo os inquiridos, constataram-se três aspetos a melhorar: o tempo de resposta às solicitações para o preenchimento da vaga, o grau de adequação dos candidatos às funções, e a carga burocrática do processo. Contudo, e numa perspetiva geral, constata-se que as Chefias se consideram satisfeitas com o conhecimento e respetivas participações no processo de recrutamento e seleção, bem como em relação ao conhecimento, participação e satisfação dos processos de recrutamento.The main purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of the Managers, as internal customer, about the process of recruiting and selecting in a company from the pulp and paper sector. It is intended in particular to know the perception about the knowledge, participation and satisfaction that these professionals have in relation to the recruitment and selection process provided by the Recruitment and Selection Department of the company. In this sense, it is increasingly important to evaluate the processes of recruitment and selection within the companies and the satisfaction that the Managers have in relation to it. All this is explained by the increasing need to find employees who generate added value within companies. A questionnaire consisting of 17 questions was sent to the heads of department of a company, in the pulp and paper sector, with the purpose of evaluating the perception, knowledge and satisfaction they have about the recruitment and selection process, applied by the Recruitment Department. According to the respondents, there were three aspects to be improved: the response time to the requests for filling the vacancy, the degree of suitability of the candidates for the functions, and the bureaucratic burden of the process. However, from a general perspective, it can be seen that the Managers consider themselves satisfied with the knowledge and their participation in the recruitment and selection process, as well as in relation to the knowledge, participation and satisfaction of the recruitment

    Retrofit measures evaluation considering thermal comfort using building energy simulation: two Lisbon households

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    ABSTRACT: Retrofit measures for buildings are in general evaluated considering the energy savings and life cycle cost. However, one of the main benefits, the increase of users comfort is very seldom analysed. In this work, two residential households representative of a large share of households in Portugal, were monitored and its thermal behavior was modeled using Energy Plus. The thermal evaluation of the pre-retrofit households shows that the winter season is problematic due to construction solutions and low availability for heating. The retrofit measures analysis was performed considering different retrofit solutions regarding envelope improvement and efficient systems implementation. In order to work around the question of comparing households that do not use energy for acclimatization and therefore have very low energy consumption, in the retrofit scenarios it was considered the thermal comfort evaluation value for the real case (pre-retrofit) and compared the energy consumption to achieve that same average comfort level (in this case avoiding high discomfort peaks). The measures that more rapidly pay the investment are those related with implementing active systems. The approach used in this paper, should be used in more calibrated models in order to have overall conclusions about the retrofit process at a larger scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retrofit measures evaluation considering thermal comfort using building energy simulation : two Lisbon households

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    ABSTRACT: Retrofit measures for buildings are in general evaluated considering the energy savings and life cycle cost. However, one of the main benefits, the increase of users comfort is very seldom analysed. In this work, two residential households representative of a large share of households in Portugal, were monitored and its thermal behavior was modeled using Energy Plus. The thermal evaluation of the pre-retrofit households shows that the winter season is problematic due to construction solutions and low availability for heating. The retrofit measures analysis was performed considering different retrofit solutions regarding envelope improvement and efficient systems implementation. In order to work around the question of comparing households that do not use energy for acclimatization and therefore have very low energy consumption, in the retrofit scenarios it was considered the thermal comfort evaluation value for the real case (pre-retrofit) and compared the energy consumption to achieve that same average comfort level (in this case avoiding high discomfort peaks). The measures that more rapidly pay the investment are those related with implementing active systems. The approach used in this paper, should be used in more calibrated models in order to have overall conclusions about the retrofit process at a larger scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Movimento e Manobra na Campanha Militar do Teatro de Operações de Moçambique (1964-1975)

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    O presente trabalho de investigação apresenta como tema “O Movimento e Manobra na Campanha Militar do Teatro de Operações de Moçambique (1964-1975) ”, um assunto com reconhecido interesse para o Exército Português. O objetivo principal visa analisar a função de combate Movimento e Manobra naquela campanha, através do estudo dos seus fundamentos, conceitos e tarefas que se incluem nessa função de combate. Para além da vertente doutrinária apresentada, são caracterizadas as forças empregues no conflito, bem como são destacadas as evidências da aplicação prática dos conceitos que envolvem a função de combate Movimento e Manobra. Inicialmente começa-se por introduzir e caracterizar a função de combate Movimento e Manobra, passando depois a abordar-se a tipologia de forças de manobra empregues no conflito. Posteriormente analisa-se o dispositivo de forças no TO enquanto parte integrante da manobra enquadrado pela doutrina militar nas operações. Finalmente descreve-se a operação de grande envergadura executada em 1970 designada de “Nó Górdio”. As conclusões permitem evidenciar que as diferentes tarefas da atual função de combate Movimento e Manobra são perfeitamente identificáveis nas ações desenvolvidas naquele TO. Abstract: This research presents "The warfighting function Movement and Manoeuvre in Mozambique military campaign theatre of operations (1964-1975)", a theme with a recognized interest for the Portuguese Army. The main objective is to analyze the warfighting function Movement and Manoeuvre in Mozambique military campaign through the study of the fundamentals, concepts and tasks that are included in this warfighting function. In addition to the doctrinal aspects presented, the employed forces in the conflict are characterized, as well as evidence of the practical application of concepts involving the warfighting function Movement and Manoeuvre are highlighted. Initially we begin to introduce and characterize the warfighting function Movement and Manoeuvre, and then we discuss types of manoeuvre forces employed in the conflict. Later, we analyze the location and activities of manoeuvre forces in the theatre. Finally, we describe the major operation performed in 1970, called the "Nó Górdio". The conclusions evidence that the different tasks of the actually warfighting function Movement and Manoeuvre are clearly identifiable in the actions developed in the Mozambique military campaign.N/

    A adequação do sistema de escolar às novas realidades socioeconómicas. A(s) reforma(s) do ensino liceal (1945-1968)

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    O reposicionamento geoestratégico de Portugal no mundo do pós-guerra e as transformações na formação social portuguesa conduziram a alterações na política educativa, reconhecendo à educação um papel fulcral no crescimento económico, sustentado na teoria do capital humano. As preocupações centraram-se na formação de recursos humanos qualificados, na valorização do capital escolar e na promoção da planificação educativa. Analisa-se a evolução dos objetivos e da estrutura curricular dos liceus, incluindo a criação do Ciclo Preparatório do Ensino Secundário, convocando fontes escritas submetidas a análise documental, com recurso ao método crítico, e de conteúdo. As finalidades a atribuir ao ensino liceal revelam-se a questão central no sentido de os liceus promoverem a escolarização de um leque mais alargado de portugueses. Um processo que se concretiza com base na desigualdade de acesso à educação

    Growth Performance, Carcass and Meat Traits of Autochthonous Arouquesa Weaners Raised on Traditional and Improved Feeding Systems

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    Arouquesa is an autochthonous bovine breed known for its Arouquesa PDO beef labeling. There are several production systems under the definition of PDO labeling. This study aimed to compare the effect of different production systems on carcass and meat traits for the Arouquesa breed. Two trials differing in diet and weaning age were conducted. The first trial included a TF group fed the traditional way and weaned at 9 months; a TF + S1 group, equal to TF, but with a starter supplement; and finally, a S1 + S2 group that was fed with a starter and a growth supplement and weaned at 5 months. The second trial was composed of a TF + S3 group fed like the TF + S1 group but reared until 12 months with a finishing supplement, and finally, the S3 group fed like the S1 + S2 group but reared until 12 months. In the first trial, the TF + S1 and S1 + S2 groups showed higher final live weight and average daily gain. In the second trial, we observed differences in the subcutaneous fat that was higher in the S3 group. Regarding meat traits, we observed differences in exudative and cooking losses in the first trial. In general, supplementation improved meat production without affecting meat quality parametersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing Infections and Disease Progression from SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 and BA.2, Portugal

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    We estimated comparative primary and booster vaccine effectiveness (VE) of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 and BA.2 lineages against infection and disease progression. During April-June 2022, we implemented a case-case and cohort study and classified lineages using whole-genome sequencing or spike gene target failure. For the case-case study, we estimated the adjusted odds ratios (aORs) of vaccination using a logistic regression. For the cohort study, we estimated VE against disease progression using a penalized logistic regression. We observed no reduced VE for primary (aOR 1.07 [95% CI 0.93-1.23]) or booster (aOR 0.96 [95% CI 0.84-1.09]) vaccination against BA.5 infection. Among BA.5 case-patients, booster VE against progression to hospitalization was lower than that among BA.2 case-patients (VE 77% [95% CI 49%-90%] vs. VE 93% [95% CI 86%-97%]). Although booster vaccination is less effective against BA.5 than against BA.2, it offers substantial protection against progression from BA.5 infection to severe disease.The acquisition of sequencing equipment and reagents used in this study by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge was partially funded by the HERA project (grant no. 2021/PHF/23776) supported by the European Commission through the European Centre for Disease Control, and also partially funded by the GenomePT project (grant no. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020–Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation, Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme, Algarve Portugal Regional Operational, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, and by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. Algarve Biomedical Center Laboratory received public funding through the Project ALG-D2-2021-06 Variants Screen in Southern Portugal– Monitoring Variants of Concern in Southern Portugal and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation national support through the Comprehensive Health Research Center (grant no. UIDP/04923/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adherence to the cardiac surgery checklist decreased mortality at a teaching hospital: A retrospective cohort study

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    Objective: To evaluate the impact of adherence to the cardiac surgical checklist on mortality at the teaching hospital. Methods: A retrospective cohort study after the implementation of the cardiac surgical safety checklist in a reference hospital in Latin America. All patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and/or heart valve surgery from 2013 to 2019 were analyzed. After the implementation of the project InCor-Checklist “Five steps to safe cardiac surgery” in 2015, the correlation between adherence and completeness of this instrument with surgical mortality was assessed. The EuroSCORE II was used as a reference to assess the risk of expected mortality for patients. Cross-sectional questionnaires were during the implementation of the InCor-Checklist. To perform the correlation, Pearson's coefficient was calculated using R software. Results: Since 2013, data from 8139 patients have been analyzed. The average annual mortality was 5.98%. In 2015, the instrument was used in only 58% of patients; in contrast, it was used in 100% of patients in 2019. There was a decrease in surgical mortality from 8.22% to 3.13% for the same group of procedures. The results indicate that the greater the checklist use, the lower the surgical mortality (r = 88.9%). In addition, the greater the InCor-Checklist completeness, the lower the surgical mortality (r = 94.1%). Conclusion: In the formation of the surgical patient safety culture, the implementation and adherence to the InCor-Checklist “Five steps to safe cardiac surgery” was associated with decreased mortality after cardiac surgery

    Comparative complete scheme and booster effectiveness of COVID‐19 vaccines in preventing SARS‐CoV‐2 infections with SARS‐CoV‐2 Omicron (BA.1) and Delta (B.1.617.2) variants: A case–case study based on electronic health records

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    Background: Information on vaccine effectiveness in a context of novel variants of concern (VOC) emergence is of key importance to inform public health policies. This study aimed to estimate a measure of comparative vaccine effectiveness between Omicron (BA.1) and Delta (B.1.617.2 and sub-lineages) VOC according to vaccination exposure (primary or booster). Methods: We developed a case-case study using data on RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2-positive cases notified in Portugal during Weeks 49-51, 2021. To obtain measure of comparative vaccine effectiveness, we compared the odds of vaccination in Omicron cases versus Delta using logistic regression adjusted for age group, sex, region, week of diagnosis, and laboratory of origin. Results: Higher odds of vaccination were observed in cases infected by Omicron VOC compared with Delta VOC cases for both complete primary vaccination (odds ratio [OR] = 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.8 to 2.4) and booster dose (OR = 5.2; 95% CI: 3.1 to 8.8), equivalent to reduction of vaccine effectiveness from 44.7% and 92.8%, observed against infection with Delta, to -6.0% (95% CI: 29.2% to 12.7%) and 62.7% (95% CI: 35.7% to 77.9%), observed against infection with Omicron, for complete primary vaccination and booster dose, respectively. Conclusion: Consistent reduction in vaccine-induced protection against infection with Omicron was observed. Complete primary vaccination may not be protective against SARS-CoV-2 infection in regions where Omicron variant is dominant.The acquisition of sequencing equipment and reagents used in this study by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge was partially funded by the HERA project (grant no. 2021/PHF/23776), supported by the European Commission through the European Centre for Disease Control, and also partially funded by the Genome PT project (grant no. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020–Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation, Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme, Algarve Portugal Regional Operational, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, and by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation. The Algarve Biomedical Center Laboratory received public funding through the Project ALG-D2-2021-06 Variants Screen in Southern Portugal–Monitoring Variants of Concern in Southern Portugal and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation national support through the Comprehensive Health Research Center (grant no. UIDP/04923/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio