1,747 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compensation and organizational culture on performance on employee performance at PT Kumala Indonesia Shipyard in Batam City. This study usesquantitative methods. The data is obtained by using numbers and the analysis is using statistical techniques. The data taken for this study were 100 employees at PT Kumala Indonesia Shipyard in Batam City. Data collection was done by using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of grouping the data based on the variables and types of respondents. This study concludes that compensation and organizational culture affect motivation, compensation and organizational culture affect employee performance, motivation affects employee performance and compensation and organizational culture affects employee performance through motivation as an intervention variable

    Penerapan Pijat Effleurage Menggunakan Virgin Coconut Oil Dalam Menurunkan Risiko Pressure Ulcer Pada Pasien Dengan Stroke Non Hemoragic

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    Pressure ulcer merupakan cedera pada kulit atau jaringan yang ada dibawahnya (biasanya diatas penonjolan tulang) sebagai akibat dari tekanan dan gesekan. Luka tekan dapat menimbulkan infeksi, rasa nyeri dan dampak psiokologis pada pasien. Pijat effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil mampu menurunkan pressure ulcer. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan pressure ulcer menggunakan pijat effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil. Desain studi kasus ini menggunakan deskriptif. Subjek studi kasus ini adalah pasien dengan diagnosa medis stroke non hemoragic dengan risiko tinggi pressure ulcer yang melakukan Rawat Inap. Subjek studi kasus ini terdiri dari 2 pasien yang didapatkan secara random. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini menggunakan Braden Scale dan indikator gangguan integritas kulit dengan pengambilan data sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan perlakuan Pijat effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil dua kali sehari dalam waktu 20 menit selama 4 hari. Berdasarkan hasil studi kasus didapatkan terjadi penurunan pressure ulcer antara sebelum dan setelah diberikan intervensi Pijat effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil pada kedua subjek studi kasus dengan rata-rata skore braden scale 10,5 (risiko tinggi) menjadi 16,5 (risiko rendah), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada penerapan pijat effleurage menggunakan virgin coconut oil dapat menurunkan risiko pressure ulcer pada pasien dengan stroke non hemoragic


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    In the science of heat transfer there are many tools that have such a function, one of which is tube banks. Tube banks are a collection of cylinders or tubes that are used to transfer heat to the fluid passing through the tubes. Tube banks are divided into two types of arrangement, the first is aligned and the second is staggered. One of the drawbacks of tube banks is the uneven heat transfer process, which can result in the Nusselt number and efficiency of the heat exchanger being very low. Therefore we need a method called passive flow by adding an obstacle or fin called a vortex generator. Vortex Generator has a function to focus the flow on the fluid so that it can be evenly distributed through the tube. In each tube, vortex generators are usually placed in pairs with a predetermined diagonal position and a predetermined vertical and horizontal distance. And can be placed only on the first row or can be for the second row and so on. The author's focus this time is on tube banks of the staggered type with a total of 7 tubes. Then a rectangular vortex generator is added with many variants of the angle of inclination and the velocity of the fluid entering the inlet. All designs are made in modeler software and tested in fluid flow simulations. And the final result of this research, both through visual appearance on the contours and the results of calculations on the Nusselt number and average heat, show significant fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena after adding a vortex generator. However, as long as the variance of the vortex generator tilt angle is observed and not more than 40Ėš. Because if the angle of inclination is more than this value, the fluid will be blocked by the vortex generator itself and this phenomenon can also be called blockage

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Daerah (SIKDA) Generik Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Rawat Jalan Di Puskesmas Rawat Inap Ciranjang

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    The use of good information system technology can help the implementation of the work program of the puskesmas effectively, reports on the performance of the puskesmas can be reported periodically and systematically so that the puskesmas management can make the right decisions. SIKDA at the Medical Record Unit at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center just started in April 2019. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Regional Health Information System (SIKDA) in improving outpatient services at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center and to analyze the inhibiting factors for the implementation of generic SIKDA at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center. The research method used is qualitative analysis with a descriptive approach. The time of the research was conducted in March-May 2023 at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center. The results of the study when viewed from the perspective of human factors found that SIKDA at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center could not be carried out by every officer in the service unit, there were no special technical staff who managed the information system and there was no further training or outreach. While from the technological factor there are several damaged devices and information systems that are not updated. It can be concluded that generic SIKDA human resources are still lacking in operating generic SIKDA in all outpatient service units due to limited human resources. The technological factor for the application of SIKDA is already very good. However, support from the leadership for the implementation of generic SIKDA is considered to be lacking due to limited facilities and infrastructure, and the availability of human resources. And the benefits generated by the regional health information system (SIKDA) at the Ciranjang Inpatient Health Center are still not being felt due to not being integrated in all outpatient services and software applications that have never been updated again


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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai biaya dan waktu dengan menggunakan Earned Value Analysis (EVA) pada proyek pembangunan RS Hermina Kutabumi Tangerang. Proyek RS Hermina Kutabumi Tangerang ini memiliki waktu rencana sekitar 40 minggu (285 hari) dengan rencana anggaran biaya sebesar Ā± Rp.,00, dengan adanya batasan waktu dan biaya maka diperlukan pengendalian yang baik dan matang, akan tetapi sebelum dikakukan pengendalian perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu mengenai kinerja proyek yang telah berlangsung. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja biaya dan waktu serta estimasi biaya dan waktu pada akhir penyelesaian proyek RS Hermina Kutabumi Tangerang. Metode Earned Value mamadukan unsur biaya dan waktu yang terjadi saat proyek berlangsung. Data yang didapatkan dari proyek antara lain time schedule, Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB), laporan bulanan dan biaya aktual, yang kemudian dilakukan analisis biaya, waktu, variasi serta indeks performansi dengan mamaparkan masalah yang muncul pada saat penelitian. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa prakiraan waktu penyelesaian proyek apabila menggunakan perhitungan komulatif, berdasarkan minggu ke-39 adalah 292,01 hari (18 Oktober 2020), sedangkan waktu rencana adalah 285 hari (11 Oktober 2020). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa waktu penyelesaian lebih lambat 7 hari dari yang direncanakan. Sedangkan apabila kita menggunakan perhitungan tiap minggu, Prakiraan waktu penyelesaian proyek berdasar minggu ke-39 adalah 291,80 hari (18 Oktober 2020), sehingga proyek mengalami keterlambatan 7 hari.Kata kunci: Ā EVA, SPI, ETS, EAS, Perkiraan Waktu, Kurva


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    Dropshipping is a form of online buying and selling in which business actors act as intermediaries between genuine sellers (suppliers) and consumers. Shoe dropshippers in Syiah Kuala District do not stock goods and do not take care of shipments so they do not know the actual condition of the goods. Sometimes in online buying and selling like this there is a risk in the form of defects/damage to goods, shipping errors, etc. so a warranty system is needed to protect both parties from loss or disputes at a later date. The problem in this research is what is the form of return guarantee in the sale and purchase agreement of shoes in Syiah Kuala District by dropship and how is the khiyār review of the terms of the return guarantee form of dropship shoe purchase. In this study the authors used a sociolegal approach with descriptive analysis research methods based on data obtained from interviews. The result of this research is the guarantee provided by the dropshipper in the Syiah Kuala District in the form of exchanging goods (returns) and a refund (refund) for 3x24 hours with certain terms and conditions. In the concept of fiqh muamalah, the return guarantee has relevance to the khiyār requirement, because the dropshipper provides an option for returns within a certain time in order to guarantee the willingness of the parties. The provision of 3 days is in accordance with the terms of the khiyār time according to the terms of the fuqaha. The difference lies in the form of guarantee provided, in khiyār the terms of sale and purchase can be canceled if there is consumer defect or dissatisfaction, while the return guarantee by most dropshippers only provides exchange of goods, which shows that the sale and purchase cannot be canceled


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    Magnesium alloys possess highly desirable properties and become increasingly popular in various practical applications due to their lightweight nature as a replacement for aluminum alloys. The purpose of this study is to optimize the process parameter to get the better mechanical properties of friction stir welded AM20 magnesium alloy using Taguchi Grey relational analysis (GRA) Coupled with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The considered process parameters are plunging depth (PD), tool rotation speed (RPM), and welding speed (WS), shoulder diameter (SD), and. The experiments were carried out by using Taguchi's L18 factorial design of experiment. The processes parameters were optimized and ranked the parameters based on the W-GRG. The responses are ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS), percentage of elongation (% E), compressive stress (CS), bending angle, average hardness at the nugget zone (NZ), thermo mechanical affected zone (TMAZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ). Case-1 is preferable when high values of quality parameters are desired, while Case-2 is more suitable when some parameters needs to be low values. The optimal combination of parameters in case-1 is PD1, RPM3, WS3, and SD1, while the optimal combination of parameters in case-2 is PD1, RPM1, WS2, SD1. In both cases, the most influence response in is UTS, while the maximum influence of factor is SD. We suggest further research to be able to use confirmatory experiments so that we can find out how well the new setup is suggested

    Keluarga Muslim, Perempuan dan Radikalisme di Sumatera Utara

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    The development of the ideology of radicalism in Muslim families has increasingly shown an increase which has led to acts of terrorism involving women. This case tends to increase in recent years. This is because the active role of militant women in carrying out acts of terrorism shows that it turns out that women also have the potential to have gender equality in carrying out radicalism movements in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the views of women in the Muslim family environment towards radicalism in North Sumatra and explore the role of women in the Muslim family environment in efforts to overcome radicalism in North Sumatra. This research method uses qualitative research with a contemporary sharia maqasid approach. This research was conducted in Medan City and Sibolga City with 8 informants. The research data analysis technique used the Snow Ball and FGD techniques. This paper reveals that the perpetrators of husband and wife in the terrorism case in Sibolga and Medan did not indicate that they were children of a family of terrorists or former terrorists. The power of women in their involvement in acts of terrorism is in the space of mastery of patriarchal culture, where men are in charge of instilling doctrine and determining practical actions, by positioning women as actors who execute at the forefront. The important role of the family, namely the father and mother, is related to the potential for the reproduction of violence through family institutions. Because, from radical fathers and mothers, children who have radical views develop. Perkembangan ideologi radikalisme di keluarga muslim semakin menunjukkan peningkatan yang menimbulkan aksi tindakan terorisme yang melibatkan kaum perempuan. Kasus ini cenderung meningkat di beberapa tahun terakhir. Sebab, peran aktif perempuan yang militan dalam melakukan tidakan terorisme menujukkan bahwa ternyata perempuan juga berpotensi memiliki kesetaraan gender dalam melakukan gerakan radikalisme di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pandangan perempuan di lingkungan keluarga muslim terhadap paham radikalisme di Sumatera Utara dan mengeksplorasi peran perempuan di lingkungan keluarga muslim dalam upaya penanggulangan radikalisme di Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan maqasid syariah kontemporer. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Medan dan Kota Sibolga dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 8 orang. Teknik analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik Snow Ball dan FGD. Tulisan ini mengungkapkan bahwa pelaku pasangan suami istri dalam kasus terorisme di kota Sibolga dan kota Medan ternyata tidak mengindikasikan mereka merupakan anak-anak dari keluarga teroris atau mantan teroris. Kuasa perempuan dalam keterlibatannya dalam aksi terorisme berada dalam ruang penguasaan kultur patriarkhi, dimana kaum laki-laki bertugas menanamkan doktrin dan menetukan aksi-aksi praktis, dengan memposisikan kaum perempuan sebagai actor yang mengeksekusi di garda terdepan. Peran penting keluarga yaitu ayah dan ibu, kaitannya dengan potensi reproduksi kekerasan melalui pranata keluarga. Sebab, dari ayah dan ibu yang radikal maka berkembanglah anak yang memiliki paham radikal

    Importance Understanding Rights and Obligations Citizens in Election Head of Medan City District 2020

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    Participation of citizens in using voting rights as a key element to success of Election. However, voter participation in Medan regional elections since reforms until now, tends experience a low participation rate. Thus, political socialization education is important, in order to maintain quantity and quality in the 2020 Medan City Head Election. The objectives of this activity include: First, disseminating information about the stages, schedule and objectives of the election. Second, increase citizens' knowledge and awareness of rights and obligations in elections. Third, increase voter participation in elections. Method of socialization through lectures and discussions from speakers to activity participants by applying strict health protocols.. The results of socialization activities show the enthusiastic attitude of the Community of the Sovereign People's Movement of North Sumatra in participating in this activity. Socialization participants argue that this activity can increase their knowledge of the rights and obligations of citizens ahead of the Election. Evidently, socialization participants are committed to participate in inviting the people of Medan to participate and follow the entire process of the simultaneous election stage 2020
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