530 research outputs found

    Interaction Management Skills in Telephone Interpreting

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    A lo largo de la última década, la interpretación telefónica (IT) ha consolidado su presencia en los servicios públicos de muchos países, incluido España. Por ello, se le está prestando una mayor atención a la necesidad de formar a profesionales de la IT que sepan hacer frente a los retos derivados de este tipo de interpretación a distancia. A pesar de que la IT posee características específicas (el uso del teléfono como canal de comunicación; la ausencia física del o de la intérprete del lugar de la interacción; la ausencia de información visual y la inmediatez con que se accede a la o a el intérprete), esta comparte muchos rasgos con la interpretación dialógica presencial, entre ellos, el papel de quien interpreta como coordinador de la interacción para asegurar el flujo de la interacción entre los interlocutores. Sin embargo, la manera de efectuar dicha coordinación es necesariamente diferente cuando se interpreta por teléfono y cuando se hace persona. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y describir las destrezas específicas que necesitan adquirir los y las intérpretes telefónicas para gestionar la interacción entre quienes participan en la conversación. Algunas de ellas no son exclusivas de la IT, pero deben ser readaptadas al uso del teléfono. Estas destrezas podrían ser empleadas potencialmente como punto de partida para diseñar una propuesta de formación específica exhaustiva en IT.Over the last decade, telephone interpreting (TI) has consolidated its presence in the public services of many countries around the world, including Spain. That is why increased attention is being paid to the need for training TI professionals who are able to face the challenges that this type of remote interpreting entails. Despite TI’s specificities (the use of the telephone as the channel of communication, the interpreter’s physical absence from the place of interaction, the lack of visual information and the immediacy with which the interpreter is accessed), it shares many features with face-to-face dialogue interpreting, one of them being the role of the interpreter as interaction coordinator to ensure communication flow between the primary parties. Nonetheless, the way coordination is performed when interpreting over the phone necessarily differs from on-site interpreting. This article aims to identify and describe the specific skills needed by telephone interpreters to manage interaction between participants in conversation. Some of them are not exclusive to TI, but must be readapted for use with the telephone. These skills could potentially be used as the starting point to design a specific comprehensive training in TI

    Asymptotic behavior of parametric algebraic surfaces

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    Starting from the concept of infinite branches and approximation surfaces, we present a method to compute infinite branches and surfaces having the same asymptotic behavior as an input parametric surface. The results obtained in this work represent a breakthrough for the study of surfaces and their applications.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Detecting and parametrizing polynomial surfaces without base points

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    Given an algebraic surface implicitly defined by an irreducible polynomial, we present a method that decides whether or not this surface can be parametrized by a polynomial parametrization without base points and, in the affirmative case, we show how to compute this parametrization.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Determining the asymptotic family of an implicit curve

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    In this paper we deal with the following problem: given an algebraic plane curve C, implicitly defined, we determine its “asymptotic family”, that is, the set of algebraic curves that have the same asymptotic behavior as C.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Some New Symbolic Algorithms for the Computation of Generalized Asymptotes

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    We present symbolic algorithms for computing the g-asymptotes, or generalized asymptotes, of a plane algebraic curve, C, implicitly or parametrically defined. The g-asymptotes generalize the classical concept of asymptotes of a plane algebraic curve. Both notions have been previously studied for analyzing the geometry and topology of a curve at infinity points, as well as to detect the symmetries that can occur in coordinates far from the origin. Thus, based on this research, and in order to solve practical problems in the fields of science and engineering, we present the pseudocodes and implementations of algorithms based on the Puiseux series expansion to construct the g-asymptotes of a plane algebraic curve, implicitly or parametrically defined. Additionally, we propose some new symbolic methods and their corresponding implementations which improve the efficiency of the preceding. These new methods are based on the computation of limits and derivatives; they show higher computational performance, demanding fewer hardware resources and system requirements, as well as reducing computer overload. Finally, as a novelty in this research area, a comparative analysis for all the algorithms is carried out, considering the properties of the input curves and their outcomes, to analyze their efficiency and to establish comparative criteria between them.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Elastic asymmetry of PLA material in FDM-printed parts: considerations concerning experimental characterisation for use in numerical simulations

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    The objective of this research is to characterise the material poly lactic acid (PLA), printed by fused deposition modelling (FDM) technology, under three loading conditions—tension, compression and bending—in order to get data that will allow to simulate structural components. In the absence of specific standards for materials manufactured in FDM technology, characterisation is carried out based on ASTM International standards D638, D695 and D790, respectively. Samples manufactured with the same printing parameters have been built and tested; and the tensile, compressive and flexural properties have been determined. The influences of the cross-sectional shape and the specimen length on the strength and elastic modulus of compression are addressed. By analysing the mechanical properties obtained in this way, the conclusion is that they are different, are not coherent with each other, and do not reflect the bimodular nature (different behaviour of material in tension and compression) of this material. A finite element (FE) model is used to verify these differences, including geometric non-linearity, to realistically reproduce conditions during physical tests. The main conclusion is that the test methods currently used do not guarantee a coherent set of mechanical properties useful for numerical simulation, which highlights the need to define new characterisation methods better adapted to the behaviour of FDM-printed PLAPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Quality of Life, Physical and Mental Health, and Economic Evaluation of Family Caregivers of Chronic Dependent Children: INFAPRINT Cohort Study Protocol.

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    Background: Caregivers for children with complex chronic illnesses may experience emotional and physical strain, especially as concerns attention overload and the perceptions of their own psychosocial situation. These concerns, together with the additional financial cost and the socioeconomic inequalities that arise from caregiving responsibilities, create major challenges to the health status of this population group. Methods: A prospective analytical longitudinal study will be conducted, based on an exposed cohort of adult caregivers (parents or guardians) for children with complex chronic processes, to evaluate the impact of caregiving responsibilities on the health status of this population group. Conclusions and implications: The practical implications of this study are of great significance for clinical practice. The results of this study have the potential to inform the decision-making process in the healthcare sector and guide future research initiatives. The findings of this study will provide crucial insights into the health-related quality of life of caregivers of children with complex chronic illnesses, which will be valuable in addressing the challenges faced by this population group. This information can be used to improve the availability and accessibility of appropriate health services and to facilitate the development of more equitable health outcomes for caregivers of children with complex chronic illnesses. By highlighting the extent to which this population is affected both physically and mentally, the study can contribute to the development of clinical practices that prioritize the health and well-being of caregivers in the care of children with complex chronic illnesses.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Psychometric properties of the d2 selective attention test in a sample of premature and born-at-term babies

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    Se analizan las propiedades ricas del test de atención selectiva «d2» en dos grupos de niños: prematuros (n= 63) y nacidos a término (n=78). Los coeficientes de fiabilidad, calculados por métodos de consistencia interna, se han situado en valores en torno a 0,90. El análisis de componentes principales ha mostrado una estructura de tres factores explicando el 58% de la varianza, coincidiendo con el número de factores presentados en el manual de la adaptación española de la prueba pero no en cuanto a la composición de los mismos. Se concluye que la prueba d2 tiene un comportamiento psicométricamente adecuado tanto para el grupo global como para cada una de las submuestras empleadas

    Arte y revolución en las páginas de Revista de Oriente (1925-1926)

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    En junio de 1925, la Asociación Amigos de Rusia en Buenos Aires lanzó el primer número de Revista de Oriente, su órgano oficial. Esta publicación tuvo por objetivo difundir la realidad soviética entre estudiantes, obreros e intelectuales argentinos, posicionándose como un medio de comunicación alternativo a la “prensa burguesa”. A pesar de no haberse constituido estrictamente como una revista literaria o artística, en sus páginas se destinó un lugar de relevancia a estos tópicos. En las elecciones visuales, artículos y escritos reproducidos por los editores, podemos reconocer determinados posicionamientos frente a los debates estéticos que signaron las primeras décadas del siglo XX, particularmente aquellos referidos a la relación entre vanguardia artística y vanguardia política. En este sentido, como desarrollaremos a lo largo del capítulo, Revista de Oriente se colocó en una suerte de bisagra entre los realismos y las experiencias de las vanguardias soviéticas. Esta adscripción por momentos ambigua expresaría no solo el momento de transición que atravesaba la URSS en la definición de sus políticas culturales, sino también las tensiones que tenían lugar en el campo cultural argentino de la década del veinte, signado a su vez por la emergencia de los grupos de Boedo y Florida, formaciones que, aunque contrapuestas en sus principios rectores, admitieron intersecciones mutuas.Facultad de Arte