2,666 research outputs found

    Quid Pro Quo: A Mechanism for Fair Collaboration in Networked Systems

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    Collaboration may be understood as the execution of coordinated tasks (in the most general sense) by groups of users, who cooperate for achieving a common goal. Collaboration is a fundamental assumption and requirement for the correct operation of many communication systems. The main challenge when creating collaborative systems in a decentralized manner is dealing with the fact that users may behave in selfish ways, trying to obtain the benefits of the tasks but without participating in their execution. In this context, Game Theory has been instrumental to model collaborative systems and the task allocation problem, and to design mechanisms for optimal allocation of tasks. In this paper, we revise the classical assumptions and propose a new approach to this problem. First, we establish a system model based on heterogenous nodes (users, players), and propose a basic distributed mechanism so that, when a new task appears, it is assigned to the most suitable node. The classical technique for compensating a node that executes a task is the use of payments (which in most networks are hard or impossible to implement). Instead, we propose a distributed mechanism for the optimal allocation of tasks without payments. We prove this mechanism to be robust event in the presence of independent selfish or rationally limited players. Additionally, our model is based on very weak assumptions, which makes the proposed mechanisms susceptible to be implemented in networked systems (e.g., the Internet).Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 3 algorithm

    Círculos sin fronteras. Paraísos artificiales y diversidad regional en el cine español contemporáneo (la representación del "mundo de la droga")

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    Más de siglo y medio ha pasado desde que Charles Baudelaire acuñó la expresión de « paraísos artificiales » para referirse a sus experiencias con las drogas; y mucho más –alrededor de ochocientos años– desde que Dante Alighieri precisara que son nueve los círculos de que está constituido el infierno. Hemos querido aunar estas dos nobles imágenes antitéticas para arrancar nuestra aproximación al tratamiento que el cine español del tercer milenio (en concreto, de la primera década de la presente centuria) ha dado del tráfico y consumo de estupefacientes. En esta pesquisa, vamos a poner énfasis en las similitudes y diferencias que se perciben en la visión que de este tema se da en films producidos, y casi invariablemente ambientados, en las distintas comunidades autónomas que componen el Estado. Partimos de la hipótesis de que el cine español sigue un patrón concreto y recurrente a la hora de representar el consumo de las drogas; un patrón atravesado de pretensiones morales, en virtud del cual el hábito constituye una cadena (o, mejor, una espiral) en la que se empieza por las blandas, se pasa a la cocaína y las pastillas, con frecuencia se experimenta el enganche a la heroína (culmen de la degradación) y, casi inexorablemente, se muere. Intentaremos, pues, demostrar que nuestra cinematografía soslaya otros enfoques, como el del autoconocimiento, explorado otrora por ella misma y actualmente en otras latitudes, y equipara consumo con autodestrucción; asimismo, trataremos de analizar cuáles son las divergencias más notables que se dan en la representación fílmica de las drogas en función de factores contextuales (regionales y ambientales, pero también de nivel sociocultural, económico, de roles sexuales, etcétera). Antes de entrar en materia, hemos de hacer varias precisiones metodológicas: la primera consiste en que solo tocaremos largometrajes de ficción (por lo que quedan excluidos de entrada cortometrajes y documentales), y que la selección se ha realizado con la intención de lograr una muestra territorial lo más diversa posible, en un lapso reducido pero que permite entrever una cierta evolución (el título más antiguo que estudiaremos es de 2000, mientras que el más reciente data de 2008). Conviene añadir que en el presente texto se entiende por drogas las comúnmente calificadas como « blandas » (el cannabis, la marihuana, el hachís); los alcaloides (opiáceos como la morfina o la cocaína; la mescalina, el peyote); las drogas semisintéticas (la heroína), los derivados de las anfetaminas (las « drogas de síntesis » o « de diseño » como las anfetaminas, el éxtasis/MDMA, el LSD, el cristal líquido…); no así el alcohol ni el tabaco, no porque no los consideremos tales, sino porque juzgamos que ambos asuntos han sido abordados de manera específica y diferenciada por el cine español.It has been more than a hundred and fifty years since Charles Baudelaire coined the expression “artificial paradises” in order to refer to his experiences with drugs. Also, it has been around eight hundred years since Dante Alighieri specified that hell is composed of nine different circles. In this paper, we combine those two noble antithetic images in order to start our approximation to the treatment that the Spanish cinema in the third millennium (precisely, the first decade of this century) has given to drug trafficking and consumption. We will stress the perceived differences and similarities concerning the issue and how they have been depicted in the different regions of Spain. Our hypothesis contemplates the fact that the Spanish cinema follows a particular model when it comes to representing drug consumption, a model loaded with moral pretensions whereby consumption becomes a linear matter, a sort of spiral, starting with soft drugs, then cocaine and pills, followed in many cases by the use of heroine (cusp in the deterioration process) and finally, almost in every case, death. We will try to prove that our cinema neglects other approaches to drug consumption such as self-knowledge, which in fact our very same cinema used to resort to before. By equating drug consumption and self- destruction, we will attempt to analyse the most significant differences in the film representation of drugs in relation to contextual factors (regional, environmental, socio-cultural, economic, sex role, etc.). We believe several methodological issues should be mentioned, too. First of all, we will only analyse full-length fiction films (short films and documentaries are therefore excluded). The film selection has been carried out trying to achieve a diverse territorial sample. It is a short period of time but it still gives us a glimpse of particular trends (the oldest film studied was released in 2000 and the most recent one in 2008). Also, in this article we will use the term “drugs” to refer to soft drugs (cannabis, marijuana, hash), alkaloids (opiates such as morphine or cocaine; mescaline, peyote), semi-synthetic drugs (heroine), and amphetamine derivative compounds (“synthetic/designer drugs” such as amphetamines, E/MDMA, LSD, liquid speed, etc.). For the sake of this article tobacco and alcohol will not be considered drugs since we believe that the use of these substances has been studied deeply and separately by the Spanish cinema

    La descomposición del orden religioso en las sociedades modernas según René Girard

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    Nous remercions la "Gazeta de Antropologia" d'avoir autorisé la diffusion de cet article sur Hal.International audienceSacrifices, rites, myths, religious rules and values would have for millennia been determinant elements in cultures around the world, promoting the stability and survival of human societies. What are the consequences of the crises of the religious order as an element of social cohesion in modern societies? How and why did it happen? What would its effect be on the individual existence and on social and interpersonal relationships? Why does the relationship between Christianity and violence prove ambiguous? These are questions to resolve in this study using the mimetic anthropological philosophy of René Girard and his hypothesis of mimetic desire and scapegoat mechanism.Sacrificios, ritos, mitos, preceptos y valores religiosos han sido durante milenios factores decisivos en culturas de todo el mundo, promocionando la estabilidad y la supervivencia de las sociedades humanas. ¿Cuáles serían las consecuencias de la crisis del orden religioso como elemento de cohesión social en las sociedades modernas? ¿Cómo y por qué se habría producido? ¿Cuál sería su efecto en la existencia individual y en las relaciones sociales e interpersonales? ¿Por qué resulta ambigua la relación del cristianismo y la modernidad con la violencia? Son cuestiones que trataremos de responder a través de la filosofía antropológica mimética de René Girard y sus hipótesis del deseo mimético y del mecanismo del chivo expiatorio

    La crítica de René Girard al humanismo

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    International audienceIn René Girard’s work there are a lot of critics to the humanism and the humanists. First of all, in this article we will deal with a definition of this concept and his historiographic problem. There is a big contrast between the topics and ideals of the humanism and the mimetic theory. We study the explicit Girard’s critics to the humanists and finally we present one perspective that allows to consider himself like a humanist thinker.La crítica de René Girard al humanismo René Girard's critique of humanism agustín morEno FErnándEz Universidad de Granada rEsumEn. La obra de René Girard está salpi-cada de críticas al humanismo y a los huma-nistas. En este estudio nos preguntamos en primer lugar qué es el humanismo, haciéndo-nos cargo de la problemática historiográfica. Presentamos el contraste existente entre los tópicos e ideales humanistas y las ideas que se derivan de la teoría mimética. Estudiamos las críticas explícitas de Girard a los huma-nistas y, por último, adoptamos una perspec-tiva que permite calificarlo a él mismo como un humanista

    A Mechanism for Fair Distribution of Resources without Payments

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    We design a mechanism for Fair and Efficient Distribution of Resources (FEDoR) in the presence of strategic agents. We consider a multiple-instances, Bayesian setting, where in each round the preference of an agent over the set of resources is a private information. We assume that in each of r rounds n agents are competing for k non-identical indivisible goods, (n > k). In each round the strategic agents declare how much they value receiving any of the goods in the specific round. The agent declaring the highest valuation receives the good with the highest value, the agent with the second highest valuation receives the second highest valued good, etc. Hence we assume a decision function that assigns goods to agents based on their valuations. The novelty of the mechanism is that no payment scheme is required to achieve truthfulness in a setting with rational/strategic agents. The FEDoR mechanism takes advantage of the repeated nature of the framework, and through a statistical test is able to punish the misreporting agents and be fair, truthful, and socially efficient. FEDoR is fair in the sense that, in expectation over the course of the rounds, all agents will receive the same good the same amount of times. FEDoR is an eligible candidate for applications that require fair distribution of resources over time. For example, equal share of bandwidth for nodes through the same point of access. But further on, FEDoR can be applied in less trivial settings like sponsored search, where payment is necessary and can be given in the form of a flat participation fee. To this extent we perform a comparison with traditional mechanisms applied to sponsored search, presenting the advantage of FEDoR

    La conversione nella teoria mimetica di René Girard

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    Nous remercions la revue "Fogli Campostrini" de nous avoir permis de publier cet article.International audienceOne of the specific peculiarities of René Girard’s mimetic theory is the recovery of the concept of conversion. In this article we expose, in a detailed way, the three senses of the conversion according to this thinking: novelistic, religious and epistemological. There is an interaction between the three senses and also different significations for each other.Tratteremo dei tre tipi di conversione che si trovano nell’opera di Girard, inseriti in un quadro ermeneutico più ampio, quello dell’interpretazione del suo pensiero come valutazione della modernità. In questo modo, le conversioni «romanzesca», «religiosa» ed «epistemologica», oltre a essere connesse alle diverse discipline affrontate dall’autore (teoria e critica letteraria, ermeneutica biblica ed etnologia), sono legate – anche se non unicamente – all’acquisizione di un sapere che Girard definisce mimetico, alla presa di coscienza della natura interdividuale del nostro «io» e, pertanto, alla critica della filosofia moderna del soggetto e a un ripensamento del concetto di libertà

    Rivalité mimétique dans la relation maître-disciple

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    Nous remercions la revue Ensayos de Filosofía de nous avoir permis de publier cet article.International audienceMimetic theory identifies problems linked to interpersonal relationships. We study some difficulties concerning mimetic rivalry in the relationships between teachers and students. Both would be models of imitation each other.La teoría mimética identifica problemas ligados a las relaciones interpersonales. Aquí abordamos algunas disfunciones -principalmente larivalidad mimética-, que pueden presentarse en las relaciones entre docentes y discentes, en tanto que los primeros ejercen de modelos deimitación para los segundos (aunque también sucede lo contrario).La théorie mimétique repère des problèmes liés aux rapports interpersonnels. Nous abordons quelques dysfonctions autour de la rivalité mimétique qu’on peut trouver dans les rapports entre les enseignants dans la mesure que les premiers sont un modèle d’imitation pour les seconds et vice-versa

    From the Ego of Desire to the Ego of Will

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    In this work I will present three points. First of all, I will speak about the paradox between deconstruction and reivindication of the subject in René Girard and Jean-Michel Oughourlian. Secondly, I will propose five figures of the Ego of Desire that I have found in Oughourlian's work. And finally I will try to make the transition from the Ego of Desire to the Ego of Will. Este trabajo aborda tres cuestiones principales. Primero, la paradoja entre deconstrucción y reivindicación del sujeto en René Girard y Jean-Michel Oughourlian. Segundo, proponemos cinco figuras del yo del deseo que encontramos en Oughourlian. Finalmente recorremos el camino que va del ‘yo del deseo’ al ‘yo de la voluntad’

    Modelos de imitación: filosofía, literatura y cristianismo en René Girard

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    La cuestión de los modelos de imitación, entre trascendencia divina y trascendencia desviada, que vincula los temas de la conversión y la libertad, junto con la atribución al ser humano de un apetito de infinitud irresuelto en la modernidad, pone de manifiesto la relación entre filosofía, literatura y cristianismo en Girard. The question of the models of imitation, between divine transcendence and false transcendence, that links the themes of conversion and freedom, and the ascription to the human being of an unresolved appetite of infinitude in the modernity, shows the relationship between philosophy, literature and Christianity in Girard

    Luis Pimentel, poeta del abismo interior

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    O presente artigo suscita a visión tráxica da existencia humana na poesía de Pimentel. Está conectada co krausismo, o que se materializa nunha denuncia das inxustizas humanas. A súa traxectoria poética asóciase así mesmo coas vangardas galegas e, posteriormente, co Movemento Galeguista. Nesta, obra existencialismo e romanticismo fúndense nunha persoal concepción poética da saudade