155 research outputs found

    Cross-Border Energy Exchange and Renewable Premiums: The Case of the Iberian System

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    In 2002, the European Union set a target of 10% electricity interconnection capacity for 2020: a target that has been further extended to 15% by 2030. Cross-border interconnection of regional/national electricity systems will allow the EU to enhance its security of supply and to integrate more renewables into energy markets. Although the EU has a common renewable directive, every Member State has its own renewable support policy. For the case of Spain, consumers pay the renewable premium in their electricity bills; however, consumers would not be overburdened if premiums were counter-balanced with the energy-cost reduction due to the merit-order effect of renewables. When two markets are interconnected, the energy exchange through the interconnection yields certain expected rent transfers due to the market rules. However, this exchange is also accompanied by other unforeseen rent transfers related to the regional/national policies on renewables. To the authors’ knowledge, the identification and quantification of these indirect rent transfers has not been previously addressed. This paper analyses and quantifies how the premiums on regional/national renewables are distributed between neighbouring countries through cross-border exchanges. The analysis focuses on the Iberian/Spanish system and its neighbours, although the methodology could be extended to other systems. To this end, data on the market and premiums has been considered, as well as the exchanges between France, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco, for the years 2015–2017. The main finding of this work is that the Spanish system, due to the lack of a coordinated/harmonized renewable premium policy, has been “importing” about 40 M€/year of renewable premium from France and 17 M€/year from Portugal while “exporting” about 66 M€/year towards the Moroccan systemsMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad PCIN-2015-043Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2016-77650-RComisión Europea (FEDER — European Regional Fondo de Desarrollo) PCIN-2015-043Comisión Europea (FEDER — European Regional Fondo de Desarrollo) ENE2016-77650-RComisión Europea (FEDER — European Regional Fondo de Desarrollo) SI-1778/12/201

    Immunomodulatory Effects of (R)-Sulforaphane on LPS-Activated Murine Immune Cells: Molecular Signaling Pathways and Epigenetic Changes in Histone Markers

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    The aim of this study was to explore the immunomodulatory effects of the natural enantiomer (R)-Sulforaphane (SFN) and the possible signaling pathways involved in an ex vivo model of LPS-stimulated murine peritoneal macrophages. Furthermore, we studied the epigenetic changes induced by (R)-SFN as well as the post-translational modifications of histone H3 (H3K9me3 and H3K18ac) in relation to the production of cytokines in murine splenocytes after LPS stimulation. (R)-SFN was able to modulate the inflammatory response and oxidative stress induced by LPS stimulation in murine peritoneal macrophages through the inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO) and cytokine (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, IL-18 and TNF-α) production by down-regulating the expression of pro-inflammatory enzymes (iNOS, COX-2 and mPGES-1). We also found that activation of the Nrf-2/HO-1 axis and inhibition of the JAK2/STAT-3, MAPK, canonical and non-canonical inflammasome signaling pathways could have been responsible for the immunomodulatory effects of (R)-SFN. Furthermore, (R)-SFN modulated epigenetic modifications through histone methylation (H3K9me3) and deacetylation (H3K18ac) in LPS-activated spleen cells. Collectively, our results suggest that (R)-SFN could be a promising epinutraceutical compound for the management of immunoinflammatory diseases.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PID2019-104767RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía 2021/CTS-259, CTS-259, P20-0117, FQM-10

    Assessment of the consequences of caregiving in psychosis: a psychometric comparison of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ)

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    Background: The Zarit Burden Interview ( ZBI) was originally developed to assess the level of subjective burden in caregivers of people with dementia. The Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire ( IEQ) is amongst the leading scales to assess caregiving consequences in severe mental illness. We aimed to compare the psychometric properties of the ZBI, a generic tool, and of the IEQ, a more specific tool to assess the consequences of caregiving in schizophrenia and related disorders. Methods: Secondary analyses of a 16- week, randomized controlled trial of a psychoeducational intervention in 223 primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Psychometric properties ( internal consistency, convergent and discriminative validity, and sensitivity to change) were evaluated for both ZBI and IEQ. Results: Internal consistency was good and similar for both scales ( ZBI: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.89, 0.94; IEQ: 0.86, 95% CI: 0. 83, 0.89). Convergent validity was relevant for similar domains ( e. g. ZBI total score vs IEQ- tension r = 0.69, 95% CI: 0. 61, 0.75) and at least moderate for the rest of domains ( ZBI total score, personal strain and role strain vs IEQ- urging and supervision). Discriminative validity against psychological distress and depressive symptoms was good ( Area Under the Curve [ AUC]: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.71, 0.83; and 0.69, 95% CI: 0.63, 0.78 - for ZBI against GHQ- 28 and CES- D respectively; and AUC: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.65, 0.78; and 0.69, 95% CI: 0.62, 0.77 - for IEQ against GHQ- 28 and CES- D respectively). AUCs against the reference criteria did not differ significantly between the two scales. After the intervention, both scales showed a significant decrease at endpoint ( p- values < 0.001) with similar standardised effect sizes for change (- 0.36, 95% CI: - 0.58, - 0.15 - for ZBI; - 0.39, 95% CI: - 0.60, - 0.18 - for IEQ). Conclusions: Both ZBI and IEQ have shown satisfactory psychometric properties to assess caregiver burden in this sample. We provided further evidence on the performance of the ZBI as a general measure of subjective burden.The study was entirely funded by a public research grant (FIS PI10/01049, Spain)

    La indeterminada ∞-∞ en espejos paralelos

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    Entre Bolzano y Cantor, hay diferencias esenciales en tanto a las teorías de conjuntos que exponen para llegar a definir el concepto del infinito. Es esto último lo que fijamos la atención. Mientras que la comparación y correspondencia que hace Cantor (uno–a-uno) es de exclusión (compara el conjunto de números naturales que es infinito numerable con otros conjuntos), la relación en Bolzano es de inclusión enfatizando la relación parte-todo, estableciendo una comparación dentro del propio conjunto. Para ello hemos realizado un modelo físico experimental como tarea para examinar el razonamiento en la cardinalidad de conjuntos infinitos. El fenómeno físico elegido es la reflexión de imágenes infinitas que producen un número finito de objetos situados en espejos paralelos dispuestos en una plataforma para poder indagar en ellos el cardinal infinito mediante la misma posición de Bolzano; donde el foco de estudio era la comparación dentro del mismo conjunto y mediante una relación de inclusión. Se ha corroborado con esa experiencia física en un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria, lo que Waldegg (2005 citado en Fuenlabrada, 2008) argumentan sobre el criterio de Bolzano: que es más “intuitivo” porque es más cercano a experiencias concretas (finitas) y además “menos paradójico”. El objeto de nuestro estudio, es introducir el método de comparación con la relación de inclusión, con la ayuda de la experiencia física, como iniciación al aprendizaje del infinito

    Crustacean amphipods from marsh ponds: a nutritious feed resource with potential for application in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

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    Coastal protection, nutrient cycling, erosion control, water purification, and carbon sequestration are ecosystem services provided by salt marshes. Additionally, salt ponds offer coastal breeding and a nursery habitat for fishes and they provide abundant invertebrates, such as amphipods, which are potentially useful as a resource in aquaculture. Fishmeal and fish oil are necessary food resources to support aquaculture of carnivorous species due to their omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). Currently, aquaculture depends on limited fisheries and feed with elevated n-3 LC-PUFA levels, but the development of more sustainable food sources is necessary. Amphipods appear to be a potential high quality alternative feed resource for aquaculture. Hence, a nutritional study was carried out for several main amphipod species—Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Monocorophium acherusicum, Gammarus insensibilis, Melita palmata and Cymadusa filosa—in terrestrial ponds in the South of Spain. These species showed high protein content (up to 40%), high n-3 PUFA and phospholipid levels, and high levels of phophatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and triacylglycerols (TAG), the latter being significantly high for M. acherusicum. M. gryllotalpa and M. acherusicum showed the highest proportion of lipids (19.15% and 18.35%, respectively). Isoleucine, glycine and alanine were the dominant amino acids in all species. In addition, amphipods collected from ponds showed low levels of heavy metals. Furthermore, the biochemical profiles of the five species of amphipods have been compared with other studied alternative prey. Therefore, pond amphipods are good candidates to be used as feed, and are proposed as a new sustainable economic resource to be used in aquaculture. G. insensibilis may be the best for intensive culture as an alternative feed resource because it shows: (1) adequate n-3 PUFA and PL composition; (2) high levels of glycine, alanine, tyrosine, isoleucine and lysine; (3) high natural densities; (4) large body size (≥1 cm), and (5) high concentration of calcium. Moreover, a combined culture of amphipods and fishes in these marsh ponds seems a promising and environmentally sustainable way to develop Integrate Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in these ecosystems.Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P11-RNM-704

    Frequencies of congenital malformations : assessment and prognosis of 52,744 births in three cities of Colombia

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    Introducción. El Instituto de Genética Humana, de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, desarrolla un programa de vigilancia de malformaciones congénitas con metodologías modificadas del Estudio Colaborativo Latinoamericano de Malformaciones Congénitas. Objetivo. Describir la frecuencia de las principales malformaciones congénitas en el país. Materiales y métodos. Entre abril de 2001 y enero de 2008, se obtuvo información sobre los pacientes con malformaciones congénitas y se analizaron la edad materna, la edad de gestación, el sexo y el peso del neonato, y la malformación congénita. Se clasificaron los casos según una escala de pronóstico para evaluar el impacto de la intervención del equipo de salud en la evolución de estos pacientes. Resultados. De 52.744 nacimientos en tres ciudades, 3,12% presentó alguna malformación congénita. Las anomalías de la oreja fueron las más frecuentes. El pie equino varo, la polidactilia y el labio y paladar hendidos, afectaron más a los pacientes de sexo masculino. El peso y la edad de gestación fueron menores en el grupo de los casos que en el de los controles. La escala de pronóstico mostró un alto riesgo de mortalidad o discapacidad en 54% de los pacientes y reveló que la intervención del equipo de salud cambia el pronóstico en más de 80% de los casos. Conclusión. Las frecuencias encontradas son similares a las del resto del mundo. La intervención del equipo de salud debe influir en el pronóstico de estas patologías. Un manejo temprano, adecuado e interdisciplinario es vital para disminuir la discapacidad y mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.Q4Q3Artículo original65-71Introduction. The Instituto de Genética Humana of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana conducted an epidemiological surveillance of congenital malformations as defined by criteria provided by the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations. Objective. The frequency of the main congenital malformations were tabulated for major urban centers in Colombia. Materials and methods. Information was gathered from 52,744 newborns between April 2001 and January 2008 in three cities of Colombia (Bogotá, Ubaté and Manizales). Data included the age of mother, gestational age, gender and weight of the newborn and the congenital malformation. Cases were classified according to a prognostic scale to assess the impact of health team interventions in the recovery process. Results. Congenital defects were noted in 3.1% of the newborns. The most frequent congenital defects were those of the ears. Clubfoot, polydactyly and cleft lip or palate were more common amongst males. The weight and gestational age were lower in the congenitally affected in comparison with the control group. The prognostic scale of congenital malformations indicated that most of these patients are at high risk of death or disability and that the intervention of the health team changed the patient ́s prognosis in approximately 80% of the cases. Conclusion. Frequencies of congenital malformations in Colombia were similar to those reported in other countries. The interventions of the health team in treating patients with congenital malformations directly affected patient prognosis. Therefore, early diagnosis and adequate interdisciplinary treatment were recommended by these data in order to reduce disability and improve the quality of life of these patients

    Telephonic follow-up of patients with genitourinary malformations in their first two years of life

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    Las malformaciones del tracto genitourinario (MTG) son una causa importante de morbilidad en la población pediátrica pudiendo llevar a los pacientes a falla renal severa o incluso a la muerte y dejando como posible discapacidad impotencia e infertilidad en el adulto. Es de vital importancia hacer un seguimiento a estos pacientes para determinar las complicaciones, pronóstico y posibles discapacidades secundarias a estas patologías congénitas. Por esta razón se realizó una encuesta telefónica de seguimiento a 40 pacientes con diagnóstico de MTG en la ciudad de Bogotá. Después de analizar múltiples variables se encontró que en nuestro medio, la mortalidad directamente relacionada con el defecto urogenital fue baja comparada con otros estudios y se relacionó directamente con malformaciones mayores. El 22% de los pacientes que sobrevive requiere al menos una cirugía en los primeros dos años de vida, con buenos resultados. También se encontró que los pacientes son valorados en su mayoría de forma interdisciplinaria por más de un especialista. Para complementar estos resultados es necesario un sistema de seguimiento más exhaustivo que busque evaluar estos pacientes a más largo plazo para evaluar discapacidad en la adolescencia y edad adultaQ4Artículo original9-14Urological congenital malformations (UCM) are a major cause of morbidity in pediatric patients. They may lead to severe kidney failure or even death, and can contribute to impotence and infertility in adulthood. It is vitally important to follow up these patients to identify complications, outcomes and possible disa-bility secondary to these congenital diseases. For this reason we conducted a telephone survey follow-up to 40 patients with UCM in Bogota, Colombia. After analyzing many variables we found that in our city, mortality directly related to the urogenital defect was low, compared to other studies and was directly related with major malformations. 25% of the patients that survived required at least one surgical procedure with favorable outcome. We also found that most of the patients had interdisciplinary treatments and were appropriately managed. To obtain further and complementary information, we need a sur-veillance system that follows these patients in longer periods, and evaluates possible disabilities in adolescence and adulthood that can be explained by these abnormalities

    Lung regeneration after toxic injury is improved in absence of dioxin receptor

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    Evidencias experimentales recientes de sistemas celulares y modelos animales de mamíferos y no mamíferos resaltan funciones novedosas para el hidrocarburo arilo / receptor de dioxinas (AhR) en el mantenimiento de la diferenciación celular y la homeostasis tisular. En particular, el agotamiento de AhR estimula un fenotipo indiferenciado y pluripotente probablemente asociado a una transición mesenquimática en las células epiteliales y al aumento de la tumorigénesis primaria y la metástasis en el melanoma. En este trabajo, hemos utilizado un modelo pulmonar de regeneración epitelial para investigar si AhR regula la reparación adecuada del tejido mediante el ajuste de la expansión de células similares a tallos no diferenciados. Los ratones AhR-nulos desarrollaron una reparación más rápida y eficiente del epitelio bronquial pulmonar sobre la lesión por naftalina que requirió un aumento de la proliferación celular y la activación más temprana de precursores de células como Clara, basales y neuroepiteliales de tallo. Aumento del contenido basal de las células Sca1 + / CD31− / CD4− y en las células que expresan factores de pluripotencia. NANOG y OCT4 también podrían mejorar la reepitelización en los pulmones AhR-nulos. La respuesta reducida de los pulmones AhRdeficientes a la represión de Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) poco después de la lesión también puede ayudar a mejorar su reparación del epitelio bronquiolar. Estos resultados apoyan el papel de AhR en la respuesta regenerativa contra las toxinas y abren la posibilidad de modular su nivel de activación para favorecer la recuperación de las lesiones causadas por contaminantes ambientales.Recent experimental evidences fromcellular systems and frommammalian and non-mammalian animal models highlight novel functions for the aryl hydrocarbon/dioxin receptor (AhR) in maintaining cell differentiation and tissue homeostasis. Notably, AhR depletion stimulates an undifferentiated and pluripotent phenotype likely associated to a mesenchymal transition in epithelial cells and to increased primary tumorigenesis and metastasis in melanoma. In thiswork,we have used a lungmodel of epithelial regeneration to investigate whether AhR regulates proper tissue repair by adjusting the expansion of undifferentiated stem-like cells. AhR-null mice developed a faster and more efficient repair of the lung bronchiolar epithelium upon naphthalene injury that required increased cell proliferation and the earlier activation of stem-like Clara, Basal and neuroepithelial cells precursors. Increased basal content inmultipotent Sca1+/CD31−/CD4− cells and in cells expressing pluripotency factorsNANOGandOCT4 could also improve re-epithelialization in AhR-null lungs. The reduced response of AhRdeficient lungs to Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) repression shortly after injurymay also help their improved bronchiolar epithelium repair. These results support a role for AhR in the regenerative response against toxins, and open the possibility of modulating its activation level to favor recovery from lesions caused by environmental contaminants.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondos FEDER. Proyecto SAF2014-51813-R (I+D+i), para Pedro María Fernández Salguero • Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayudas GR15008 y IB16210 • Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda para Antonio Morales Hernández • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondos FEDER. Ayudas para Nuria Moreno Marín y Ana Nacarino Palma • Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda Beroe Paniagua QuiñonespeerReviewe

    Identification of a new candidate locus for ebstein anomaly in 1p36.2

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    Ebstein anomaly (EA) is a rare congenital heart defect (CHD) with a poorly characterized genetic etiology. However, some EA patients carry deletions in 1p36, all of which have been reported to carry distal deletions and share loss of the PRDM16 gene, which is currently considered the most likely candidate for EA development in this region. Here, we report a patient with an 11.96-Mb proximal 1p36 deletion, without loss of PRDM16, who presented with EA and a proximal deletion phenotype. This finding suggests that PRDM16 loss is not required for the development of EA in 1p36 deletions and that the loss of an additional proximal locus in 1p36 is also likely associated with EA. Our data suggest that a distal locus containing the SKI gene and a proximal locus containing the CHD-associated genes RERE and UBE4B are the most probable etiological factors for EA in patients with 1p36 deletion syndrome. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel. All rights reserved