1,254 research outputs found

    Does discourse matter? Discourse analysis in environmental policy making [Introduction to the Special Issue]

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    This Special Issue is concerned with theories and methodologies of discourse analysis and their contribution to environmental policy research in particular. It is a response to three theoretical challenges in the field of environmental policy and public management of natural resources: (i) environmental policy problems are obviously the effect of social constructions although they concern 'natural' objects; (ii) struggles about concepts, knowledge and meaning are an essential element of environmental policy; (iii) environmental discourse has material and power effects as well as being the effect of material practices and power relations. These three challenges question to what extent is environmental policy about 'nature' and the 'environment'? After shortly explaining these challenges, this introduction will sketch out particularities of the discursive perspective and distinguish between a Foucaultian and non-Foucaultian perspective. Following this, it will be shown how the contributors to the Special Issue use discourse analysis to treat nature and environment as contested concepts. The paper concludes with a discussion concerning achievements of and challenges to discourse analysis in environmental policy and planning

    Partizipative Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren - Entwicklung, Modell und Arbeitsprogramm

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    Die Workshop-Dokumentation entstand im Rahmen des hochschulĂŒbergreifenden Projektes „Partizipative Entwicklung von Indikatoren der Nachhaltigkeit. Ein Beitrag zu einer prozessorientierten Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie“. Es wurde Anfang MĂ€rz 2000 bis April 2001 von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der UniversitĂ€t Hamburg, der Hamburger UniversitĂ€t fĂŒr Wirtschaft und Politik (HWP), der UniversitĂ€t der Bundeswehr Hamburg und des Wuppertal Instituts fĂŒr Klima, Umwelt, Energie durchgefĂŒhrt. Der hier dokumentierte Workshop fand am 23. MĂ€rz 2001 in der UniversitĂ€t der Bundeswehr statt. Das Projektteam stellte dort seine Arbeitsergebnisse einem Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zur Diskussion. Zu den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern gehörten Vertreterinnen und Vertreter von Unternehmen, Fachressorts der Verwaltungen auf Landes- und Kommunalebene, von BildungstrĂ€gern, Beratungsgesellschaften, statistischen Ämtern und VerbĂ€nden, von UniversitĂ€ten und Forschungseinrichtungen, und zwar aus sozial-, ingenieurs- und naturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Sie kamen aus Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachesn und Baden-WĂŒrttemberg. Die Dokumentation enthĂ€lt die VortrĂ€ge von vier Projektbeteiligten, in denen zentrale Ergebnisse des Projektes vorgestellt werden, und jeweils Korreferate von externen Wissenschaftlern und Experten. Eine Zusammenfassung der Diskussion schließt sich an.The workshop documentation was developed as part of the inter-university project "Participatory development of indicators of sustainability. A contribution to a process-oriented sustainability strategy ". It was carried out at the beginning of March 2000 to April 2001 by scientists from the University of Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Economics and Politics (Hochschule fĂŒr Wirtschaft und Politik, HWP), the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (UniversitĂ€t der Bundeswehr) and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Wuppertal Institut fĂŒr Klima, Umwelt, Energie). The workshop documented here took place on March 23, 2001 at the University of the German Armed Forces. The project team presented its work results to an audience from science and practice for discussion. Participants included representatives from companies, government departments at state and municipal level, educational institutions, consulting companies, statistical offices and associations, universities and research institutions from social, engineering and natural sciences disciplines. They came from Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Baden-WĂŒrttemberg. The documentation contains the lectures of four project participants, in which central results of the project are presented, and corrections by external scientists and experts. A summary of the discussion follows

    "Metropolregion Hamburg" - Anmerkungen zu einer politischen Konstruktion von Raum

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    Vor dem Hintergrund grundlegender Wandlungen, die auf Globalisierungsprozesse und Entgrenzungseffekte zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind, widmet sich dieser Tagungsband mit Neuinterpretationen der Kategorie Raum aus verschiedenen fachwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. Begriffe wie Stadt, Wirtschaftsraum, Metropolregion, Freizeit- und Naturraum kennzeichnen alltĂ€gliche Raumerfahrungen und -reprĂ€sentationen, die die Vorstellung von Welt und Umwelt maßgeblich beeinflussen und strukturieren: Das dynamische Konzept ‚Raum‘ offenbart sich damit in seinen symbolischen, materiellen und regulativen Gehalten. Diese Mehrdeutigkeit macht nicht nur einen reflexiven Umgang mit Raummetaphern, sondern auch eine Differenzierung und kritische Begleitung politischer Prozesse notwendig, die hier anhand der Metropolregion Hamburg aus politisch-planerischer wie auch (wirtschafts-, kultur- und medien-)wissenschaftlicher Perspektive beleuchtet werden. Der vorliegende Band versammelt die BeitrĂ€ge eines interdisziplinĂ€ren Workshops zum Thema »Stadt – Raum – Natur: Die Metropolregion als politisch konstruierter Raum«, der am 15. und 16. Juni 2001 an der UniversitĂ€t Hamburg stattfand.Against the background of fundamental changes caused by processes of globalisation and the effects of demarcation, this conference proceedings with new interpretations of the category of space from different scientific perspectives is dedicated to. Terms such as city, economic area, metropolitan region, leisure and natural space characterize everyday experiences and representations of space, which have a decisive influence on and structure the conception of the world and the environment: The dynamic concept of \u27space\u27 thus reveals itself in its symbolic, material and regulatory contents. This ambiguity requires not only a reflexive treatment of spatial metaphors, but also a differentiation and critical accompaniment of political processes, which are examined from a political, planning, economic, cultural and media-scientific perspective on the basis of the Hamburg metropolitan region. This volume collects the contributions of an interdisciplinary workshop on the topic "City - Space - Nature: The Metropolitan Region as a Politically Constructed Space", which took place on June 15-16, 2001 at the University of Hamburg

    Nachfrage nach Öko-Lebensmitteln: Ergebnisse einer reprĂ€sentativen Verbraucherstudie

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    Der erste deutsche BSE-Fall im November 2000 hat zu heftigen Reaktionen der Verbraucher bei der Nachfrage nach Lebensmitteln gefĂŒhrt. Der Rindfleischkonsum brach im Dezember 2000 und Januar 2001 um fast 70 % im Vergleich zu den Vorjahresmonaten ein, wĂ€hrend GeflĂŒgelfleisch, Fisch, GemĂŒse und andere Beilagen deutlich in der Verbrauchergunst stiegen. Auch der Markt fĂŒr ökologische Lebensmittel profitierte deutlich von der deutschen BSE-Krise. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellte sich die Frage, ob die genannten VerĂ€nderungen möglicherweise Ausdruck eines verĂ€nderten Verbraucherbewusstseins gegenĂŒber Lebensmitteln – insbesondere gegenĂŒber ökologisch erzeugten Produkten – sind. Die Beantwortung dieser und einer Reihe weiterer Fragen waren leitend fĂŒr die Untersuchung

    Nachfrage nach Öko-Lebensmitteln: VerĂ€nderung durch BSE?

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    Der erste deutsche BSE-Fall im November 2000 hat zu starken VerĂ€nderungen in der Lebensmittelnachfrage gefĂŒhrt. Der Rindfleischkonsum brach im Dezember 2000 und Januar 2001 um fast 70 Prozent im Vergleich zu den Vorjahresmonaten ein, wĂ€hrend vor allem GeflĂŒgelfleisch, Fisch und GemĂŒse deutlich in der Verbrauchergunst stiegen (GfK, 2001). Auch der Markt fĂŒr ökologisch erzeugte Lebensmittel profitierte von der deutschen BSE-Krise: Der Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) meldete fĂŒr das erste Halbjahr 2001 ein Umsatzwachstum von 36,5 Prozent gegenĂŒber dem Vorjahreszeitraum (Rippin, 2002). Auch die Daten des ACNielsen Handelspanels zum Absatz von Bio-Frischmilch ĂŒber den konventionellen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel (LEH) wiesen fĂŒr Anfang 2001 ungewöhnlich hohe Wachstumsraten auf (Rippin, 2001). Handelt es sich bei diesen Beobachtungen möglicherweise um Anzeichen fĂŒr ein verĂ€ndertes Verbraucherbewusstsein gegenĂŒber Lebensmitteln und insbesondere gegenĂŒber ökologisch erzeugten Produkten? Diese und eine Reihe weiterer Fragen wurden in einer reprĂ€sentativen Verbraucherstudie der UniversitĂ€t Hamburg untersucht, bundesweit waren dazu 2 000 Personen im Alter von 18-75 Jahren im September 2001 befragt worden

    Die Bedeutung von Verhaltensannahmen in der wissenschaftlichen Beratung: am Beispiel der Förderschwerpunkte :[riw] und Ina und im Hinblick auf Ausschreibungen im BMBF-Rahmenprogramm "Forschung fĂŒr Nachhaltigkeit" (FONA)

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    "Forschungsvorhaben im Rahmen von FONA zielen darauf ab, Empfehlungen fĂŒr das Verhalten von Akteuren oder fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Rahmenbedingungen zu entwickeln. Dabei geht jeder Forschungsantrag – zumindest implizit – von Annahmen darĂŒber aus, welche Faktoren das Verhalten der Akteure bestimmen, die Gegenstand des jeweiligen Forschungsvorhabens sind. Welche Verhaltensannahmen dies sind, ist fĂŒr das Forschungsergebnis und daraus resultierende Handlungsempfehlungen oftmals von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung, wie sich etwa anhand der Studien in den Förderschwerpunkten Ina und :[riw] deutlich machen lĂ€sst. Voneinander abweichende Gestaltungsempfehlungen in verschiedenen Gutachten haben nicht selten ihre Ursache in divergierenden Verhaltensannahmen. Die 'Abnehmer' der Forschungsvorhaben – und dies gilt fĂŒr private Akteure (etwa in Unternehmen) ebenso wie fĂŒr die öffentliche Hand – stehen vor dem Problem, die erzielten Ergebnisse einzuordnen. DafĂŒr ist es notwendig, die Verhaltensannahmen nachvollziehen zu können, die dem Projekt zugrunde lagen. Dies zu ermöglichen, ist eine Bringschuld der Wissenschaftler. Indem sie Verhaltensannahmen nachvollziehbar machen, leisten sie einen Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen QualitĂ€tssicherung und erhöhen damit zugleich die PrognosefĂ€higkeit ihrer Aussagen. Insgesamt steigt damit die Überzeugungskraft wissenschaftlicher Aussagen." (Autorenreferat

    Adaptive Governance and Resilience Capacity of Farms: The Fit Between Farmers’ Decisions and Agricultural Policies

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    Greater resilience is needed for farms to deal with shocks and disturbances originating from economic, environmental, social and institutional challenges, with resilience achieved by adequate adaptive governance. This study focuses on the resilience capacity of farms in the context of multi-level adaptive governance. We define adaptive governance as adjustments in decision-making processes at farm level and policy level, through changes in management practices and policies in response to identified challenges and the delivery of desired functions (e.g. private and public goods) to be attained. The aim of the study is twofold. First, we investigate how adaptive governance processes at farm level and policy level influence the resilience capacity of farms in terms of robustness, adaptability and transformability. Second, we investigate the “fit” between the adaptive governance processes at farm level and policy level to enable resilience. We study primary egg and broiler production in Sweden taking into consideration economic, social and environmental challenges. We use semi-structured interviews with 17 farmers to explain the adaptive processes at farm level and an analysis of policy documents from the Common Agricultural Policy program 2014–2020, to explain the intervention actions taken by the Common Agricultural Policy. Results show that neither the farm level nor policy level adaptive processes on their own have the capacity to fully enable farms to be robust, adaptable and transformable. While farm level adaptive processes are mainly directed toward securing the robustness and adaptability of farms, policy level interventions are targeted at enabling adaptability. The farm- and the policy level adaptive processes do not “fit” for attaining robustness and transformability

    Governance and trust in sustainability-based agri-food value chains. A comparative analysis of five cases in Germany

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    Value chains that generate an increased willingness to pay among consumers by offering enhanced levels of sustainability are widely discussed as an important strategy for creating new business opportunities and fostering food system transformation. Previous research has highlighted the importance of governance arrangements to secure the trust necessary for the establishment of sustainability-based value chains. However, how different coordination designs by private and public actors along the value chain affect trust formation is not well understood. To address this question, this paper combines the concepts of hybrid governance and multidimensional trust to guide a comparative analysis of five sustainability-based agri-food value chains in Germany as exemplary case studies. The findings show that different types of governance activities are necessary to build the capacity to address four different sources of trust: dispositional, affinitive, rational and procedural trust. Building trust capacities facilitates coordination of activities along the value chain and reliable delivery of sustainability-related value propositions. In all five cases, governance arrangements and building of trust capacities were geared towards increasing willingness to pay. Sustainability-based agri-food value chains have therefore limited potential to internalize the agri-food sector’s substantial negative externalities

    O palĂĄcio das ilusĂ”es da tradução austeniana : “Orgulho e preconceito” no sistema literĂĄrio

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    Nas dĂ©cadas de 1930 e 1940, o mercado editorial brasileiro passou por sĂ©rias crises e mudanças, as quais acabaram contribuindo para o crescimento da tradução no paĂ­s, transformando essas dĂ©cadas na Era de Ouro da tradução. Esta pesquisa, vinculada ao projeto “Tradução e sistema literĂĄrio – histĂłria da tradução no Brasil: a tradução dos clĂĄssicos e os escritores/tradutores”, objetiva investigar esse perĂ­odo e sua importĂąncia para a histĂłria da tradução no Brasil, juntamente com o lugar ocupado pela Editora JosĂ© Olympio nesse contexto com relação aos clĂĄssicos literĂĄrios estrangeiros traduzidos por autores brasileiros. Em um segundo momento, analisaremos as traduçÔes de duas das obras de Jane Austen publicadas pela JosĂ© Olympio na Coleção Fogos Cruzados, Orgulho e preconceito, traduzida por LĂșcio Cardoso, em 1941, e Mansfield Park, traduzida por Rachel de Queiroz, em 1942. SerĂĄ feito um estudo comparativo das obras com suas traduçÔes mais recentes, a de Orgulho e preconceito por Alexandre Barbosa de Souza (Penguin Companhia, 2011), e a de Mansfield Park de Mariana Menezes Neumann (BestBolso, 2011). Com isso, pretendemos analisar a apresentação da obra traduzida em relação Ă  sua economia estĂ©tica e aos paratextos editoriais.During the 1930’s and 1940’s, the Brazilian publishing industry experienced many crisis and changes that, surprisingly as it may be, contributed to the development of the translation practice in Brazil, making of these decades the Golden Age of translation. This research project is part of a major project, “Translation and literary system – the history of translation in Brazil: translation of canons and the writers/translators”, and aimed to investigate this period of time and its importance to the Brazilian translation history. It also studied the role of the Editora JosĂ© Olympio in this context, regarding the translations of literary classics by Brazilian writers. After that, we analyzed the translations of two of Jane Austen’s titles that have been published by the Editora JosĂ© Olympio in the Fogos Cruzados Collection, Pride and Prejudice, translated by LĂșcio Cardoso, 1941, and Mansfield Park, translated by Rachel de Queiroz, 1942. We conducted a comparative study between these titles and their most recent translations: Pride and Prejudice, translated by Alexandre Barbosa de Souza (Penguin Companhia, 2011), and Mansfield Park, translated by Mariana Menezes Neumann (BestBolso, 2011). By doing this, we aimed to analyze the way these texts were presented to public, regarding its aesthetics and paratexts

    The Struggle of Farming Systems in Europe:Looking for Explanations through the Lens of Resilience

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    Many farming systems in Europe are struggling to respond to accumulating economic, environmental, institutional and social challenges. From a resilience perspective, they need three distinct capacities to continue delivering products, income and public goods: robustness, adaptability and transformability. Based on a structured assessment of the resilience capacities of 11 farming systems across Europe we conclude that three mismatches likely contribute to their struggles. First, while farming systems comprised many non‐farm actors, resilience strategies largely focused on farms and their robustness, neglecting other options and opportunities. Second, while the delivery of public goods such as biodiversity and attractive landscapes was seen as a major concern, most resilience strategies focused on the delivery of private goods. Third, while in many farming systems actors expressed the need for transformation, farming systems’ capacity to transform was perceived as low. Building on the differentiated concept of resilience, findings can guide policymakers, farming system actors, consumers and societal interest groups to identify pathways towards more resilient agricultural systems in Europe
