229 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of heat and mass transfer effect on the stress–strained state of soil array as a result of depressional hole formation

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    Cформульовано постановку та проведено числове моделювання впливу тепло- масоперенесення на напружено-деформований стан (НДС) ґрунтового масиву внаслідок утворення депресійної лунки. Реалізовано числове конформне відображення криволінійної складеної області, що містить область фільтрації та область сухого ґрунту, на параметричний прямокутник в оберненій постановці. Отримано числовий розв’язок відповідної двовимірної крайової задачі НДС методом скінченних різниць. Використовуючи розроблене програмне забезпечення, проведено серію числових експериментів та здійснено їх аналіз.The statement was formulated and the numerical modelling of the mass-transfer effect on stress-strained state (SSS) of soil mass as a result of formation of the depressional hole was carried out. The numerical conformal mapping of curvilinear composite area containing the area of filtration and the area of dry ground on parametric rectangle in inverse statement was constructed. The mathematical model of the ground array SSS taking into account the influence of heat and mass transfer in a complex area was sset. The numerical results of corresponding two-dimensional regional task of SSS have been obtained by the method of finite differences with the use of numerical conformal mappings. For the numerical decision this task is carried out in the integrated environment of the object oriented programming of Visual Studio 2012 in programming of C# language. The series of numerical experiments have been carried out and results are presented as charts of distribution of the fields of displacements, tensions, deformations and also pressure concentration of salts and temperature. The analysis of the obtained results was carried out. It is shown that taking into account the processes of heat and mass transfer in the water saturated area of the ground array and process of heat transfer in the area of soil in the natural state changes distribution of displacements, deformations and tensions, that is, displacement in the water saturated area of the ground array at taking into account the heat and mass transferring, are increased greatly comparing with the corresponding values of displacements during filtration of clean water and absence of processes of heat and mass transfer; in the area of soil in the natural state of displacement heat and mass transfer exceeds the corresponding values of displacements without heat and mass transfer; distribution of deformations considerably grows in the water saturated area and grows a little in the area of natural soil; distribution of tensions increases in the area of free surface of underground waters. Taking into account processes of heat and mass transfer in investigated area the greatest displacements are observed in water saturated soil and free underground waters. Deformations reach maximum values in the area of free underground waters and the lower part of the researched area. The maximum values of tensions are observed in the area of free underground waters and within the boundaries of the researched area

    Алелопатична активність водорозчинних біологічно активних речовин Hyssopus officinalis L. сорту Маркіз та їх вплив на ріст коренів Lepidium sativum L.

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    Aim. To study the effect of secretions of bioactive water-soluble compounds from leaves, stems, flowers, and the root system of Hyssopus officinalis L. on the root growth of the test sample (Lepidium sativum L.).Materials and methods. To determine the effect of biologically active water-soluble compounds released by hyssop plants, a series of biotests was conducted; the allelopathic activity of leaves, stems, and flowers of H. officinalis L. and its root system were determined. The preparation of extracts of physiologically active substances was carried out according to the method of A. M. Grodzinsky. The allelopathic effect of H. officinalis L. was assessed by the effect of the water extracts of various concentrations (100 %, 50 % and 10 %) on the root length of seedlings of L. sativum L. test objects. The inhibition index was determined by Williamson method.Results and discussion. According to the results of the research, it was found that the allelopathic activity of water-soluble compounds of common hyssop affected the germination and length of seed roots of L. sativum L. as it changed with the age of the plant :  in the first year of vegetation, the stimulating effect of aqueous solutions of hyssop on seed germination was observed, in the second year, the stimulating effect decreased, and in the third year of vegetation, the inhibitory effect on seed germination of the test object was observed. Thus, the index of the allelopathic activity also changed.Conclusions. It was found that the highest allelopathic activity of biologically active water-soluble compounds of root secretions, leaves, stems and flowers of H. officinalis L. was during the flowering phase in concentrations of 100 %, 50 % and 10 %, affecting the length of the roots of seedlings of L. sativum L. test objects. At the same time, the maximum stimulating effect on the length of the roots of the test object was in the variant using an aqueous extract of plant flowers of the second year of vegetation in a 10 % concentration. The use of aqueous solutions of plants of the third year of vegetation had an inhibitory effect on the root length of L. sativum L seedlings.Мета. Дослідити вплив виділень біологічно активних водорозчинних речовин листків, стебел, квіток і кореневої системи Hyssopus officinalis L. на ріст коренів тест-об’єкта (Lepidium sativum L.).Матеріали та методи. Для виявлення впливу біологічно активних водорозчинних речовин, виділюваних рослинами гісопу, було проведено серію біотестів, за якими визначали алелопатичну активність листків, стебел, квіток та кореневої системи H. officinalis L. Приготування екстрактів фізіологічно активних речовин проводили за методикою А. М. Гродзінського. Алелопатичний вплив H. officinalis L. оцінювали за впливом водних екстрактів різних концентрацій 100 %, 50 % і 10 % на довжину корінців проростків тест-об’єктів L. sativum L. Індекс інгібування визначали за методикою Вільямсона.Результати та їх обговорення. За результатами досліджень з’ясовано, що алелопатична активність водорозчинних речовин гісопу лікарського на проростання та довжину корінців насіння L. sativum L. змінюється з віком рослини :  на першому році вегетації спостерігалась стимулювальна дія водних розчинів гісопу на схожість насіння, на другому році стимулювальна дія зменшується, а на третій рік вегетації спостерігається гальмувальна дія на проростання насіння тест-об’єкта. Відповідно змінюється і індекс алелопатичної активності.Висновки. Виявлено, що найбільша алелопатична активність біологічно активних водорозчинних речовин кореневих виділень, листків, стебел і квіток H. officinalis L., яка впливає на довжину корінців проростків тест-об’єктів L. sativum L., є за фази цвітіння в концентраціях 100 %, 50 % та 10 %. Водночас максимальний стимулювальний вплив на довжину корінців тест-об’єкта виявлено у варіанті з використанням водного екстракту квіток рослин другого року вегетації за 10 % концентрації. Використання водних розчинів рослин третього року вегетації має інгібувальний вплив на довжину корінців проростків L. sativum L

    Modeling the impact of weather and climatic conditions and nutrition variants on the yield of spring barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Crop yield is a result of the interaction between plant genetic traits, soil properties, agrotechnology and climatic regimes. Low yield tend to be formed in regions where it is limited to the extent of water availability, heat stress and the short duration of the grain filling period. High temperature and drought stress are projected to reduce crop yields and threaten food security. The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of treatment of spring barley crops with modern growth-regulating drugs on the background of mineral fertilizers, carried out in different weather and climatic conditions in 2013–2017 yrs on the Southern chernozem in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine. It was studied the influence of weather and climatic conditions, varietal characteristics of spring barley and nutrition variants on the formation of grain yield. It was determined that the cultivation of spring barley, the introduction of pre-sowing cultivation of mineral fertilizer at a dose of N30P30 (background) and the use of crop foliar fertilizing at the beginning of the phase of stooling and earing by the complex organo-mineral fertilizer Escort bio created favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants of the studied varieties, which in turn had a positive effect on grain yield. Thus, according to this variant of nutrition, on average, during the years of research, it was formed the yield of 3.25–3.61 t ha-1 grains depending on the studied variety. Results of researches showed that weather conditions during the years of research significantly influenced on the productivity of spring barley varieties. In 2016 the amount of precipitation was the highest (174.0 mm), the temperature during vegetation of spring barley was +14.9 °C. In 2013 the amount of precipitation was the lowest (67.4 mm), the temperature was +18.5 °C. The lowest crop yield was formed in 2013, and the highest yield was formed in 2016. Studies showed that the influence of weather factors in various interfacial periods of growth and development of spring barley was significant enough for the manifestation of signs of yield and its elements and is more dependent on rainfall

    On the Choice of Numerical Methods for Solving Dynamic Equations for Control Systems with Embedded Calculating Tools

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    Approaches to choice of optimum method as for accuracy and amount of computation at the integration step that makes it possible to range numerical implementation methods for different levels of acceptable error based on evaluation of optimality criterion.Розглянуто підходи вибору оптимального методу щодо точності та обсягу обчислень на кроці інтегрування, що дає змогу на підставі оцінки значення критерію оптимальності зробити ранжування методів числової реалізації для різних рівнів допустимої похибки

    Microcrystalline Bi2ZnB2O7-polymer composites with silver nanoparticles as materials for laser operated devices

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    A novel type of composite for optoelectronic which is operated by second harmonic generation in the Bi2ZnB2O7 crystallites (with sizes varying within 1–30 μm) and Ag nanoparticles (NP) embedded in PMMA polymer composites is proposed. The substantial influence of the Ag NP on the bicolor induced second harmonic generation was established. The phototreatment was performed by bicolor beams of nanosecond Nd:YAG laser (1,064/532 nm) at angles between the fundamental and photoinducing beams varying within the 19°–21° range. The studies of the corresponding dependences of the SHG during illumination by the two coherent beams at 1,064/532 nm showed a maximal enhancement of the output SHG for the Ag NP average sizes equal to about 40 nm. The role of the excited plasmons may be here crucial. Additionally the time shift between the fundamental and the doubled frequency beam maxima was found, which shows strong sensitivity to illumination. The established time shift is sensitive to the pumping power

    Formation of photosynthetic and grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depend on varietal characteristics and plant growth regulators

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    ArticleThe aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of the barley treatment crops with modern retrograde preparations on the background of the mineral fertilizers introduction into the photosynthetic activity of crops and grain yield. The experiments were carried out in 2013 -2017 on the southern black soil in the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe. On the basis of the study results, it was determined that the introduction of irrigated fertilizer barley in a dose of N30P30 (background) under pre-sowing cultivation and the application of extra-root crop supplements at the phases beginning of the barley outflow straw into the tube and the organoleptic fermentation of Organic D2 and natural microbial complex Escort - Bio creates favorable conditions for the formation at the optimal levels of photosynthetic parameters and grain yield. Thus, on average, over the years of research and by factor variety, grain yield on these experimental variants was 3.37–3.41 t ha-1 , which exceeded its level on uncontrolled control by 0.71–0.75 t ha-1 or 26.7–28.2%. Based on the study results, the use of modern regenerating agents against the background of mineral fertilizers can be recommended as an expedient and effective measure of spring barley raising the productivity

    beta-BaTeMo2O9 microcrystals as promising optically operated materials

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    Studies of optical second harmonic generation (SHG) at fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm under photoinducing treatment of monoclinic piezoelectric beta-BaTeMo2O9 (beta-BTMO) were done. Continuous wave (CW) lasers generating at 808 and 1040 nm were used as photoinducing sources. The investigations were performed for the beta-BTMO microcrystalline powder samples with grain sizes varying within the 25-300 mu m range. We showed that depending on the microcrystallites size, the photoinduced changes of the SHG were substantially different depending on number of defects which were controlled by positron annihilation. The photoinduced SHG efficiency was substantially higher for more defective crystallites. The processes are completely reversible; however, their photoinduced time kinetics is very sensitive to the wavelength of the photoinducing CW laser beam. The possible reasons for the observed differences are discussed within a framework of intrinsic defect trapping levels and their interactions with phonon subsystem

    On extending actions of groups

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    Problems of dense and closed extension of actions of compact transformation groups are solved. The method developed in the paper is applied to problems of extension of equivariant maps and of construction of equivariant compactifications

    Motivational and valuable orientation of teachers as a condition to form students tolerant behavior

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.The relevance of the study is conditioned by the objective necessity to form students' ability to tolerant behavior. The purpose of the paper is to characterize the motivation and the valuable orientation of teachers to inculcate students' ability to tolerant behavior. The guiding principle of the study is the principle of synergy that enables to consider motivation and valuable orientation as a synergistic integrity of personal dispositions and outer-stimulating motivation. The study involves 500 teachers who showed professional and pedagogical errors of cognitive, qualification and competence and subjective nature in the process of formation of students' ability to tolerant behavior, found Criteria and levels of motivation and valuable orientation of teachers. The main results of the study are to identify the structure-forming components of motivational-valuable orientation of teachers (personal dispositions and outer-stimulating motivation); allocation of value, motivational, knowledge, activity-related characteristics of motivation and value orientation of teachers. The significance of the results obtained is that the identification of the structureforming components of motivational-valuable orientation of teachers determines the selection and structuring of the content of improving their qualifications. The synergistic interaction of valuable, motivational, knowledge, activity-related characteristics of teachers' motivation and valuable orientation contributes to the formation of motivational and target resonance manifested in coincidence of the personal goals with demands of society to form students' ability to tolerant behavior

    Geometric invariant theory of syzygies, with applications to moduli spaces

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    We define syzygy points of projective schemes, and introduce a program of studying their GIT stability. Then we describe two cases where we have managed to make some progress in this program, that of polarized K3 surfaces of odd genus, and of genus six canonical curves. Applications of our results include effectivity statements for divisor classes on the moduli space of odd genus K3 surfaces, and a new construction in the Hassett-Keel program for the moduli space of genus six curves.Comment: v1: 23 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2017, v2: final version, corrects a sign error and resulting divisor class calculations on the moduli space of K3 surfaces in Section 5, other minor changes, In: Christophersen J., Ranestad K. (eds) Geometry of Moduli. Abelsymposium 2017. Abel Symposia, vol 14. Springer, Cha