107 research outputs found

    Urine chemistry and fractional excretions in acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in dogs: clinicopathologic evaluation and new diagnostic and prognostic perspectives.

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    La malattia renale cronica (CKD) e il danno renale acuto (AKI) sono le sindromi di più comune riscontro in nefrologia veterinaria. L’AKI è una sindrome acuta associata ad elevata mortalità. La CKD è una condizione irreversibile caratterizzata da un’ampia gamma di sintomi e da alterazioni clinico-patologiche non specifiche. Talvolta, risulta difficile discriminare tra pazienti affetti da CKD o da AKI. In questo lavoro sono state valutate le performance delle frazioni di escrezione di elettroliti in pazienti sani, con AKI e con CKD, come possibili marker utili nella differenziazione precoce tra queste popolazioni e nel predire la prognosi. Sono stati inclusi in modo prospettico 317 cani di proprietà, di cui 115 sani, 67 affetti da CKD e 135 con AKI. All’ammissione sono stati effettuati gli esami ematochimici e urinari. I risultati, riportati come mediana, minimo e massimo, sono stati analizzati con statistica non parametrica (P<.05). Nei pazienti con danno renale acuto le frazioni di escrezione degli elettroliti, in particolare quella del sodio, è risultata essere più elevata nei cani con AKI intrinseca (2,39%, 0,04-75,81) rispetto agli AKI volume responsivi (0,24% 0,01-2,21). La frazione escreta degli elettroliti era inoltre più elevata nei pazienti non sopravvissuti. Nei cani con CKD sono state evidenziate variazioni significative delle frazioni escrete di Ca, iCa e K già dai primi stadi della malattia. Queste variabili e il rapporto uGlucosio/uCreatinina sono risultati statisticamente differenti nelle tre popolazioni, nonostante ciò l’accuratezza diagnostica nella discriminazione delle popolazioni sulla base di tali parametri è risultata scarsa. Concludendo, l’approfondimento delle conoscenze sulle frazioni escrete degli elettroliti potrebbe rivelarsi promettente a supporto del clinico nella diagnosi e nella prognosi di pazienti nefropatici.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are very common diseases in veterinary nephrology. AKI syndrome has a rapid onset and has been associated with a high mortality rate. CKD is an irreversible disease characterized by non-specific signs and clinicopathologic abnormalities. Differentiation between CKD and AKI may be challenging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the urine fractional excretion of electrolytes in healthy dogs and in dogs with AKI and CKD in order to determine the utility of the urine fractional excretion of electrolytes as a marker to discriminate between these populations and as a prognostic factor in dogs with AKI. 317 client-owned dogs (115 healthy dogs, 67 dogs with CKD and 135 dogs with AKI) were included in the study. Complete urinalysis and complete blood count and serum biochemistry profile were performed for each dog at admission. The results were expressed as median and range and analyzed with a non-parametric statistic (p<.05). In dogs with AKI, the fractional excretion of electrolytes, in particular that of sodium, was higher in the group of dogs with intrinsic AKI (2.39%, 0.04-75.81%) compared to dogs with a volume responsive AKI (0.24%, 0.01-2.21%). All fractional excretions of electrolytes were higher in non-survivor dogs than in survivors. In dogs with CKD, the fractional excretion of Ca, iCa and K was already increased in the early stages of the disease. These parameters and the uGlucose/uCreatinine ratio showed a statistically significant difference in the three groups but they were not useful to discriminate between them. In conclusion, the fractional excretions of electrolytes can be helpful in the diagnosis and prognosis in dogs with renal disease

    Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in thrombocytopenic dogs

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    Anaplasma and Ehrlichia spp. are tick-transmitted bacteria of clinical relevance in European dogs. The diagnosis of infection is often difficult due to the wide spectrum of disease caused by them. During infection, reduction in platelet count is considered the most common haematological abnormality, frequently representing the sole alteration in asymptomatic dogs. In this study, the presence of bacteria belonging to the genera Anaplasma and Ehrlichia was investigated in Northern Italy in blood samples from 159 thrombocytopenic dogs using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay amplifying a portion of the heat shock gene (groEL). Obtained amplicons were sequenced and analysed. Two dogs were positive for A. phagocytophilum, while A. platys and E. canis were not detected. None of the PCR-positive dogs were diagnosed at the time of hospital admission, even in the presence of clinical signs and clinicopathological abnormalities potentially related to A. phagocytophilum infection. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the 2 detected strains belonged to the cluster Europe 1 and were different from each other. This study confirms the presence of A. phagocytophilum infections in dogs of Northern Italy, causing clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities that could not be properly diagnosed and treated

    Oxygen Gas Sensing Using a Hydrogel-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Work Safety Applications

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    open8noOxygen depletion in confined spaces represents one of the most serious and underestimated dangers for workers. Despite the existence of several commercially available and widely used gas oxygen sensors, injuries and deaths from reduced oxygen levels are still more common than for other hazardous gases. Here, we present hydrogel-based organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) made with the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as wearable and real-time oxygen gas sensors. After comparing OECT performances using liquid and hydrogel electrolytes, we identified the best PEDOT:PSS active layer and hydrogel coating (30 µm) combination for sensing oxygen in the concentration range of 13–21% (v/v), critical for work safety applications. The fast O2 solubilization in the hydrogel allowed for gaseous oxygen transduction in an electrical signal thanks to the electrocatalytic activity of PEDOT:PSS, while OECT architecture amplified the response (gain ̴ 104). OECTs proved to have comparable sensitivities if fabricated on glass and thin plastic substrates, (−12.2 ± 0.6) and (−15.4 ± 0.4) µA/dec, respectively, with low power consumption (&lt;40 µW). Sample bending does not influence the device response, demonstrating that our real-time conformable and lightweight sensor could be implemented as a wearable, noninvasive safety tool for operators working in potentially hazardous confined spaces.The work was supported by the European Union FESR FSE, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 and FSC, project number ARS01-00996 "TEXT-STYLENuovi tessuti intelligenti e sostenibilimultisettoriali per il design creative e stileMade-in-Italy" and by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development 2020-Project "AlmaMater patents-Monitoraggio in continuo di pH e idratazione-MIRAGE".openFrancesco Decataldo, Filippo Bonafè, Federica Mariani, Martina Serafini, Marta Tessarolo, Isacco Gualandi, Erika Scavetta, Beatrice FraboniFrancesco Decataldo, Filippo Bonafè, Federica Mariani, Martina Serafini, Marta Tessarolo, Isacco Gualandi, Erika Scavetta, Beatrice Frabon

    Toward the development of direct emission yellow fiber lasers for biomedical applications

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    The paper presents the design and preliminary experimental validation of a fiber laser with direct emission in the yellow. The active material is a Dy-doped custom-made phosphate fiber, which is pumped by high-power blue diode lasers emitting at 450 nm. A suitable model has been developed to optimize the laser behavior and validated with a low-power version of the laser cavity with femtosecond written Bragg grating mirrors

    The biomedical piglet: establishing reference intervals for haematology and clinical chemistry parameters of two age groups with and without iron supplementation

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    Background: The similarities between swine and humans in physiological and genomic patterns, and the great correlation in size and anatomy, make pigs extremely useful in preclinical studies. New-born piglets can represent a model for congenital and genetic diseases in new-born children. It is known that piglets may have significant differences in clinicopathological results compared to adult pigs. Therefore, adult laboratory reference intervals cannot be applied to piglets. The aim of this study was to compare haematological and chemical variables in piglets of two ages and determinate age-related reference intervals for commercial hybrid young pigs. Blood samples were collected under general anaesthesia from 130 animals divided into five- (P5) and 30- (P30) day-old piglets. Only P30 animals were treated with parenteral iron after birth. Samples were analysed using automated haematology (ADVIA 2120) and chemistry analysers, and age-related reference intervals were calculated. Results: Significant higher values of RBC, Hb and HCT were observed in P30 animals when compared to P5, with an opposite trend for MCV. These results were associated with a reduction of the RBC regeneration process and the thrombopoietic response. The TSAT and TIBC were significantly higher in P30 compared to P5; however, piglets remained iron deficient compared to adult reference intervals reported previously. Conclusions: In conclusion, this paper emphasises the high variability occurring in clinicopathological variables between new-born and 30-day-old pigs, and between piglets and adult pigs. This study provides valuable reference data for piglets at precise ages and could be used in the future as historical control improving the Reduction in animal experiments, as suggested by the 3Rs principle

    Inhibition of HIV-1 replication in macrophages by red blood cell-mediated delivery of a heterodinucleotide of azidothymidine and 9-(R)-2-(phosphono methoxypropyl)adenine.

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    Monocyte-derived macrophages (M/M) are considered important in vivo reservoirs for different kinds of viruses, including HIV. Hence, therapeutic strategies are urgently needed to protect these cells from virus infection or to control viral replication. In this paper, we report the synthesis, target delivery and in vitro efficacy of a new heterodinucleotide (AZTpPMPA), able to inhibit HIV-1 production in human macrophages. AZTpPMPA consists of two established anti-HIV drugs [zidovudine (AZT) and tenofovir (PMPA)] chemically coupled together by a phosphate bridge. This drug is not able to prevent p24 production when administered for 18 h to M/M experimentally infected with HIV-1 Bal (inhibition 27%), but can almost completely suppress virus production when given encapsulated into autologous erythrocytes (inhibition of p24 production 97%). AZTpPMPA is slowly converted to PMPA, AZT monophosphate and AZT (36 h half-life at 37°C) by cell-resident enzymes. Thus AZTpPMPA should be considered a new prodrug of AZT and PMPA that is able to provide stechiometric amounts of both nucleoside analogues to macrophage cells and to overcome the low phosphorylating activity of M/M for AZT and the modest permeability of PMPA

    Alexithymia and Suicide Risk in Psychiatric Disorders: A Mini-Review.

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    It is well known that alexithymic individuals may show significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, and psychological suffering than non-alexithymics. There is an increasing evidence that alexithymia may be considered a risk factor for suicide, even simply increasing the risk of development of depressive symptoms or per se. Therefore, the purpose of this narrative mini-review was to elucidate a possible relationship between alexithymia and suicide risk. The majority of reviewed studies pointed out a relationship between alexithymia and an increased suicide risk. In several studies, this relationship was mediated by depressive symptoms. In conclusion, the importance of alexithymia screening in everyday clinical practice and the evaluation of clinical correlates of alexithymic traits should be integral parts of all disease management programs and, especially, of suicide prevention plans and interventions. However, limitations of studies are discussed and must be considered

    A functional gene expression analysis in epithelial sinonasal cancer: Biology and clinical relevance behind three histological subtypes

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    Epithelial sinonasal cancers (SNCs) are rare diseases with overlapping morphological features and a dismal prognosis. We aimed to investigate the expression differences among the histological subtypes for discerning their molecular characteristics. We selected 47 SNCs: (i) 21 nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinomas (NKSCCs), (ii) 13 sinonasal neuroendocrine cancers (SNECs), and (iii) 13 sinonasal undifferentiated cancers (SNUCs). Gene expression profiling was performed by DASL (cDNA-mediated annealing, selection, extension, and ligation) microarray analysis with internal validation by quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). Relevant molecular patterns were uncovered by sparse partial-least squares discriminant analysis (sPLS-DA), microenvironment cell type (xCell), CIBERSORT, and gene set enrichment (GSEA) analyses. The first two sPLS-DA components stratified samples by histological subtypes. xCell highlighted increased expression of immune components (CD8 + effector memory cells, in SNUC) and \u201cother cells\u201d: keratinocytes and neurons in NKSCC and SNEC, respectively. Pathway enrichment was observed in NKSCC (six gene sets, proliferation related), SNEC (one gene set, pancreatic \u3b2-cells), and SNUC (twenty gene sets, some of them immune-system related). Major neuroendocrine involvement was observed in all the SNEC samples. Our high-throughput analysis revealed a good diagnostic ability to differentiate NKSCC, SNEC, and SNUC, but indicated that the neuroendocrine pathway, typical and pathognomonic of SNEC is also present at lower expression levels in the other two histological subtypes. The different and specific profiles may be exploited for elucidating their biology and could help to identify prognostic and therapeutic opportunities

    Surgical oncological emergencies in octogenarian patients

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    BackgroundSurgical oncological emergencies represent a frequent challenge in acute settings, with postoperative courses characterized by high morbidity and mortality. An accurate selection of patients who could benefit from surgery is essential to avoid unnecessary invasive treatment. In this study, we tried to determine if advanced age (&gt;80 years) represents a risk factor for negative short-term outcome in patients undergoing emergency surgery for acute abdominal oncological illness.MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the records of patients who underwent emergency oncological surgery at the Department of Acute Care Surgery of Padua General Hospital from January 2018 to December 2022. One hundred two cancer patients were included in the study. Among them, 42 were aged ≥80 years (41%). Multiple preoperative and postoperative parameters were recorded, and the follow-up period was at least 90 days. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors associated with short-term postoperative outcomes.ResultsIn the octogenarian group, 30-day mortality was 11% vs. 9.5% in the younger group [p = not significant (ns)] and 90-day mortality was 17.6% in the octogenarian group vs. 20.5% in the younger group (p = ns). Postoperative morbidity and hospital length of stay were not significantly different in the two groups. Low albumin levels [odds ratio (OR) 30.6, 9.51–87.07] and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels (OR 26.4, 9.18–75.83) were predictive for short-term mortality in surgical oncological emergencies.ConclusionAdvanced age is not a risk factor for negative outcomes in surgical oncological emergencies. Therefore, surgical options should be considered in octogenarians with oncological emergencies and acceptable clinical conditions. Serum albumin levels and LDH can help predict the postoperative outcome after surgery for oncological emergencies

    Surgical site infection after caesarean section. Space for post-discharge surveillance improvements and reliable comparisons

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    Surgical site infections (SSI) after caesarean section (CS) represent a substantial health system concern. Surveying SSI has been associated with a reduction in SSI incidence. We report the findings of three (2008, 2011 and 2013) regional active SSI surveillances after CS in community hospital of the Latium region determining the incidence of SSI. Each CS was surveyed for SSI occurrence by trained staff up to 30 post-operative days, and association of SSI with relevant characteristics was assessed using binomial logistic regression. A total of 3,685 CS were included in the study. A complete 30 day post-operation follow-up was achieved in over 94% of procedures. Overall 145 SSI were observed (3.9% cumulative incidence) of which 131 (90.3%) were superficial and 14 (9.7%) complex (deep or organ/space) SSI; overall 129 SSI (of which 89.9% superficial) were diagnosed post-discharge. Only higher NNIS score was significantly associated with SSI occurrence in the regression analysis. Our work provides the first regional data on CS-associated SSI incidence, highlighting the need for a post-discharge surveillance which should assure 30 days post-operation to not miss data on complex SSI, as well as being less labour intensive
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