61 research outputs found

    Some reproduction aspects of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) under mass rearing conditions

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    The Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, is a serious cosmopolitan pest for cereal mills and wherever flour is stored, and in the Azores it is used to rear parasites and predators that are used in biological control (Trichogrammatidae, Coccinellídae, Chrysopidae). In order to leam the effect of mass rearing conditions on the reproduction of E. kuehniella, four groups of adult moths were studied: (i) isolated couples which were allowed to mate freely during all adult life, and which were not fed; (ii) isolated couples which mated freely and were fed with honey; (iii) couples that mated once and were not fed; (iv) virgins and were not fed. Differences between groups regarding weight, longevity, copulating behaviour, fecundity, fertility and number of spermatophores were evaluated. Females were heavier than males. Males and virgin females lived significantly longer than mated females. The oviposition was mainly concentrated in the first three days of the females lifetime (70-90% laying eggs). A high percentage (88%) of copulations occured within five hours before dawn. No significant differences were found in fecundiry and fertiliry parameters between females coupling once and those mating freely during lifetime, nor between those fed with or without honey. Virgin females laid lower numbers of eggs than mated females

    Epigenetic variability of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) under mass rearing conditions

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    Ephestia kuehniella Zeller egg production unit (biofactory) is operating at the University of Azores for the last ten years. The Mediterranean flour moth eggs are used to rear entomophagous insects of use in biological control (Trichogrammatidae, Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae). The influence of different temperature regimes, larval density and diet texture (regional maize flour) was studied on ten populations, using the following parameters: pre-imaginal development time, adult longevity and weight, fecundity, fertility, mortality, emergency rate and sex ratio. As a result, optimum conditions for mass production of E. kuehniella at the azorean biofactory are: embryonic development and first 15 days of larval development at 25 ºC; larval populations with more than 15 days at 12 ºC, up to the prepupal stage; the following developmental stages at 25 ºC; 4 or 5 eggs per 2 cm3 of alveolar card volume; medium texture, regional hardmaize semolina; 70 ± 5% relative humidity and 16L:08D photoperiod

    Hacia una arquitectura pragmática. El caso de Tous y Fargas

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    [EN] Tous & Fargas were a unique case in the field of Spanish architecture of the second half of the 20th century. From the technical and industrial experimentation of their first works, they developed a nonconformist architecture within the realistic conditions characteristic of the time, propitiated by the economic, political and social context. Despite of this, they achieved a remarkable success carrying out designs of technological type and giving support to the industrial innovation of constructive systems. However, during the last stage of their collaboration, traits characteristic of the pragmatic drift are visible to which much of the architecture of the last quarter of the 20th century was subjected. The excess of mercantile concern for the real estate product, the excessive systematization of the typological models and the constructive systems, the lack of a consistent theoretical discourse or the abandonment of the technical investigation as a priority of innovation are some of the symptoms that characterize the pragmatic architecture of their latest works.[ES] Tous y Fargas fueron un caso singular en el ámbito de la arquitectura española de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Desde la experimentación técnica e industrial de sus primeros trabajos, desarrollaron una arquitectura inconforme con los condicionantes realistas característicos de la época, propiciados por el contexto económico, político y social. Pese a ello, alcanzaron un éxito notable con realizaciones de corte tecnológico y dando soporte a la innovación industrial de sistemas constructivos. Sin embargo, durante la última etapa de su colaboración son visibles rasgos propios de la deriva pragmática a la que se veía sometida buena parte de la arquitectura del último cuarto del siglo XX. El exceso de preocupación mercantil por el producto inmobiliario, la sistematización excesiva de los modelos tipológicos y los sistemas constructivos, la carencia de un discurso teórico consistente o el abandono de la investigación técnica como premisa de innovación son algunos de los síntomas que caracterizan la arquitectura pragmática de sus últimos trabajosHernandez Falagan, D. (2017). Towards a pragmatic architecture. The case of Tous & Fargas. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 4(2):119-147. doi:10.4995/vlc.2017.6952SWORD11914742Ábalos, I-aki. La buena vida. Visita guiada a las casas de la modernidad. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2000.Allen, Stan. "Pragmatismo en la práctica". Bau – Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Arte y Dise-o 21 (2001): 38.Coca, Joaquim and David Lladó. "Baròmetres de l'arquitectura catalana. Veterans a peu d'obra". INDE Informació i Debat 10/04 (2004): 62.De Fusco, Renato. Historia del dise-o. Barcelona: Santa & Cole, 2005.Dorfles, Guillo. El dise-o industrial y su estética. Barcelona: Editorial Labor, 1968.Ellwood, Craig. "The Machine and Architecture". Arts and Architecture 75-6 (1958): 19.Fargas Falp, Josep Maria. "Así proyectan". In XII Congreso Mundial de la Unión Internacional de Arquitectos, edited by Rafael de la Hoz, 55-56. Madrid: UIA, Departamento de Publicaciones, 1975.Fargas Falp, Josep Maria. "Proyectar pensando en el mantenimiento: los edificios de oficinas". In El mantenimiento de los edificios. Desde el inicio del proyecto al final de la vida útil, 84. Barcelona: COAC-UPC, Colección Papers Sert, 1999.Ferrater Mora, José. Diccionario de filosofía. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1964.Gausa, Manuel. OPOP. Optimismo operativo en arquitectura. Barcelona: Actar, 2005.Giménez Serrano, Carmen. "Banco Exterior de Espa-a". Arquitectura bancaria en Espa-a, 255. Madrid: Electa-Ministerio de Fomento, 1998.James, W. (1907). Pragmatism: A new name for some old ways of thinking. doi:10.1037/10851-000Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991.Koolhaas, Rem. Delirious New York: a retroactive manifesto for Manhattan. New York: Monacelli Press, 1994.Kwinter, Sanford. Far from Equilibrium. Barcelona: Actar, 2008.Martínez Calzón, Julio. Puentes, estructuras, actitudes. Madrid: Turner, 2006.Massip-Bosch, Enric. "Formas del pragmatic". Bau – Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Arte y Dise-o 21 (2001): 24.Mu-oz, Josep M. "Enric Tous. L'altra modernitat". L'Avenç 392 (2013): 20.Muschamp, Hebert. "The Temple of Marketing". Hearts of the city: the selected writings of Herbert Muschamp. Nueva York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.Ockman, Joan. "Pragmatismo y arquitectura". AV Monografías 91 (2001): 4-7.Rajchman, John. "Arquitectura y pragmatismo: una nueva introducción". Bau – Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Arte y Dise-o 21 (2001): 16.Venturi, Robert; Scott Brown, Denise and Izenour, Steven. Learning from Las Vegas. Cambridge, Mass; London, England: The MIT Press, 1972.Wolf, Tom. ¿Quién teme al Bauhaus feroz? El arquitecto como mandarín. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1982

    Influence of ductal carcinoma in situ on the outcome of invasive breast cancer. A prospective cohort study

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    [EN] Background: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)-associated invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) is present in a large number of patients with breast cancer. However, the association between these two entities has not been studied in detail. The aim of this study is to compare the clinical and histopathological factors associated to recurrence of IDC with those of DCIS-associated IDC (IDC + DCIS). Materials and methods: A prospective observational longitudinal study of 464 patients was performed between 2010 and 2015. Patients with IDC and DCIS + IDC were included and analyzed. Results: IDC + DCIS was present in 243 patients (52.4%). No difference on histopathological characteristics were found, only Grade I and II of invasive component were more frequent in patients with IDC + DCIS than those with IDC (p = 0.038). No differences on recurrence were found between the main groups (p = 0.256). For patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, those with IDC + DCIS had lower response than those with IDC alone (p = 0.014). No differences between the main groups were found on recurrence (p = 0.256). For patients who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, recurrence was present in 19 patients (30.6%) in the IDC group in contrast to 5 (12.2%) in the IDC + DCIS group (p = 0.030). Mortality was present in 15 patients (24.2%) in the IDC group in contrast to 3 (7.3%) in the IDC + DCIS group (p = 0.027). At 7 years, 80.8% patients were alive: 71.9% from the IDC group and 92.7% from the IDC + DCIS group. Conclusions: The presence of DCIS seems to be indicative of a benign behavior in patients who receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Longer DFS and higher overall survival were found in the IDC + DCIS group despite presenting with a lower response to chemotherapy. These findings help us identify patients with better prognosis in breast cancer.S

    Poliéster armado con fibra de vidrio en la obra de Tous y Fargas

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    The architects Enric Tous (1925; t 1952) and Josep Maria Fargas (1926-2011, t 1952) achieved remarkable success during the 1960s and 1970s thanks to their commitment to technical experimentation and exploration of new construction systems. Among their most significant contributions is the incorporation of polyester reinforced with glass fiber as a material applied to solutions of light facades. This article tracks the origin, context, and results they obtained with this material. We propose an approach to the GRC material through the experience developed by the architects, analyzing the characteristics and specific implications of the systems proposed in their projects. Through this reading, the industrial initiative implemented by Tous and Fargas is put into value, and the key aspects that limited the progression of the construction system are detected.Los arquitectos Enric Tous (1925; t. 1952) y Josep Maria Fargas (1926-2011; t. 1952) alcanzaron un éxito notable durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970 gracias a su trabajo comprometido con la experimentación técnica y la exploración de nuevos sistemas constructivos. Entre sus aportaciones más significativas destaca la incorporación del poliéster armado con fibra de vidrio como material aplicado a soluciones de cerramientos ligeros. Este artículo rastrea el origen, contexto y resultados que obtuvieron con este material. Se propone un acercamiento al material GRC a través de la experiencia desarrollada por los arquitectos, analizando las características e implicaciones específicas de los sistemas propuestos en sus proyectos. A través de esta lectura se pone en valor la iniciativa industrial puesta en práctica por Tous y Fargas, detectándose los aspectos clave que limitaron la progresión del sistema constructivo