10,382 research outputs found

    Dinosaurs and other vertebrates from the Papo-Seco Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of southern Portugal

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    New vertebrate remains reported from the Papo-Seco Formation (Lower Barremian, Lower Cretaceous) of Areias do Mastro, in Cabo Espichel, SW Portugal, south of Lisbon. The marine, lagoonal, and estuarine limestones, marls, sands and gravels have yielded remains of dinosaurs and other reptiles since the 19th century. Recent paleontological prospecting produced several vertebrate remains, including turtle shell fragments, crocodilian teeth, fish and pterosaurs. Research identified both bones and teeth of fish, crocodiles, dinosaurs Baryonyx and iguanodontian, as well as a ctenochasmatoid pterosaur, and a possible ornithocheirid pterosaur. These new disclosures are an important contribution to the knowledge of vertebrate diversity from the Portuguese Cretaceous. Faunal species combination proven to be similar to other faunal associations of Barremian formations in the Iberian Peninsula.Se presentan nuevos restos fósiles de vertebrados de la formación Papo-Seco (Barremiense inferior, Cretácico Inferior), en el yacimiento de Areias do Mastro, SW de Portugal, al sur de Lisboa. En las margas, arenas, areniscas y calizas de origen marino y estuarino de esta formación localizada en el Cabo Espichel, y ya desde el siglo XIX, se han encontrado restos de dinosaurios y otros reptiles. Recientemente, nuestra prospección sacó a la luz varios restos fósiles de vertebrados, entre los que se incluyen fragmentos de caparazón de tortuga, dientes de cocodrilo, de peces actinopterigios y de pterosaurio (ctenocasmatoideo y posiblemente ornitoqueiroideo), así como algunos huesos y dientes de dinosaurios. Hemos identificado restos de Baryonyx y de ornitópodos iguanodontios. Su descubrimiento representa una importante contribución al conocimiento de la diversidad de vertebrados existentes en el Cretácico portugués. La combinación de las especies muestra ser similar a otras asociaciones de la fauna de las formaciones Barremienses en la Península Ibérica

    On extra forces from large extra dimensions

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    The motion of a classical test particle moving on a 4-dimensional brane embedded in an nn-dimensional bulk is studied in which the brane is allowed to fluctuate along the extra dimensions. It is shown that these fluctuations produce three different forces acting on the particle, all stemming from the effects of extra dimensions. Interpretations are then offered to describe the origin of these forces and a relationship between the 4 and nn-dimensional mass of the particle is obtained by introducing charges associated with large extra dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, no figuer

    Duración y calidad de la analgesia postoperatoria después del bloqueo del plexo braquial para cirugía del hombro: ropivacaína 0,5% frente a ropivacaína 0,5% con clonidina

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    Resumen OBJETIVOS: Algunos estudios han demostrado que la duración de los bloqueos nerviosos realizados con anestésicos locales puede ser prolongada con clonidina. En este estudio evaluamos la duración y la calidad de la analgesia proporcionada por el bloqueo del plexo braquial por vía interescalénica para cirugía del hombro, comparando la ropivacaína 0,5% con la ropivacaína 0,5% asociada a clonidina. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Treinta pacientes fueron distribuidos en dos grupos en un estudio doble ciego. Grupo A - bloqueo realizado con ropivacaína 0,5%, 40 ml, y grupo B - ropivacaína 0,5%, 40 ml con clonidina (40 μg). Se procedió a la anestesia general con la administración de propofol e introducción de la mascarilla laríngea, siendo los pacientes mantenidos en ventilación espontánea con propofol en perfusión continua. Después de la estimulación nerviosa del plexo braquial fue administrado el (los) fármaco(s) seleccionado(s). El paciente fue instruido para recordar la hora de la reversión del bloqueo motor y sensitivo, y la analgesia postoperatoria fue evaluada a través de la escala visual analógica (EVA) a las 2, 4, 6, 8 y 24 horas. RESULTADOS: El tiempo medio de reversión del bloqueo sensitivo y motor y la evaluación del grado de dolor (EVA 0-10) a las 4, 6, 8 y 24 horas, no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas. CONCLUSIONES: La asociación de 40 μg de clonidina a 200 mg de ropivacaína 0,5% no prolonga el bloqueo sensitivo y motor y no mejora la calidad de la analgesia en el postoperatorio inmediato

    Low-field microwave absorption and magnetoresistance in iron nanostructures grown by electrodeposition on n-type lightly-doped silicon substrates

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    In this study we investigate magnetic properties, surface morphology and crystal structure in iron nanoclusters electrodeposited on lightly-doped (100) n-type silicon substrates. Our goal is to investigate the spin injection and detection in the Fe/Si lateral structures. The samples obtained under electric percolation were characterized by magnetoresistive and magnetic resonance measurements with cycling the sweeping applied field in order to understand the spin dynamics in the as-produced samples. The observed hysteresis in the magnetic resonance spectra, plus the presence of a broad peak in the non-saturated regime confirming the low field microwave absorption (LFMA), were correlated to the peaks and slopes found in the magnetoresistance curves. The results suggest long range spin injection and detection in low resistive silicon and the magnetic resonance technique is herein introduced as a promising tool for analysis of electric contactless magnetoresistive samples.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure


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    The use of different quantities of vegetables, forages or fresh grass as fodder for growing-finishing pigs is an important factor of the northern Portugal traditional system. The increasing development of swine production in outdoor systems, extensive and organic production, turns to upcoming natural diets, in which grass performs a significant part. With regard to this, some investigation has been made concerning the use of fibre-rich feed ingredients in pig nutrition. Metabolic effects of its ingestion are analysed concerning different sights (economical, social, environmental and physiological ones). The aim of this work was to study the effects of grass utilization in the diets on performances of finishing Bísaro pigs. A total of 22 pigs (16 castrated males and 6 females) was housed outdoor and fed ad libitum (37 – 85 kg live weight) with a growing diet and then transferred to an indoor system (with free access to an outdoor area) for 49 days, according to 3 different treatments: 100% concentrate (C), 75% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE75), 50% concentrate + ad libitum grass (CE50). The grass was supplied and its intake registered on a daily basis. Every 14 days, the pigs were weighted and their back fat (P2 in vivo) measured. After slaughter (average weight of 107 kg LW), yield and ½ left carcass characteristics were controlled. During the outdoor growing phase, the ADG was 513 g/day. During the indoor finishing phase, the increase grass intake was proportional to the reduction of concentrate in the diet. The ADG (g) and the fat deposition (P2 cm) were significantly different (P<0,05) in the 3 treatments (ADG: C=641, CE75=467, CE50=356 and: C=11,4, CE75=+9,5, CE50=+6,2). The empty body weight (kg) was also proportional to the intake of concentrate (C=116,2; CE75=107,7; CE50=102,2). Comparatively to the weight of the body parts, pigs that had higher intake of grass and lower of concentrate showed a higher % of shoulder (P<0,05; C=20,4, CE75=21,7, CE50=22,2) and the pH45min of CE carcasses was significantly higher (P<0,05). As a conclusion, concentrate substitution for grass showed a slower growing rate, thinner carcasses and a high technological quality. Neverthelles variability (CV %) of the productive parameters at the end of this study were higher in the treatments that included grass: live weight (C= 10,5%; C75=10,7%; C50=14,3%), finishing ADG (C=24%; C75=37%, C50=42%), and final fat (C=37%; C75=32%, C50=52%). These values suggest that the utilization of fibrous feeds in growing-finishing swine may be one of the possible explanations of the more heterogeneous products and carcasses found in the traditional or extensive systems, common users of fibrous feeds in the carcass finishing phase

    Thermal Stress-Related Spatiotemporal Variations in High-Latitude Coral Reef Benthic Communities

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    High-latitude coral reef communities have been postulated as the first areas to undergo reorganisation under climate change. Tropicalisation has been identified in some high-latitude communities and is predicted in others, but it is unclear how the resident benthic taxa are affected. We conducted a long-term (2007–2016) assessment of changes to benthic community cover in relation to thermal stress duration on the Southeast Florida Reef Tract (SEFRT). Thermal stress events, both hot and cold, had acute (thermal stress duration affected benthic cover that year) and chronic (thermal stress duration affected benthic cover the following year) impacts on benthic cover. Chronic heat stress was associated with declines in cover of the reef-building coral families Acroporidae, Montastraeidae, Meandrinidae, Mussidae and Siderastreidae, which coupled with the absence of cold stress and rising annual temperatures boosted macroalgae cover. Cover of smaller, weedy coral families, Poritidae, Agariciidae and Astrocoeniidae, was either unaffected or positively related to heat stress duration and rising mean temperature. Thermal stress was related to spatiotemporal variations in benthic cover on the SEFRT, likely enhanced by local stressors, such as elevated nutrients and sedimentation. Coral and octocoral cover declined within four of six sub-regions, sponge cover increased in half of the sub-regions, and macroalgae cover increased in four sub-regions during the study. Under current conditions, increased macroalgae and weedy coral cover are anticipated to inhibit reef recovery

    Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase

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    We consider a simple Maier-Saupe statistical model with the inclusion of disorder degrees of freedom to mimic the phase diagram of a mixture of rod-like and disc-like molecules. A quenched distribution of shapes leads to the existence of a stable biaxial nematic phase, in qualitative agreement with experimental findings for some ternary lyotropic liquid mixtures. An annealed distribution, however, which is more adequate to liquid mixtures, precludes the stability of this biaxial phase. We then use a two-temperature formalism, and assume a separation of relaxation times, to show that a partial degree of annealing is already sufficient to stabilize a biaxial nematic structure.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Efeito do tipo de alojamento, da inseminação artificial e do genótipo sobre características produtivas em matrizes de frangos de corte.

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