66 research outputs found

    Submarine cartographic methodology for managing and conserving littoral areas: Mapping the benthic communities of the northern coast of the Straits of Gibraltar

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    The cartography of benthic communities is, today, essential to promoting adequate strategies for the use, management and conservation of littoral areas, especially if they are large protected zones. In each zone, cartography is necessary to elaborate a management zoning map, depending on the ecological value of the different benthic communities established and on the local geographical distribution. The methodology used in the elaboration of a map including the benthic communities of the Straits of Gibraltar (0-30 m depth; 40 km of littoral extension), in spite of the complexity of these kinds of objectives, represents an approach to the cartography of the submarine sessile biota of large littoral zones of protected areas. The present study combines physical data (bathymetry and type of substrate), collected using acoustic techniques, and biological data (benthic communities), collected during an intensive sampling programme using scuba (hard bottom: image analysis) and dredging (soft bottom: granulometry and benthic fauna). The information has been geoindexed to be inserted, as different layers, into a Geographic Information System (GIS).La cartografía de las comunidades bentónicas es esencial, actualmente, para promover actuaciones eficientes de uso, gestión y conservación de las zonas litorales, especialmente en el ámbito de grandes espacios litorales protegidos. En cada uno de éstos, la cartografía resulta determinante para la elaboración de un mapa de zonificación de usos, condicionado, en gran medida, por los distintos valores ecológicos que puedan asignarse a las diferentes comunidades bentónicas establecidas y a sus distribuciones geográficas locales. La metodología utilizada en la elaboración del mapa de las comunidades bentónicas del estrecho de Gibraltar (en el intervalo batimétrico 0-30 m y de 40 km de extensión litoral aproximada), dada la complejidad que reviste este tipo de objetivos, supone una aproximación a la cartografía de la biota sésil sumergida, en tramos litorales amplios contenidos en áreas protegidas. Se han combinado, mediante superposición de información, datos físicos de batimetría y tipos de fondo, obtenidos mediante técnicas acústicas y convenientemente cartografiados, con datos biológicos de las comunidades bentónicas, obtenidos en campaña intensiva de buceo científico (con la toma de imágenes en sustrato duro, para su ulterior análisis) y mediante dragado (con registros de granulometría y fauna endobentónica en sustrato blando). La información ha sido georreferenciada adecuadamente para su introducción, como capas independientes, en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Extensive neuroadaptive changes in cortical gene-transcript expressions of the glutamate system in response to repeated intermittent MDMA administration in adolescent rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many studies have focused on the implication of the serotonin and dopamine systems in neuroadaptive responses to the recreational drug 3,4-methylenedioxy-metamphetamine (MDMA). Less attention has been given to the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate known to be implicated in schizophrenia and drug addiction. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of repeated intermittent MDMA administration upon gene-transcript expression of the glutamate transporters (EAAT1, EAAT2-1, EAAT2-2), the glutamate receptor subunits of AMPA (GluR1, GluR2, GluR3), the glutamate receptor subunits of NMDA (NR1, NR2A and NR2B), as well as metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR1, mGluR2, mGluR3, mGluR5) in six different brain regions. Adolescent male Sprague Dawley rats received MDMA at the doses of 3 × 1 and 3 × 5 mg/kg/day, or 3× vehicle 3 hours apart, every 7<sup>th </sup>day for 4 weeks. The gene-transcript levels were assessed using real-time PCR validated with a range of housekeeping genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The findings showed pronounced enhancements in gene-transcript expression of GluR2, mGluR1, mGluR5, NR1, NR2A, NR2B, EAAT1, and EAAT2-2 in the cortex at bregma +1.6. In the caudate putamen, mRNA levels of GluR3, NR2A, and NR2B receptor subunits were significantly increased. In contrast, the gene-transcript expression of GluR1 was reduced in the hippocampus. In the hypothalamus, there was a significant increase of GluR1, GluR3, mGluR1, and mGluR3 gene-transcript expressions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Repeated intermittent MDMA administration induces neuroadaptive changes in gene-transcript expressions of glutamatergic NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits, metabotropic receptors and transporters in regions of the brain regulating reward-related associative learning, cognition, and memory and neuro-endocrine functions.</p

    Structure of bryozoan communities in an Antarctic glacial fjord (Admiralty Bay, South Shetlands)

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    Bryozoans are among the most important groups of the Southern Ocean benthic macrofauna, both in terms of species richness and abundance. However, there is a considerable lack of ecological research focused on their distribution patterns and species richness on smaller scale, especially in the soft bottom habitats of Antarctic glacial fjords. The aim of this study was to describe those patterns in the Admiralty Bay. Forty-nine Van Veen grab samples were collected at the depth range from 15 to 265 m, in the summer season of 1979/1980, at three sites distributed along the main axis of the fjord. Among 53 identified species of bryozoans, 32 were recorded in the Admiralty Bay for the first time. The most common and abundant species were Himantozoum antarcticum, Inversiula nutrix and Nematoflustra flagellata. Genera such as Arachnopusia, Cellarinella and Osthimosia were the most speciose taxa. It was demonstrated that depth was important for the distribution of the bryozoans. More than half of the recorded species were found only below 70 m. An influence of glacial disturbance was reflected in the dominance structure of colony growth-forms. The inner region of the fjord was dominated almost entirely by encrusting species, while the diversity of bryozoan growth-forms in less disturbed areas was much higher. In those sites the highest percentage of branched, tuft like species represented by buguliform and flustriform zoaria was observed.The study was supported by a grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 51/N-IPY/2007/0 as well as Census of Antarctic Marine Life Project. Krzysztof Pabis was also partially supported by University of Lodz internal funds. This research was also supported by the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute during the realization of the project numbered 40.2900.0903.18.0 titled “Bryozoan assemblage of Admiralty Bay—richness, diversity and abundance.” Urszula Hara is deeply grateful to Leszek Giro (Micro-area Analyses Laboratory at the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Warsaw), for providing SEM assistance during the project. We also want to thank two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions that helped us improve this article. Thanks are also due to Magdalena Błażewicz-Paszkowycz for language correction and polishing the final version of the manuscript

    Is there a common water-activity limit for the three domains of life?

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    Archaea and Bacteria constitute a majority of life systems on Earth but have long been considered inferior to Eukarya in terms of solute tolerance. Whereas the most halophilic prokaryotes are known for an ability to multiply at saturated NaCl (water activity (a w) 0.755) some xerophilic fungi can germinate, usually at high-sugar concentrations, at values as low as 0.650-0.605 a w. Here, we present evidence that halophilic prokayotes can grow down to water activities of <0.755 for Halanaerobium lacusrosei (0.748), Halobacterium strain 004.1 (0.728), Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 and Halococcus morrhuae (0.717), Haloquadratum walsbyi (0.709), Halococcus salifodinae (0.693), Halobacterium noricense (0.687), Natrinema pallidum (0.681) and haloarchaeal strains GN-2 and GN-5 (0.635 a w). Furthermore, extrapolation of growth curves (prone to giving conservative estimates) indicated theoretical minima down to 0.611 a w for extreme, obligately halophilic Archaea and Bacteria. These were compared with minima for the most solute-tolerant Bacteria in high-sugar (or other non-saline) media (Mycobacterium spp., Tetragenococcus halophilus, Saccharibacter floricola, Staphylococcus aureus and so on) and eukaryotic microbes in saline (Wallemia spp., Basipetospora halophila, Dunaliella spp. and so on) and high-sugar substrates (for example, Xeromyces bisporus, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Aspergillus and Eurotium spp.). We also manipulated the balance of chaotropic and kosmotropic stressors for the extreme, xerophilic fungi Aspergillus penicilloides and X. bisporus and, via this approach, their established water-activity limits for mycelial growth (∼0.65) were reduced to 0.640. Furthermore, extrapolations indicated theoretical limits of 0.632 and 0.636 a w for A. penicilloides and X. bisporus, respectively. Collectively, these findings suggest that there is a common water-activity limit that is determined by physicochemical constraints for the three domains of life

    Sustained acceleration of soil carbon decomposition observed in a 6-year warming experiment in a warm-temperate forest in southern Japan

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    To examine global warming’s effect on soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition in Asian monsoon forests, we conducted a soil warming experiment with a multichannel automated chamber system in a 55-year-old warm-temperate evergreen broadleaved forest in southern Japan. We established three treatments: control chambers for total soil respiration, trenched chambers for heterotrophic respiration (R(h)), and warmed trenched chambers to examine warming effect on R(h). The soil was warmed with an infrared heater above each chamber to increase soil temperature at 5 cm depth by about 2.5 °C. The warming treatment lasted from January 2009 to the end of 2014. The annual warming effect on R(h) (an increase per °C) ranged from 7.1 to17.8% °C(−1). Although the warming effect varied among the years, it averaged 9.4% °C(−1) over 6 years, which was close to the value of 10.1 to 10.9% °C(−1) that we calculated using the annual temperature–efflux response model of Lloyd and Taylor. The interannual warming effect was positively related to the total precipitation in the summer period, indicating that summer precipitation and the resulting soil moisture level also strongly influenced the soil warming effect in this forest

    The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling

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