378 research outputs found

    Subharmonic bifurcation cascade of pattern oscillations caused by winding number increasing entrainment

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    Convection structures in binary fluid mixtures are investigated for positive Soret coupling in the driving regime where solutal and thermal contributions to the buoyancy forces compete. Bifurcation properties of stable and unstable stationary square, roll, and crossroll (CR) structures and the oscillatory competition between rolls and squares are determined numerically as a function of fluid parameters. A novel type of subharmonic bifurcation cascade (SC) where the oscillation period grows in integer steps as n(2π)/(ω)n (2\pi)/(\omega) is found and elucidated to be an entrainment process.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Alginate microspheres containing temperature sensitive liposomes (TSL) for MR-guided embolization and triggered release of doxorubicin

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    Objective The objective of this study was to develop and characterize alginate microspheres suitable for embolization with on-demand triggered doxorubicin (DOX) release and whereby the microspheres as well as the drug releasing process can be visualized in vivo using MRI. Methods and Findings For this purpose, barium crosslinked alginate microspheres were loaded with temperature sensitive liposomes (TSL/TSL-Ba-ms), which release their payload upon mild hyperthermia. These TSL contained DOX and [Gd(HPDO3A)(H2O)], a T1 MRI contrast agent, for real time visualization of the release. Empty alginate microspheres crosslinked with holmium ions (T2* MRI contrast agent, Ho-ms) were mixed with TSL-Ba-ms to allow microsphere visualization. TSL-Ba-ms and Ho-ms were prepared with a homemade spray device and sized by sieving. Encapsulation of TSL in barium crosslinked microspheres changed the triggered release properties only slightly: 95% of the loaded DOX was released from free TSL vs. 86% release for TSL-Ba-ms within 30 seconds in 50% FBS at 42°C. TSL-Ba-ms (76 ± 41 μm) and Ho-ms (64 ± 29 μm) had a comparable size, which most likely will result in a similar in vivo tissue distribution after an i.v. co-injection and therefore Ho-ms can be used as tracer for the TSL-Ba-ms. MR imaging of a TSL-Ba-ms and Ho-ms mixture (ratio 95:5) before and after hyperthermia allowed in vitro and in vivo visualization of microsphere deposition (T2*-weighted images) as well as temperature-triggered release (T1-weighted images). The [Gd(HPDO3A)(H2O)] release and clusters of microspheres containing holmium ions were visualized in a VX2 tumor model in a rabbit using MRI. Conclusions In conclusion, these TSL-Ba-ms and Ho-ms are promising systems for real-time, MR-guided embolization and triggered release of drugs in vivo

    Community care workers, poor referral networks and consumption of personal resources in rural South Africa

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    Although home-based care (HBC) programs are widely implemented throughout Africa, their success depends on the existence of an enabling environment, including a referral system and supply of essential commodities. The objective of this study was to explore the current state of client referral patterns and practices by community care workers (CCWs), in an evolving environment of one rural South African sub-district. Using a participant triangulation approach, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with 17 CCWs, 32 HBC clients and 32 primary caregivers (PCGs). An open-ended interview guide was used for data collection. Participants were selected from comprehensive lists of CCWs and their clients, using a diversified criterion-based sampling method. Three independent researchers coded three sets of data – CCWs, Clients and PCGs, for referral patterns and practices of CCWs. Referrals from clinics and hospitals to HBC occurred infrequently, as only eight (25%) of the 32 clients interviewed were formally referred. Community care workers showed high levels of commitment and personal investment in supporting their clients to use the formal health care system. They went to the extent of using their own personal resources. Seven CCWs used their own money to ensure client access to clinics, and eight gave their own food to ensure treatment adherence. Community care workers are essential in linking clients to clinics and hospitals and to promote the appropriate use of medical services, although this effort frequently necessitated consumption of their own personal resources. Therefore, risk protection strategies are urgently needed so as to ensure sustainability of the current work performed by HBC organizations and the CCW volunteers.The South Africa Netherlands research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD) and AVERT, Averting HIV and AIDS (http://www.avert.org/).http://www.plosone.orgam201

    Convection in Binary Fluid Mixtures. II. Localized Traveling Waves. (Physical Review E, in press)

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    Nonlinear, spatially localized structures of traveling convection rolls are investigated in quantitative detail as a function of Rayleigh number for two different Soret coupling strengths (separation ratios) with Lewis and Prandtl numbers characterizing ethanol-water mixtures. A finite-difference method was used to solve the full hydrodynamic field equations numerically. Structure and dynamics of these localized traveling waves (LTW) are dominated by the concentration field. Like in the spatially extended convective states ( cf. accompanying paper), the Soret-induced concentration variations strongly influence, via density changes, the buoyancy forces that drive convection. The spatio-temporal properties of this feed-back mechanism, involving boundary layers and concentration plumes, show that LTW's are strongly nonlinear states. Light intensity distributions are determined that can be observed in side-view shadowgraphs. Detailed analyses of all fields are made using colour-coded isoplots, among others. In the frame comoving with their drift velocity, LTW's display a nontrivial spatio-temporal symmetry consisting of time-translation by half an oscillation period combined with vertical reflection through the horizontal midplane of the layer. A time-averaged concentration current is driven by a phase difference between the waves of concentration and vertical velocity in the bulk of the LTW state. The associated large-scale concentration redistribution stabilizes the LTW and controls its drift velocity into the quiescent fluid by generating a buoyancy-reducing concentration "barrier" ahead of the leading LTW front. The selection of the width of the LTW's is investigated and comparisons with experiments are presented.Comment: 18 pages and 6 figures as uuencoded Postscript file (using uufiles) 1 color figure as uuencoded Postscript file, a high resolution version of the color figure (about 10MB) can be requested from [email protected] or [email protected].: (Barten)present address: PSI, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerlan

    Amplitude measurements of Faraday waves

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    A light reflection technique is used to measure quantitatively the surface elevation of Faraday waves. The performed measurements cover a wide parameter range of driving frequencies and sample viscosities. In the capillary wave regime the bifurcation diagrams exhibit a frequency independent scaling proportional to the wavelength. We also provide numerical simulations of the full Navier-Stokes equations, which are in quantitative agreement up to supercritical drive amplitudes of 20%. The validity of an existing perturbation analysis is found to be limited to 2.5% overcriticaly.Comment: 7 figure

    Rights, Knowledge, and Governance for Improved Health Equity in Urban Settings

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    All three of the interacting aspects of daily urban life (physical environment, social conditions, and the added pressure of climate change) that affect health inequities are nested within the concept of urban governance, which has the task of understanding and managing the interactions among these different factors so that all three can be improved together and coherently. Governance is defined as: “the process of collective decision making and processes by which decisions are implemented or not implemented”: it is concerned with the distribution, exercise, and consequences of power. Although there appears to be general agreement that the quality of governance is important for development, much less agreement appears to exist on what the concept really implies and how it should be used. Our review of the literature confirmed significant variation in meaning as well as in the practice of urban governance arrangements. The review found that the linkage between governance practices and health equity is under-researched and/or has been neglected. Reconnecting the fields of urban planning, social sciences, and public health are essential “not only for improving local governance, but also for understanding and addressing global political change” for enhanced urban health equity. Social mobilization, empowering governance, and improved knowledge for sustainable and equitable development in urban settings is urgently needed. A set of strategic research questions are suggested

    Study of the internal quantum efficiency of FBK sensors with optimized entrance windows

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    Single-photon detection of X-rays in the energy range of 250 eV to 1 keV is difficult for hybrid detectors because of the low quantum efficiency and low signal-to-noise ratio. The low quantum efficiency is caused by the absorption of soft X-rays in the entrance window of the silicon sensors. The entrance window consists of an insensitive layer on the surface and a highly doped layer, which is typically from a few hundred nanometers to a couple of micrometers thick and is comparable to the absorption depth of soft X-ray photons (e.g. the attenuation length of 250 eV X-ray photons is ∼100 nm in silicon). The low signal-to-noise ratio is mainly caused by the small signal amplitude (e.g. ca. 70 electrons for 250 eV X-ray photons in silicon) with respect to the electronic noise. To improve the quantum efficiency, the entrance window must be optimized by minimizing the absorption of soft X-rays in the insensitive layer, and reducing charge recombination at the Si-SiO2 interface and in the highly doped region. Low gain avalanche diodes (LGADs) with a multiplication factor between 5 and 10 increase the signal amplitude and therefore improve the signal-to-noise ratio for soft X-rays, enabling single-photon detection down to 250 eV. Combining LGAD technology with an optimized entrance window technology can thus allow hybrid detectors to become a useful tool also for soft X-ray detection. In this work we present the optimization of the entrance window by studying the internal quantum efficiency of eight different process technology variations. The sensors are characterized using light emitting diodes with a wavelength of 405 nm. At this wavelength, the light has an absorption depth of 125 nm, equivalent to that of 276 eV X-rays. The best variation achieves an internal quantum efficiency of 0.992 for 405 nm UV light. Based on this study, further optimization of the quantum efficiency for soft X-rays detection is planned

    Development of LGAD sensors with a thin entrance window for soft X-ray detection

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    We show the developments carried out to improve the silicon sensor technology for the detection of soft X-rays with hybrid X-ray detectors. An optimization of the entrance window technology is required to improve the quantum efficiency. The LGAD technology can be used to amplify the signal generated by the X-rays and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, making single photon resolution in the soft X-ray energy range possible. In this paper, we report first results obtained from an LGAD sensor production with an optimized thin entrance window. Single photon detection of soft X-rays down to 452 eV has been demonstrated from measurements, with a signal-to-noise ratio better than 20

    Hybrid video quality prediction: reviewing video quality measurement for widening application scope

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    A tremendous number of objective video quality measurement algorithms have been developed during the last two decades. Most of them either measure a very limited aspect of the perceived video quality or they measure broad ranges of quality with limited prediction accuracy. This paper lists several perceptual artifacts that may be computationally measured in an isolated algorithm and some of the modeling approaches that have been proposed to predict the resulting quality from those algorithms. These algorithms usually have a very limited application scope but have been verified carefully. The paper continues with a review of some standardized and well-known video quality measurement algorithms that are meant for a wide range of applications, thus have a larger scope. Their individual artifacts prediction accuracy is usually lower but some of them were validated to perform sufficiently well for standardization. Several difficulties and shortcomings in developing a general purpose model with high prediction performance are identified such as a common objective quality scale or the behavior of individual indicators when confronted with stimuli that are out of their prediction scope. The paper concludes with a systematic framework approach to tackle the development of a hybrid video quality measurement in a joint research collaboration.Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) SP/I/1/77065/10, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova