147 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural contacts between the Serbs lived in the former Hungarian Kingdom and West-Ukrainian territories : as reflected in the import of the liturgical books

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    Mára már elavult közhely, hogy a felvilágosodás és a nemzeti megújulás eszméit egyedül kizárólag Bécs közvetítette a Habsburg Birodalom szláv nemzetiségei fel. Jóllehet a bécsi szellemi élet valóban a legfontosabb ablak volt Nyugat-Európára, de nem az egyetlen. A magyar történészek vitát folytattak a nemzetek kialakulásáról a múlt század nyolcvanas-kilencvenes éveiben, és ebben a Niederhauser Emil képviselte álláspont került elfogadásra, mely szerint már a 17. században beszélhetünk nemzetté alakulásról. Ennek a szerbek esetében jelentős motorja volt a liturgikus könyvek importja keleti szláv, mai ukrán területekről. Először is azért, mert a balkáni szerbek egyáltalán nem használhatták nyelvüket és a cirill betűket kultúrájuk megőrzésére, miután a görög phanarióták váltak az Oszmán birodalom elitjévé. Mivel az egyháznak jól kiépített adminisztrációja volt, amikor a törökök meghódították a balkáni népeket, és mivel az iszlám gyakorlat a "könyv népeit" nem tiltotta el (csupán korlátozta) vallásuk gyakorlásában, ha megfelelő adót fizettek, mindkét félnek előnyös volt, hogy a keresztény miilet fejévé a pátriárka vált. Ám a tizenhetedik században Isztambul Phanar (világítótorony) nevű városrészéről elnevezett gazdag és művelt görög nagypolgári réteg az oszmán uralom alatt lévő valamennyi keresztény felett magához ragadta mind a gazdasági, mind az adminisztratív hatalmat, sőt a pátriárkát korrumpálva még az egyházit is. Emiatt lehetetlenné vált a szláv ajkúak mégoly korlátozott művelődése is. A Habsburg Birodalomba menekülő szerbek (a Magyar Királyságba történt bevándorlás három fő hullámát különítettük el az idézett korábbi munkáinkban) jóllehet állandóan panaszkodtak hátrányos helyzetükre, ha magukat a magyárokhoz hasonlították, ám a balkáni testvéreiknél összehasonlíthatatlanul jobb helyzetbe kerültek. Vallási s világi önkormányzatuk az egyházi szláv liturgia s a cirill betűs könyvek szabad használatával párosult. A Szentendrén kutató szerb kollégák monográfiájában és az egyéb gyűjteményeket a jelen munka szerzője korábbi publikációiban leírt possessori margináliák egyértelműen bizonyítják, hogy a 17-18. sz. folyamán a Magyar Királyság területén élő szerbek alapvetően a mai ukrán, akkori kelet-lengyelországi területekről származó könyveket importáltak. Az ukrán és fehérorosz nyomdák ugyanakkor a lengyel hatások alatt álltak, és tulajdonosaik civil testvérületek (confraternitas) voltak, ezáltal rugalmasabb kiadói politikát és a nyugati kultúrának, a barokknak a hatásait jobban kitett nyomtatást folytattak. Bőséges elő- s utószavaik, a szent könyveket kísérő világi kommentárjaik, főként pedig a liturgikus tartalmakat illusztráló rézmetszeteik a nyugat-európai barokk hatásait lengyel közvetítéssel így a Magyar Korona szláv nemzetiségeihez is eljuttatták. A Lembergben nemrég elhunyt Iszajevics akadémikus kutatásai, s a vele kapcsolatban dolgozó jelen szerző munkái folytatásaként a kérdés nagymonográfiában történő feldolgozása várható, mellyel további bizonyítékokat kapunk arra, hogy a késő barokk és a korai felvilágosodás korában a nemzeti öntudat ápolásában a szerbek a mai ukrán területek városainak jótékony hatására tartották meg és fejlesztették nemzeti kultúrájukat. Az orosz gyámkodás majd a csak a 18. század végétől válik erőssé, amely kivezet a dolgozatunkban tárgyalt korszakból. Csak az 1768-1774 közti orosz-török háborút lezáró békekötés után, amelyen 1774. július 21-én Kücsük-Kajnardzsiban a török szultán kénytelen volt elismerni a cárt minden pravoszlávok patrónusának az oszmán birodalomban

    Európa kultúrkörei és az algebrai struktúrák izomorfizmusa

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    Researches were supported by the "Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae" foundation. - Since Arnold Toynbee the notion of contrasting civilizations has gained general acceptance. If we are to use the notions of "cultural spheres" and "cultural regions", we must use them in a clear and unequivocal sense, as demanded by scientific logic. The author should present a few analytic tools, a model of areal linguistics, and the mathematical concept of isomorphism. In the first case, instead of asking which cultural sphere, which macrostructure this or that cultural region belongs to, what we have to examine is to what extent x, y, or z cultural specific features are present in the given cultural region. As a result, in the case of an areal philosophy of culture, we must set up cultural isoglosses, or isocultures. In the second case, two cultures or cultural regions may be considered isomorphous, if their different components, elements and their relationships correspond. In other words, what is to be examined it is not whether the same elements, the same phenomena are present in both cultures, but whether there are systematic correspondences between the different elements of the two cultural regions

    The »Modus Obliquus« In The Baltic Language Union: A Review of The Literature on The Field

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    "THE »MODUS OBLIQUUS« IN THE BALTIC LANGUAGE AREA: A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON FINNO-UGRIAN AND INDOEUROPEAN VERB SYSTEMS SÁNDOR FÖLDVÁRI Postdoctoral researcher, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Visitor lecturer, Department of Classical Philology (Lithuanian Studies), Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary; The author of the paper supposes that the present audience on the con-ference also the readers of the printed version are familiar with the common phenomena of cultures of Baltic peoples, e. g. the modus obliquus or modus relativus in the verb system. There is no room here for the detailed introduction to the theme, more, we can recommend you so excellent studies on the field as AMBRAZAS, 1970 of the Indoeuropean side and, in turn, IKOLA, 1953 from the Finno-Ugristics. We try here to summarise the results of the earlier works and to discuss the question of the Baltic language and cultural union. Since the modus obliquus (MO) exists only in Estonian and Livonian, no other Baltic Finnic languages, and, from the other hand, since the MO exists only in Latvian than in Lithuanian, no other Baltic Finnic languages (it is absent in Prussian), it seems to be very logical to say that the MO is a result of areal contacts, or, that the MO is a very special isogloss of Baltic language union. The morphosyntactic criteria of the Baltic language union is analysed e.g. by STOLZ, 1977. The sources are well-researched by the dialectology, e. g. PAJUSALU, 1996. also in the field of phonology, cf. VABA, 1997 but sources of morpho-syntactical common features in the common cultural development of Baltic peoples are less analysed. The Prague school (TRUBETZKOY, 1928. JAKOBSON, 1931.) based the modern school of phonology that is why they established areal models only on the base of phonologic phenomena. — It is remarkable that ARUMAA, 1935 analysed the morphosyntactical common characteristics of Estonian, Livonian and Latvian already at the Jakobson's time, and his conclusion is almost literally identical with closing words of AMBRAZAS, 1970 and 1990. — The time has already come, when there is already “seasonable” the syntheses of the cultural and areal language contacts. There are some contributions to this syntheses given in the paper. REFERENCES, cited in the abstract: ARUMAA, P[eeter] 1935. Eesti-liivi ja läti ühisest fraseoloogiast ning süntaksist. EK 14, 124 136. AMBRAZAS, Vytautas 1970. Dēl lietuviž kalbos netiesioginēs nuosakos (modus relativus). In: DB 6 13. AMBRAZAS, Vytautas 1990.Vergleichende Syntax der baltischen Partizipien. Baltţ kalbţ dalyviţ lyginamoji sintaksç. АМБРАЗАС, Витаутас: Сравни¬тельный синтакс причастий бальтийских языков. Vilnius: Mokslas, ISBN 5–420–00338–4 BECKER, H. 1948. Der Sprachbund. Leipzig—Berlin. DB — Donum Balticum: To Professor Christian S. Stang on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 15 March 1970. Edited by Velta RUKE–DRAVINA. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. DÉCSY, Gyula 1973. Die linguistische Struktur Europas: Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz HAARMANN, Harald, 1970. Die indirekte erleibnisform als grammatische Kategorie — Eine eurasische Isoglosse. Wiesbaden. (Veröffentlichen der Societas Uralo–Altaica, 2.) IKOLA, Osmo, 1953. Viron ja liivin modus obliquusen histooria. Helsinki: Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura (Suomi 106, 4.) JAKOBSON, Roman, 1931a. Über die phonologischen Sprachbünde. = JAKOBSON, 19712, 137 143. JAKOBSON, Roman, 1931b. РОМАН ЯКОБСОН, К характеристике евроазийского языкого союза. = JAKOBSON, 19712, 144 201. JAKOBSON, 19712, Selected Writings, I. Phonological Studies. The Hague—Paris. PAJUSALU, Karl, 1996. Multiple Linguistic Contacts In: South Estonian: Variation of Verb Inflection In: Karksi. Turku (Turun Yliopiston suomalaisen ja yleisen kielitieteen laitoksen julkaisuja: Publications of the Department of Finnish and General linguistics of the University of Turku, 54.) STOLZ, Thomas, 1977. Schprachbund im Baltikum? Estnisch und Lettisch im Zentrum einer sprachlischen Konvergenzlandschaft. Bochum: Universitäts-verlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer (BORETZKY, Norbert — EUNIGER, Werner — STOLZ, Thomas [Eds.], Bohum-Essener Beiträge zur Schprachwandel-forschung, 13.) TRUBETZKOY, Nikolas, 1928. Proposition 16. In: Actes du premier congrčs international de linguists ŕ La Haye, du 10-15 avril 1928. Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff, 1928. 17 18. VABA, Lembit, 1997. Uurimusi läti-eesti keelesuhetast. Tallinn— Tampere: Eesti Keele Instituut, Tamperen Yliopiston Suomen Kielen ja Yleisen Kielitieseen Laitos, ISBN –9985–851–52–

    Cirill liturgikus könyvek provenienciális kérdései. Hodinka koncepciója az újabb kutatások tükrében

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    Provenance of the old Printed Cyrillic Books Being Held in Church Libraries of the Former Hungarian Kingdom: Anton Hodinka's Conception Evaluated on the Base of the Latest Researches The territory of the Former Hungarian Kingdom was remarkably larger than it is now and a great part of it was settled by inhabitants of non-Hungarian origin perhaps of Slavic. The Sub-Carpathian Rusyns (a special branch of The Ukrainian, settled in Uzhorod, Mukachevo and Marmarosh regions) and a part of the Rumanians belonged to the Greek Catholic (i. e. Uniate) Church and another part of the Rumanians and all the Serbs, too, were of the Orthodox Church. Therefore the Rusyn, the Rumanian and Jhe Serb parishes needed far more liturgical books than the Roman Catholic ones since the Byzantine liturgy is far more complicated than the Roman Catholic one. Anton Hodinka was the first author who studied in 1909 the activity of the Russian booksellers those had been travelled to the former Hungarian Kingdom before 1770, when the import of the Cyrillic books had forbidden by Queen Maria Theresa. A. Hodinka's conclusion was criticized by E. Ojtozi and S. Foldvari for the majority of the books could not been imported from the territory of Russia. Descriptions and analysis on provenance of materials being held in Greek and Roman Catholic Church libraries of present Hungary has been published by S. Foldvari. Of special interest may be the former ones, because nobody has still done researches for Church Slavic liturgical book in Roman Catholic collections before Foldvari has done it. Since the country covers less territory than the former Hungarian Kingdom did, it could not be done enough investigations in the archives and book collections being now abroad. Evidences were documented by E. Ojtozi showed that the majority of the books had been imported by the Greek Catholic parishes were printed in typographies of Potchajev, Lvov, Unev etc. Thus hardly less books had been imported from Russia than it was maintained by A. Hodinka. This new statement was strongly undertaken by the further researches made by S . Földvári on the marginalia in old printed Cyrillic booksh held in Roman Catholic libraries, were investigated firstly by him. Another point of interest is that numerous old-printed Cyrillic books are supposed to be evaluated as very rarities that are being held also in Roman Catholic collections have investigated by Foldvari. It has been demonstrated in his publications that the Serb parishes had been importing the books printed in typographies of Potchajev or Lvov instead of buying the ones printed by J. Kurzböck in Vienna. Since the books issued by Kurzböck had not accepted by the Serbs with much pleasure. A detailed survey of the findings of Hungarian authors, made on old-printed Cyrillic books, is given in the paper, too

    Kuľturnye pamjatniki zakarpatskyh grekokatoličeśkih rusinov v g. Eger

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    Before the church union in Uzhorod in 1646, the clergy of the Byzantine rite belonged to villains. However, even later, the social problems and the questions of jurisdiction were not solved until the establishment of the Greek Catholic Eparchy in 1771. Hence the pejorative evaluation to the role of Roman Catholic Bishops of Eger became a common thought of the Greek Catholic historians. On the contrary, data of the archivalia and book collections in Eger are evidences to state that the Greek Catholic seminarists have there given education in the Byzantine liturgy and Church Slavonic, too. Heritage of the teacher of these subjects, Lucas Habina, have listed and held in the Bishopric Archive. - The paper is a Russian-language summary of the works published by the author in Hungary earlier. Proceedings of The Conference Held in Uzhorod, 1996, on The 350 Anniversary of The Union in Uzhorod in 1646

    A Baltikum nyelveinek areális (és tipológiai) kapcsolatairól

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    A Hajdúdorogi Főesperesi Levéltár iratainak lajstroma és mutatója, 1562–1819

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    Although the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Hajdudorog was established in 1916, its predecessor, The Deanery of Hajdudorog, had already existed in the 18th century. Moreover, there are hold in its Archive some sources from the 16th c. Therefore the foreword by I. Udvari is worthwhile on the history of the archive, however, he should give an outlook on the history of the Hajdudorog Deanary, too, as a specialist of that. For the advantages, the indexes are pretty useful; for the disadvantages, the whole text of the inventory consists of the Hungarian translation of the original Latin titles of the documents, therefore, it makes more difficult to use it than those of other inventories of various Hungarian Church archives (examples are given in this review), published before, which consist of lists of the original names of the fonds and fasciculi in Latin as well. It is proposed in the review the original Latin headings are to be given in the second edition

    Впливи української еліти на національне відродження сербів

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    Influences of the Ukrainian Elite on the National Awakening of the Serbs: Publishing of Ukrainian Brotherhoods in the Culture of Slavic Peoples in Habsburg Empire Впливи української еліти на національне відродження сербів: книжкові видання українських братств у культурі слов’янських народів Габсбурзької імперії We can speak about the evolving of the Ukrainian elite and its special activities also international contacts in the 17th cent. According to great findings of passed academician Y. Isaievich, the brotherhoods (Confraternities) were enlightened civil organizations and their activity in the field of the book-printing (not only, but we must be limited on it due to the frameworks of the paper) – it was the evolving the national Ukrainian culture representing by national elite. This enlightened elite provided the national awakening of the others as of the Serbs, too. Living in the Hungarian Kingdom, the Serbs could use their Slavic language in local administration and Church Slavonic in the liturgy which was denied on the Balkans. Neither the Turkish rulers nor the Greek Church elite permitted any way of neither the Serbian national service nor the keeping their Slavic national heritage. Moving to Hungary, Serbs had chances to contact the East Slavic cultural centers and these were Ukrainian but not Russian. The Tsarist Empire interfered into the things of Balkan peoples since the last quarter of the 18th cent., after the dividing of Poland. Before this the Serbian-Ukrainian contacts were strong, which was reflected by the book-import. Thus the findings of the author on the recent book-collections held in Hungary contribute new data to the international role of the Ukrainian elite even in the time it was burn