Postdoctoral researcher, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Visitor lecturer, Department of Classical Philology (Lithuanian
Studies), Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary;
The author of the paper supposes that the present audience on
the con-ference also the readers of the printed version are
familiar with the common phenomena of cultures of Baltic
peoples, e. g. the modus obliquus or modus relativus in the
verb system. There is no room here for the detailed introduction
to the theme, more, we can recommend you so excellent studies
on the field as AMBRAZAS, 1970 of the Indoeuropean side and, in
turn, IKOLA, 1953 from the Finno-Ugristics. We try here to
summarise the results of the earlier works and to discuss the
question of the Baltic language and cultural union.
Since the modus obliquus (MO) exists only in Estonian and
Livonian, no other Baltic Finnic languages, and, from the other
hand, since the MO exists only in Latvian than in Lithuanian,
no other Baltic Finnic languages (it is absent in Prussian), it
seems to be very logical to say that the MO is a result of areal
contacts, or, that the MO is a very special isogloss of Baltic
language union. The morphosyntactic criteria of the Baltic
language union is analysed e.g. by STOLZ, 1977. The sources are
well-researched by the dialectology, e. g. PAJUSALU, 1996. also
in the field of phonology, cf. VABA, 1997 but sources of
morpho-syntactical common features in the common cultural
development of Baltic peoples are less analysed. The Prague
school (TRUBETZKOY, 1928. JAKOBSON, 1931.) based the modern
school of phonology that is why they established areal models
only on the base of phonologic phenomena. — It is remarkable
that ARUMAA, 1935 analysed the morphosyntactical common
characteristics of Estonian, Livonian and Latvian already at the
Jakobson's time, and his conclusion is almost literally
identical with closing words of AMBRAZAS, 1970 and 1990. — The
time has already come, when there is already “seasonable” the
syntheses of the cultural and areal language contacts. There are
some contributions to this syntheses given in the paper.
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