3,681 research outputs found

    Do Politicians’ Preferences Matter for Voters’ Voting Decisions?

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    Using unique survey data that allows us to observe both voters’ and politicians’ preferences for local public spending as well as voting decisions, this paper tests if voters typically support parties in which the politicians’ preferences are closest to their own. Doing so would be rational for the voters to do if politicians’ preferences matter for policy outcomes, as is the case in e.g. the citizen-candidate model. It is found that this is indeed the case. This finding is in line with theoretical models such as the citizen-candidate model arguing that politicians cannot credibly commit to election platforms that differ from their true policy preferences.Elections; voting; preferences for public services

    Group and total dissipativity and stability of multi-equilibria hybrid automata

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    Complex systems, which consist of different interdependent and interlocking subsystems, typically have multiple equilibrium points associated with different set points of each operation mode. These systems are usually interpreted as switched systems, or in general, as hybrid systems. Surprisingly, the consideration of multiple equilibria is not common in hybrid systems’ literature, being typically focused on the study of stability and dissipativity properties for switched systems whose subsystems share the same equilibrium point. This paper will expand the discussion to the case of having multiple co-existing equilibrium points for hybrid systems modelled as hybrid automata, which are more general than switched systems. A classification of equilibria for hybrid automata is offered, and some stability related properties are shown for them. Moreover, some dissipativity-related properties are studied. The chief idea of our approach is to identify stable and dissipative components as group of discrete locations within the hybrid automaton. Two examples are used to illustrate our conclusions

    Object Distribution Networks for World-wide Document Circulation

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    This paper presents an Object Distribution System (ODS), a distributed system inspired by the ultra-large scale distribution models used in everyday life (e.g. food or newspapers distribution chains). Beyond traditional mechanisms of approaching information to readers (e.g. caching and mirroring), this system enables the publication, classification and subscription to volumes of objects (e.g. documents, events). Authors submit their contents to publication agents. Classification authorities provide classification schemes to classify objects. Readers subscribe to topics or authors, and retrieve contents from their local delivery agent (like a kiosk or library, with local copies of objects). Object distribution is an independent process where objects circulate asynchronously among distribution agents. ODS is designed to perform specially well in an increasingly populated, widespread and complex Internet jungle, using weak consistency replication by object distribution, asynchronous replication, and local access to objects by clients. ODS is based on two independent virtual networks, one dedicated to the distribution (replication) of objects and the other to calculate optimised distribution chains to be applied by the first network

    El papel de la colocaciĂłn en el artĂ­culo cientĂ­fico

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    A collocation is a combination of two or more words which frequently occur together (McCarthy and O’Dell 2008). In this paper, we will show how the mastery of these word combinations is a must if one is to publish in a second language at an international level. As English has become the language of science (Crystal 2005; Montgomery 2009), and over 80% of scientific publication is done through this language, researchers who have a good command of it should aim at publishing in English. The work presented here aims at providing some tips on how non-native researchers who want to publish RAs at an international level can improve their collocational competence in English.Una colocaciĂłn es una combinaciĂłn de dos o mĂĄs palabras que frecuentemente aparecen juntas (McCarthy y O’Dell 2008). En este artĂ­culo, mostraremos cĂłmo el dominio de estas combinaciones de palabras es imprescindible para publicar a un nivel internacional en una segunda lengua. Puesto que el inglĂ©s se ha convertido en el lenguaje de la ciencia (Crystal 2005; Montgomery 2009), y mĂĄs del 80% de las publicaciones cientĂ­ficas se hace a travĂ©s de este idioma, los investigadores que tienen un buen dominio de Ă©ste deberĂ­an proponerse publicar en inglĂ©s. El trabajo que presentamos pretende dar algunos consejos sobre cĂłmo los investigadores no nativos que quieren publicar artĂ­culos cientĂ­ficos a un nivel internacional pueden mejorar su competencia colocacional en inglĂ©s

    Enseñar a aprender: La investigación como formación permanente del profesorado

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    Cinquenes Jornades de Foment de la InvestigaciĂł de la FCHS (Any 1999-2000

    Diante da imagem dos demais: pornografia da morte e produção cultural em contexto digital

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    This paper will analyze some aspects of the digital and Internet distribution and its later re-appropriation of, so called, “dramatic images”. Of all characteristics and concepts related to the web net and its possibilities, it will focus in three: simulacrum, access and democratization and re-appropriation and control. These characteristics of digital images will be analyzed in the frame of a topic: the pornography of death (of terror, war and violence). The study cases are some of the images resulting of the so-called “war on terror”- after 9/11 terrorist attacks. A first example is the film Fitna by Dutch politician Gert Wilders and the second one is the publication of images of tortures to Iraqi prisoners by USA soldiers in Abu Ghraib and their further appropriations for different purposes. Starting from these examples special attention will paid to the processes of becoming “cultural and artistic object” nowadays, analyzing the oppositions between “cultural subject and cultural object”, “private and public”, “we and they”, “life and death”, “art and spectacle” are (un)resolved in our cultural context, mainly after Internet.Este artĂ­culo analizarĂĄ algunos de los aspectos que conciernen a la distribuciĂłn y el intercambio en internet de lo que podrĂ­amos llamar “imĂĄgenes de horror” (bĂ©lico, terrorista, etc.). De todas las caracterĂ­sticas relacionadas con la red y sus posibilidades, se enfoca principalmente en tres; que formarĂĄn los hilos conductores del artĂ­culo: el simulacro, acceso y democratizaciĂłn; la reapropiaciĂłn; y el control. Los casos de estudio son algunas de las imĂĄgenes que resultaron de la asĂ­ llamada “guerra contra el terror” tras los ataques terroristas del 11-S. El primer ejemplo es el cortometraje Fitna realizado por el polĂ­tico holandĂ©s Gert Wilders y, el segundo, las fotografĂ­as de las torturas a los presos en la cĂĄrcel iraquĂ­ de Abu Ghraib por parte de soldados estadounidenses en 2003 y las apropiaciones y reutilizaciones de las mismas en el mundo del arte y la cultura. Partiendo de estos ejemplos, se tratan de esbozar algunos de los procesos por los que un objeto de representaciĂłn, especialmente los de contenido violento, se convierte en artĂ­stico o cultural. La aproximaciĂłn, por tanto, es semiĂłtica, ya que dichas creaciones se analizan como signos cuyo sentido se define y redefine por el contexto, los actores y sus correspondientes discursos, que tienen lugar en cada una de las re-apropiaciones de dichas producciones, cuyos elementos estĂ©ticos no pueden desligarse de su contenido o valor ideolĂłgico.Este artigo analisarĂĄ alguns dos aspectos concernentes Ă  distribuição eao intercĂąmbio na internet daquilo que poderĂ­amos chamar “imagens dehorror” (bĂ©lico, terrorista etc.). De todas as caracterĂ­sticasrelacionadas Ă  rede e Ă s suas possibilidades, estĂŁo focadas em trĂȘs dosaspectos que servirĂŁo de fios condutores: o simulacro, acesso edemocratização; a reapropriação; e o controle. Os casos analisados sĂŁoimagens resultantes da chamada “guerra contra o terror” apĂłs os ataquesterroristas do 11-S. O primeiro exemplo Ă© o curta-metragem /Fitna/realizado pelo polĂ­tico holandĂȘs Gert Wilders. O segundo sĂŁo asfotografias das torturas na prisĂŁo iraquiana de Abu Ghraib por parte desoldados norte-americanos em 2003 e as apropriaçÔes e reutilizaçÔes dasmesmas no mundo da arte e da cultura. Partindo destes exemplos, trata-sede esboçar alguns dos processos pelos quais objetos de representação,especialmente os de conteĂșdo violento, convertem-se em representaçãoartĂ­stica ou cultural.  Portanto se realiza uma aproximação semiĂłtica jĂĄque tais criaçÔes sĂŁo analisadas como signos cujo sentido Ă© definido eredefinido pelo contexto, atores e seus discursos correspondentes, quetĂȘm lugar em cada uma das reapropriaçÔes de tais produçÔes, cujoselementos estĂ©ticos nĂŁo podem se desvincular de sue conteĂșdo ou valorideolĂłgico
