705 research outputs found

    Pomoc materialna dla studentów w Europie. Debaty ostatnich lat i najnowsze tendencje

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    The problem of financial support for students, which has been subject to debate over the last decade, is widely reviewed. The analysis focuses mainly on the nineties in order to highlight most urgent matters, even if other issues may also have been discussed in certain countries. Above all, the authors discuss the role of student fees in the financing of higher education and the role of grants and/or loans in the system of material aid for students. They focus mainly on the students' own contributions. Another issue which is central to political debate is the balance between support for students versus support for families. The problem of student independence is often discussed in this content. The main focus of research in various countries is how to evaluate the outcomes of material support policies and the effectiveness of such policies in terms of reducing unequal access to higher education.W opracowaniu tym przedstawiono szeroki przegląd zagadnień związanych z pomocą materialną dla studentów1, które byty przedmiotem debat w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. W analizie skoncentrowano się głównie na latach dziewięćdziesiątych, chodziło bowiem o poruszenie kwestii najbardziej aktualnych, choć w niektórych krajach debaty mogą też dotyczyć innych spraw. Omówiono przede wszystkim zagadnienia związane z rolą czesnego w finansowaniu szkolnictwa wyższego, a także z rolą stypendiów i (lub) pożyczek w systemach pomocy materialnej dla studentów, koncentrując się głównie na kwestii wkładu własnego osób podejmujących studia. W centrum debat politycznych znajduje się także problem równowagi między pomocą dla studentów a pomocą dla rodzin. W tym kontekście często dyskutuje się o zasadzie samodzielności studentów. Istotnym elementem badań, które przeprowadza się w poszczególnych krajach, by ocenić skutki polityki w zakresie pomocy materialnej dla studentów, jest także efektywność tej polityki jako środka służącego zmniejszaniu nierówności w dostępie do szkolnictwa wyższego

    “Income Distancing”: the gender pay gap in healthcare

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    Skin Deep Green: Environmentalism in Contemporary America

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    Americans today wear a thin, green cloak of environmentalism, evidenced by our recycling efforts, energy conservation attempts, and sporadic forays into “green consumerism.” We spend time carefully sorting our discarded paper, plastic, and glass, turn off the lights whenever we leave rooms, and make product choices based on a company’s environmental reputation, or a product’s purported “sustainability” or “eco-friendliness.” Professor Magali Delmas of the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability has been studying the motivations behind these environmentally beneficial, “green” behaviors over the last decade and has found that considerations of health, higher product quality, functionality, convenience, and status weigh more heavily in consumers’ decision-making than concern for the environment (Hewitt 2015). The revelation that environmentally supportive behaviors are easily attributable to other motivating factors is not, however, proof that American environmental public opinion lacks depth and strength of conviction. For that, one only needs to examine the polling data

    Modeling of a Thermoelectric Generator Device

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    Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are devices that employ Seebeck effect in thermopile to convert temperature gradient induced by waste heat into electrical power. Recently, TEGs have enticed increasing attention as green and flexible source of electricity able to meet wide range of power requirements from thermocouple sensors to power generators in satellites. Thermoelectric generators suffer from low‐conversion efficiency; however, they could be promising solutions, when they are used to harvest waste heat coming from industry processes or central‐heating systems. This chapter covers the working principles behind TEGs, depicts numerous schematics explaining functionality of TEGs, and investigates performance of TEGs. A detailed derivation process, which provides performance expressions dictating operation of TEGs, is exposed in this chapter. In addition, thermal resistance network is shown to explain thermal connection of thermocouples in TEGs in parallel and electrical connection of thermocouples in series. Performance features shown in this chapter are power output, efficiency, and voltage induced within TEG as functions of numerous parameters

    A arte de fazer história : Georges Duby (1919-1996)

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    O artigo homenageia o historiador Georges Duby, que tinha como área de interesse o período medieval, especificamente o feudalismo

    Entre a fonte e o objeto : o estatuto da imagem na história e na história da arte

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    O artigo aborda a importância das artes visuais para os medievalistas e historiadores em geral. Faz análise do Mapa-múndi de Ebstorf, e da história que ele transmite da humanidade e sua salvação divina. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis research proposes to demonstrate how the historian has ulilized images as source, conversing with the history of art, whose theoretical basis and time concepts are constantly breaking the lineal structure. This study focused in the iconographic analysis of the main biblical images from Ebstorf’s world-map, striving to demonstrate that images developed within an iconographic program enjoy time that not always correlate to time in history. In Ebstorf, all times are mixed up, reporting to the time of the future (salvation), represented by the image of the resurrected Christ in the cente

    Entre o prestígio dos homens e a salvação dos céus : as irmandades de misericórdia e a assistência médico-hospitalar na Bahia (século XIX)

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    O artigo aborda as causas da taxa de mortalidade bahiana no século XIX, e como esse problema social era tratado. Indica a classe dos menos favorecidos como a mais atingida, sobretudo as mulheres negras. E as razões, que são, a falta de higiene pessoal, com os alimentos, e com o ambiente em que viviam. Além dos serviços médicos precários para essa população. Nessa época a desigualdade social era muito aguçada, tornando o cenário propício para as obras de caridade, que era a maior forma de assistencia social aos pobres. Nesse contexto as casas de misericórdia se sobressaiam às outras irmandades, pois abrigavam os indigentes que não tinham outra forma de tratamento além dos hospitais, e tinham como herança portuguesa muitas exigências quanto às pessoas que trabalhavam lá, pois, a partir de vários requisitos a Santa Casa conferia prestígio aos seus colaboradores

    Analyse du développement durable local et de ses facteurs d'influence

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    375 p.This doctoral research aims to answer the two following questions : what arethe sustainable development practices mobilized by local authorities ? And what arethe factors explaining the commitment to these practices ? The first issue is a moredescriptive approach and the second issue is a more comprehensive one.The first part of this research will be dedicated to the analysis of sustainabilitypractices in the local context, by describing which possible practices could be used,whether they are environmental, social, economic and governance. It also provides astructured research model highlighting both local and global factors, whichpotentially explain those local practices, relying particularly on the ¿newinstitutionalism¿.To underline the relevance of these representations, a hybrid empirical studywas then conducted, combining quantitative analysis with an overview of the FrenchAgendas 21 and their implementation factors as well as a qualitative study analyzingmore deep transversal sustainable development in all departments of the localgovernment (Agenda 21 certified by the Ministry of ecology, sustainable developmentand energy). On the one hand, this work has revealed the mixed picture of the LocalAgenda 21 and imbalanced in achieving the four dimensions of sustainable localdevelopment. On the other hand, it has shown the existence of two levels of factors.As the local leadership is predominant, the influence of technical and administrativeleaders induces negative effects on local sustainable development. Finally, thisanalysis had shown the weakness of the transversality of sustainable developmentbetween heads of departments and services. These outcomes have guided ourrecommendations, particularly addressed to the local actors of change.The methodology is intended to be rather classic and deductive. However, thethesis is based on a critical approach: debating as much as possible the requirementsof management science such as assessment and performance. It even debates thoseregarding the sustainable development itself, such as participative democracy andnotions of development and growth, in order to bring new perspectives regarding theissue of municipal sustainable development but also to all the management issuesthat interest ecology

    Analyse du développement durable local et de ses facteurs d'influence

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    375 p.This doctoral research aims to answer the two following questions : what arethe sustainable development practices mobilized by local authorities ? And what arethe factors explaining the commitment to these practices ? The first issue is a moredescriptive approach and the second issue is a more comprehensive one.The first part of this research will be dedicated to the analysis of sustainabilitypractices in the local context, by describing which possible practices could be used,whether they are environmental, social, economic and governance. It also provides astructured research model highlighting both local and global factors, whichpotentially explain those local practices, relying particularly on the ¿newinstitutionalism¿.To underline the relevance of these representations, a hybrid empirical studywas then conducted, combining quantitative analysis with an overview of the FrenchAgendas 21 and their implementation factors as well as a qualitative study analyzingmore deep transversal sustainable development in all departments of the localgovernment (Agenda 21 certified by the Ministry of ecology, sustainable developmentand energy). On the one hand, this work has revealed the mixed picture of the LocalAgenda 21 and imbalanced in achieving the four dimensions of sustainable localdevelopment. On the other hand, it has shown the existence of two levels of factors.As the local leadership is predominant, the influence of technical and administrativeleaders induces negative effects on local sustainable development. Finally, thisanalysis had shown the weakness of the transversality of sustainable developmentbetween heads of departments and services. These outcomes have guided ourrecommendations, particularly addressed to the local actors of change.The methodology is intended to be rather classic and deductive. However, thethesis is based on a critical approach: debating as much as possible the requirementsof management science such as assessment and performance. It even debates thoseregarding the sustainable development itself, such as participative democracy andnotions of development and growth, in order to bring new perspectives regarding theissue of municipal sustainable development but also to all the management issuesthat interest ecology