61 research outputs found

    Tutkimus ammatti-identiteetin tukijana ja oppimisyhteisöjen rakentajana: Aikuiskoulutus nousussa, miten siihen vastaa alan tutkimus?

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    Jos työstĂ€ viedÀÀn lyhytnĂ€köisen tehostamisen seurauksena oppimisen kannalta tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t ainekset eli mahdollisuus arvioida omaa työtĂ€ ja mahdollisuus sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen, on vaarana, ettĂ€ osaamisketjut sekĂ€ niitĂ€ synnyttĂ€vĂ€t ja yllĂ€pitĂ€vĂ€t yhteisöt rapautuvat. Myös työntekijöiden ammatillinen identiteetti on vaarassa rapautua, ellei yhteisöön samastumisen ja kuulumisen sekĂ€ sen taustalla olevan luottamuksen arvoa ja osaamisen hankkimiseksi tehtyĂ€ pitkĂ€jĂ€nteistĂ€ työtĂ€ osata riittĂ€vĂ€sti arvostaa. – Professori Anneli EtelĂ€pellon virkaanastujaispuhe 10. marraskuuta 2004 JyvĂ€skylĂ€n yliopistossa

    Opiskelijoiden työssÀoppimista selittÀvÀt tekijÀt kaupan ja hallinnon alalla sekÀ matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousalalla

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    Ammatillisella koulutuksella on alakohtainen historia. Erilaisista yhtenäistämispyr- kimyksistä huolimatta alakohtaiset traditiot ja kulttuurit tulevat yhä esille ammatillista koulutusta kuvaavissa tutkimuksissa. Myös ammatillisen peruskoulutuksen uusimmassa tulokkaassa, työssäoppimisessa, näkyy alakohtaisen historian vaikutus. Vaikka työssäoppimisen järjestelmälle luotiin aloittain yhtenäiset toteuttamisvaatimukset, sitä toteutetaan eri tavoin eri koulutusaloilla. Alakohtaiset työssäoppimisen toteuttamis- ja toteutumistavat vastaavasti vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden oppimiseen ja ammatilliseen kehittymiseen huolestuttavalla tavalla. Kärjistetysti ilmaistuna voidaan todeta, että eri koulutusalojen opiskelijoilla ei ole yhtäläisiä mahdollisuuksia oppia ja kehittyä ammatillisesti työssäoppimisjaksoillaan. Jotta eri koulutusalojen työssäoppimisen käytänteitä voitaisiin kehittää edelleen, on näitä käytänteitä tehtävä näkyväksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa lomakeaineistoa (N=3106, n=1603) hyödyntäen selvitettiin kahden suuren koulutusalan eli kaupan ja hallinnon alan ja matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousalan opiskelijoiden työssäoppimista selittävät tekijät. Regresioanalyysiin pohjautuvat tulokset osoittivat tarkasteltujen alojen työssäoppimista selittävien tekijöiden eroavan toisistaan. Tutkimus vahvistaa näkemystä siitä, että koulutusalojen työssäoppimisen toteuttamis- ja toteutumistavat poikkeavat toisistaan merkittävästi. Tutkimuksen perusteella kummallekin tässä tarkastellulle alalle suositellaan opiskelijoiden eri oppimisympäristöjen entistä läheisempää integroimista toisiinsa.&nbsp

    Professori Emerita Anneli EtelÀpellon haastattelu

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    Professori Emerita Anneli EtelÀpelto, olet tenhyt pitkÀn sekÀ kansallisella ettÀ kansainvÀlisellÀ tasolla merkittÀvÀn uran tutkijana. Kerrotko lyhyesti työhistoriastasi sekÀ siitÀ, miten sinusta alkujaan tuli tutkija?nonPeerReviewe

    Teachers’ professional identity negotiations in two different work organisations

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    Recent studies have described professional identity as the interplay between individual agency and social context. However, we need to understand how these are intertwined in different kinds of work settings. This paper focuses on teachers’ professional identity negotiations as involving the work organisation, the professional community and individual agency. The data were gathered from two work organisations representing different management cultures and sources of control over teachers’ work. Open-ended narrative interviews were used, focusing on teachers’ own experiences and perceptions. A data-driven qualitative analysis was applied. Our findings indicated that different work organisations provided differing resources for teachers’ professional identity negotiations. Teachers were more committed to their work organisation if they had enough agency, if they had opportunities to practise their own orientations towards the profession, and if major changes were not imposed on their working practices from outside

    Informal learning contexts in the construction of physical education student teachers' professional identity

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    This study aimed to investigate the significance of informal learning contexts in physical education (PE) student teachers’ professional identity construction. It addressed two research questions: How do informal learning contexts contribute to the construction of PE student teachers’ professional identity? What forms of relationships can be identified between the informal and formal contexts of learning in PE student teachers’ professional identity construction? The data consisted of 20 semi-structured interviews with PE student teachers during the final teaching practice period. The data were analysed using structural and pattern coding methods. The analysis revealed that informal learning contexts contributed to three elements of professional identity construction: professional ambitions, professional values and principles, and professional knowledge and competencies. Three distinct forms of relationships between informal and formal learning contexts in the construction of professional identity were also discovered: complementary, reconstructive and disconnected. Informal learning contexts appear highly influential in the construction of professional identity. The results also point towards a holistic notion of professional identity, where professional and personal aspects of identity merge and overlap in the construction of professional identity.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    IkÀÀntyneet aikuiset kuntoutustyöntekijöiden puheessa: Työn kohteesta osallistuvaksi aikuiseksi?

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    Artikkelissa kuvataan kuntoutustyöntekijöiden puhetta ikÀÀntyneistÀ aikuisista ryhmÀmuotoisessa kuntoutuksessa. Aineisto koostuu kuudesta kuntoutustyöntekijöiden moniammatillisesta fokusryhmÀkeskustelusta, jotka toteutettiin kuudessa kuntoutuslaitoksessa. Aineisto analysoitiin diskurssianalyysiÀ hyödyntÀen. Kuntoutustyöntekijöiden puheesta tunnistettiin viisi puhetapaa, joista arviointipuhe liittyi sosiaali- ja terveysalan (sote) kontekstiin, ohjaus- ja riskipuhe asiakkaiden oppimisen ja muutoksen kontekstiin sekÀ toiseus- ja oivalluspuhe työntekijöiden asiantuntijuuteen. Kuntoutuksessa tavoitellusta asiakaslÀhtöisyyden periaatteesta huolimatta työntekijöiden arviointi-, ohjaus- ja riskipuhetavoissa ikÀÀntyneet aikuiset kuvattiin kuntoutustyön kohteina, joskin kussakin puhetavassa eri painotuksin ja nÀkökulmin. Toiseuspuheessa ilmaistiin ensisijaisesti vierautta vanhuuden ikÀvaihetta ja ikÀÀntyneitÀ asiakkaita kohtaan sekÀ asiakasryhmÀn herÀttÀmiÀ tunteita. Oivalluspuheessa ikÀÀntyneet aikuiset kuvattiin asiakasryhmÀnÀ, joka sai työntekijÀt tarkastelemaan omaa osaamistaan ja ammatillisuuttaan sekÀ rutinoitunutta kuntoutustyötÀ. SiinÀ tuli lisÀksi esille oman työn ja koko organisaation kehittÀmisajatuksia. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan keskustella siitÀ, toteutuuko ikÀÀntyneiden aikuisten oikeus yhdenvertaisiin ja monipuolisiin kuntoutuspalveluihin, joissa on lÀsnÀ kuunteleva ja kunnioittava asiakaslÀhtöinen ohjaus- ja neuvontatyö ilman yleistÀviÀ vanhustamisen sivumerkityksiÀ

    Report of the International Evaluation of the National Institute for Health and Welfare

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    THL is an extraordinary institution that any country would be very proud to have as a government agency for public health and welfare and as a source of expertise, evidence, counsel for policy making and the capacity to address Finland’s current challenges in health, welfare, inequalities therein, health threats and health and social care delivery as well as unanticipated future challenges. Both THL leadership and staff and the International Evaluation Group also recognize that Finland faces economic constraints and THL’s budget will need to reflect such circumstances. The IEG feels that efficiencies can be achieved in THL management and consolidation and that strategic planning with priority setting can properly target other areas for diminished emphasis and activity that can be cost-saving. However we urge the Government of Finland and the MSAH to carefully undertake such cost-saving and restructuring efforts to ensure that one of its component “jewels” maintains its excellence and critical capacity such that it continues to be able to provide the highest level of service to Finland and the health and well-being of the Finnish people. The final Report will be published later this year

    Students’ accounts of their participation in an intensive long-term learning community

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    Collaborative learning environments have been analysed extensively, yet we know relatively little about how students experience their participation in long-term learning communities where learners work together over extended periods of time. This study aims to understand pre-service teacher–students’ experiences and accounts of their participation in a university-based long-term learning community. The study investigates issues of change and stability, with respect to the students’ perceptions of participation over the first 2 years of their work within the learning community. The study also addresses the relations between the students’ accounts of participation and their learning experiences in terms of ‘teachership’. A teacher–trainee group of nine students, who had studied for 3 years within a Masters level teacher education programme which had adopted an intensive community-based approach, individually appraised their participation and learning within the programme. Using empirical data derived from the learners’ own evaluations of their learning experiences, the study draws on the accounts given by students concerning their orientations to and positions within the learning community. Videotaped recordings of some of the student's seminars were used as resources to support the giving of appraisals using questionnaires which contained both closed- and open-ended questions. Results showed that the students’ qualitative accounts of their participation revealed great differences in their orientations to group activities. Considerable differences in orientations could be found with respect to: students’ relation to power; to socio-emotional involvement; to the degree of participation; to the subject-matter and to theoretical interests. These were related to the quantitatively evaluated level of participation. Based on the analysis of students’ perceived trajectories of participation over 2 years, three qualitatively different trajectories could be identified: highly involved participation, increased participation and decreased or marginal participation. A comparison of the perceived learning experiences arising from these different kinds of participation revealed considerable diversity in the students’ major learning objectives and in the social and affective aspects of their learning. The most impressive and comprehensive learning took place among those reporting increased participation. For those reporting highly involved participation, the group functioned first and foremost as a source of motivation. However, those group-members who reported decreased and marginal participation found the learning experience to be emotionally and affectively very negative. The results suggest that if students cannot have an active participatory role in the community, they are in danger of being marginalized and this in turn has consequences for learning
