Report of the International Evaluation of the National Institute for Health and Welfare


THL is an extraordinary institution that any country would be very proud to have as a government agency for public health and welfare and as a source of expertise, evidence, counsel for policy making and the capacity to address Finland’s current challenges in health, welfare, inequalities therein, health threats and health and social care delivery as well as unanticipated future challenges. Both THL leadership and staff and the International Evaluation Group also recognize that Finland faces economic constraints and THL’s budget will need to reflect such circumstances. The IEG feels that efficiencies can be achieved in THL management and consolidation and that strategic planning with priority setting can properly target other areas for diminished emphasis and activity that can be cost-saving. However we urge the Government of Finland and the MSAH to carefully undertake such cost-saving and restructuring efforts to ensure that one of its component “jewels” maintains its excellence and critical capacity such that it continues to be able to provide the highest level of service to Finland and the health and well-being of the Finnish people. The final Report will be published later this year

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