27 research outputs found

    A case for merging the ILP and DLP paradigms

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    The goal of this paper is to show that instruction level parallelism (ILP) and data-level parallelism (DLP) can be merged in a single architecture to execute vectorizable code at a performance level that can not be achieved using either paradigm on its own. We will show that the combination of the two techniques yields very high performance at a low cost and a low complexity. We will show that this architecture can reach a performance equivalent to a superscalar processor that sustained 10 instructions per cycle. We will see that the machine exploiting both types of parallelism improves upon the ILP-only machine by factors of 1.5-1.8. We also present a study on the scalability of both paradigms and show that, when we increase resources to reach a 16-issue machine, the advantage of the ILP+DLP machine over the ILP-only machine increases up to 2.0-3.45. While the peak achieved IPC for the ILP machine is 4, the ILP+DLP machine exceeds 10 instructions per cycle.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the efficiency of reductions in µ-SIMD media extensions

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    Many important multimedia applications contain a significant fraction of reduction operations. Although, in general, multimedia applications are characterized for having high amounts of Data Level Parallelism, reductions and accumulations are difficult to parallelize and show a poor tolerance to increases in the latency of the instructions. This is specially significant for µ-SIMD extensions such as MMX or AltiVec. To overcome the problem of reductions in µ-SIMD ISAs, designers tend to include more and more complex instructions able to deal with the most common forms of reductions in multimedia. As long as the number of processor pipeline stages grows, the number of cycles needed to execute these multimedia instructions increases with every processor generation, severely compromising performance. The paper presents an in-depth discussion of how reductions/accumulations are performed in current µ-SIMD architectures and evaluates the performance trade-offs for near-future highly aggressive superscalar processors with three different styles of µ-SIMD extensions. We compare a MMX-like alternative to a MDMX-like extension that has packed accumulators to attack the reduction problem, and we also compare it to MOM, a matrix register ISA. We show that while packed accumulators present several advantages, they introduce artificial recurrences that severely degrade performance for processors with high number of registers and long latency operations. On the other hand, the paper demonstrates that longer SIMD media extensions such as MOM can take great advantage of accumulators by exploiting the associative parallelism implicit in reductions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Three-dimensional memory vectorization for high bandwidth media memory systems

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    Vector processors have good performance, cost and adaptability when targeting multimedia applications. However, for a significant number of media programs, conventional memory configurations fail to deliver enough memory references per cycle to feed the SIMD functional units. This paper addresses the problem of the memory bandwidth. We propose a novel mechanism suitable for 2-dimensional vector architectures and targeted at providing high effective bandwidth for SIMD memory instructions. The basis of this mechanism is the extension of the scope of vectorization at the memory level, so that 3-dimensional memory patterns can be fetched into a second-level register file. By fetching long blocks of data and by reusing 2-dimensional memory streams at this second-level register file, we obtain a significant increase in the effective memory bandwidth. As side benefits, the new 3-dimensional load instructions provide a high robustness to memory latency and a significant reduction of the cache activity, thus reducing power and energy requirements. At the investment of a 50% more area than a regular SIMD register file, we have measured and average speed-up of 13% and the potential for power savings in the L2 cache of a 30%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Command vector memory systems: high performance at low cost

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    The focus of this paper is on designing both a low cost and high performance, high bandwidth vector memory system that takes advantage of modern commodity SDRAM memory chips. To successfully extract the full bandwidth from SDRAM parts, we propose a new memory system organization based on sending commands to the memory system as opposed to sending individual addresses. A command specifies, in a few bytes, a request for multiple independent memory words. A command is similar to a burst found in DRAM memories, but does not require the memory words to be consecutive. The command is sent to all sections of the memory array simultaneously, thus not requiring a crossbar in the proper sense. Our simulations show that this command based memory system can improve performance over a traditional SDRAM-based memory system by factors that range between 1.15 up to 1.54. Moreover, in many cases, the command memory system outperforms even the best SRAM memory system under consideration. Overall the command based memory system achieves similar or better results than a 10 ns SRAM memory system (a) using fewer banks and (b) using memory devices that are between 15 to 60 times cheaper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Exploiting a new level of DLP in multimedia applications

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    This paper proposes and evaluates MOM: a novel ISA paradigm targeted at multimedia applications. By fusing conventional vector ISA approaches together with more recent SIMD-like (Single Instruction Multiple Data) ISAs (such as MMX), we have developed a new matrix oriented ISA which efficiently deals with the small matrix structures typically found in multimedia applications. MOM exploits a level of DLP not reachable by neither conventional vector ISAs nor SIMD-like media ISA extensions. Our results show that MOM provides a factor of 1.3x to 4x performance improvement when compared with two different multimedia extensions (MMX and MDMX) on several kernels, which translates into up to a 50% of performance gain when measuring full applications (20% in average). Furthermore, the streaming nature of MOM provides additional advantages for executing multimedia applications, such as a very low fetch pressure or a high tolerance to memory latency, making MOM an ideal candidate for the embedded domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Out-of-order vector architectures

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    Register renaming and out-of-order instruction issue are now commonly used in superscalar processors. These techniques can also be used to significant advantage in vector processors, as this paper shows. Performance is improved and available memory bandwidth is used more effectively. Using a trace driven simulation we compare a conventional vector implementation, based on the Convex C3400, with an out-of-order, register renaming, vector implementation. When the number of physical registers is above 12, out-of-order execution coupled with register renaming provides a speedup of 1.24-1.72 for realistic memory latencies. Out-of-order techniques also tolerate main memory latencies of 100 cycles with a performance degradation less than 6%. The mechanisms used for register renaming and out-of-order issue can be used to support precise interrupts-generally a difficult problem in vector machines. When precise interrupts are implemented, there is typically less than a 10% degradation in performance. A new technique based on register renaming is targeted at dynamically eliminating spill code; this technique is shown to provide an extra speedup ranging between 1.10 and 1.20 while reducing total memory traffic by an average of 15-20%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    DLP+TLP processors for the next generation of media workloads

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    Future media workloads will require about two levels of magnitude the performance achieved by current general purpose processors. High uni-threaded performance will be needed to accomplish real-time constraints together with huge computational throughput, as next generation of media workloads will be eminently multithreaded (MPEG-4/MPEG-7). In order to fulfil the challenge of providing both good uni-threaded performance and throughput, we propose to join the simultaneous multithreading execution paradigm (SMT) together with the ability to execute media-oriented streaming /spl mu/-SIMD instructions. This paper evaluates the performance of two different aggressive SMT processors: one with conventional /spl mu/-SIMD extensions (such as MMX) and one with longer streaming vector /spl mu/-SIMD extensions. We will show that future media workloads are, in fact, dominated by the scalar performance. The combination of SMT plus streaming vector /spl mu/-SIMD helps alleviate the performance bottleneck of the integer unit. SMT allowsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    MOM: a matrix SIMD instruction set architecture for multimedia applications

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    MOM is a novel matrix-oriented ISA paradigm for multimedia applications, based on fusing conventional vector ISAs with SIMD ISAs such as MMX. This paper justifies why MOM is a suitable alternative for the multimedia domain due to its efficiency handling the small matrix structures typically found in most multimedia kernels. MOM leverages a performance boost between 1.3x and 4x over more conventional multimedia extensions (such as MMX and MDMX), which already achieve performance benefits ranging from 1.3x to 15x over conventional Alpha code. Moreover, MOM exhibit a high relative performance for low-issue rates and a high tolerance to memory latency. Both advantages present MOM as an attractive alternative for the embedded domain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An evaluation of different DLP alternatives for the embedded media domain

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    The importance of media processing has produced a revolution in the design of embedded processors. In order to face the high computational and technological demands of near future media applications, new embedded processors are including features that were commonly restricted to the general purpose and the supercomputing domains. In this paper we have evaluated the performance of various DLP (Data Level Parallelism) oriented embedded architectures and analyzed quantitative data in order to determine the highlights and disadvantages of each approach. Additionally we have analyzed the differences between the explicit parallel versions of code (often based on the standard algorithms) and the high-tuned, non-vectorizable versions usually found in real multimedia programs. We will show that sub-word SIMD architectures (like MMX) are a very costeffective solution, and that, while long vector architectures provide few improvements at a very high cost, a smart combination between vector and SIMD-like architectures is the alternative that leverages best performance at a reasonable cost. We will also show that the memory latency tolerance, typical of vector architectures, is partially compensated by the worse spatial locality found when executing vector code.Postprint (author's final draft

    Quantitative analysis of vector code

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    In this paper we present the results of a detailed simulation study of the execution of vector programs on a single processor of a Convex C3480 machine, using a subset of the Perfect Club benchmarks. We are interested in evaluating several cost/performance tradeoffs that the machine designers made in order to assess which features of the architecture severely limit the performance attainable. We present the detailed usage of the vector functional units and a study of the kinds of resource conflicts that stall the machine. The results obtained show that the resources of the vector architecture are not efficiently used mainly due to the single bus memory architecture. Other severe limitations of the machine turn out to be the lack of chaining between vector loads and vector computations, and the lack of a second general purpose functional unit. We also present some data about the port pressure on the vector register file and we see that stalls due to port conflicts are relatively high. We also consider the slow-down introduced by spill code and find that the limited number of vector registers also limits performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version