17 research outputs found

    Medidas autosemejantes en el plano, momentos y matrices de Hessenberg

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    La tesis MEDIDAS AUTOSEMEJANTES EN EL PLANO, MOMENTOS Y MATRICES DE HESSENBERG se enmarca entre las áreas de la teoría geométrica de la medida, la teoría de polinomios ortogonales y la teoría de operadores. La memoria aborda el estudio de medidas con soporte acotado en el plano complejo vistas con la óptica de las matrices infinitas de momentos y de Hessenberg asociadas a estas medidas que en la teoría de los polinomios ortogonales las representan. En particular se centra en el estudio de las medidas autosemejantes que son las medidas de equilibrio definidas por un sistema de funciones iteradas (SFI). Los conjuntos autosemejantes son conjuntos que tienen la propiedad geométrica de descomponerse en unión de piezas semejantes al conjunto total. Estas piezas pueden solaparse o no, cuando el solapamiento es pequeño la teoría de Hutchinson [Hut81] funciona bien, pero cuando no existen restricciones falla. El problema del solapamiento consiste en controlar la medida de este solapamiento. Un ejemplo de la complejidad de este problema se plantea con las convoluciones infinitas de distribuciones de Bernoulli, que han resultado ser un ejemplo de medidas autosemejantes en el caso real. En 1935 Jessen y A. Wintner [JW35] ya se planteaba este problema, lejos de ser sencillo ha sido estudiado durante más de setenta y cinco años y siguen sin resolverse las principales cuestiones planteadas ya por A. Garsia [Gar62] en 1962. El interés que ha despertado este problema así como la complejidad del mismo está demostrado por las numerosas publicaciones que abordan cuestiones relacionadas con este problema ver por ejemplo [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05],[JKS07] [JKS11]. En el primer capítulo comenzamos introduciendo con detalle las medidas autosemejante en el plano complejo y los sistemas de funciones iteradas, así como los conceptos de la teoría de la medida necesarios para describirlos. A continuación se introducen las herramientas necesarias de teoría de polinomios ortogonales, matrices infinitas y operadores que se van a usar. En el segundo y tercer capítulo trasladamos las propiedades geométricas de las medidas autosemejantes a las matrices de momentos y de Hessenberg, respectivamente. A partir de estos resultados se describen algoritmos para calcular estas matrices a partir del SFI correspondiente. Concretamente, se obtienen fórmulas explícitas y algoritmos de aproximación para los momentos y matrices de momentos de medidas fractales, a partir de un teorema del punto fijo para las matrices. Además utilizando técnicas de la teoría de operadores, se han extendido al plano complejo los resultados que G. Mantica [Ma00, Ma96] obtenía en el caso real. Este resultado es la base para definir un algoritmo estable de aproximación de la matriz de Hessenberg asociada a una medida fractal u obtener secciones finitas exactas de matrices Hessenberg asociadas a una suma de medidas. En el último capítulo, se consideran medidas, μ, más generales y se estudia el comportamiento asintótico de los autovalores de una matriz hermitiana de momentos y su impacto en las propiedades de la medida asociada. En el resultado central se demuestra que si los polinomios asociados son densos en L2(μ) entonces necesariamente el autovalor mínimo de las secciones finitas de la matriz de momentos de la medida tiende a cero. ABSTRACT The Thesis work “Self-similar Measures on the Plane, Moments and Hessenberg Matrices” is framed among the geometric measure theory, orthogonal polynomials and operator theory. The work studies measures with compact support on the complex plane from the point of view of the associated infinite moments and Hessenberg matrices representing them in the theory of orthogonal polynomials. More precisely, it concentrates on the study of the self-similar measures that are equilibrium measures in a iterated functions system. Self-similar sets have the geometric property of being decomposable in a union of similar pieces to the complete set. These pieces can overlap. If the overlapping is small, Hutchinson’s theory [Hut81] works well, however, when it has no restrictions, the theory does not hold. The overlapping problem consists in controlling the measure of the overlap. The complexity of this problem is exemplified in the infinite convolutions of Bernoulli’s distributions, that are an example of self-similar measures in the real case. As early as 1935 [JW35], Jessen and Wintner posed this problem, that far from being simple, has been studied during more than 75 years. The main cuestiones posed by Garsia in 1962 [Gar62] remain unsolved. The interest in this problem, together with its complexity, is demonstrated by the number of publications that over the years have dealt with it. See, for example, [JW35], [Erd39], [PS96], [Ma00], [Ma96], [Sol98], [Mat95], [PS96], [Sim05], [JKS07] [JKS11]. In the first chapter, we will start with a detailed introduction to the self-similar measurements in the complex plane and to the iterated functions systems, also including the concepts of measure theory needed to describe them. Next, we introduce the necessary tools from orthogonal polynomials, infinite matrices and operators. In the second and third chapter we will translate the geometric properties of selfsimilar measures to the moments and Hessenberg matrices. From these results, we will describe algorithms to calculate these matrices from the corresponding iterated functions systems. To be precise, we obtain explicit formulas and approximation algorithms for the moments and moment matrices of fractal measures from a new fixed point theorem for matrices. Moreover, using techniques from operator theory, we extend to the complex plane the real case results obtained by Mantica [Ma00, Ma96]. This result is the base to define a stable algorithm that approximates the Hessenberg matrix associated to a fractal measure and obtains exact finite sections of Hessenberg matrices associated to a sum of measurements. In the last chapter, we consider more general measures, μ, and study the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a hermitian matrix of moments, together with its impact on the properties of the associated measure. In the main result we demonstrate that, if the associated polynomials are dense in L2(μ), then necessarily follows that the minimum eigenvalue of the finite sections of the moments matrix goes to zero

    Small eigenvalues of large Hermitian moment matrices

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    We consider an infinite Hermitian positive definite matrix M which is the moment matrix associated with a measure μ with infinite and compact support on the complex plane. We prove that if the polynomials are dense in L2(μ) then the smallest eigenvalue λn of the truncated matrix Mn of M of size (n+1)×(n+1) tends to zero when n tends to infinity. In the case of measures in the closed unit disk we obtain some related results

    Digitally continuous multivalued functions

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    We introduce in this paper a notion of continuity in digital spaces which extends the usual notion of digital continuity. Our approach uses multivalued maps. We show how the multivalued approach provides a better framework to define topological notions, like retractions, in a far more realistic way than by using just single-valued digitally continuous functions. In particular, we characterize the deletion of simple points, one of the most important processing operations in digital topology, as a particular kind of retraction

    A Rakhmanov-like theorem for orthogonal polynomials on Jordan arcs in the complex plane

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    Rakhmanov's theorem establishes a result about the asymptotic behavior of the elements of the Jacobi matrix associated with a measure ¹ which is de¯ned on the interval I = [¡1; 1] with ¹ 0 > 0 almost everywhere on I. In this work we give a weak version of this theorem, for a measure with support on a connected ¯nite union of Jordan arcs on the complex plane, in terms of the Hessenberg matrix, the natural generalization of the tridiagonal Jacobi matrix to the complex plane

    Asymptotically Toeplitz Hessenberg Operators and the Rieman mapping

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    In a recent work the authors have established a relation between the limits of the elements of the diagonals of the Hessenberg matrix D associated with a regular measure, whenever those limits exist, and the coe?cients of the Laurent series expansion of the Riemann mapping ?(z) of the support supp(?), when this is a Jordan arc or a connected nite union of Jordan arcs in the complex plane C. We extend here this result using asymptotic Toeplitz operator properties of the Hessenberg matriz

    Computing Hessenberg matrix associated to self-similar measure

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    Objective: The obtention of the Hessenberg matrix associated to a self-similar measure with compact support in the complex plane in two di_erent ways. Outline of the talk: 1 Preliminaries. Moment and Hessenberg matrices. Self-similar measures. 2 Moment matrices of self-similar measures. Fixed point theorem for moment matrices of self-similar measures (EST2007).Cholesky factorization. 3 Hesssenberg matrix of a sum of measures (generalization of Mantica's spectral techniques). Hessenberg matrix associated to a self-similar measure

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    A characterization of polynomial density on curves via matrix algebra

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    In this work, our aim is to obtain conditions to assure polynomial approximation in Hilbert spaces L2(m), with m a compactly supported measure in the complex plane, in terms of properties of the associated moment matrix with the measure m. To do it, in the more general context of Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices, we introduce two indexes, g(M) and l(M), associated with different optimization problems concerning theses matrices. Our main result is a characterization of density of polynomials in the case of measures supported on Jordan curves with non-empty interior using the index g and other specific index related to it. Moreover, we provide a new point of view of bounded point evaluations associated with a measure in terms of the index g that will allow us to give an alternative proof of Thomson's theorem, by using these matrix indexes. We point out that our techniques are based in matrix algebra tools in the framework of Hermitian positive definite matrices and in the computation of certain indexes related to some optimization problems for infinite matrices

    A dichotomy result about Hessenberg matrices associated with measures in the unit circle

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    We characterize Hessenberg matrices D associated with measures in the unit circle ν, which are matrix representations of compact and actually Hilbert Schmidt perturbations of the forward shift operator as those with recursion coefficients urn:x wiley:mma:media:mma5716:mma5716-math-0001 verifying urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma5716:mma5716-math-0002, ie, associated with measures verifying Szegö condition. As a consequence, we obtain the following dichotomy result for Hessenberg matrices associated with measures in the unit circle: either D=SR+K2 with K2, a Hilbert Schmidt matrix, or there exists an unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix Λ such that urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma5716:mma5716-math-0003 with K2, a Hilbert Schmidt matrix. Moreover, we prove that for 1 ≤ p ≤ 2, if urn:x-wiley:mma:media:mma5716:mma5716-math-0004, then D=SR+Kp with Kp an absolutely p summable matrix inducing an operator in the p Schatten class. Some applications are given to classify measures on the unit circle

    Screening for HTLV-1 infection should be expanded in Europe

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    Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection is spreading globally at an uncertain speed. Sexual, mother-to-child, and parenteral exposure are the major transmission routes. Neither vaccines nor antivirals have been developed to confront HTLV-1, despite infecting over 10 million people globally and causing life-threatening illnesses in 10% of carriers. It is time to place this long-neglected disease firmly into the 2030 elimination agenda. Current evidence supports once-in-life testing for HTLV-1, as recommended for HIV, hepatitis B and C, along with targeted screening of pregnant women, blood donors, and people who attended clinics for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Similar targeted screening strategies are already being performed for Chagas disease in some Western countries in persons from Latin America. Given the high risk of rapid-onset HTLV-1-associated myelopathy, universal screening of solid organ donors is warranted. To minimize organ wastage, however, the specificity of HTLV screening tests must be improved. HTLV screening of organ donors in Europe has become mandatory in Spain and the United Kingdom. The advent of HTLV point-of-care kits would facilitate testing. Finally, increasing awareness of HTLV-1 will help those living with HTLV-1 to be tested, clinically monitored, and informed about transmission-preventive measures