1,120 research outputs found

    Nanotecnología : el extraordinario mundo de lo pequeño

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    Fil: Calvo, Ernesto J. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Analítica y Química Física; Argentina.La nanotecnología hace referencia a la manipulación de la materia a pequeñísima escala, al nivel de\nlos átomos y las moléculas, y tiene el potencial para cambiarlo todo: la medicina, la informática, la\nconstrucción, los alimentos, los vehículos, la generación de energía, la manufactura de tejidos y\nmuchas cosas más que ni siquiera somos capaces de imaginar. Investigadores de numerosos países\nse encuentran lanzados a explorar un área del desarrollo tecnológico que hasta hace poco permanecía\na oscuras y que podría transformar radicalmente el mundo que conocemos. Si bien muchas de las\npredicciones nanotecnológicas pueden parecer alucinaciones, se asegura que algunas de ellas se van\na hacer realidad en los próximos 10 o 15 años

    Turvatuotteiden käyttö Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan anestesia- ja teho-osastoilla

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    Väisänen, Anu. Turvatuotteiden käyttö Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan anestesia- ja teho-osastoilla. Syksy 2016. 24 sivua, 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, Hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, Sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan operatiivisen tulosyksikön henkilökunnan kokemuksia turvatuotteiden käytöstä sekä pisto- ja viiltotapaturmista. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena. Aineisto käsiteltiin määrällisin menetelmin. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyössä Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan operatiivisen tulosalueen kanssa. Tulosten mukaan käyttökokemukset olivat melko hyviä. Moni valitsi turvatuotteen tapaturmalta suojautuakseen. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää hoitotyön turvallisuutta. Jatkossa kannattaa kartoittaa kokemuksia erilaisten turvatuotteiden käytöstä.Väisänen, Anu. Safety products in Oulu University Hospital's anaesthesia and intensive care units. Language: Finnish. Autumn 2016, 24 pages, 2 appendices. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing, Option in Nursing. Degree: Registered Nurse. The purpose of the present thesis was to describe personnel’s experiences of sharp-object injuries and using safety equipment in the operative unit of Oulu University Hospital, Finland. The thesis was conducted as a questionnaire survey. The answers were processed through quantitative methods. This thesis was made in co-operation with the operative unit of Oulu University Hospital. According to the survey, experiences in using safety products were rather positive. The main reason for selecting a safety product was to protect oneself against sharp injuries. The aim of the thesis was to develop nursing safety. In the future it could be good to map out experiences in using various security products

    Теоремы сходимости и компактности для уравнений Бельтрами

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    Доведено ряд теорем збіжності та компактності класів регулярних розв'язків вироджених рівнянь Бельтрамі з обмеженнями інтегрального типу на дилатацію.A number of convergence and compactness theorems for classes of regular solutions of the degenerate Beltrami equations with restrictions of the integral type on a dilatation is proved

    Tamoxifen mechanically deactivates hepatic stellate cells via the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor

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    Tamoxifen has been used for many years to target estrogen receptor signalling in breast cancer cells. Tamoxifen is also an agonist of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), a GPCR ubiquitously expressed in tissues that mediates the acute response to estrogens. Here we report that tamoxifen promotes mechanical quiescence in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), stromal fibroblast-like cells whose activation triggers and perpetuates liver fibrosis in hepatocellular carcinomas. This mechanical deactivation is mediated by the GPER/RhoA/myosin axis and induces YAP deactivation. We report that tamoxifen decreases the levels of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) and the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins through a mechanical mechanism that involves actomyosin-dependent contractility and mechanosensing of tissue stiffness. Our results implicate GPER-mediated estrogen signalling in the mechanosensory-driven activation of HSCs and put forward estrogenic signalling as an option for mechanical reprogramming of myofibroblast-like cells in the tumour microenvironment. Tamoxifen, with half a century of safe clinical use, might lead this strategy of drug repositioning.Peer reviewe

    Systems thinking : an approach for understanding 'eco-agri-food systems'

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    The TEEBAgriFood ‘Scientific and Economic Foundations’ report addresses the core theoretical issues and controversies underpinning the evaluation of the nexus between the agri-food sector, biodiversity and ecosystem services and externalities including human health impacts from agriculture on a global scale. It argues the need for a ‘systems thinking‘ approach, draws out issues related to health, nutrition, equity and livelihoods, presents a Framework for evaluation and describes how it can be applied, and identifies theories and pathways for transformational change

    HLA association with the susceptibility to anti-synthetase syndrome.

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    Objective: To investigate the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association with anti-synthetase syndrome (ASSD). Methods: We conducted the largest immunogenetic HLA-DRB1 and HLA-B study to date in a homogeneous cohort of 168 Caucasian patients with ASSD and 486 ethnically matched healthy controls by sequencing-based-typing. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 and HLA-B*08:01 alleles in patients with ASSD compared to healthy controls was disclosed (26.2% versus 12.2%, P = 1.56E–09, odds ratio–OR [95% confidence interval–CI] = 2.54 [1.84–3.50] and 21.4% versus 5.5%, P = 18.95E–18, OR [95% CI] = 4.73 [3.18–7.05]; respectively). Additionally, HLA-DRB1*07:01 allele was significantly decreased in patients with ASSD compared to controls (9.2% versus 17.5%, P = 0.0003, OR [95% CI] = 0.48 [0.31–0.72]). Moreover, a statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 allele in anti-Jo-1 positive compared to anti-Jo-1 negative patients with ASSD was observed (31.8% versus 15.5%, P = 0.001, OR [95% CI] = 2.54 [1.39–4.81]). Similar findings were observed when HLA carrier frequencies were assessed. The HLA-DRB1*03:01 association with anti-Jo-1 was unrelated to smoking history. No HLA differences in patients with ASSD stratified according to the presence/absence of the most representative non-anti-Jo-1 anti-synthetase autoantibodies (anti-PL-12 and anti-PL-7), arthritis, myositis or interstitial lung disease were observed. Conclusions: Our results support the association of the HLA complex with the susceptibility to ASSD.This study was partially supported by grants from the Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM); SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program [grant number RD16/0012/0009] from the `Instituto de Salud Carlos III´ (ISCIII), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); BA-M is a recipient of a ‘López Albo’ Post-Residency Programme funded by Servicio Cántabro de Salud; VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL [grant number PREVAL 18/01]; LL-G is supported by funds of ISCIII, co-funded by ERDF [grant number PI18/00042]; OG is beneficiary of a grant funded by Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional and Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria (GAIN), GPC IN607B2019/10; EAR is partially supported by Versus Arthritis [grant number 20719] and by Scleroderma and Raynaud's UK [grant number BR11]; RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, ‘Investing in your future’) [grant number CP16/00033]

    HLA association with the susceptibility to anti-synthetase syndrome

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    Objective: To investigate the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association with anti-synthetase syndrome (ASSD). Methods: We conducted the largest immunogenetic HLA-DRB1 and HLA-B study to date in a homogeneous cohort of 168 Caucasian patients with ASSD and 486 ethnically matched healthy controls by sequencing-based-typing. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 and HLA-B*08:01 alleles in patients with ASSD compared to healthy controls was disclosed (26.2% versus 12.2%, P=1.56E-09, odds ratio-OR [95% confidence interval-CI]=2.54 [1.84-3.50] and 21.4% versus 5.5%, P=18.95E-18, OR [95% CI]=4.73 [3.18-7.05]; respectively). Additionally, HLA-DRB1*07:01 allele was significantly decreased in patients with ASSD compared to controls (9.2% versus 17.5%, P=0.0003, OR [95% CI]=0.48 [0.31-0.72]). Moreover, a statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 allele in anti-Jo-1 positive compared to anti-Jo-1 negative patients with ASSD was observed (31.8% versus 15.5%, P=0.001, OR [95% CI]=2.54 [1.39-4.81]). Similar findings were observed when HLA carrier frequencies were assessed. The HLA-DRB1*03:01 association with anti-Jo-1 was unrelated to smoking history. No HLA differences in patients with ASSD stratified according to the presence/absence of the most representative non-anti-Jo-1 anti-synthetase autoantibodies (anti-PL-12 and anti-PL-7), arthritis, myositis or interstitial lung disease were observed. Conclusions: Our results support the association of the HLA complex with the susceptibility to ASSD

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 32 Número 9-10

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    Aportaciones para un mejor conocimiento de los suelos desarrollados sobre materiales calizos consolidados, por J. L. Moreno Alvarez y T. Badorrey Peracho.-- Estudio biológico y químico de Erica umbellata L., por M. Consolación Salas, Antonio Ballester y Ernesto Vieitez.--Contenido en metales de la nitrito reductasa del alga Chlorella, por J. Cárdenas, F. D. Pineda, F. F. de la Rosa, J. L. Barea y J. Rivas.-- Andosuelos de la provincia de Gerona. I. Estudio de sustancias minerales amorfas, por J. Rodríguez Sanchidrián y F Monturiol Rodríguez.-- Minerales de la arcilla en suelos de la provincia de Granada, por J. L. Martín Vivaldi, E. Galán Huertos y F. López Aguayo.-- Influence of foliar application of macro-nutrient on the plant growth and rnultiplication of viruses. I. Foliar application of nitrogen nutrient to tomato and its effect on host growth and potato virus X multiplication, by Rajendra Singh and Tej Pratap Mall.-- Heterodera Schachtii Schmidt, 1871 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) en los suelos de las Islas Canarias, por A. Bello y Mª. D. Romero.-- Utiliización de una nueva fórmula de cálculo para la evaporación de Piché en regiones húmedas de España, por Jesús Seco, Angela Calvo y José Garmendía.-- Contribución al estudio de la técnica de Walkley y Black para la determinación de carbono orgánico de suelos, por Luisa Prat Pérez y Benito Sánchez.-- Estudio de la dinámica del crecimiento del limón en el sureste español, por O. Carpena, F. Romojaro, C. Alearaz y S. Llorente.-- Efecto de la aplicación de acetileno y ácido 2-cloroetilfosfónico sobre la fructificación y cosecha del olivo, por A. J. Sánchez-Raya, J. P. Donaire y L. Recalde.—Notas científicas.-- Estudio de fosfatasa ácida en plantas de A tropa belladona L. recogidas en otoño, por M. R. Felipe Antón y N. Velázquez Sánchez.—Notas.-- Nombramiento de Presidente del C. S. I. C.-- Constitución de la nueva Junta de Gobierno del Patronato Alonso de Herrera.-- Nombramiento de Consejeros de Número.-- Nombramiento de Consejeros Adjuntos.-- Designación del Comité Nacional de la Unión Internacional de Investigaciones sobre el Cuaternario.-- Rector de la Universidad de La Laguna.-- Distinción al Pro f. Zorita.-- European Grassland Federation (5th General Meeting).-- Reuniones nacionales.-- 1ª Reunión Nacional del Grupo de Trabajo del Cuaternario.-- Laboratorio de Micromorfología de Suelos.-- Próximo Congreso de Micromorfología.-- Reunión en La Mayora.-- BibliografíaPeer reviewed2019-08.- CopyBook.- Libnova.- Biblioteca ICA

    Role of MUC1 rs4072037 polymorphism and serum KL-6 levels in patients with antisynthetase syndrome

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    Mucin 1/Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6) is proposed as a serum biomarker of several interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), including connective tissue disorders associated with ILD. However, it has not been studied in a large cohort of Caucasian antisynthetase syndrome (ASSD) patients. Consequently, we assessed the role of MUC1 rs4072037 and serum KL-6 levels as a potential biomarker of ASSD susceptibility and for the differential diagnosis between patients with ILD associated with ASSD (ASSD-ILD +) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). 168 ASSD patients (149 ASSD-ILD +), 174 IPF patients and 523 healthy controls were genotyped for MUC1 rs4072037 T > C. Serum KL-6 levels were determined in a subgroup of individuals. A significant increase of MUC1 rs4072037 CC genotype and C allele frequencies was observed in ASSD patients compared to healthy controls. Likewise, MUC1 rs4072037 TC and CC genotypes and C allele frequencies were significantly different between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients. Additionally, serum KL-6 levels were significantly higher in ASSD patients compared to healthy controls. Nevertheless, no differences in serum KL-6 levels were found between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients. Our results suggest that the presence of MUC1 rs4072037 C allele increases the risk of ASSD and it could be a useful genetic biomarker for the differential diagnosis between ASSD-ILD+ and IPF patients