108 research outputs found

    Mulighetsstyring i byggeprosjekter - Fra et byggherreperspektiv

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    Denne masteroppgaven utforsker hvordan byggherre praktiserer mulighetsstyring i tre forskjellige prosjekter: HIMA Seafood, Prosjekt FARA og Norsk Havteknologisenter. Hensikten med oppgaven er å skape økt kunnskap rundt hva som er suksessfaktorene og utfordringene for mulighetsstyring i byggeprosjekter sett fra et byggherreperspektiv. For å undersøke dette har oppgaven som mål å svare på følgende forskningsspørsmål: * Hvordan benytter ulike byggeprosjekter metodiske tilnærminger og verktøy for mulighetsstyring? * Hvilke muligheter har prosjektene utnyttet så langt? * Hva er utfordringene og suksessfaktorene knyttet til mulighetsstyring i de nevnte byggeprosjektene? Studiet er en casestudie som benytter kvalitativ metode gjennom å gjennomføre semistrukturerte intervjuer. Dette er for å besvare forskningsspørsmålene på best mulig måte. I løpet av studiet har 15 intervjuer blitt gjennomført hvorav 13 er direkte involvert i prosjektene og 2 er eksterne fagpersoner i prosjektledelsesfaget og usikkerhetsstyring. Videre har studiet stilt vurderingsspørsmål for å sammenligne de ulike ressursers ståsted på 5 nøkkelspørsmål. Studiens resultater viser til mangel på kunnskap om prosjektenes prosedyrer og metodikker for mulighetsstyring i flere ledd av prosjektorganisasjonen. Hovedfokuset i den praktiske gjennomføringen av prosjektene ligger på risikostyring. Styret til Norsk Havteknologisenter arbeider aktivt med mulighetsstyring og kan vise til flere optimaliseringer og besparelser selv etter prosjektet har kommet gjennom KS2 og er i gjennomføringsfasen. Studiens videre resultater for prosjekters suksessfaktor og utfordringer viser at tidlig involvering av entreprenører, incentivordninger og andre kontraktsformer kan bidra til bedre prosjektgjennomføring. En av nøkkelfaktorene som er identifisert er å unngå å velge kontraktstype for tidlig, før byggherre har nøye vurdert omfanget og kompleksiteten av prosjektet. Videre belyses viktigheten av å bygge tillit og kultur innad og mellom de involverte partene for å skape et mer samarbeidsvillig og produktivt arbeidsmiljø. For å forbedre mulighetsstyring i prosjektene kreves det en kulturendring i byggebransjen, som innebærer bedre kunnskapsløft og bedre samarbeid. Tradisjonelle prosjektmodeller har ofte vært preget av segmenterte roller og ansvarsområder med begrenset kommunikasjon og samarbeid mellom de ulike aktørene. Bruk av integrert prosjektleveranse er foreslått som en prosjektmodell som i større grad vil fremme samarbeid og bidra til å jobbe mot et felles mål, med delt risikoansvar. Dette er ikke en velutprøvd modell i Norge, men har potensiale for å fremme innovasjon, samarbeid og effektivisering i byggebransjen. Studien fremmer følgende tiltak for å bedre praksisen for mulighetsstyring gjennom hele prosjektet: * Utvide den tradisjonelle modellen for usikkerhetsstyring til å inneha punktene revurder og erfaringsoverføring som et tiltak for å øke kunnskapsnivået om mulighetsstyring * Sørge for opplæring av prosjektansatte om metoder og prosedyrer for mulighetsarbeid * Tidlig involvering av entreprenør * Fremme en kultur for mulighetsstyring i alle ledd * Utsett valg av kontraktstype til prosjektets omfang og kompleksitet er fullstendig forstått. En forhastet beslutning kan innskrenke mulighetene for effektiv mulighetsstyring gjennom hele prosjektetThis master's thesis explores how the project owner practices opportunity management in three different projects: HIMA Seafood, FARA Project, and Ocean Space centre. The purpose of the thesis is to increase knowledge about the success factors and challenges of opportunity management in construction projects from a project owner perspective. To investigate this, the thesis aims to answer the following research questions: * How do different construction projects use methodical approaches and tools for opportunity management? * Which opportunities have the projects exploited so far? * What are the challenges and success factors related to opportunity management in the mentioned construction projects? The study is formed as a case study that uses a qualitative method through conducting semi-structured interviews to best address the research questions. During the study, 15 interviews were conducted, of which 13 are directly involved in the projects and 2 are external experts in project management and uncertainty management. Furthermore, the study posed assessment questions to compare the different resources' perspectives on 5 key questions. The study's results indicate a lack of knowledge about the projects' procedures and methodologies for opportunity management at various levels of the project organization. In the practical execution of the projects, the primary emphasis is placed on risk management. The Ocean Space Centre’s board is actively working with opportunity management and can point to several optimizations and savings even after the project has passed the KS2 and is now in the construction phase. The study's additional results for project success factors and challenges show that early involvement of contractors, incentive schemes, and different contract design can contribute to better project execution. One of the key factors identified is to avoid choosing a contract type too early before the project owner has carefully assessed the scope and complexity of the project. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of building trust and culture within and between the involved parties to create a more cooperative and productive work environment. A cultural change is required to improve opportunity management in the construction industry, this involves better education and collaboration. Traditional project models have often been characterized by segmented roles and responsibilities with limited communication and collaboration between the different parties. The use of Integrated Project Delivery is suggested as a project model that will promote collaboration and contribute to working towards a common goal, with shared risk responsibility. This is not a well-tested model in Norway but has potential to promote innovation, collaboration, and efficiency in the construction industry. The study proposes the following measures to improve the opportunity management practice throughout the project’s life cycle: * Expand the traditional model for uncertainty management to include the steps reconsider and knowledge transfer as a measure to increase the level of knowledge about opportunity management * Ensure training of project staff on methods and procedures for opportunity management * Early involvement of contractors * Promote a culture of opportunity management at all levels * Delay the choice of contract type until the scope and complexity of the project are fully understood. A hasty decision can restrict the possibilities for effective opportunity management throughout the projec

    Drivers and consequences of partial migration in an alpine bird species

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    1. Partial migration, where a portion of the population migrates between win-ter and summer (breeding) areas and the rest remain year- round resident, is a common phenomenon across several taxonomic groups. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain why some individuals migrate while others stay resident, as well as the fitness consequences of the different strategies. Yet, the drivers and consequences of the decision to migrate or not are poorly understood.2. We used data from radio- tagged female (n= 73) willow ptarmiganLagopus lago-pus in an alpine study area in Central Norway to test if (i) the decision to migrate was dependent on individual state variables (age and body weight), (ii) individu-als repeated migratory decisions between seasons, and (iii) the choice of migra-tory strategy was related to reproductive success.3. Partially supporting our prediction that migratory strategy depends on in-dividual state, we found that juvenile birds with small body sizes were more likely to migrate, whereas large juveniles remained resident. For adult females, we found no relationship between the decision to migrate or stay resident and body weight. We found evidence for high individual repeatability of migratory decision between seasons. Migratory strategy did not explain variation in clutch size or nest fate among individuals, suggesting no direct influence of the chosen strategy on reproductive success.4. Our results indicate that partial migration in willow ptarmigan is related to juve-nile body weight, and that migratory behavior becomes a part of the individual life history as a fixed strategy. Nesting success was not affected by migratory strategy in our study population, but future studies should assess other traits to further test potential fitness consequences. alpine wildlife, eco-evolution, Lagopus lagopus, migrationpublishedVersio

    Thrombus characteristics evaluated by acute optical coherence tomography in ST elevation myocardial Infarction

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    Aims ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is caused by an occlusive thrombosis of a coronary artery. We wanted to assess if the thrombus can be characterized according to erythrocyte content and age using intravascular optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a clinical setting. Methods and results We performed manual thrombus aspiration in 66 STEMI patients. OCT was done of the thrombus remnants after aspiration. A light intensity ratio was measured through the thrombus. Forty two of the aspirates had thrombus which could be analyzed histomorphologically for analysis of erythrocyte and platelet content, and to determine the age of thrombus as fresh, lytic or organized. There were 11 red, 21 white and 10 mixed thrombi. Furthermore, 36 aspirates had elements of fresh, 7 of lytic and 8 of organized thrombi. There was no correlation between colour and age. OCT appearance could not predict erythrocyte or platelet content. The light intensity ratios were not significantly different in fresh, lytic or organized thrombi. Conclusion OCT could not differentiate between red and white thrombi, nor determine thrombus age.publishedVersio

    Cognitive Trajectories in Older Patients with Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy—A Prospective Observational Study

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    Cognitive function can be affected by cancer and/or its treatment, and older patients are at a particular risk. In a prospective observational study including patients 65 years referred for radiotherapy (RT), we aimed to investigate the association between patient- and cancer-related factors and cognitive function, as evaluated by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and sought to identify groups with distinct MoCA trajectories. The MoCA was performed at baseline (T0), RT completion (T1), and 8 (T2) and 16 (T3) weeks later, with scores ranging between 0 and 30 and higher scores indicating better function. Linear regression and growth mixture models were estimated to assess associations and to identify groups with distinct MoCA trajectories, respectively. Among 298 patients with a mean age of 73.6 years (SD 6.3), the baseline mean MoCA score was 24.0 (SD 3.7). Compared to Norwegian norm data, 37.9% had cognitive impairment. Compromised cognition was independently associated with older age, lower education, and physical impairments. Four groups with distinct trajectories were identified: the very poor (6.4%), poor (8.1%), fair (37.9%), and good (47.7%) groups. The MoCA trajectories were mainly stable. We conclude that cognitive impairment was frequent but, for most patients, was not affected by RT. For older patients with cancer, and in particular for those with physical impairments, we recommend an assessment of cognitive function.This work was funded by Innlandet Hospital Trust, Norway. This research received no external funding.publishedVersio

    Farm-based day care services – a prospective study protocol on health benefits for people with dementia and next of kin

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    Introduction: The increasing number of people with dementia will place a considerable challenge on the health care system and will necessitate innovation and new solutions. Day care services aim to provide meaningful activities and coping experiences for the target group. The aim of the present study is to explore the experience and potential health benefits for people with dementia attending farm-based day care services in Norway and their next of kin. Methods and design: The present study is a prospective study organized into several qualitative and quantitative sub-studies. Study period will last from 2016–2020. We use a multi-method approach and both an empirical and a constructivist view on knowledge to explore this multi-facetted phenomenon. Discussion: Several challenges are expected, for instance, the ability to include participants with dementia and keep them within the study for the whole study period. The functioning level of participants regarding language and understanding could challenge their ability to answer. Despite having several limitations, we believe that this study with its different approaches and methods will add important knowledge to the field. Knowledge from our study could be essential for creating day care services of good quality for people with dementia and such services could reduce the burden of care for their next of kin.publishedVersio

    Geriatric impairments are associated with reduced quality of life and physical function in older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy - A prospective observational study

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    Introduction: Quality of life (QoL) and function are important outcomes for older adults with cancer. We aimed to assess differences in trends in patient-reported outcomes (PROs) during radiotherapy (RT) between (1) groups with curative or palliative treatment intent and (2) groups defined according to the number of geriatric impairments. Materials and methods: A prospective observational study including patients aged ≥65 years receiving curative or palliative RT was conducted. Geriatric assessment (GA) was performed before RT, and cut-offs for impairments within each domain were defined. Patients were grouped according to the number of geriatric impairments: 0, 1, 2, 3, and ≥ 4. Our primary outcomes, global QoL and physical function (PF), were assessed by The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Core Questionnaire (EORTC) (QLQ-C30) at baseline, RT completion, and two, eight, and sixteen weeks later. Differences in trends in outcomes between the groups were assessed by linear mixed models. Results: 301 patients were enrolled, mean age was 73.6 years, 53.8% received curative RT. Patients receiving palliative RT reported significantly worse global QoL and PF compared to the curative group. The prevalence of 0, 1, 2, 3 and ≥ 4 geriatric impairments was 16.6%, 22.7%, 16.9%, 16.3% and 27.5%, respectively. Global QoL and PF gradually decreased with an increasing number of impairments. These group differences remained stable from baseline throughout follow-up without any clinically significant changes for any of the outcomes. Discussion: Increasing number of geriatric impairments had a profound negative impact on global QoL and PF, but no further decline was observed for any group or outcome, indicating that RT was mainly well tolerated. Thus, geriatric impairments per se should not be reasons for withholding RT. GA is key to identifying vulnerable patients in need of supportive measures, which may have the potential to improve treatment tolerance.publishedVersio

    Singular shell embedded into a cosmological model

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    We generalize Israel's formalism to cover singular shells embedded in a non-vacuum Universe. That is, we deduce the relativistic equation of motion for a thin shell embedded in a Schwarzschild/Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime. Also, we review the embedding of a Schwarzschild mass into a cosmological model using "curvature" coordinates and give solutions with (Sch/FLRW) and without the embedded mass (FLRW).Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Benefit and risk assessment of breastmilk for infant health in Norway: Opinion of the Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety

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    Source at https://vkm.no/english/riskassessments/allpublications/benefitandriskassessmentofbreastmilkforinfanthealthinnorway.4.27ef9ca915e07938c3b2a6df.html.Breastmilk covers all the nutritional needs of the infant the first months of life, with the exception of vitamin D. In addition, breastmilk has a number of protective properties. However, as humans are exposed to polluting chemicals through food, air, water and skin contact, breastmilk also contains contaminants. Taking the present-day levels of contaminants in Norwegian breastmilk and the long duration of breastfeeding (12 months) in Norway into account, the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety concludes that contaminants poses a low risk to Norwegian infants, and that the benefits of breastmilk to Norwegian infants clearly outweigh the risk presented by contaminants

    En aksjonsforskningsstudie om trafikklæreres samarbeid om utvikling av læreplanforståelse - om å reflektere rundt praksis og fylle på i sin praksisryggsekk

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    Denne masteroppgaven i yrkespedagogikk handler om hvordan åtte trafikklærere har samarbeidet for å utvikle sin læreplanforståelse. Etter ti år med nye læreplaner i trafikkopplæringen er det utarbeidet en del rapporter og evalueringer på oppdrag fra myndighetene som alle peker i retning av at trafikklæreren ønsker og trenger et kompetanseløft. Rapportene peker på utviklingsområder som læreplanforståelse, pedagogisk forankring og begrunnelse for undervisningspraksis. Gjennom dette har jeg utarbeidet følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan samarbeid om undervisning i avsluttende del av trafikkopplæringen bidra til å øke trafikklærernes læreplanforståelse? På bakgrunn av dette valgte jeg pedagogisk aksjonsforskning som tilnærming til prosjektet. Pedagogisk aksjonsforskning bygger på yrkespedagogikkens grunnpilarer om praksis og utvikling av kyndighet innen profesjonen. Dette gjenkjennes på identifisering av pedagogiske utfordringer, demokratiske samarbeidsprosesser og beskrivelser av disse. I vårt prosjekt dreide det seg om å identifisere dagligdagse utfordringer som kunne belyse og utvikle læreplanforståelse. Kvalitative data består av refleksjonsnotater fra de involverte. Teorigrunnlaget i denne rapporten lener seg på en vid betraktning av læringsbegrepet og særlig erfaringslæring, refleksjon og praksisteori. Erfaringslæring er å lære gjennom praksis og reflektere rundt erfaringene. Kjernen her er at den kompetente eller kyndige yrkesutøveren må reflektere rundt sine handlinger for å utvikle sin yrkeskompetanse eller praksisteori. Drøftingene viste at samtalene rundt pedagogiske begrep, læringsteorier, avklaringer rundt forskningen bak de nye læreplanene og forskjellene omkring gammel og ny opplæring var nødvendige for vår utvikling. Videre hevder jeg presiseringer omkring refleksjon, refleksjonsnotat, praksisteori og fokuset på egne praksiseksempler ga grobunn til økt læreplanforståelse. Etter samarbeidet som helhet mener jeg dette prosjektet ga oss økt læreplanforståelse. Hovedessensen mener jeg ligger i at vi forstår sammenhengen mellom gammel og ny læreplan bedre. Særlig bakgrunnen og forskningen som ligger til grunn for de nye læreplanene. Samtidig hevder jeg vi er bedre i stand til å analysere målene og se intensjonene i læreplanen på bakgrunn av bedre kjennskap til læringsteorier. Gjennom dette hevder jeg prosessene i aksjonsforskningen bidro til utvikling av kyndighet innen profesjonen