607 research outputs found

    Self-Services - Do Not Leave Your Customers Alone with the Technology

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    New arising technologies change the modes of interaction between companies and their customers. So-called self-service technologies (SSTs) allow integrating customers as active participants into companies\u27 business processes and thereby are expected to generate not only more efficient processes but also positive effects on customer satisfaction. As some customers do not consider their integration as an improvement and others are not able to use the SSTs, companies have to pro-vide personal support offering direct response, assurance and social interaction. As for many companies the corresponding economic effects remain unclear, the aim of this paper is to develop a quantitative decision model that allows to decide on the integration of customers in business processes while considering of the necessary customer support on an economically well-grounded basis. To demon-strate the applicability of the model and its practical utility, we conduct a case study

    HST/WFC3 Observations of an Off-Nuclear Superbubble in Arp 220

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    We present a high spatial resolution optical and infrared study of the circumnuclear region in Arp 220, a late-stage galaxy merger. Narrowband imaging using HST/WFC3 has resolved the previously observed peak in Hα\alpha+[NII] emission into a bubble-shaped feature. This feature measures 1.6" in diameter, or 600 pc, and is only 1" northwest of the western nucleus. The bubble is aligned with the western nucleus and the large-scale outflow axis seen in X-rays. We explore several possibilities for the bubble origin, including a jet or outflow from a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN), outflows from high levels of star formation within the few hundred pc nuclear gas disk, or an ultraluminous X-ray source. An obscured AGN or high levels of star formation within the inner ∌\sim100 pc of the nuclei are favored based on the alignment of the bubble and energetics arguments.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 10 figure

    Intrinsic energy flow in laser-excited 3d ferromagnets

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    Ultrafast magnetization dynamics are governed by energy flow between electronic, magnetic, and lattice degrees of freedom. A quantitative understanding of these dynamics must be based on a model that agrees with experimental results for all three subsystems. However, ultrafast dynamics of the lattice remain largely unexplored experimentally. Here we combine femtosecond electron diffraction experiments of the lattice dynamics with energy-conserving atomistic spin dynamics (ASD) simulations and ab initio calculations to study the intrinsic energy flow in the 3d ferromagnets cobalt (Co) and iron (Fe). The simulations yield a good description of experimental data, in particular an excellent description of our experimental results for the lattice dynamics. We find that the lattice dynamics are influenced significantly by the magnetization dynamics due to the energy cost of demagnetization. Our results highlight the role of the spin system as the dominant heat sink in the first hundreds of femtoseconds. Together with previous findings for nickel [Zahn et al., Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023032 (2021)], our work demonstrates that energy-conserving ASD simulations provide a general and consistent description of the laser-induced dynamics in all three elemental 3d ferromagnets

    Lattice dynamics and ultrafast energy flow between electrons, spins, and phonons in a 3d ferromagnet

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    The ultrafast dynamics of magnetic order in a ferromagnet are governed by the interplay between electronic, magnetic, and lattice degrees of freedom. In order to obtain a microscopic understanding of ultrafast demagnetization, information on the response of all three subsystems is required. A consistent description of demagnetization and microscopic energy flow, however, is still missing. Here, we combine a femtosecond electron diffraction study of the ultrafast lattice response of nickel to laser excitation with ab initio calculations of the electron-phonon interaction and energy-conserving atomistic spin dynamics simulations. Our model is in agreement with the observed lattice dynamics and previously reported electron and magnetization dynamics. Our approach reveals that the spin system is the dominating heat sink in the initial few hundred femtoseconds and implies a transient nonthermal state of the spins. Our results provide a clear picture of the microscopic energy flow between electronic, magnetic, and lattice degrees of freedom on ultrafast timescales and constitute a foundation for theoretical descriptions of demagnetization that are consistent with the dynamics of all three subsystems

    CD Maps-Dynamic Profiling of CD1-CD100 Surface Expression on Human Leukocyte and Lymphocyte Subsets

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    CD molecules are surface molecules expressed on cells of the immune system that play key roles in immune cell-cell communication and sensing the microenvironment. These molecules are essential markers for the identification and isolation of leukocytes and lymphocyte subsets. Here, we present the results of the first phase of the CD Maps study, mapping the expression of CD1-CD100 (n = 110) on 47 immune cell subsets from blood, thymus, and tonsil using an eight-color standardized EuroFlow approach and quantification of expression. The resulting dataset included median antibody binding capacities (ABCs) and percentage of positivity for all markers on all subsets and was developed into an interactive CD Maps web resource. Using the resource, we examined differentially expressed proteins between granulocyte, monocyte, and dendritic cell subsets, and profiled dynamic expression of markers during thymocyte differentiation, T-cell maturation, and between functionally distinct B-cell subset clusters. The CD Maps resource will serve as a benchmark of antibody reactivities ensuring improved reproducibility of flow cytometry-based research. Moreover, it will provide a full picture of the surfaceome of human immune cells and serves as a useful platform to increase our understanding of leukocyte biology, as well as to facilitate the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets of immunological and hematological diseases

    Neonatal Zika virus infection causes transient perineuronal net degradation

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    Perineuronal nets (PNNs) form a specialized extracellular matrix that predominantly surrounds parvalbumin (PV)-expressing GABAergic inhibitory interneurons and help regulate neuronal activity. Their formation early in the postnatal period is regulated by neuronal signaling and glial activation raising concerns that part of the long-term effects ascribed to perinatal viral infections could be mediated by altered PNN formation. Previously, we developed a model of neonatal Zika virus (ZIKV) infection where mice have lifelong neurological sequelae that includes motor disfunction and reduced anxiety coupled with a persistent low-grade expression in proinflammatory markers despite resolving the acute infection. Here, we demonstrate that ZIKV infection to P1 neonatal mice results in a reduction of PNN formation during the acute disease with significant reduction in Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) staining at the peak of infection [15 days post infection (dpi)] that persisted after the symptoms resolved (30 dpi). At 60 dpi, when there is residual inflammation in the CNS, the number of WFA+ cells and the level of WFA staining as well as levels of aggrecan and brevican in the brains of convalescent mice were not different from those in uninfected controls, however, there was increased frequency of PNNs with an immature phenotype. Over time the impact of the perinatal infection became less evident and there were no clear differences in PNN morphology between the groups at 1 year post infection. Of note, the reduction in PNNs during acute ZIKV infection was not associated with decreased mRNA levels of aggrecan or brevican, but increased levels of degraded aggrecan and brevican indicating increased PNN degradation. These changes were associated with increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP12) and MMP19, but not MMP9, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4 (ADAMTS4) or ADAMTS5. Together our findings indicate that infection at the time of PNN development interferes with PNN formation, but the nets can reform once the infection and inflammation subside

    A dynamic spectrum of monocytes arising from the in situ reprogramming of CCR2^{+} monocytes at a site of sterile injury

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    Monocytes are recruited from the blood to sites of inflammation, where they contribute to wound healing and tissue repair. There are at least two subsets of monocytes: classical or proinflammatory (CCR2^{hi}CX_{3}CR1^{low}) and nonclassical, patrolling, or alternative (CCR2^{low}CX_{3}CR1^{hi}) monocytes. Using spinning-disk confocal intravital microscopy and mice with fluorescent reporters for each of these subsets, we were able to track the dynamic spectrum of monocytes that enter a site of sterile hepatic injury in vivo. We observed that the CCR2^{hi}CX_{3}CR1^{low} monocytes were recruited early and persisted for at least 48 h, forming a ringlike structure around the injured area. These monocytes transitioned, in situ, from CCR2^{hi}CX_{3}CR1^{low} to CX_{3}CR1^{hi}CCR2^{low} within the ringlike structure and then entered the injury site. This phenotypic conversion was essential for optimal repair. These results demonstrate a local, cytokine driven reprogramming of classic, proinflammatory monocytes into nonclassical or alternative monocytes to facilitate proper wound-healing

    CD maps—dynamic profiling of CD1–CD100 surface expression on human leukocyte and lymphocyte subsets

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    CD molecules are surface molecules expressed on cells of the immune system that play key roles in immune cell-cell communication and sensing the microenvironment. These molecules are essential markers for the identification and isolation of leukocytes and lymphocyte subsets. Here, we present the results of the first phase of the CD Maps study, mapping the expression of CD1–CD100 (n = 110) on 47 immune cell subsets from blood, thymus, and tonsil using an eight-color standardized EuroFlow approach and quantification of expression. The resulting dataset included median antibody binding capacities (ABCs) and percentage of positivity for all markers on all subsets and was developed into an interactive CD Maps web resource. Using the resource, we examined differentially expressed proteins between granulocyte, monocyte, and dendritic cell subsets, and profiled dynamic expression of markers during thymocyte differentiation, T-cell maturation, and between functionally distinct B-cell subset clusters. The CD Maps resource will serve as a benchmark of antibody reactivities ensuring improved reproducibility of flow cytometry-based research. Moreover, it will provide a full picture of the surfaceome of human immune cells and serves as a useful platform to increase our understanding of leukocyte biology, as well as to facilitate the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets of immunological and hematological diseases

    Embryonic Morphogen Nodal Promotes Breast Cancer Growth and Progression

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    Breast cancers expressing human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-associated genes are more likely to progress than well-differentiated cancers and are thus associated with poor patient prognosis. Elevated proliferation and evasion of growth control are similarly associated with disease progression, and are classical hallmarks of cancer. In the current study we demonstrate that the hESC-associated factor Nodal promotes breast cancer growth. Specifically, we show that Nodal is elevated in aggressive MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468 and Hs578t human breast cancer cell lines, compared to poorly aggressive MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines. Nodal knockdown in aggressive breast cancer cells via shRNA reduces tumour incidence and significantly blunts tumour growth at primary sites. In vitro, using Trypan Blue exclusion assays, Western blot analysis of phosphorylated histone H3 and cleaved caspase-9, and real time RT-PCR analysis of BAX and BCL2 gene expression, we demonstrate that Nodal promotes expansion of breast cancer cells, likely via a combinatorial mechanism involving increased proliferation and decreased apopotosis. In an experimental model of metastasis using beta-glucuronidase (GUSB)-deficient NOD/SCID/mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPSVII) mice, we show that although Nodal is not required for the formation of small (\u3c100 cells) micrometastases at secondary sites, it supports an elevated proliferation:apoptosis ratio (Ki67:TUNEL) in micrometastatic lesions. Indeed, at longer time points (8 weeks), we determined that Nodal is necessary for the subsequent development of macrometastatic lesions. Our findings demonstrate that Nodal supports tumour growth at primary and secondary sites by increasing the ratio of proliferation:apoptosis in breast cancer cells. As Nodal expression is relatively limited to embryonic systems and cancer, this study establishes Nodal as a potential tumour-specific target for the treatment of breast cancer. © 2012 Quail et al
