47 research outputs found

    Bukti Elektronik Sebagai Alat Pembuktian Dalam Transaksi Elektronik

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    Dr. KN. Sofyan Hasan, S.H., M.Hum. Abstract: The development of information technology law has been driven by the convergence of telocommunication and informatics technology and one of them is to encourage the birth of an alternative for conducting business activities known as electronic trading (hereinafter referred to as e-commerce). In conducting transactions both conventional and through electronic media will cause rights and obligations for each party concerned, but not all parties do not commit defaults, if a default occurs then it must be equipped with electronic evidence, but if there is a default and has reached the stage of default the trial in court the role and authority of the judge who will determine the evidence is rejected or accepted. From the description, the problem that will be discussed is how the legal criteria that determine that electronic mail can be located as authentic evidence. The research method used is a normative research method, to produce arguments, theories, new concepts, interpretations as prescriptions in solving problems using deductive thinking logic. The results of this study indicate that the criteria are determined by the law whose proof is based on reliability and neccesite. The conclusion from the study is that electronic evidence can be accepted if it meets the criteria specified by the law.Kata Kunci: Electronic Transaction, Electronic Evidence, Proof

    Legal Guarantees and Legal Protection Practices on the Constitutional Rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers

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    The flow of Indonesian labour migration abroad is increasing day by day. This is due to unresolved domestic labour problems. The 2000 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families is the most significant international human rights document addressing the human rights of migrant workers. The legal problem highlighted in this article is how constitutional rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) are protected by legal assurances and practice. This is a normative legal research project that explains, investigates, and analyzes the legal protection of Indonesian migrant workers' rights overseas. The discussion results show that legal guarantees and legal protection practices for PMI's constitutional rights abroad are pretty good and are considered advanced because they use the migrant worker protection convention as the paramount consideration, although there are still inconsistencies in applying the rules

    Community involvement as a strategy for accountability corporate performance rating assessment program (Proper)

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    Program Performance Rating (PROPER) is believed to encourage environmental requirements for business activities in environmental protection and management. The basic principle of the implementation of the PROPER is to encourage compliance of companies in environmental management through the instrument of information in the form of incentives and disincentives. Incentives in the form of image for companies that have good environmental management performance and disincentive given the reputation for poor environmental management system. In reality its implementation PROPER found weaknesses that lead to the assumption that the outcome of the PROPER not transparent, less credible and accountable in the public eye. This study aims to reveal what caused PROPER transparent, less credible and accountable in the eyes of society, then answer how the strategy should be done to improve the credibility PROPER. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach, with survey respondents are people around the range-1 PROPER participating companies in the city of Palembang. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, observation and documentation, while the technique of data analysis include: data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation, and conclusions. The results showed that 1) PROPER not transparent, less credible and accountable in the public eye due to no disclosure of information from the government and the company to the public regarding PROPER so that differences in perceptions create public dissatisfaction over the implementation and results of PROPER assessment. 2) Involvement of the public through publications in general and given the right to express an opinion on the objection period to answer what is the PROPER public discontent in the implementation and produce policies that are transparent, credible and accountable

    Perlindungan Hukum Developer Dan Konsumen Rumah Susun Dalam Perjanjian Dengan Sistem Pre Project Selling Di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya kasus yang terjadi dalam transaksi jual beli rumah susun khususnya apartemen dengan sistem pre project selling. Kasus yang terjadi disebabkan oleh belum dibangun atau tidak selesainya pembangunan apartemen yang ditawarkan sehingga cenderung menjadikan konsumen sebagai pihak yang paling dirugikan. Dalam penelitian ini, permasalahan penelitian terdiri dari: (1) Bagaimana pengaturan pre project selling di Indonesia? (2) Bagaimana  tanggung jawab developer terhadap konsumen rumah susun dengan sistem pre project selling di Indonesia berdasarkan analisis dua putusan?(3) Bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap developer dan konsumen rumah susun yang tertuang dalam pre project selling di Indonesia berdasarkan analisis dua putusan? (4) Bagaimana pengaturan pre project selling dimasa mendatang? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan, konseptual dan kasus. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Pengaturan pre project selling saat ini diatur dalam KUH Perdata, Undang-Undang tentang Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman, Rumah Susun, Perlindungan Konsumen serta Permen PUPR tentang Sistem Perjanjian Pendahuluan Jual Beli Rumah, (2) Pada analisis putusan pertama, perlindungan hukum dan tanggung jawab hukum konsumen dan developer telah berjalan dengan baik karena hakim hanya mengabulkan sebagian dari gugatan konsumen, (3) Pada putusan kedua, perlindungan hukum dan tanggung jawab hukum terhadap developer telah berjalan dengan baik namun tidak bagi konsumen karena gugatan konsumen ditolak karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan pengajuan PKPU, (4) Konsep pengaturan pre project selling dimasa mendatang dapat mencontoh negara Singapura dengan menerapkan pengaturan berbasis online yang tersistem dan terintegrasi, pembuatan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pre project selling yang lengkap dan jelas serta pengawasan terhadap jalannya pembangunan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara keseluruhan perlindungan hukum dan tanggung jawab hukum terhadap pihak-pihak yang terlibat telah berjalan dengan baik dan  seharusnya peraturan perundang-undang yang dibuat nantinya dapat lebih jelas, lengkap dan tegas serta dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam kehidupan masyarakat

    Ideal corporate criminal liability for the performance and accreditation of public accountant audit report in Indonesia

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the true legal answers and the prescriptive legal solutions for the Indonesian public accountant legal liability and how it is included in the audit report. Design/methodology/approach: This study applies the doctrinal method for examining the state asset management obtained from corporate criminal actions. Findings: Several provisions for public accountants in Indonesia, such as public accountant law and accounting standards, have become the legal standing of the corporate area disclosure on audit report, but it has never been applied. However, the scandals of corporate financial manipulation can drag the public accountants on legal issues for their liability in minimizing and preventing the fraud and for strengthening the corrective justice role of the audit report. Practical implications: There is a need for the empirical study to determine the effectiveness and the efficiency level for implementing the corporate disclosure on audit report. However, doctrinal research can be a comparison and can enrich empirical economic law for studying state asset management. Originality/value: The study initiates to renew the audit report framework in Indonesia such as the formulation of vicarious liability explicitly in economic law and to establish an independent board that oversees the quality of audit reports, and assesses the performance and accreditation of public accountantspeer-reviewe

    The National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) as an Appraiser of Economic Value in the Binding of Music and Song Copyrights as Objects of Fiduciary Guarantees

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    One of the creations protected by copyright is songs and/or music. Legal protection for them is a necessity in order to create a conducive climate to the development of music industry in Indonesia. In order to facilitate song and/or music writers with better control over their works, they can appoint representatives to regulate the management of their royalty, in this case LMKN (The National Collective Management Institute). Law number 28 of 2014 concerning copyrights regulates that copyright can be used as an object of fiduciary guarantee. However, its use is still hampered by the fact that the economic value of music and song copyrights cannot be determined easily, especially if it is used for fiduciary guarantee. Most banks do not accept it for loan collateral. The objective of this research was to analyze the roles of LMKN as the determiner of the economic values of song and music copyrights for the purpose of binding them for objects of fiduciary guarantee. This normative study uses statutory approach, conceptual approach, analytical approach, and futuristic approach. The determination of the economic values of song and music copyrights can be done by LMKN, a one- stop service institution that collects the royalty of music and song in Indonesia. The National Collective Management Institute (hereinafter briefly referred to as LMKN) as an institution that can provide an appraiser of the economic value of Music and Song Copyrights. The use of SILM (a music and song information system and data center) can help the estimation of music and song’s economic value based on the royalty accepted by the art’s creator or copyright holder. The amount of royalty can determine the binding of music and song copyrights for the objects of fiduciary guarantee

    The National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) as an Appraiser of Economic Value in the Binding of Music and Song Copyrights as Objects of Fiduciary Guarantees

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    One of the creations protected by copyright is songs and/or music. Legal protection for them is a necessity in order to create a conducive climate to the development of music industry in Indonesia. In order to facilitate song and/or music writers with better control over their works, they can appoint representatives to regulate the management of their royalty, in this case LMKN (The National Collective Management Institute). Law number 28 of 2014 concerning copyrights regulates that copyright can be used as an object of fiduciary guarantee. However, its use is still hampered by the fact that the economic value of music and song copyrights cannot be determined easily, especially if it is used for fiduciary guarantee. Most banks do not accept it for loan collateral. The objective of this research was to analyze the roles of LMKN as the determiner of the economic values of song and music copyrights for the purpose of binding them for objects of fiduciary guarantee. This normative study uses statutory approach, conceptual approach, analytical approach, and futuristic approach. The determination of the economic values of song and music copyrights can be done by LMKN, a one- stop service institution that collects the royalty of music and song in Indonesia. The National Collective Management Institute (hereinafter briefly referred to as LMKN) as an institution that can provide an appraiser of the economic value of Music and Song Copyrights. The use of SILM (a music and song information system and data center) can help the estimation of music and song’s economic value based on the royalty accepted by the art’s creator or copyright holder. The amount of royalty can determine the binding of music and song copyrights for the objects of fiduciary guarantee


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    AbstrakPengusahaan sumur tua minyak memiliki potensi strategis dan ekonomis. Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No.1 Tahun 2008 diterbitkan dalam rangka mengoptimalkan produksi minyak bumi dalam suatu wilayah kerja yang di dalamnya terdapat sumur tua dan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi sumur tua, dengan cara mengikutsertakan partisipasi masyarakat sekitarnya. PT Pertamina EP (BUMN) bekerjasama dengan PT Petro Muba (BUMD) untuk memproduksi minyak bumi pada 565 sumur tua di Lapangan Babat dan Kukui Desa Sungai Angit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa dan mengevaluasi penerapan Permen ESDM No.1 Tahun 2008 dalam kerjasama pengusahaan sumur tua minyak bumi antara PT Pertamina EP dengan PT Petro Muba di Lapangan Babat dan Kukui Desa Sungai Angit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif yang di dukung dengan data empiris, menggunakan pendekatan pendekatan perundangan, sosiologi. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa kerjasama dalam bentuk perjanjian yang dilakukan antara PT. Pertamina EP dan PT Petro Muba telah sesuai Permen ESDM No.1 Tahun 2008. Model perjanjian yang digunakan adalah Imbalan Jasa Produksi. Periode perjanjian kerjasama adalah lima tahun dan dapat diperpanjang kembali selama lima tahun. Kerjasama yang dilakukan sudah terlindungi secara hukum dan memberikan manfaat kepada ekonomi masyarakat dan pembangunan di wilayah pengusahaan sumur tua minyak. Kata Kunci: Peraturan, Kerjasama,Pengusahaan,Sumur Tua Minya


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    Intellectual Property Rights or what is often abbreviated as HAKI is a legal protection given by a certain country to a person or group of individuals who express their ideas in the form of works. This law is a state territory. This means that a work will only be protected by rights in the country where the work originated to obtain IPR. As stated in the Copyright Laws, Intellectual Property Rights are exclusive rights granted by a regulation to a person or group of people for their copyrighted works. This protected work is in the form of intangible objects such as copyrights, patents, and trademarks and tangible objects in the form of information, technology, literature, art, skills, science, and so on. The idea of compensation law for copyright and trademark infringement in Indonesia, of course, can imitate the copyright law and trademark law of the People's Republic of China in regulating more clearly the calculation of the value of losses for copyright and trademark infringement in order to be able to provide legal certainty for the owner / rights holders whose rights have been violated. The research use normative juridical approach. The purpose of writing is to analyze and explain the calculation of compensation by looking at the criteria, evidence, basis, form and formulation of calculating compensation for copyright and trademark infringement. The results of the study stated that the law for compensation that arises as a result of copyright and trademark infringement according to positive law in Indonesia still does not regulate in detail the calculation of the value of the loss of both copyrights and trademarks. Copyright Act No.28 of 2014 and Trademark Act No.20 of 2016 only gives rights to the right owner/right holder to file a claim for compensation, but the law does not regulate how to determine the value of the loss for a copyright infringement as well as brands


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    ABSTRAK: Dalam profesi pegawai negeri sipil kejaksaan, peranan jaksa diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 tentang Kejaksaan. Jaksa sering menindak pidana khusus yang salah satunya adalah tindak pidana narkotika sesuai hukum.  Ketentuan pidana tindak pidana narkotika diatur oleh Undang–Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika dengan minimal menjalani rehabilitasi dan maksimalnya bandar atau pengedar dikenakan pidana mati. Selain Narkotika, Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang pun merupakan tindak pidana khusus diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 08 Tahun 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pembuktian tindak pidana pencucian uang dari hasil tindak pidana narkotika, penerapan sanksinya, dan pengaturan pembuktian terhadap tindak pidana pencucian uang dari hasil tindak pidana narkotika di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode hukum normatif in concreto dengan tambahan data pendukung berupa wawancara yang bertujuan untuk menemukan apakah hukumnya sesuai untuk diterapkan in concerto. Bahan hukum diperoleh dari hasil penelitian kepustakaan berupa kitab undang-undang, buku-buku Literatur, atikel, juga Kamus Bahasa Indonesia dan kamus istilah hukum. Hasilnya menjelaskan bahwa tindak pidana pencucian uang yang diindikasikan dari hasil tindak pidana narkotika harus dibuktikan keduanya menurut unsur subjektif (mengetahui, patut menduga dan bermaksud) dan objektifnya. Diberlakukannya sistem beban pembuktian terbalik (omkering van het bewijslast). Juga adanya aturan bahwa undang – Undang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang khususnya Pasal 69 perlu dilakukan revisi.  Kata kunci: Jaksa, Pencucian Uang, Pidana Narkotika