473 research outputs found


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, sob a ótica da administração, a Gestão Estratégica aplicada ao cooperativismo solidário como alternativa de fortalecimento organizacional. A intenção é conhecer as controvérsias a respeito da aplicação de ferramentas de gestão estratégica nos empreendimentos dessa natureza, mantendo suas características essenciais de cooperação, solidariedade e auto-gestão. Para isto buscou-se identificar um modelo de gestão capaz de facilitar o ganho de competitividade ao mesmo tempo em que mantenha as características de solidariedade e cooperação nos empreendimentos solidários. Utilizou-se o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, tendo como objeto de análise uma pequena cooperativa de agricultores familiares. Onde se fez uma análise de como estão sendo aplicados na prática os princípios e valores dos Empreendimentos de Economia Solidária (EES) na Cooperativa de Agricultores Familiares de Itapuranga – COOPERAFI, bem como de seu modelo de gestão e estrutura organizacional. Analisou-se a aplicabilidade de instrumentos de gestão estratégica nas pequenas cooperativas, concluindo que os mesmos ajudam no desenvolvimento dos cooperados e da organização, sem necessariamente descaracterizar a cooperativa como empreendimento solidário.----------------------------------------------This study it had as objective to investigate, under the optics of the administration, the applied Strategical Management to the solidary cooperativism as an alternative to strengthen organizational. The intention is to know the controversies regarding the application of tools of strategical management in the enterprises of this nature, keeping its essential characteristics of cooperation, solidarity and self management. For this one searched to identify a model of management capable to facilitate the competitiveness profit at the same time where it keeps the characteristics of solidarity and cooperation in the solidary enterprises. The case study was used as research method, having as analysis object a small cooperative of familiar agriculturists. Where if it made an analysis of as they are being applied in practical the principles and values of the Enterprises of Economia Solidária (EES) in the Cooperative of Familiar Agriculturists of Itapuranga - COOPERAFI, as well as of its model of management and organizacional structure. It was analyzed applicability of instruments of strategical management in the small cooperatives, concluding that the same ones help in thedevelopment of the cooperated ones and the organization, without necessarily depriving of characteristics the cooperative as solidary enterprise.Gestão Estratégica, Solidariedade, Agronegócio, Cooperativismo, trategic Management, Solidarity, Agribusiness, Cooperativism, Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Impact of tree species replacement on carbon stocks in a Mediterranean mountain area, NE Portugal

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    Forest species replacement can influence significantly the amount of carbon stored in the several compartments that compose the terrestrial ecosystems (biomass, forest floor and mineral soil). This study intends to evaluate the influence of the replacement of the Quercus pyrenaica species (QP), which represents the climax vegetation of Serra da Nogueira, NE Portugal, by the Pseudotsuga menziesii (PM) and Pinus nigra (PN) plantations (fast-growing species). For this purpose, three plots of 314m2 were established in each stand (9 plots in total) and the height and diameter at the breast height of all trees were measured, in order to characterize the stands and estimate the tree biomass. Herbaceous vegetation and forest floor were collected in areas of 0.49m2 in 15 points under each tree species (5 per plot). At the same points, disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20 and 20–30 cm. Thirty years after the climax vegetation replacement, carbon gains are observed in forest species biomass and forest floor (1.3 Mg C ha−1 year−1 in PN and 4.0 Mg C ha−1 year−1 in PM) and significant losses were recorded on soil carbon pool (about 2.2 Mg C ha−1 year−1). Total carbon accumulated is significantly higher in PM (331 Mg C ha−1) compared to PN (246 Mg ha−1) and QP (273 Mg C ha−1), which present statistically similar values. Tree biomass and mineral soil constitute the major carbon pools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta didática do Teorema de Pitágoras na perspectiva da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel

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    The main objective of this article is to present the conception and implementation of the topic of Geometry in the view of Ausubel's pedagogical theory, as a didactic proposal for the Pythagorean theorem through meaningful learning. To achieve the objective, topics related to the history of the mathematician Pythagoras, the pedagogical theory of Ausubel's Meaningful Learning, demonstrations of the Pythagorean theorem and applications of the Pythagorean theorem from the perspective of Ausubel's theory of Meaningful Learning were structured. In methodological terms, the research was of an applied nature, with a qualitative and exploratory approach. In this way, it is possible to verify that the main conclusions resulting from the experimentation of the didactic proposal, the benefits of the Meaningful Learning methodology in the development of geometry, also in the development of competences and in the performance of the students, not only motivate the learning, but also motivate the students to understand other theories of geometry.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la concepción e implementación del tema Geometría desde el punto de vista de la teoría pedagógica de Ausubel, como propuesta didáctica del Teorema de Pitágoras a través del Aprendizaje Significativo. Para alcanzar el objetivo, se estructuraron los temas relativos a la historia del matemático Pitágoras, la teoría pedagógica del Aprendizaje Significativo de Ausubel, las demostraciones del teorema de Pitágoras y las aplicaciones del teorema de Pitágoras desde la perspectiva de la teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo de Ausubel. En términos metodológicos, la investigación fue de naturaleza aplicada, con enfoque cualitativo y exploratorio. De esta forma, las principales conclusiones resultantes de la experimentación de la propuesta didáctica fueron los beneficios de la metodología del Aprendizaje Significativo en el desarrollo de la geometría, así como en el desarrollo de competencias y desempeño de los estudiantes, no sólo motivando el aprendizaje, sino también motivando a los estudiantes a comprender otras teorías de la geometría.O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a concepção e implementação do tópico de Geometria na visão da teoria pedagógica de Ausubel, como uma proposta didática para o do Teorema de Pitágoras por meio da Aprendizagem Significativa. Para o alcance do objetivo, foram estruturados os tópicos referentes à história do matemático Pitágoras, a teoria pedagógica da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel, demonstrações do teorema de Pitágoras e aplicações do teorema de Pitágoras na perspectiva da teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa foi de natureza aplicada, com uma abordagem qualitativa e exploratória. Dessa forma, constatou-se que as principais conclusões resultantes da experimentação da proposta didática, os benefícios da metodologia de Aprendizagem Significativa no desenvolvimento da geometria, também no desenvolvimento de competências e no desempenho dos estudantes, não só motivam a aprendizagem, mas também motivam o aluno para compreenderem outras teorias da geometria

    Variation in the levels of the C3 component of the complement in Holochilus brasiliensis nanus infected with Schistosoma mansoni

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    The quantitative immunoelectrophoretic method was used to determine the consumption of the C3 component of the complement system in the sera of rodents (Holochilus brasiliensis nanus) infected with Schistosoma mansoni, during about eight weeks of observation. Normal animals were used as experimental controls. The results indicated that initial consumption of the C3 component in the infected animals was twice that of the controls. This level was maintained until the 6th week of observation. After the 6th week, the consumption of C3 was³ to 4 times greater than that of the controls.As variações dos níveis do componente C3 do complemento foram verificadas em soros de exemplares do roedor silvestre Holochilus brasiliensis nanus infectados experimentalmente com Schistosoma mansoni, aplicando-se a técnica de imunoeletroforese bidimensional quantitativa. Foram utilizados soros de animais normais, da mesma espécie e idade, como controle da experiência. A quantificação foi feita durante oito semanas, contadas a partir da data da infecção. C perfil sérico mostrou que o nível inicial do C3 foi duas vezes menor que o observado no grupo controle. Este nível permaneceu até a 6ª semana de observação. A partir desta semana até a oitava foram registrados níveis aproximadamente 3 a 4 vezes menores que os observados no grupo controle

    Comparative study of etiological diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia

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    Nosocomial pneumonia is a common complication in patients on mechanical ventilation and results in significant mortality. Diagnosis of pneumonia in patients who are intubated and under mechanical ventilation is difficult, even with the aid of clinical, laboratorial, and endoscopic tests. The objective of this study was to compare three methods of tracheal sputum collection in patients with a clinical and radiological diagnosis of pneumonia. Twenty-two patients with a clinical diagnosis of liver disease were enrolled, 18 years of age or older, 13 males and nine females, who had been mechanically ventilated over an intubation period of 5.86 ± 4.62 days. These patients were being treated in intensive care unit (ICU) of the Liver Transplantdepartment. Secretion collection was carried out according to a protocol with three distinct methods: endotracheal aspiration with a closed aspiration system, Bal cath and bronchoalveolar lavage. Of the 22 patients analyzed, 21 (95.4%) showed one or more infectious agent when the closed aspiration system was used. With the Bal cathâ collection, 19 patients (86.3%) had one or more infectious agents; in the collection by bronchoalveolar lavage, 10 patients (45.4%) presented one or more infectious agent. According to the laboratorial analysis, 14 different microorganisms were isolated, the most frequent of which were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. We concluded that aspiration with the closed system produced the most effective results in comparison with those of bronchoalveolar lavage and the Bal cathâ, and may be an acceptable method for diagnosing hospital-acquired pneumonia when no fiberoptic technique is available


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    Objective: to know the experience of the nursing team when acting in situations of parental bereavement in Neonatal Intensive Care.Method: qualitative study developed through semi-structured interviews from March to April 2021 with nursing professionals from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results were submitted to thematic content analysis.Results: The act of experiencing parental bereavement by the nursing staff involves sadness, helplessness, and suffering. Strategies faced at this moment are based on empathy and humanization. For the professionals, the knowledge to face the situation comes from their own experiences of loss in their personal and professional lives, from their strength and religiosity.Conclusion: it is expected that this study contributes to the practice of health professionals in assisting parents who experience the process of parental bereavement in neonatal intensive care.

    Missed opportunities for serological evaluation of human immunodeficiency virus infection during routine outpatient care at the University Hospital of Brasilia, Federal District

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    Foram estudados os fatores envolvidos na oferta de sorologia para detectar a infecção pelo vírus de imunodeficiência humana, no atendimento de adultos no ambulatório do Hospital Universitário de Brasília, por meio de aplicação de questionários específicos a 53 médicos e 347 usuários. Os resultados revelaram que 96,8% dos usuários identificaram como fator de risco para adquirir a infecção as relações sexuais desprotegidas e 13,6% desconheciam a possibilidade de transmissão vertical. Em relação à exposição dos usuários aos fatores de risco, 88,2% praticaram relações sexuais desprotegidas, 22,2% tiveram diagnóstico de outras doenças de transmissão sexual e 22,2% tinham recebido transfusões sangüíneas. Os fatores de risco mais questionados pelos médicos foram a prática de relações sexuais desprotegidas e o diagnóstico prévio de hepatite B ou C (35,9% para ambos). Dezoito por cento dos usuários receberam oferta de testes no Hospital Universitário de Brasília; 15,8% foram testados e 7,4% dos indivíduos testados não tiveram acesso ao resultado. Noventa e um por cento dos médicos referiram sentir-se confortáveis ao oferecer testes e apenas 30,4% oferecem-nos rotineiramente. O estudo confirma a perda de oportunidades de testagem sorológica para detectar a infecção no Hospital Universitário de Brasília e reforça a necessidade de implementar medidas para corrigir o problema.The factors involved in the provision of serological testing to detect human immunodeficiency virus infection, for adults within the outpatient care setting at the University Hospital of Brasilia, were studied. Specific questionnaires were applied to 53 physicians and 347 users. The results showed that 96.8% of the users identified unprotected sexual intercourse as a risk factor for acquiring this infection and that 13.6% were unaware of possibility of vertical transmission. Regarding users' exposure to risk factors, 88.2% practiced unprotected sexual intercourse, 22.2% had a diagnosis of other sexually transmitted diseases and 22.2% had received blood transfusions. The risk factors that physicians asked about most frequently were unprotected sexual practices and previous diagnoses of hepatitis B or C (35.9% for each). Eighteen percent of the users had been offered tests at the University Hospital of Brasilia; 15.8% underwent tests and 7.4% of the individuals tested had not had access to the results. Ninety-one percent of the physicians said that they felt comfortable about offering tests, while only 30.4% offered them routinely. The study confirms that opportunities for serological testing to detect this infection at the University Hospital of Brasilia have been missed and reinforces the need to implement measures to correct this problem

    Panorama de los cursos de Graduación en Enfermería en Brasil en el decenio de las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales

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    The study aims to build a general overview of the Nursing Graduation Programs in Brazil, in the decade of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Nursing Graduation, period 2001-2011. This is an exploratory, descriptive study, based on data from the e-MEC, Higher Education Census, ENADE. The results evidenced: the privatization of the Nursing Graduation Programs, the oversupply of courses and places day and night; sharp expansion of the number of vacancies for distance learning, not meeting the minimum quality criteria evaluated by ENADE, among other respects. It is recommended that strategies for the regulation of the expansion already installed must be defined, in addition to the revision of indicators drawn from the INEP Single Form, to meet the necessities of nursing, as an specific area, particularly with regard to: the number of vacancies, integration with the local and regional health system and the SUS, education in health care, teaching practical activities, working arrangements and experience of the faculty of the course. It is recommended, though, the immediate intervention of the MEC in the poles of Distance Education, suspending the training of nurses in that modality of education.El estudio objetivó construir una visión general de los Programas de Graduación en Enfermería en Brasil, en la década de los Lineamientos Curriculares Nacionales para Graduación en Enfermería, periodo 2001-2011. Estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, basado en datos del e-MEC, Censo de Educación Superior, ENADE. Los resultados evidenciaran: privatización de la Graduación en Enfermería; exceso de oferta de cursos y vagas nocturnas y diurnas; fuerte expansión del número de vagas de enseñanza a distancia, no cumpliendo criterios mínimos de calidad evaluados por ENADE, entre otros aspectos. Se recomienda la definición de estrategias para regulación de la expansión ya instalada, además de revisión de los indicadores del Formulario Individual INEP, para satisfacer la área de Enfermería, especialmente en relación con: número de vagas; integración con el sistema local y regionales de salud y la Seguridad Social; educación en el cuidado de la salud; enseñanza de actividades prácticas, régimen de trabajo y experiencia de los profesores del curso. Se recomienda, sin embargo, la intervención inmediata del MEC en los polos de educación a distancia, con suspensión de la formación de enfermeras en esa modalidad de educación.O estudo teve o objetivo de construir um panorama dos cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem no Brasil, na década das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, período 2001 a 2011. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, com base em dados do e-MEC, Censo da Educação Superior, ENADE. Os resultados evidenciaram: privatização do ensino de Graduação em Enfermagem; excesso de oferta de cursos e vagas diurnas e noturnas; acentuada expansão do número de vagas de ensino à distância, não atendendo a critérios mínimos de qualidade avaliados pelo ENADE; dentre outros aspectos. Recomenda-se a definição de estratégias para regulação da expansão já instalada, além da revisão dos indicadores do Formulário Único do INEP, atendendo especificidades da Enfermagem, particularmente quanto a número de vagas, integração com o sistema local e regional de saúde e o SUS, ensino na área de saúde, atividades práticas de ensino, regime de trabalho e experiência profissional do corpo docente do curso. Recomenda-se, ainda, a intervenção imediata do MEC nos pólos de Educação à Distância, suspendendo a formação de enfermeiros nessa modalidade.Universidade do Estado do Pará Escola de Enfermagem Magalhães BarataUniversidade Federal da Bahia Escola de Enfermagem Departamento de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica e Administração em EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais Escola de EnfermagemUniversidade Estadual do Piauí Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Curso de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Escola de EnfermagemSciEL