18 research outputs found

    Investigar el efecto de la formación de competencia comunicativa y pragmática en fraseología en la educación de estudiantes filológicos extranjeros

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    This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.Este artículo aborda el análisis de los factores que influyen en la formación de la competencia comunicativa y pragmática en el proceso de enseñanza de estudiantes extranjeros de la Facultad de Filología del Departamento de Fraseología Rusa. Los autores demuestran que el sistema de formación de futuros profesores de ruso no tiene secciones y cursos destinados a la formación de competencias comunicativas y pragmáticas en la fraseología rusa. El estudio de la asimilación de unidades fraseológicas se realizó en varias etapas. El primero está relacionado con la definición del nivel de conocimiento del sistema fraseológico de la lengua rusa. El segundo es el nivelde comprensión de ciertas unidades fraseológicas por parte de los estudiantes de filología. El tercero es la capacidad de expresar una actitud evaluativa hacia alguien usando unidades fraseológicas. El cuarto está relacionado con la capacidad de usar unidades fraseológicas al evaluar algo, cualquier evento, fenómeno

    Investigating the Effect of Formation of Communicative and Pragmatic Competence in Phraseology in Educating Foreign Philological Students

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    This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena.This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena

    Газовый кризис на европейском сырьевом рынке: причины возникновения и возможности преодоления

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    Мировые цены на энергоносители с начала текущего года стремительно увеличивались, достигнув настолько высокого уровня, что целые отрасли промышленности, предприятия малого и среднего бизнеса активно переходят в категорию неконкурентоспособных, а рядовые потребители электроэнергии становятся неплатежеспособными. Энергетическая политика ЕС с упором на развитие альтернативных источников энергии способствовала тому, что использование угля и природного газа в качестве источников для производства электроэнергии стало низкорентабельным. Цель исследования — выявление ключевых причин газового энергокризиса в Европе и возможностей его преодоления. Для анализа причин энергокризиса поставлены задачи: оценить возможности существующих и альтернативных поставок газа на европейский рынок, проанализировать привязку действующих контрактов на поставку газа к спотовым ценам. Проведенный анализ показал, что в среднесрочной перспективе (2022–2030 гг.) основным ограничением для расширения альтернативных поставок газа в страны Европы является отсутствие в мировом масштабе ввода новых мощностей сжиженного природного газа, инвестиции в которые на фоне снижения цен на энергоносители и коронавирусной инфекции не были осуществлены в предшествующих периодах. В работе сделан вывод, что резкий энергетический переход промышленности и домохозяйств к использованию возобновляемых источников энергии стал одной из причин, по которым падение объемов электроэнергии из возобновляемых источников не могло быть своевременно замещено традиционными источниками — электроэнергией, вырабатываемой угольными, газовыми и атомными электростанциями. Дальнейшим направлением развития представленного исследования является оценка вероятности возврата от рынка продавца к рынку покупателя с доминированием на нем стороны спроса

    Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia:perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions

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    An accumulation of mammoth hair, discovered in the Bol'shaya Chukochya River valley (northeast Yakutia, Russia), was found to contain remains of terrestrial and aquatic organisms, including plants, insects, crustaceans, birds and mammals. Radiocarbon dating indicated that this post-mortem taphocoenosis represented multiple time periods. The mammoth hair was dated to older than 45 ka BP, the plants were dated to 12 750 +/- 50 a BP (which corresponds to a shift in the environmental conditions and landscapes during the formation of thermokarst in northeastern Russia) and the bird feathers were dated to 4115 +/- 40 a BP. A scenario of the formation of this fossil assemblage is proposed, covering the MIS 3-1 time range. The hair also yielded various Arctic branchiopod crustaceans, which inhabit shallow temporary water bodies and therefore are important for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments. The cladoceran subgenus Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia), currently absent from the Asian part of Beringia, is reported from this region for the first time. The study demonstrates that the discovered permafrostpreserved hair is a unique repository of Ice Age organisms.</p

    Simultaneous Presentation of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Pancreatic Cancer: A Case Report

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    A clinical case of simultaneous presentation of ankylosing spondylitis and pancreatic cancer is described. Patients with rheumatic disorders must be closely followed to screen for malignancies. Most paraneoplastic rheumatic syndromes are difficult to distinguish from autoimmune rheumatic diseases; thus, cancer occurrence may constitute a major diagnostic challenge

    An ancient bison from the mouth of the Rauchua River (Chukotka, Russia)

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    An incomplete carcass of an extinct bison, Bison ex gr. priscus, was discovered in 2012 in the mouth of the Rauchua River (69°30'N, 166°49'E), Chukotka. The carcass included the rump with two hind limbs, ribs, and large flap of hide from the abdomen and sides, several vertebrae, bones of the forelimbs and anterior autopodia, stomach with its contents, and wool. The limb bones are relatively gracile, which is unusual in bison, and a SEM study of the hair microstructure suggests higher insulating capacity than in extant members of the genus. Additionally, mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate that the Rauchua bison belonged to a distinct and previously unidentified lineage of steppe bison. Two radiocarbon dates suggest a Holocene age for the bison: a traditional 14C date provided an estimate of 8030±70 14C yr BP (SPb-743) and an AMS radiocarbon date provided an age of 9497±92 14C yr BP (AA101271). These dates make this the youngest known bison from Chukotka. Analysis of stomach contents revealed a diet of herbaceous plants (meadow grasses and sedges) and shrubs, suggesting that the early Holocene vegetation near the mouth of the Rauchua River was similar to that of the present day: tundra-associated vegetation with undersized plants

    Formation of Communicative and Pragmatic Competence in Phraseology Among Foreign Philological Students

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    This article deals with the analysis of the factors influencing the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in the process of teaching foreign students of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Phraseology. The authors prove that the system of training future teachers of Russian has no sections and courses aimed at the formation of communicative and pragmatic competence in Russian phraseology. The study of the assimilation of phraseological units was carried out in several stages. The first is related to the definition of the level of knowledge of the phraseological system of the Russian language. The second is the level of understanding of certain phraseological units by philology students. The third is the ability to express an evaluative attitude towards someone using phraseological units. The fourth is related to the ability to use phraseological units when evaluating something, any event, phenomena

    «Языковая конкиста»: колониальные грамматики кечуа как модель культурно-языковой аккультурации

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    The article is devoted to the role and place of Quechua in colonial Peru, which is the most widely spoken native language in both American continents. A comparative analysis of a number of grammars and dictionaries (including records) written in the 16th‑17th centuries by the representatives of the clergy has become the basic method for recent scientific investigation. Those were the representatives of the clergy who took the most active part in the process of «language conquest» which led to Quechua integration into the intellectual field of Spanish culture and then consequently into the European one. The paper also presents the analysis of the current state of the issue study, which concludes that many points of the problem have not found the proper coverage in science yet. The sources are analyzed on the following points: the attitude of the authors of grammars to the Quechua language; the main goals of writing grammars; their structure and content’s peculiarities; the main cultural and linguistic categories used to describe and analyze the Quechua language in the period under review. The analysis made it possible to come to the following conclusions. Firstly, the attitude of the clergy towards Quechua can be described as ambivalent. Secondly, the main goals of writing can be interpreted as a practical one (mastering the language in order to Christianize the Indians more effectively) and as well as an ideological one (integrating Quechua into the Christian cultural field through its study), although both of them, of course, are interrelated. Thirdly, the analysis allowed us to distinguish the following cultural and linguistic categories that were applied to Quechua: eurocentrism, theoretical and religious orientation. Finally, the main conclusion drawn from the study is that the relationship existed between Spanish and Quechua can be characterized by the term «acculturation»В статье рассматривается роль и место в колониальном Перу народа кечуа – крупнейшего по числу носителей индейского языка в обеих Америках. Ведущим методом исследования стал сравнительный анализ ряда грамматик и словарей (в том числе используется и архивный материал), написанных в XVI–XVII вв. представителями клира. Именно они приняли наиболее активное участие в процессе «языковой конкисты», то есть интеграции кечуа в интеллектуальное поле испанской и, как следствие, европейской культуры. Представлен также анализ современного состояния изученности вопроса, в котором делается вывод, что многие аспекты проблемы еще не нашли должного освещения в науке. Источники проанализированы по следующим аспектам: отношение авторов грамматик к языку кечуа; основные цели написания грамматик; характерные особенности структуры и содержания этих произведений; базовые культурно-языковые категории, с помощью которых описывался и анализировался язык кечуа в рассматриваемый период. В результате проведенного исследования сделаны следующие выводы. Во-первых, отношение клира к кечуа можно охарактеризовать как амбивалентное. Во-вторых, основные цели написания: практическая (овладение языком с целью более эффективной христианизации индейцев) и идеологическая (включение кечуа в орбиту христианского культурного поля посредством его изучения), хотя обе они, конечно, взаимосвязаны. В‑третьих, можно дифференцировать следующие культурно-языковые категории, которые применялись по отношению к кечуа: европоцентризм, теоретичность и религиозная направленность. Наконец, главный вывод, который был сделан по результатам проведенного исследования, заключается в том, что существовавшее взаимодействие между испанским языком и кечуа можно охарактеризовать термином «аккультурация