1,556 research outputs found

    An axiomatic approach to measure the 'Leave No One Behind' principle.

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    ‘Leave no one behind’ has become an important principle of the entire 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals that brings inequality to the centre stage. Although a precise definition of what it is to lag behind is essential to assess sustainable economic growth and social progress a discussion on the desirable properties of such a measure is absent in the literature. This paper fills that gap by proposing and discussing a number of normative and analytical properties a measure of the ‘Leave no one behind’ principle should satisfy. The axioms proposed are necessary and sufficient to characterize the fuzzy measure by García-Pardo et al. [8] and together with other additional axioms make the structure of this measure more transparent

    Necessary axioms and characterization of an index to measure the ‘Leave No One Behind’ principle

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    ‘Leave no one behind’ has become an important principle of the entire 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals that brings inequality to the centre stage. Although a precise definition of what it is to lag behind is essential to assess sustainable economic growth and social progress a discussion on the desirable properties of such a measure is absent in the literature. This paper fills that gap by proposing and discussing a number of normative and analytical properties a measure of the `Leave no one behind´ principle should satisfy. The axioms proposed are necessary and sufficient to characterize the fuzzy measure by Garcia-Pardo et al. (2021) and together with other additional axioms make the structure of this measure more transparent.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cross view from a transdisciplinary critical perspective to poverty

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    O objetivo do artigo é articular, desde uma perspectiva transdiciplinária, concepções teóricas que permitem discutir a questão social da pobreza com base em estudos críticos do discurso (ECD), sobretudo, os que relacionam a noção cognitiva de contexto com propriedades de gêneros discursivos, registros, estilos e retórica (van Dijk, 2007, 2008; Fairclough, 2003). Essas propriedades, vinculadas ao discurso como prática social, contribuem para a análise de eventos comunicativos que emergem de ‘contextos de situação’ e refletem ‘contextos de cultura’. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to articulate, from a transdisciplinary perspective, theoretical conceptions that allow us to discuss the social question of poverty based on critical studies of discourse (ECD) that comprise cognitive dimension of context associated with properties of discursive genre, as well as register, style and rhetoric (van Dijk, 2007, 2008; Fairclough, 2003). These discourse properties as social practice contribute to the analysis of communicative events that emerge from ‘situational contexts’ and reflect ‘cultural contexts’

    Product placement in video games as a marketing strategy: an attempt to analysis in Disney company

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    Esta investigación de carácter cualitativo que se aproxima al método del caso intenta examinar la aplicación de la estrategia del product placement en el ámbito de los videojuegos a fin de identificar las diferencias en enfoques de product placement más clásicos y aquellos otros más centrado en la marca. Se ha escogido el estudio de Walt Disney, empleando tanto entrevistas con personal de la compañía, como dinámicas de grupo con usuarios de videojuegos de esta empresa. Los resultados indican que enfoques más recientes del product placement resultan más adecuados para destacar la notoriedad de la marca analizada. Adicionalmente, los consumidores opinan que este tipo de estrategia es menos intrusivo y más adecuado para el público de los niños. This qualitative case study research examined product placement strategies in video games to identify the differences in the effectiveness of traditional placement approaches compared to the branded entertainment approach, which involves the use of proprietary character in a video game. Although video gaming has increased in popularity in the past decade and uses product placement strategies, the effectiveness of the different strategies has not been previously examined. The research used a case study methodology examining the use of product placement strategies at Walt Disney with primary data obtained from interviews with Disney staffs from Disney Interactive Marketing Group and a focus group of consumers of Disney video game products. The results of the study indicated that the branded entertainment approach to product placement enhanced existing awareness of the branded character and the parent Disney brand. In addition, the consumers of the video game product perceived the branded entertainment approach as less intrusive than a traditional product placement in which a branded product was inserted into the video, audio or action content of the video game. The consumers also perceived the branded entertainment approach more suitable than traditional product placement for video games aimed at children.product placement strategies, effectiveness, qualitative study estratategias de product placement, eficacia, estudio cualitativo

    Vajilla de mesa (terra sigillata y cerámica engobada) de la ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza)

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    In the following pages, the material culture results, specifically terra sigillata and engobada pottery, obtained from a series of archaeological interventions undertaken in the 1970’s by the lecturer Antonio Beltrán, at the archeological site of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza), are presented. The aim of this article is to increase the information available on these ceramics and to provide a contribution towards a greater understanding of the historical city of Los Bañales. This study will also assist recent archaeological investigations on this historic site, by providing better information on the form, chronology and use of these ceramics and by communicating the results of this study to both the researchers and the interested public. It will also contribute to the culture heritage of Uncastillo through the conservation of the ceramic evidence and the public display of this material culture.En el presente trabajo se presenta la vajilla de mesa (terra sigillata y cerámica engobada) que consta entre los materiales cerámicos de la ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza), recuperados en los años setenta del siglo pasado por Antonio Beltrán Martínez. Con este trabajo se pretende aportar datos que ayuden en el estudio de la antigua ciudad ubicada en el lugar y enriquezcan la investigación que hay en ella y que ha sido retomada en los últimos años para el mejor conocimiento, conservación, puesta en valor y difusión de la ciudad.In the following pages, the material culture results, specifically terra sigillata and engobada pottery, obtained from a series of archaeological interventions undertaken in the 1970’s by the lecturer Antonio Beltrán, at the archeological site of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza), are presented. The aim of this article is to increase the information available on these ceramics and to provide a contribution towards a greater understanding of the historical city of Los Bañales. This study will also assist recent archaeological investigations on this historic site, by providing better information on the form, chronology and use of these ceramics and by communicating the results of this study to both the researchers and the interested public. It will also contribute to the culture heritage of Uncastillo through the conservation of the ceramic evidence and the public display of this material culture

    Una mirada dialectológica al Observatorio de Palabras de la RAE vía Twitter

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    L’Observatorio de Palabras recull termes —fonamentalment, neològics— que no apareixen en el Diccionario de la lengua española i que han generat dubtes dels hispanoparlants a la Real Academia Española (RAE). Tanmateix, la seva funció normativa porta a confusió. A fi d’esclarir-la, aquest article pren alguns d’aquests termes i n’analitza l’evolució pel que fa a l’ús i la variació diatòpica en l’àmbit panhispànic, utilitzant Twitter com a corpus dialectològic. Se satisfan els criteris de neologicitat i se suggereix l’acostament de l’Acadèmia al parlant.  The Observatorio de Palabras («Word Observatory») collects terms – chiefly neologisms – that are not in the Diccionario de la lengua española («Dictionary of the Spanish language») and that have led Spanish speakers to convey their respective doubts to the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy, RAE). The Word Observatory’s normative role, however, gives rise to confusion. Aiming to clarify it, this article takes some of these terms and analyses the evolution of their use and their diatopic variation at a pan-Hispanic level, using Twitter as a dialectological corpus. Neologicity criteria are met and a closer approach of the Academy to the speakers of the language is suggested.El Observatorio de Palabras recoge términos —fundamentalmente, neológicos— que no aparecen en el Diccionario de la lengua española y que han generado dudas de los hispanohablantes a la Real Academia Española (RAE). Su función normativa, sin embargo, se presta a confusión. Con el objeto de esclarecerla, este artículo toma algunos de estos términos y analiza la evolución de su uso y su variación diatópica en el ámbito panhispánico, utilizando Twitter como corpus dialectológico. Se satisfacen los criterios de neologicidad y se sugiere el acercamiento de la Academia al hablante

    Assessing countries’ social-ecological resilience to shifting marine commercial species

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    Climate change is already impacting fisheries with species moving across fishing areas, crossing institutional borders, and thus creating conflicts over fisheries management. In this scenario, scholars agree that adaptation to climate change requires that fisheries increase their social, institutional, and ecological resilience. The resilience or capacity of a fishery to be maintained without shifting to a different state (e.g., collapse) is at stake under climate change impacts and overexploitation. Despite this urgent need, applying the resilience concept in a spatially explicit and quantitative manner to inform policy remains unexplored. We take a resilience approach and operationalize the concept in industrial fisheries for two species that have been observed to significantly shift distribution in European waters: hake (Merluccius merluccius) and cod (Gadus morhua), in the context of the European Union institutional settings. With a set of resilience factors from the literature and by means of contemporary and historic data, we select indicators that are combined into an index that measures resilience on the ecologic, socioeconomic, and institutional dimensions of the fishery. We find that the resilience index varies among species and countries, with lower resilience levels in the socioeconomic dimension of the fisheries. We also see that resilience largely depends on the overexploitation status of the fishery. The results highlight the need to address social and institutional settings to enhance fisheries adaptation to climate change and allow to inform on climate resilient adaptation pathways for the fisheries