34 research outputs found

    Foliar-applied glyphosate substantially reduced uptake and transport of iron and manganese in sunflower (helianthus annuus L.) plants

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    Evidence clearly shows that cationic micronutrients in spray solutions reduce the herbicidal effectiveness of glyphosate for weed control due to the formation of metal-glyphosate complexes. The formation of these glyphosate-metal complexes in plant tissue may also impair micronutrient nutrition of nontarget plants when exposed to glyphosate drift or glyphosate residues in soil. In the present study, the effects of simulated glyphosate drift on plant growth and uptake, translocation, and accumulation (tissue concentration) of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) were investigated in sunflower ( Helianthus annuusL.) plants grown in nutrient solution under controlled environmental conditions. Glyphosate was sprayed on plant shoots at different rates between 1.25 and 6.0% of the recommended dosage (i.e., 0.39 and 1.89 mM glyphosate isopropylamine salt). Glyphosate applications significantly decreased root and shoot dry matter production and chlorophyll concentrations of young leaves and shoot tips. The basal parts of the youngest leaves and shoot tips were severely chlorotic. These effects became apparent within 48 h after the glyphosate spray. Glyphosate also caused substantial decreases in leaf concentration of Fe and Mn while the concentration of Zn and Cu was less affected. In short-term uptake experiments with radiolabeled Fe (59Fe), Mn (54Mn), and Zn (65Zn), root uptake of 59Fe and 54Mn was significantly reduced in 12 and 24 h after application of 6% of the recommended dosage of glyphosate, respectively. Glyphosate resulted in almost complete inhibition of root-to-shoot translocation of 59Fe within 12 h and 54Mn within 24 h after application. These results suggest that glyphosate residues or drift may result in severe impairments in Fe and Mn nutrition of nontarget plants, possibly due to the formation of poorly soluble glyphosate-metal complexes in plant tissues and/or rhizosphere interactions

    Glyphosate inhibition of ferric reductase activity in iron deficient sunflower roots

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    Iron (Fe) deficiency is increasingly being observed in cropping systems with frequent glyphosate applications. A likely reason for this is that glyphosate interferes with root uptake of Fe by inhibiting ferric reductase in roots required for Fe acquisition by dicot and nongrass species. This study investigated the role of drift rates of glyphosate (0.32, 0.95 or 1.89 mM glyphosate corresponding to 1, 3 and 6% of the recommended herbicidal dose, respectively) on ferric reductase activity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) roots grown under Fe deficiency conditions. Application of 1.89 mM glyphosate resulted in almost 50% inhibition of ferric reductase within 6 h and complete inhibition 24 h after the treatment. Even at lower rates of glyphosate (e.g. 0.32 mM and 0.95 mM), ferric reductase was inhibited. Soluble sugar concentration and the NAD(P)H oxidizing capacity of apical roots were not decreased by the glyphosate applications. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the effects of glyphosate on ferric reductase activity. The nature of the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on ferric reductase could not be identified. Impaired ferric reductase could be a major reason for the increasingly observed Fe deficiency in cropping systems associated with widespread glyphosate usage


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    Purpose: Not knowing the dimensions of inadequate health literacy is an important public health issue not just for healthcare professionals but all population. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that politicians see this as an investment and to encourage service to productive resources. It is important to be aware of limited health literacy to develop new and different strategies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of limited health literacy and to examine the relationship between health readiness and socio-demographic characteristics in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: A total of 423 patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders were recruited into the study. The level of health literacy was measured using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine and Newest Vital Sign instruments. The cognitive level of participants was estimated using Mini-Mental Status Examination Test. Results: Approximately 17.3 percent of participants assessed using Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine had limited health literacy. More than 27.2 percent of participants evaluated using the Newest Vital Sign had limited literacy and lower numeracy skills. Conclusion: Limited health literacy and numeracy skills are common in patients who have different chronic musculoskeletal disorders. It is associated with older age, lower level of education, and lower cognitive level. Healthcare literacy can be improved with various strategies in health services, and more successful outcomes can be obtained in treatment


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    Many studies which were published in other countries identified certain benefits and barriers to physical activity among young people. But there is no data about the subject pertaining to Turkish adolescents. This study tries to rectify this with a study of Turkish university students. Undergraduate university students (n = 303) were recruited to the study. Current exercise habits and perceived barriers to physical activity were assessed in the sample. Using a Likert Type scale, participants responded an instrument with 12 items representing barriers to physical activity. Mean scores were computed. External barriers were more important than internal barriers. "Lack of time due to busy lesson schedule", "My parents give academic success priority over exercise." and "lack of time due to responsibilities related to the family and social environment" were most cited items for physical activity barriers. There is a need for future research, which will be carried out with larger sample groups to develop national standardized instrument. It will be helpful for accurately identify perceived barriers and then recommend changes to enhance physical activity among young people

    Kadmiyumun makarnalık buğday çeşitlerinde büyümeye ve kadmiyum, askorbik asit ve sülfidril grupları konsantrasyonuna etkisi

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    Farklı 2 makarnalık buğday çeşidi kullanılarak (Triticum durum, Balcalı-85 ve C-1252) bir besin çözeltisi denemesi kuruldu ve bu denemeyle makarnalık buğday çeşitlerinde i) kadmiyum (Cd) toleransındaki genotipsel farklılık, ii) Cd konsantrasyonu ve iii) askorbik asit ve non-protein SH-gruplarınm (SH: sülfidril) Cd toleransındaki rolü araştırıldı. Bitkiler, kontrollü iklim koşullarında 15 gün süreyle artan dozlarda Cd (0, 6, 30, 75 ve 150 μ\mu M) uygulamaları altında yetiştirildi. Buğday çeşitlerinden Ç-1252'nin, Cd toksisitesinin yapraklardaki semptomlarının şiddeti bakımından Cd toksisitesine daha fazla duyarlı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Artan dozlarda uygulanan Cd, her iki çeşitte de yeşil aksam ve kök kuru madde üretimini önemli oranda azaltmıştır. Bu azalmaların C-1252'de, Balcalı-85'e göre daha belirgin olduğu saptanmıştır. Bitkilerin Cd konsantrasyonları Cd uygulamasıyla, özellikle kökte olmak üzere, çarpıcı biçimde artış göstermiştir. Çeşitlerden C-1252, Balcali-85'e göre yeşil aksamda daha fazla Cd içerme eğilimi gösterirken, kökte daha az Cd'a sahip olduğu bulunmuştur. Bitkilerin askorbik asit konsantrasyonu, her iki çeşitte de Cd uygulamalarından benzer biçimde etkilenmiştir. Artan Cd ugulamaları ile yeşil aksamda SH-grupları konsantrasyonu her iki çeşitte de benzer biçimde az düzeyde bir artış göstermiştir. Ancak, köklerde artan Cd uygulaması ile SH-grupları konsantrasyonunda, özellikle Cd toksisitesine dayanıklı Balcalı-85 çeşidinde olmak üzere, çarpıcı düzeyde artışların olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar, makarnalık buğday çeşitlerinin farklı Cd toleransında SH içeren bileşiklerin (örneğin fitoşelatinlerin) ve köklerde Cd'un tutulmasının önemli bir role sahip olabileceğini göstermektedir.By using two durum wheat cultivars (Triticum. durum L. cvs. Balcali-85 and C-1252) a nutrient solution experiment was carried out to study i) genotypic variation in cadmium (Cd) tolerance, ii) Cd concentrations in plants, and iii) the role of ascorbic acid and non-protein SH groups (SH: sulphydryl) in Cd tolerance. Plants were grown under controlled climatic conditions for 15 days and subjected to increasing Cd supply (O, 6, 30, 75 and 150 μ\mu M). Of the two cultivars, C-1252 showed greater sensitivity to Cd toxicity as judged from the severity of Cd toxicity symptoms on leaves. Increasing Cd supply markedly reduced the shoot and root dry weight of both cultivars, and these decreases were more marked in C-1252. Cd concentrations of plants were strongly increased by enhanced Cd supply, especially in the roots. C-1252 tended to have greater amounts of Cd in the shoots, but lower amounts in the roots than Balcali-85. Ascorbic acid concentrations in the roots and shoots were similarly affected by increasing Cd supply in both cultivars. SH concentrations were similar in the shoots of Balcali-85 and C-1252, and showed a slight increase due to Cd treatments. However, in the roots, Cd supply resulted in dramatic increases in concentrations in the SH groups, particularly in Cd-tolerant Balcali-85. The results indicate that SH-containing compounds (e.g., phytochelatins) and the retention of Cd in the roots are possibly involved in the expression of high Cd tolerance in durum wheat cultivars

    Readability levels of health education materials used in physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan sağlık eğitim materyallerinin okunabilirlik düzeylerini belirlemekti. Yöntem: Bu çalışmada fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan 44 broşürün ilk 100 kelimelik bölümündeki cümle, sözcük ve hece sayıları belirlendi. Broşürlerin okunabilirlik düzeylerinin belirlenmesinde Ateşman ve Çetinkaya-Uzun formülleri kullanıldı. İki değerlendirme yöntemiyle elde edilen okunabilirlik puanlarının ilişkisi analiz edildi. Sonuçlar: Ateşman ve Çetinkaya-Uzun formülleri ile hesaplanan okunabilirlik puanları sırasıyla 65.211.0 (% 95 BCa; 62.2-68.4) ve 38.4 5.8 (% 95 BCa; 36.9-40.2) idi. İki değerlendirme yöntemiyle elde edilen okunabilirlik puanları arasında kuvvetli ve pozitif bir ilişki (r96.2, % 95 BCa; 93.5-98.3) vardı. Ateşman sınıflandırma yöntemiyle 30 (% 68.2) broşür zor ve/veya oldukça zor okunabilir olarak sınıflandırıldı. Otuz dört broşür en az 8-9 yıllık eğitimi tamamlayan kişiler için hazırlanmıştı. Dokuz (% 20.5) broşürü anlamak ve anlamlandırmak için okurların en az 1012 yıllık bir eğitimi tamamlaması gerekliydi. Tartışma: Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlardan, zor okunabilirlikleri nedeniyle halen fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon kliniklerinde kullanılan broşürlerin beklenilen yararı sağlayamayacağı ileri sürülebilir. Hastalara ve yakınlarına verilen herhangi bir yazılı materyalin okunabilirliğinin kontrol edilmesi gereklidir.Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the readability levels of health education materials used in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics. Methods: In the study, the numbers of sentences, words and syllables were identified in the first 100-word sections of the 44 brochures used in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics. Ateşman and çetinkaya- Uzun formula were used to determine the readability levels of the brochures. Correlation of the readability scores obtained using the two evaluation methods was also analyzed. Results: Readability scores calculated with Ateşman and çetinkaya-Uzun formula were 65.2±11.0 (95% BCa; 62.2-68.4), and 38.4± 5.8 (95% BCa; 36.9- 40.2), respectively. There was a strong and positive correlation between the readability scores obtained using the two evaluation methods, (r96.2, 95% BCa; 93.5-98.3). Using Ateşman classification approach, 30 brochures (68.2%) were leveling as hard and/or slightly hard-to- read. Thirty-four (77.3%) brochures had been prepared for the people who completed at least an 89 grade level of education. To be able to understand and explain the meaning of nine (20.5%) brochures, readers should have completed at least a 10-12 grade level of education. Conclusion: From the results of the study, we may speculate that the brochures used currently in the physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics cannot achieve intended benefits due to their hard-to-read nature. The readability check is necessary for any print material that is given to patients or his/her relatives

    Investigation of Validity, Reliability and Acceptability of the Turkish Version of the 15D Questionnaire Health-Related Quality of Life on the People with Visual Impairment

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    Objective: This study aims to establish the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the 15D questionnaire in a population of visually-impaired subjects. Material and Methods: Fifty-seven people (mean age: 36.6 +/- 12.3 years) who have a visual impairment and 63 sighted people (mean age: 54.4 +/- 11.6 years) participated in this study. A background questionnaire, 15D questionnaire, the Family Affluence Scale (FAS), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used. Results: Among socio-demographic variables studied, the age (r=-0.41; 95% CI:-0.61 to-0.17; p<0.05), having an additional chronic health problem (r=-0.46; 95% CI:-0.64 to -0.23) and BDI score (r=-0.63; 95% CI: -0.61 to- 0.17; p<0.05) were significantly correlated with 15 D index score. Reliability was assessed for subjects who participated both in the first and second interviews (N=52). Cronbach's alpha for the 15D questionnaire was 0.75 at Time 1 and 0.78 at Time 2, which was obtained after removal of two dimensions (dimensions # 6 and 7) from the index because of zero variance. ICC for the 15D index was 0.95. Conclusion: It was concluded that the Turkish version of the generic 15D questionnaire was an acceptable, valid and reliable measure of health related quality of life for people with visually-impairment.WoSScopu