12 research outputs found

    Hvordan kan sykepleier bidra til bedre kommunikasjon med ikke vestlige innvandrere innlagt på sykehus?

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    Vi lever i et flerkulturelt samfunn og tallet på ikke-vestlige innvandrer innlagt på sykehus vil sannsynligvis øke i tiden fremover. Dette vil medføre økt behov for kunnskap hos sykepleiere slik at ikke-vestlige innvandrere og deres pårørende, kan oppleve økt trygghet og ivaretakelse når de er innlagt på sykehus. I 2008 var tallet på innvandrer i Norge 381 000, ca halvparten av innvandrerne kommer fra Asia, Afrika og Latin Amerika. I tilegg bor det 79 000 personer som er født i Norge men har innvandrer foreldre. Til sammen utgjør dette 9,7 % av den Norske befolkningen (Statistisk Sentral byrå, 2009). Sykepleie yrket er et praktisk yrke der kommunikasjon og samhandling med andre mennesker står sentralt. Vi kan utføre våre prosedyrer korrekt, men allikevel gi pasienten en opplevelse av å motta dårlig sykepleie hvis kommunikasjonen og samhandlingen svikter. Jeg vil derfor drøfte funnene i de ulike studiene som er blitt gjort, opp mot teori om kommunikasjon, kultur og kultursensitivitet for å få frem metoder som kan gjøre samhandling bedre

    Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents

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    Aim: To investigate the association between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Method: In a cross-sectional design, data were collected in 2017 and 2018 using the Nurse–Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS) and the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Of the 204 cognitively intact nursing home residents who met the inclusion criteria, 188 (92%) participated, representing 27 nursing homes. Multiple regression in a general linear model estimated the possible effects of the 14 NPIS items on SOC-13 sum score, the possible effects of the NPIS (sum score) on SOC-13 (sum score) as well as on the subdimensions of SOC-13, comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability (both without and with adjusting for sex and age). Results: Four of the 14 NPIS items revealed highly significant correlations with SOC-13 (sum score; unadjusted and adjusted for age and gender). Furthermore, the analysis adjusted for age and gender showed significant associations for NPIS (sum score) with SOC-13 (sum score), manageability, and comprehensibility. The correlation between NPIS and meaningfulness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Nurse–patient interaction is significantly associated with SOC-13 and its subdimensions of comprehensibility and manageability but not meaningfulness. Nurse–patient interaction might be an important resource in relation to residents’ sense of coherence and its subdimensions.publishedVersio

    A high-resolution hindcast of wind and waves for The North Sea, The Norwegian Sea and The Barents Sea

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    A combined high-resolution atmospheric downscaling and wave hindcast based on the ERA-40 reanalysis covering the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Barents Sea is presented. The period covered is from September 1957 to August 2002. The dynamic atmospheric downscaling is performed as a series of short prognostic runs initialized from a blend of ERA-40 and the previous prognostic run to preserve the fine-scale surface features from the high-resolution model while maintaining the large-scale synoptic field from ERA-40. The nested WAM wave model hindcast consists of a coarse 50 km model covering the North Atlantic forced with ERA-40 winds and a nested 10-11 km resolution model forced with downscaled winds. A comparison against in situ and satellite observations of wind and sea state reveals significant improvement in mean values and upper percentiles of wind vectors and the significant wave height over ERA-40. Improvement is also found in the mean wave period. ERA-40 is biased low in wind speed and significant wave height, a bias which is not reproduced by the downscaling. The atmospheric downscaling also reproduces polar lows, which can not be resolved by ERA-40, but the lows are too weak and short-lived as the downscaling is not capable of capturing their full life cycle.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Making the Resources Fit Together. Interconnection of Diverse Archaeological Document Collections

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    This article reflects the participation of the Museum Project, Norway in the actions of the ARENA project. In particular the article highlights issues along the pathway to interoperability that the Museum Project found most important in its participation; that is the digitisation of archaeological records and the connection of information from these resources. The article includes the problems encountered due to the fact that the data from the various collections often do not fit together, at least not without extensive human interaction. The article describes in particular the presentation of digital data from selected locations in Norway, the settlements at Hegge and Egge. A solution to linking data is suggested using an event based (CIDOC CRM) model

    Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents

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    Aim: To investigate the association between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Method: In a cross-sectional design, data were collected in 2017 and 2018 using the Nurse–Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS) and the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Of the 204 cognitively intact nursing home residents who met the inclusion criteria, 188 (92%) participated, representing 27 nursing homes. Multiple regression in a general linear model estimated the possible effects of the 14 NPIS items on SOC-13 sum score, the possible effects of the NPIS (sum score) on SOC-13 (sum score) as well as on the subdimensions of SOC-13, comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability (both without and with adjusting for sex and age). Results: Four of the 14 NPIS items revealed highly significant correlations with SOC-13 (sum score; unadjusted and adjusted for age and gender). Furthermore, the analysis adjusted for age and gender showed significant associations for NPIS (sum score) with SOC-13 (sum score), manageability, and comprehensibility. The correlation between NPIS and meaningfulness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Nurse–patient interaction is significantly associated with SOC-13 and its subdimensions of comprehensibility and manageability but not meaningfulness. Nurse–patient interaction might be an important resource in relation to residents’ sense of coherence and its subdimensions

    Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents

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    Aim: To investigate the association between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Method: In a cross-sectional design, data were collected in 2017 and 2018 using the Nurse–Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS) and the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Of the 204 cognitively intact nursing home residents who met the inclusion criteria, 188 (92%) participated, representing 27 nursing homes. Multiple regression in a general linear model estimated the possible effects of the 14 NPIS items on SOC-13 sum score, the possible effects of the NPIS (sum score) on SOC-13 (sum score) as well as on the subdimensions of SOC-13, comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability (both without and with adjusting for sex and age). Results: Four of the 14 NPIS items revealed highly significant correlations with SOC-13 (sum score; unadjusted and adjusted for age and gender). Furthermore, the analysis adjusted for age and gender showed significant associations for NPIS (sum score) with SOC-13 (sum score), manageability, and comprehensibility. The correlation between NPIS and meaningfulness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Nurse–patient interaction is significantly associated with SOC-13 and its subdimensions of comprehensibility and manageability but not meaningfulness. Nurse–patient interaction might be an important resource in relation to residents’ sense of coherence and its subdimensions

    Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents

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    Aim: To investigate the association between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Method: In a cross-sectional design, data were collected in 2017 and 2018 using the Nurse–Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS) and the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Of the 204 cognitively intact nursing home residents who met the inclusion criteria, 188 (92%) participated, representing 27 nursing homes. Multiple regression in a general linear model estimated the possible effects of the 14 NPIS items on SOC-13 sum score, the possible effects of the NPIS (sum score) on SOC-13 (sum score) as well as on the subdimensions of SOC-13, comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability (both without and with adjusting for sex and age). Results: Four of the 14 NPIS items revealed highly significant correlations with SOC-13 (sum score; unadjusted and adjusted for age and gender). Furthermore, the analysis adjusted for age and gender showed significant associations for NPIS (sum score) with SOC-13 (sum score), manageability, and comprehensibility. The correlation between NPIS and meaningfulness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Nurse–patient interaction is significantly associated with SOC-13 and its subdimensions of comprehensibility and manageability but not meaningfulness. Nurse–patient interaction might be an important resource in relation to residents’ sense of coherence and its subdimensions

    Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents

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    Aim: To investigate the association between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Method: In a cross-sectional design, data were collected in 2017 and 2018 using the Nurse–Patient Interaction Scale (NPIS) and the 13-item Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13). Of the 204 cognitively intact nursing home residents who met the inclusion criteria, 188 (92%) participated, representing 27 nursing homes. Multiple regression in a general linear model estimated the possible effects of the 14 NPIS items on SOC-13 sum score, the possible effects of the NPIS (sum score) on SOC-13 (sum score) as well as on the subdimensions of SOC-13, comprehensibility, meaningfulness, and manageability (both without and with adjusting for sex and age). Results: Four of the 14 NPIS items revealed highly significant correlations with SOC-13 (sum score; unadjusted and adjusted for age and gender). Furthermore, the analysis adjusted for age and gender showed significant associations for NPIS (sum score) with SOC-13 (sum score), manageability, and comprehensibility. The correlation between NPIS and meaningfulness was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Nurse–patient interaction is significantly associated with SOC-13 and its subdimensions of comprehensibility and manageability but not meaningfulness. Nurse–patient interaction might be an important resource in relation to residents’ sense of coherence and its subdimensions

    Omskjæring hos kvinner bosatt i Norge – konsekvenser og behandling

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    BAKGRUNN Poliklinikktilbud for kvinner som har gjennomgått omskjæring finnes ved syv norske sykehus. I vår studie presenteres symptomer, funn og behandling hos kvinner som ble undersøkt ved poliklinikkene i perioden 2004–15. MATERIALE OG METODE Hvert sykehus identifiserte pasienter ved søk etter relevante diagnose- og behandlingskoder. Alle som hadde vært til undersøkelse ved poliklinikkene, ble inkludert. Data ble innhentet fra journaler. RESULTATER 913 kvinner ble inkludert. Median alder ved omskjæring var syv år og ved konsultasjon 26 år. Nær halvparten var gravide. De fleste (81 %) hadde type 3-omskjæring (infibulering). Av disse hadde 87 % gynekologiske plager. Blant kvinner med omskjæring type 1 og type 2 rapporterte henholdsvis 55 % og 70 % gynekologiske plager. I alt 64 % fikk kirurgisk behandling, hovedsakelig deinfibulering (98 %). Det var registrert få komplikasjoner etter deinfibulering. FORTOLKNING Hos mange yngre og ikke-gravide infibulerte kvinner kan omskjæringsrelaterte plager som kan behandles med deinfibulering, ha vært til stede fra barne- og ungdomsalder. Det finnes trolig et udekket behandlingsbehov blant omskårne kvinner, uavhengig av omskjæringstype

    Omskjæring hos kvinner bosatt i Norge – konsekvenser og behandling

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    BAKGRUNN Poliklinikktilbud for kvinner som har gjennomgått omskjæring finnes ved syv norske sykehus. I vår studie presenteres symptomer, funn og behandling hos kvinner som ble undersøkt ved poliklinikkene i perioden 2004–15. MATERIALE OG METODE Hvert sykehus identifiserte pasienter ved søk etter relevante diagnose- og behandlingskoder. Alle som hadde vært til undersøkelse ved poliklinikkene, ble inkludert. Data ble innhentet fra journaler. RESULTATER 913 kvinner ble inkludert. Median alder ved omskjæring var syv år og ved konsultasjon 26 år. Nær halvparten var gravide. De fleste (81 %) hadde type 3-omskjæring (infibulering). Av disse hadde 87 % gynekologiske plager. Blant kvinner med omskjæring type 1 og type 2 rapporterte henholdsvis 55 % og 70 % gynekologiske plager. I alt 64 % fikk kirurgisk behandling, hovedsakelig deinfibulering (98 %). Det var registrert få komplikasjoner etter deinfibulering. FORTOLKNING Hos mange yngre og ikke-gravide infibulerte kvinner kan omskjæringsrelaterte plager som kan behandles med deinfibulering, ha vært til stede fra barne- og ungdomsalder. Det finnes trolig et udekket behandlingsbehov blant omskårne kvinner, uavhengig av omskjæringstype