451 research outputs found

    The Issues of Mismodelling Gravitational-Wave Data for Parameter Estimation

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    Bayesian inference is used to extract unknown parameters from gravitational wave signals. Detector noise is typically modelled as stationary, although data from the LIGO and Virgo detectors is not stationary. We demonstrate that the posterior of estimated waveform parameters is no longer valid under the assumption of stationarity. We show that while the posterior is unbiased, the errors will be under- or overestimated compared to the true posterior. A formalism was developed to measure the effect of the mismodelling, and found the effect of any form of non-stationarity has an effect on the results, but are not significant in certain circumstances. We demonstrate the effect of short-duration Gaussian noise bursts and persistent oscillatory modulation of the noise on binary-black-hole-like signals. In the case of short signals, non-stationarity in the data does not have a large effect on the parameter estimation, but the errors from non-stationary data containing signals lasting tens of seconds or longer will be several times worse than if the noise was stationary. Accounting for this limiting factor in parameter sensitivity could be very important for achieving accurate astronomical results, including an estimation of the Hubble parameter. This methodology for handling the non-stationarity will also be invaluable for analysis of waveforms that last minutes or longer, such as those we expect to see with the Einstein Telescope.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Comments welcom

    Pengaruh Model PBM dan Gaya Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi

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    The research was aimed at finding out (1) the effect of PBM model the students learning achievement of geography at class X A and XI social A, (2) the effect learning style the students learning achievement of geography at class X A and XI social A, (3) the effect between of PBM model and learning style the students learning achievement of geography the student of class X A and XI social A at MA Daarul Maarif Natar. This research used survey method with the quantitative approach. The results showed that there is an effect of PBM model the students learning achievement of geography at class X A and XI social A, there is an effect learning style the students learning achievement of geography at class X A and XI social A, and there is an effect between of PBM model and learning style the students learning achievement of geography the student of class X A and XI social A.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh model PBM terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A, (2) pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A, (3) pengaruh antara model PBM dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A di MA Daarul Maarif Natar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh model PBM terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A, ada pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A, serta ada pengaruh antara model PBM dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa kelas X A dan XI IPS A

    Perengkahan Katalitik Limbah Plastik Jenis Polypropylene (PP) Menjadi Bahan Bakar Minyak Menggunakan Katalis Zeolit A

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    Fly ash (FA) sample derived from Indonesia coal were used as raw material to synthesis A zeolite catalyst. The physicochemical properties of FA and A zeolite were characterized by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Catalytic activity of A zeolite wastested in catalytic cracking of polypropylene plastic waste to obtain biofuel. It was found that the highest yield of biofuel obtained using 1.5% A zeolite catalyst with a temperature of 450oC for 60 minutes is 76.82%. In addition, physical properties of biofuel which are density, caloric value wereobtained 0.78 g/mL and 10.26 cal/g, respectively. For chemical compound, it was found that the most dominant was gasoline and kerosene-diesel with fraction percent of 39.80 and 32.65,respectively

    Optimization of Straight Movement 6 Dof Robot Arm with Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the straight movement of the robot arm for 6 DOF. The objective function of the GA is proposed to find the optimal values of the movement of the robot arm in a straight line trajectory. As more and more levels of Degree of Freedom (DoF), the more difficult to achieve precision, especially during straight motion from the starting point (initial point) to the point of destination (final point), which is affected by the determination of the swivel angle of each actuator, the linearity of the trajectory length straight-effector motion, and the number of Intermediate Point required. Forward kinematics is used to find the coordinates of the end effector, and a linear function of a straight line from the starting point (initial point) to the point of destination (final point) is used as the objective function of GA


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keakuratan rumus Winter, Schrool, Denmark dan Ningsih untuk pendugaan bobot badan kambing Kejobong jantan muda dan dewasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2013, berlokasi di desa Pangempon, Pagar Jirak, Kedarepan, kecamatan Kejobong dan di desa Ketawis, kecamatan Buka Teja, kabuapaten Purbalingga. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kambing Kejobong jantan sebanyak 35 ekor, terdiri dari 20 ekor jantan muda (umur 8-12 bulan) dan 15 ekor jantan dewasa (umur 13-24 bulan). Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan cara survey dengan metode purposive sampling. Parameter yang diamati meliputi bobot badan (BB), panjang badan (PB) dan lingkar dada (LD). Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan independence t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rumus pendugaan bobot badan yang paling akurat untuk kambing Kejobong jantan adalah rumus Winter, disusul rumus Ningsih, sedangkan rumus Schoorl dan Denmark sangat jauh menyimpang dari bobot badan yang sesungguhnya. Rumus modifikasi Schoorl dan Denmark juga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif penduga bobot badan pada kambing Kejobong jantan. Kata Kunci : Bobot badan, ukuran tubuh, kambing Kejobong

    Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater Using Synthesized Silicate-1 Nanocrystal

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    Particle size reduction of zeolite to the nanometer scale leads to substantial changes in the properties of zeolite which make them promising materials for many applications including adsorption. Zeolite silicate-1 Nanocrystal was synthesized at temperatures of 800C, 1200C and 1500C by adding tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) into silica sources. The synthesis mixtures are 2TPAOH: 0.15Na2O: 4.5Si: 382H2O: 51EtOH (TEOS as silica source) and 2TPAOH: 0.15Na2O: 6SiO2: 532H2O: 51EtOH (Ludox LS as silica source). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to characterize the synthesised products. The nanosilicate-1 particle size were obtained in range of 119 nm – 1678 nm. This research also confirmed that TEOS can make smaller particle size up to 36.43 % than Ludox LS due to an average hydrodynamic diameter of 4 nm of TEOS smaller than Ludox LS of 15-19 nm. In the heavy metal adsorption study, it was found that the adsorption capacity indicated by Qmax (Langmuir) and KF (Freundlic) shows higher Pb2+ adsorption than Cr3+. The maximum adsorption capacities of Pb and Cr at 300C are 131.58 mg/g and 129.87 mg/g, respectively. Further, it can also be seen that the KL values in the Langmuir isotherm indicate the higher selectivity of Pb on silicate-1 zeolite than Cr.Keywords :Adsorption capacity, Heavy metal, Isotherm, Silicate-1 nanocrysta


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    β-MnO2 was prepared and used to activate peroxymonosulphate for degradation of aqueous phenol. The sample was characterized by N2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The catalyst is highly effective in heterogeneous activation of PMS to produce sulfate radicals for phenol degradation compared with homogeneous oxidatiom. β-MnO2 could completely remove phenol in 30 min at the conditions of 25 ppm phenol, 0.4 g/L catalyst, 2 g/L PMS, and 25 oC. A pseudo first order model would fit to phenol degradation kinetics and activation energy was obtained as 38.2 kJ/mol

    Safety and Health in Mining

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    In the history of the mining sector, in its beginnings it faced very high levels of risks both safety and health. The data are limited to serious accidents, and these are mainly associated with falls from land, transport and machinery. Analysis of these data suggests that the leading causes of death tend to be the same as those of serious injuries, while disasters have a different profile. Over the past decade, mining disasters have been associated with explosions due to flammable gases, a fire on a conveyor belt, a flood of mud and water, and rock outbursts. Mandatory compliance with a company's safety, health and environmental regulations is a minimum and can be significantly improved by adding a long-term management planning and implementation process with a deeper cultural shift towards continuous improvement in safety and quality. Note that the purpose of integrating health and safety into other management systems is the need for health and safety management to be central, rather than an organizational objective

    The camera of the fifth H.E.S.S. telescope. Part I: System description

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    In July 2012, as the four ground-based gamma-ray telescopes of the H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) array reached their tenth year of operation in Khomas Highlands, Namibia, a fifth telescope took its first data as part of the system. This new Cherenkov detector, comprising a 614.5 m^2 reflector with a highly pixelized camera in its focal plane, improves the sensitivity of the current array by a factor two and extends its energy domain down to a few tens of GeV. The present part I of the paper gives a detailed description of the fifth H.E.S.S. telescope's camera, presenting the details of both the hardware and the software, emphasizing the main improvements as compared to previous H.E.S.S. camera technology.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in NIM
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