254 research outputs found

    Some International Constitutional Aspects of the Palestine Case

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    Cardiac tissue engineering via the use of stem cells is the future for repairing impaired heart function that results from a myocardial infarction. Developing an optimised platform to support the stem cells is vital to realising this, and through utilising new smart materials such as conductive polymers we can provide a multi-pronged approach to supporting and stimulating the stem cells via engineered surface properties, electrical, and electromechanical stimulation. Here we present a fundamental study on the viability of cardiac progenitor cells on conductive polymer surfaces, focusing on the impact of surface properties such as roughness, surface energy, and surface chemistry with variation of the polymer dopant molecules. The conductive polymer materials were shown to provide a viable support for both endothelial and cardiac progenitor cells, while the surface energy and roughness were observed to influence viability for both progenitor cell types. Characterising the interaction between the cardiac progenitor cells and the conductive polymer surface is a critical step towards optimising these materials for cardiac tissue regeneration, and this study will advance the limited knowledge on biomaterial surface interactions with cardiac cells

    Essence of enterprise crisis and reasons of its appearance

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    The effect of the electrolyte concentration (NaCl aqueous electrolyte) on the dimensional variations of films of polypyrrole doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonate PPy(DBS) on Pt and Au wires was studied. Any parallel reaction that occurs during the redox polymeric reaction that drives the mechanical actuation, as detected from the coulovoltammetric responses, was avoided by using Pt wires as substrate and controlling the potential limits, thus significantly increasing the actuator lifetime. The NaCl concentration of the electrolyte, when studied by cyclic voltammetry or chronoamperometry, has a strong effect on the performance as well. A maximum expansion was achieved in 0.3 M aqueous solution. The consumed oxidation and reduction charges control the fully reversible dimensional variations: PPy(DBS) films are faradaic polymeric motors. Parallel to the faradaic exchange of the cations, osmotic, electrophoretic, and structural changes play an important role for the water exchange and volume change of PPy(DBS)

    Electricity markets: Designing auctions where suppliers have uncertain costs

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    We analyse how the market design influences the bidding behaviour in multi-unit auctions, such as wholesale electricity markets. It is shown that competition improves for increased market transparency and we identify circumstances where the auctioneer prefers uniform to discriminatory pricing. We note that political risks could significantly worsen competition in hydro-dominated markets. It would be beneficial for such markets to have clearly defined contingency plans for extreme market situations.market transparenc

    Kansen voor ’t Gorechthuis:’t Gorechthuis op eigen benen

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    De Gereformeerde Kerk in Haren beheert en exploiteert 't Gorechthuis, het is onderdeel van het complex mede bestaande uit de Gorechtkerk en jeugdgebouw 't Schip. Het College van Kerkrentmeesters is verantwoordelijk voor het beheer en de exploitatie van dit complex. Zij heeft geconstateerd dat de kosten van beheer en exploitatie stijgen en dat de inkomsten onvoldoende stijgen. De beheerders van ’t Gorechthuis willen graag weten op welke manier zij meer inkomsten kunnen genereren en of de manier waarop zij nu te werk gaan wel rendabel genoeg is. De vraagstelling die de Commissie Gorecht heeft is: Op welke manier kunnen er hogere inkomsten gegenereerd worden voor ´t Gorechthuis? Aansluitend op de vraagstelling die de Commissie Gorecht heeft geformuleerd is er voor het vooronderzoek de volgende vraagstelling geformuleerd: Wat is op dit moment de huidige situatie van ’t Gorechthuis? Het doel van het vooronderzoek is om de commissie Gorecht inzicht te geven in de tevredenheid van de gebruikers van ’t Gorechthuis. Hierdoor wordt duidelijk wat de plus en –minpunten zijn van ’t Gorechthuis. Op deze manier kan ’t Gorechthuis enkele veranderingen doorvoeren en hierdoor wordt de bezettingsgraad verhoogd. Studentonderzoek in het kader van het thema Leefomgevin

    Динаміка етимологічного гнізда праслов’янського кореня *verp-/*vьrp- як генетичної мікросистеми

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    (uk) Опис системи праформ різних слов’янських етимологічних гнізд дозволяє відновити механізм праслов’янського словотвору, визначити певні тенденції щодо закономірностей номінації цілих лексичних груп. Прояснення всіх основних структурно-семантичних нюансів дії генетичних мікросистем тільки сприяє систематизації архітипів.(en) The description of old-forms of different Slavonic etymological clusters makes possible the restoration of the mechanism of old Slavonic word- formation and establishing tendencies concerning principles of whole lexical groups nom ination. The explanation of all major structural- semantic pecularities of the action of genetic microsystems contributes to the systematization of the archetypes

    Праслов’янський гідронімікон Словенії. І

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено проблемам реконструкції та етимології праслов’янського шару в гід­ронімії Словенії як частини західної зони південнослов’янського ареалу. Пропонована стат­тя — фрагмент більшого за обсягом дослідження з відповідної проблематики.(en) The article is devoted to the problems of reconstruction and etymology of Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of Slovenia as the part of the western zone of South-Slavonic area. The publication is the fragment of more capable study in fact

    Kansen voor ’t Gorechthuis:’t Gorechthuis op eigen benen

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    Tunable conjugated polymers for bacterial differentiation

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    A novel rapid method for bacterial differentiation is explored based on the specific adhesion pattern of bacterial strains to tunable polymer surfaces. Different types of counter ions were used to electrochemically fabricate dissimilar polypyrrole (PPy) films with diverse physicochemical properties such as hydrophobicity, thickness and roughness. These were then modulated into three different oxidation states in each case. The dissimilar sets of conducting polymers were exposed to five different bacterial strains, Deinococcus proteolyticus, Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Alcaligenes faecalis and Staphylococcus epidermidis. By analysis of the fluorescent microscope images, the number of bacterial cells adhered to each surface were evaluated. Generally, the number of cells of a particular bacterial strain that adhered varied when exposed to dissimilar polymer surfaces, due to the effects of the surface properties of the polymer on bacterial attachment. Similarly, the number of cells that adhered varied with different bacterial strains exposed to the same surface, reflecting the different surface properties of the bacteria. Principal component analysis showed that each strain of bacteria had its own specific adhesion pattern. Hence, they could be discriminated by this simple, label-free method based on tunable polymer arrays combined with pattern recognition