747 research outputs found

    Semi-Analytic Estimates of Lyapunov Exponents in Lower-Dimensional Systems

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    Recent work has shown that statistical arguments, seemingly well-justified in higher dimensions, can also be used to derive reasonable, albeit less accurate, estimates of the largest Lyapunov exponent χ{\chi} in lower-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. This letter explores the detailed assumptions incorporated into these arguments. The predicted values of χ{\chi} are insensitive to most of these details, which can in any event be relaxed straightforwardly, but {\em can} depend sensitively on the nongeneric form of the auto-correlation function characterising the time-dependence of an orbit. This dependence on dynamics implies a fundamental limitation to the application of thermodynamic arguments to such lower-dimensional systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    The classification of submerged vegetation using hyperspectral MIVIS data

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    The aim of this research is to use hyperspectral MIVIS data to map the Posidonia oceanica prairies in a coastal lagoon (Stagnone di Marsala). It is approximately 12 km long and 2 km wide and is linked to the open sea by two shallow openings. This environment is characterised by prairies of phanerogams, the most common of which is Posidonia oceanica, an ideal habitat for numerous species of fish, molluscs and crustaceans. A knowledge of the distribution of submerged vegetation is useful to monitor the health of the lagoon. In order to classify the MIVIS imagery, the attenuation effects of the water column have been removed from the signal using Lyzenga’s technique. A comparison between classifications using indices obtained using band pairs from only the first spectrometer, and using band pairs of the first and second spectrometers, shows that the best classification is obtained from some indices derived from the first spectrometer. Field controls carried out in July 2002 were used to determine the training sites for the supervised classification. Twelve classes of bottom coverage were obtained from the classification, of which four are homogeneous and eight are mixed coverage. The methodology applied demonstrates that hyperspectral sensors can be used to effectively map submerged vegetation in shallow waters

    Unusual nighttime impulsive foF2 enhancement below the southern anomaly crest under geomagnetically quiet conditions

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    An unusual nighttime impulsive electron density enhancement was observed on 6 March 2010 over a wide region of South America, below the southern crest of the equatorial anomaly, under low solar activity and quiet geomagnetic conditions. The phenomenon was observed almost simultaneously by the F2 layer critical frequency ( foF2) recorded at three ionospheric stations which are widely distributed in space, namely Cachoeira Paulista (22.4°S, 44.6°W, magnetic latitude 13.4°S), SĂŁo JosĂ© dos Campos (23.2°S, 45.9°W, magnetic latitude 14.1°S), Brazil, and TucumĂĄn (26.9°S, 65.4°W, magnetic latitude 16.8°S), Argentina. Although in a more restricted region over TucumĂĄn, the phenomenon was also observed by the total electron content (TEC) maps computed by usingmeasurements from 12 GPS receivers. The investigated phenomenon is very particular because besides being of brief duration, it is characterized by a pronounced compression of the ionosphere. This compression was clearly visible both by the virtual height of the base of the F region (hâ€ČF) recorded at the aforementioned ionospheric stations, and by both the vertical electron density profiles and the slab thickness computed over TucumĂĄn. Consequently, neither an enhanced fountain effect nor plasma diffusion from the plasmasphere can be considered as the single cause of this unusual event. A thorough analysis of isoheight and isofrequency ionosonde plots suggest that traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) caused by gravity wave (GW) propagation could have likely played a significant role in causing the phenomenon

    Solutions of elliptic equations with a level surface parallel to the boundary: stability of the radial configuration

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    Positive solutions of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problems or initial-value problems for certain elliptic or parabolic equations must be radially symmetric and monotone in the radial direction if just one of their level surfaces is parallel to the boundary of the domain. Here, for the elliptic case, we prove the stability counterpart of that result. In fact, we show that if the solution is almost constant on a surface at a fixed distance from the boundary, then the domain is almost radially symmetric, in the sense that is contained in and contains two concentric balls Bre and Bri, with the difference re 12ri (linearly) controlled by a suitable norm of the deviation of the solution from a constant. The proof relies on and enhances arguments developed in a paper by Aftalion, Busca and Reichel

    The classification of submerged vegetation using hyperspectral MIVIS data

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    The aim of this research is to use hyperspectral MIVIS data to map the Posidonia oceanica prairies in a coastal lagoon (Stagnone di Marsala). It is approximately 12 km long and 2 km wide and is linked to the open sea by two shallow openings. This environment is characterised by prairies of phanerogams, the most common of which is Posidonia oceanica, an ideal habitat for numerous species of fish, molluscs and crustaceans. A knowledge of the distribution of submerged vegetation is useful to monitor the health of the lagoon. In order to classify the MIVIS imagery, the attenuation effects of the water column have been removed from the signal using Lyzenga's technique. A comparison between classifications using indices obtained using band pairs from only the first spectrometer, and using band pairs of the first and second spectrometers, shows that the best classification is obtained from some indices derived from the first spectrometer. Field controls carried out in July 2002 were used to determine the training sites for the supervised classification. Twelve classes of bottom coverage were obtained from the classification, of which four are homogeneous and eight are mixed coverage. The methodology applied demonstrates that hyperspectral sensors can be used to effectively map submerged vegetation in shallow waters.

    3D structure and dynamics of filaments in turbulence simulations of WEST diverted plasmas

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    International audienceWe study the effect of a diverted magnetic geometry on edge plasma turbulence, focusing on the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of filaments, also called blobs, in simulations of the WEST tokamak, featuring a primary and secondary X-point. For this purpose, in addition to classical analysis techniques, we apply here a novel fully 3D Blob Recognition And Tracking (BRAT) algorithm, allowing for the first time to resolve the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of the blobs in a turbulent 3D plasma featuring a realistic magnetic geometry. The results are tested against existing theoretical scalings of blob velocity [Myra et al, Physics of Plasmas 2006]. The complementary analysis of the 3D structure of the filaments shows how they disconnect from the divertor plate in the vicinity of the X-points, leading to a transition from a sheath-connected regime to the ideal-interchange one. Furthermore, the numerical results show non-negligible effects of the turbulent background plasma: approximately half of the detected filaments are involved in mutual interactions, eventually resulting in negative radial velocities, and a fraction of the filaments is generated by turbulence directly below the X-point

    The ISIS Project: Indications for Future Near-Earth Plasma Studies through Future Galileo Satellites

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    The Earth’s plasmasphere variability is a consequence of the Sun’s forcing, determining our planet’s space weather. Plasmaspheric dynamics could be entirely caught only by studying together global and local proxies of the state of this extended system. The ISIS project (Inter-Satellite & In Situ plasmaspheric monitoring and modelling) aimed to design a system for the continuous monitoring of the Earth’s plasmasphere based on the future Galileo satellites. The efforts and expertise of ISC-CNR (Institute for Complex Systems of the National Research Council of Italy), INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) and TAS-I (Thales Alenia Space - Italy) were put together in this work of assessment. ISIS Team proposed new experimental facilities of the Galileo satellites, designed to realize inter-satellite and in situ measurements to monitor global and local quantities; in particular, a scalable system of Langmuir probes was suggested, while the TEC along all possible inter-satellite ray paths throughout the plasmasphere could be monitored via phase- and group-delay analysis of inter-satellite radio signals

    Mapping water infiltration rate using ground and uav hyperspectral data: A case study of Alento, italy

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    Water infiltration rate (WIR) into the soil profile was investigated through a comprehensive study harnessing spectral information of the soil surface. As soil spectroscopy provides inval-uable information on soil attributes, and as WIR is a soil surface‐dependent property, field spectroscopy may model WIR better than traditional laboratory spectral measurements. This is because sampling for the latter disrupts the soil‐surface status. A field soil spectral library (FSSL), consisting of 114 samples with different textures from six different sites over the Mediterranean basin, combined with traditional laboratory spectral measurements, was created. Next, partial least squares regression analysis was conducted on the spectral and WIR data in different soil texture groups, showing better performance of the field spectral observations compared to traditional laboratory spectroscopy. Moreover, several quantitative spectral properties were lost due to the sampling pro-cedure, and separating the samples according to texture gave higher accuracies. Although the visible near‐infrared–shortwave infrared (VNIR–SWIR) spectral region provided better accuracy, we resampled the spectral data to the resolution of a Cubert hyperspectral sensor (VNIR). This hyper-spectral sensor was then assembled on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to apply one selected spectral‐based model to the UAV data and map the WIR in a semi‐vegetated area within the Alento catchment, Italy. Comprehensive spectral and WIR ground‐truth measurements were carried out simultaneously with the UAV–Cubert sensor flight. The results were satisfactorily validated on the ground using field samples, followed by a spatial uncertainty analysis, concluding that the UAV with hyperspectral remote sensing can be used to map soil surface‐related soil properties

    The ISIS Project: Indications for Future Near-Earth Plasma Studies through Future Galileo Satellites

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    The Earth’s plasmasphere variability is a consequence of the Sun’s forcing, determining our planet’s space weather. Plasmaspheric dynamics could be entirely caught only by studying together global and local proxies of the state of this extended system. The ISIS project (Inter-Satellite & In Situ plasmaspheric monitoring and modelling) aimed to design a system for the continuous monitoring of the Earth’s plasmasphere based on the future Galileo satellites. The efforts and expertise of ISC-CNR (Institute for Complex Systems of the National Research Council of Italy), INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) and TAS-I (Thales Alenia Space - Italy) were put together in this work of assessment. ISIS Team proposed new experimental facilities of the Galileo satellites, designed to realize inter-satellite and in situ measurements to monitor global and local quantities; in particular, a scalable system of Langmuir probes was suggested, while the TEC along all possible inter-satellite ray paths throughout the plasmasphere could be monitored via phase- and group-delay analysis of inter-satellite radio signals.Published1A. Geomagnetismo e Paleomagnetismo2A. Fisica dell'alta atmosferaN/A or not JCRope

    The ISIS Project: Indications for Future Near-Earth Plasma Studies through Future Galileo Satellites

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    The Earth’s plasmasphere variability is a consequence of the Sun’s forcing, determining our planet’s space weather. Plasmaspheric dynamics could be entirely caught only by studying together global and local proxies of the state of this extended system. The ISIS project (Inter-Satellite & In Situ plasmaspheric monitoring and modelling) aimed to design a system for the continuous monitoring of the Earth’s plasmasphere based on the future Galileo satellites. The efforts and expertise of ISC-CNR (Institute for Complex Systems of the National Research Council of Italy), INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) and TAS-I (Thales Alenia Space - Italy) were put together in this work of assessment. ISIS Team proposed new experimental facilities of the Galileo satellites, designed to realize inter-satellite and in situ measurements to monitor global and local quantities; in particular, a scalable system of Langmuir probes was suggested, while the TEC along all possible inter-satellite ray paths throughout the plasmasphere could be monitored via phase- and group-delay analysis of inter-satellite radio signals
